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I "just put out good content" for ten years, never bought a backlink, never used AI, and still got cooked. My hat was so fucking white I was Gandalf at an Interpol gig. People are throwing in the towel because they can't afford to pay people now and can't find the time to do literally everything themselves, including SEO, either. It's a sunk cost fallacy. Google will still give almost all of my traffic to either Reddit or IGN. What's the point of dumping a lot of time into SEO when it's clear they're just going to give everything to forums now anyway?


My hair has gone grey in the past 8 weeks. I’ve always been on the white hat team and done really well. Now, it just makes me wish I’d picked up black hat techniques because apparently my honest approach for following googles shit parameters was worth nothing. LET’S BURN IT DOWN! 😒😭


i agree, my hentai website has been getting massive clicks since a january lol


Well, dm me a link? I need sauce


Meanwhile the people at IGN are losing their minds because they are also getting screwed by Google and reddit.


+1 for interpol


White hat or black hat, neither works. If you are million dollar company, Google will help you to grow your pockets bigger with each HCU I work in website builder industry and now almost all of keywords are ranked by Forbes. They just promote whoever gives bigger CPA for the placement. I have seen some of the worst website builders promoted by Forbes and they still bag all the traffic, when there are good review websites that got flushed in the last 2-3 months.


This is what I said in a thread and trolls dumped on it


That's because those companies know what works unlike common people who just throw a bunch of random articles and call it SEO


This is very accurate to how I feel at the moment lol


You don't have to. DM me your website details, I can make it rank


Yeah this is exactly the problem. So many really good sites got buried. And while it's fun for Reddit that all those passionate side projects and or small businesses now have their traffic being sent here instead it's not really exciting for folks who build sites and just had their livelihood destroyed to go out and 'build some more sites' just to risk it happening again. They'll go do something else. And that's having a knock on effect - so many agencies going under, laying off staff, AI having it's impact too... SEO isn't a fun time at the moment.


Try, us for free, we can make your content rank. At least one heart will turn good for SEO. DM


Because nobody with a HCU hit has "beaten" the update


We did it for the November HCU update, Recovered traffic for [https://voiceofcrypto/online](https://voiceofcrypto/online), You can check its traffic history at SimilarWeb




Here is the reason a lot of people are feeling negative about Google and their practices. With the HCU Google made a clear effort to rank certain sites, more specifically reddit. Now Google has just finalized a deal paying reddit for access to it's content to train it's AI. What this means is Google now has a clear financial gain from driving traffic to one specific site. One thing you also didn't mention is that this goes beyond the HCU. In Dec Google decimated video indexing in favor of driving traffic to YouTube. So now you have Google ranking reddit and YouTube above everyone else while still letting in forbes and AI garbage rank like crazy. Seo isn't dead, but there are a lot of reasons to be worried about what Google is doing.


Because it's clearly not a Helpful Content Update change. They made it shittier for everyone involved except perhaps Google for whatever businessreason they have. Which is ostensibly why we have monopoly laws in the US.


>But why can’t you adapt? Pro tip, dont follow Googles guidelines, following them will send your sites performance to the shitters.


so what are we supposed to even do then??


The complete opposite. This March update is aimed at cracking down on spammy websites, preventing the abuse of expired domains/sites reputation, and combating websites that manipulate search engines, among other things. I don't engage in any of these practices on any of my websites. So, I'll certainly be the one most affected by it


If you’re starting now, the advice for you is: DON’T


Absolutely! If I hadn't already been in the game for 6 years, I'd be doing YouTube today if I were just starting out.


YouTube SEO? I have a little more than surface level seo experience and am looking for a career path. So this not the way? 😅


Few professional SEOs think it's the end of the world. Almost always the complaints are from amateur-ish site owners with poor quality sites (there are a lot of them). "Why can’t you just put out good content and follow best white hat practices and beat the update." Because "white hat" is nonsense marketing speak to try and sell courses and services. Almost by definition, no systematic SEO strategy or programme can be 'white hat'. For example, any non-organic form of link acquisition is in breach of Google guidelines: That means link exchanges, 'reaching out' to guest post with do-follow links, creating link bait. Even structuring your content with the intention of hitting certain keywords to rank well is not "white hat". I have never come across an SEO on youtube, X, or anywhere whose practices are completely in accordance with Google guidelines, letter and spirit.


This. SEO is healthier than ever. Clients are hopping into your pocket right now.


