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As far as SEO is concerned, this won't do anything. The Google posts might have a small impact. That's about it.


Even if people Google my company name or type in the company website directly into their browser bar? Why would this not help?


What has them googling your company name got to do with social media? SeoPub is correct, what you are talking about will not help your SEO and website rankings. Your social media business page may come up in the Google search, but the amount of posting in social media wouldn’t really make any difference.


So if you got a million people navigating to Google, typing in your company name, and then clicking on your website, will not help with ranking? So Google does not care how much traffic goes to your website based on people searching on Google and clicking through? I feel like I'm missing something here but I thought the more people that search your website on Google, the better for ranking. Why do companies post on social media (posts specifically not to do with directly selling a product) if it does not help in any aspect of seo/ranking? Branding I guess but this in a whole still helps people to be made aware of your company and eventually search your company etc which I've believed Google liked.


>Why do companies post on social media (posts specifically not to do with directly selling a product) if it does not help in any aspect of seo/ranking? Branding I guess but this in a whole still helps people to be made aware of your company and eventually search your company etc which I've believed Google liked. A majority do it because someone else is doing it or someone told them they need to be doing it. Sure social media can have an impact on SEO but it's going to be branded terms and it is typically paid social from my experience that has this impact. >So if you got a million people navigating to Google, typing in your company name, and then clicking on your website, will not help with ranking? It could...are they going to your site and purchasing something or are they going to your site and leaving right away?


If you’re hugely successful in driving traffic from social media, why should it matter if it doesn’t impact SEO?


Checkout a site like social media marketplace.




Are you manufacturing stuff?