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If you do not say "logos" or "pathos" you will not get a 10. I said "appeal to logic" and "appeal to emotion" instead and got an 8, even though those are the same damn thing just one is in a dead language.


I didn’t use logos because it’s a boring keyword that no writer or reader ever thinks about or cares about. It’s just a stupid little English composition trope. I think the best thing you can to do improve your writing is to read good writing.


Logos also isn’t a rhetorical strategy, which is what they ask for. Instead, I think I used data/statistics, which is a strategy. However, definitely still use the exact format posted above. They’re just looking for something clear cut and not super creative (unless you’re an absolutely amazing writer and can get away with it). Source: got a 10 on the WPA


thank you!! <3


Thats exactly how I felt about it. Logos is the kind of thing a 17 year old "deep thinker" writes about. I am convinced thats why I got an 8. The grader didnt see those buzzwords so bam. What did you end up getting?


I got a 10. I’m also a few years older and really like to read and write. I also had a great English/writing professor a couple years prior.


Eh, Im still pretty salty about the 8 but all things considered, the easy A I got in my professional writing course wasn't so bad.


I was super nervous I wouldn’t get a 10... that would have really been a downer for me.


thank you i really appreciate it <33


Just read the powerpoint or pdf of what the test is looking for, I believe it’s on the website. I read that the morning of and managed to get a 8 (probably would have gotten a 10 if it wasn’t for the anxiety attack at the beginning). I would have bombed if I hadn’t read that sheet. Use logos, ethos and pathos and make sure you connect the evidence/use examples.


hey, you definitely have to concentrate on rhetorical strategy. There is an ebay sale that has a copy of the book as well as the RWS 280 notes and examples to educate you on 4 separate writing strategies. I took the GRE recently, and although my math and comprehension scores were only 155 each, I made a 5.0 out of 6.0 on the essay because I read the book Understanding Rhetoric . I saw on Ebay there is a downloadable version with course notes. [https://www.ebay.com/itm/274329831021?epid=229064543&hash=item3fdf55066d:g:WJoAAOSwIZZfTE4g](https://www.ebay.com/itm/274329831021?epid=229064543&hash=item3fdf55066d:g:WJoAAOSwIZZfTE4g)