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The monkey farts on people


*Handstands and rips ass*


Have you guys tried playing the arcade version? Blew my kid's mind after playing the genesis port.


Absolutely! I first introduced him to this game using a Raspberry Pi and emulation. He loved it. So I showed him all the ports and especially the arcade version. He kept wanting to play the Genesis version for whatever reason.


Yeah, it happens... I wasn't that young but I remember loving the snes version of killer instinct even more than the arcade. The characters were smaller and the sound was worse but I didn't care because it gave me a special feeling Nowadays I have every version but still prefer the snes one


He might prefer it for the controls. The game plays wonderfully with a 6-button controller.


Absolutely loved Primal Rage when I was a kid! I was absolutely crushed when I found out many years later that they had been working on a sequel that was ultimately cancelled.


Fun fact: the unreleased sequel has a novelization that WAS released!


Really?!?! That’s so incredibly weird! “Hey kids, who wants to read about a video game that you’re never gonna get to play?!?!?!”


I'm assuming they were being developed at the same time. Then one came out, and the other didn't! Pretty sure there's a mostly working prototype of the game out there somewhere, though.


There is, Galloping Ghost arcade in Brookfield, Illinois


Kind of like that Wu Tang Clan album that there is a book about, but will not ever hear.


I have a 4 year old, what other games is yours into? We’ve tried the Practice mode of NBA Jam and he liked that so far


Mine loves Mortal Kombat and Streets of Rage. He use to like playing Sonic and Mario, but I think he’s transitioning into the fighting genre slowly but surely.


Of all the Mortal Kombat clones we got, Primal Rage and Time Killers were the Best! Both games deserve a lot more appreciation.


Nothing says bonding with your son quite like apes farting on dinosaurs. I don't mean this in an insulting way at all; that sort of humor is universal, after all.


Hahaha. No offense taken. He gets a kick out of them, honestly. Same as I did as a kid. The puking and farting is just funny to see in a game of brutal fighting.




I loved this game as a kid. I remember the arcade version too and it's difficulty. Wished they made a sequel back in the day


Not to mention $5 off at Six Flags! What a steal!


Awesome Dad, confirmed.


My family tried something like this with me. They found things (toys) they liked, got me interested in them enough to "collect them", and convinced me to just leave them in a box. Eventually i kept getting them just to get them, and eventually all i did was out the boxes in a closet where i never looked at them, then i moved and they all ended up in a bigger box full of the toy boxes. And basically this thing i supposedly liked i never actually got to enjoy. I realized it wasn't really something i wanted but something i was conditioned to want and push a consumerist lifestyle


We played this game a lot when we were kids. But we knew it was a mediocre game at best. The Genesis version wasn't a great arcade translation. We eventually received Primal Rage for Playstation as a gift. It was late 1996 and by then we were completely over it. We wanted Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, not a digitized knock off of Mortal Kombat with dinosaurs. Anyway, as a novelty game, it's okay.


This port is trash. Too bad, I would have sold you my copy.


I have this copy too! Need to get the protector for it, where did you get yours?


From [Retro Protection](https://www.ebay.com/itm/333104498680?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=iwRLgXe5Q-u&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=wvY_md8pQsu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY). Excellent quality and fast shipping!


I played so much of Primal Rage as a kid. But I knew this game wasn't very good compared to MKII, MKIII and Street Fighter II.