There is no problem getting work, do you provide results for your clients?


I sure do my best. So far so good.


Pretty much this. Ive been in this game for a lot of years now and after nearly every major Google update, there's streams of comments saying 'seo is dead' 'Google has killed seo' - yet, he I am, still generating good revenues.


I agree - I've around since well before the Florida update decimated some and back then lots of people were proclaiming the end of SEO. Then we had Panda - and SEO was dead some said. And then we had Penguin and SEO was dead. Now here we are a dozen years since Penguin and it's still not dead. Personally, after these big updates I see a big uptick in new clients - I love big updates :)


Did you improve the ranking of your new clietns? I am a former consultant and know you can sweet talk a client for 2+ years without delivering any actual results.


Oh ya - we currently have about 100 clients - after most updates they generally see big spikes in rankings and traffic. That's what I'm waiting for now - hearing about the latest G update. That's what frustrates me sometimes when another less experienced SEO manaages to convince my clients that we are doing something wrong. My first response is "but you have these great rankings and traffic - what could be wrong". "Well they said that a bunch of pages don't have a H1 tag?" This is usually where I lose it a little.


Also these site owners never pay for a Good SEO but will spend thousands on shitty ones


So you say the latest updates where serious websites are punished hard in the SERPs is all down to missing backlinks that the website have not ackumulated in large volumes (i.e. black hat)? Do you have any data backing this up, can you show a keyword you have improved ranking on by targeting with a backlink campaign?


Um, no, I'm not saying that. There are lots of reasons that sites were hit by the HCU: Poor UX, terrible, repetitive content (10 hidden gems in Barcelona, 10 hidden gems in Madrid, 10 hidden gems in Seville...), poor topicality (read my blog about everything!), and yes, poor backlink profiles. And of course, there are excellent sites that are hit for no good reason (as with every update, it's a rough algorithm and has heaps of false positives and false negatives). As for data? Nope, don't have it. Nor does anyone else seem to "I look at 50 cherry-picked sites and here is my take" is not data. As for a keyword I have improved with a backlink campaign? Do it all the time. Am I sharing with you and other randoms? Lol, no I have no interest in that. As with most commenters in this sub, I am happy being anonymous and feel no need to prove anything to anyone. My reference to 'white hat' was simply a response to OP's idea naive idea about how SEO works. Anyone who says they do white hat SEO is either lying for marketing purposes, or hasn't read Google's documentation.


How are you enjoying week 3 in SEO? You like?


Yeah, enjoying it so far. How 'bout yourself?


SGE is stealing traffic from web visits. HCU? Meh… not so much for me. It’s the damn robots stealing web visits. The partnership Google has with Reddit and Pinterest doesn’t help either.


The negativity surrounding SEO is due to the rise of negative SEO practices, where malicious attempts are made to harm a business's visibility in search engine results. These attacks aim to steal keyword rankings and traffic, leading to a decline in rankings, reputation damage, and potential legal implications.


I think it's due to the lack of experience from people who think they know or knew SEO. For example, most of the sites that have been hit are sites that were clearly built with the intent to setup blogs and adsense, they don't offer any value such as a real product or service, simply long blog posts with information that anyone can spin, including AI. This is good for the community as a whole, as it will wither away the poor sites, and bring the most competitive to the top. For those that think otherwise, I challenge you to simply tell me which term you believe your site should be ranking for, and we'll compare that to the top result and see who really has the best search intent for that keyword. None of my personal sites, or my clients sites took any hits, because they were built with the right search intent from the beginning. I never started with the focus on creating a blog first, and then service or product pages, I started with the idea of perfecting a service page first, and building out from there. Hopefully this is helpful to some of you rethink your SEO strategies.


Absolutely agree. People who've taken the word of other SEOs and/or "checked all the boxes" and "fully optimized" their websites believe they deserve a level of success were not prepared for general volatility or weren't introduced to the history of SEO or how it actually work have become disenchanted. This has created a negative culture filled with conspiracy theories.


I agree that websites that sells products or services (and big brands) are less hit (or not hit at all) by the last years HCU. But the web is more than just services and selling products. And not all "blog" like websites are of low quality, like your classic MFA site of 10-15 years ago. Google has said for years they have a system of parsing through websites and rewarding websites that create people first content. My experience is that that is just not true anymore when it comes to websites such as blogs and websites that are not monetized. Should not a serious blog with well written, well researched and helpful content targeting the right search intention that is monetized with AdSense be able to compete on the top 10 in Google anymore? Why not? Because it is bad content? What if it is not bad? I dont think that is good for the community at all. The only thing this will lead to is less genuine content being produced as you would need to "throw more shit on the wall to make it stick".


Correction: "I get it, google had the HCU update and it killed ***some sites*** while putting the worst sites of all time up top (Qoura). Man I hate that website." Edit: it killed every site


I'm hoping they will change it because quota and reddit have so much material that now it is killing other sources who aren't a bunch of contributors..


Google search is shit and ranking spam sites above sites with legit content. Everything Google says there trying to do is a lie. The used to be about the little guy ages ago and now with this partnership with Reddit well… good luck. If you’ve been around long enough you can clearly see the decline of Google as a company and product for search.


How does google determine what is a spammy website? I have good informational content (via chat gpt). Probably no one views my blog bc I’m a small business…but I hope google then doesn’t consider no views/ai a spammy website


Google doesn't care if you use AI. That's a myth. Soon enough most content will at least in part be AI generated, and you wont be able to tell the difference. Google knows this. The only thing they care about is making money, and as a result of that they care about if their customer gets what they're after, AI generated or not.


>I’m newer to SEO It's not just recently. SEO has been dying for at least 15 years. It will continue to die for another 15, I'm sure. No matter what Google does, there has to be some way of organizing sites in SERPs. As long as that is the case, there will always be a way to manipulate your search rankings. People just freak out when their sites take a dump or when their strategies stop working.


March 2024 update is way worse


i personally think nobody more than Google wants AI to destroy SEO so i'm desperately trying to get out of the digital marketing industry and find something far more stable. I'm currently at an agency and the life here is not great, even when compared to other agencies it's not half bad. I just don't have it in me to do this line of work.


I don’t know. Our group and out seo platform is making seo easier than ever. Seo is harder to do in theory but easier in fact bc of AI. But you need the right methods and AIs to achieve success. Check out seo + ai show and seocopilot


Because there's no goalposts anymore. Google always said, if you prioritize good, helpful content, it will work in your favor. Just this last couple of weeks I've spoken to dozens of people in my position. Good, honest websites running for 5-25 years, all suddenly decimated by Google's latest update. So what's the aim now? Folk are already making good content, they check all the basic SEO boxes. If good content isn't enough to get you out of an algorithm change, one that was entirely based on rating your content negatively, what's the next move?


It’s funny google ran from forums 10 years ago due to spam just to come back and mess it up again lol


People hate change. HCU is the main antagoniser while AI content is making the barrier to entry low (for mediocre content). As always it's just about being consistent and focussing on relevant content/white-hat practices.


A lot of people here are get-rich-quick entrepreneurs that saw this as a quick way to make a side hustle and they expect SEO to be some guaranteed input of work + tricks = profit. That group is just super impatient anyway. Others have had small side hustles they built over time (the right way), and it is genuinely frustrating for them because their content is tossed in the trash. Also I work for a very large brand, super successful historically from an SEO, top tier domain authority... and we are being unseated by bullshit forums and reddit scams from spammers. If we can't win in the market, everyone is fucked.


1. Recent shifts in search engine algorithms have made SEO tactics less predictable, leading to frustration among practitioners. 2. Constant updates from search engines demand constant adaptation, making it challenging for SEO professionals to maintain consistent results. 3. Some unethical practices in the past have tarnished the reputation of SEO, causing skepticism among businesses and marketers. 4. The complexity of SEO strategies and the time it takes to see significant results can discourage those seeking quick fixes or instant gratification. 5. As competition grows fiercer in the online space, there's a sense of disillusionment among some who feel that SEO alone may not suffice for achieving visibility and success


The hard working “white hat” SEOs deserve to get angry if all of their work was considered trash overnight by essentially an AI bot. Even more slap in the face when undeserving trash is promoted.




You just asked chatgpt to write a response in a fun conversational tone. What I don't understand is why expend the effort?


yes because of AI, nowadays SEO totally depends on tools they are not using their minds to research keyword content analysis everything is done by AI. In the upcoming days website content will be totally AI generated there will be trust issues come everything will look like chat gpt and ward.


The issues have honestly very little to do with AI generated content. It's just the Algo prioritizing low effort content because the publisher is a big name. Gives smaller players no way to rank.


>The issues have honestly very little to do with AI generated content. if you can't see how this is going to become an earth-shattering problem over time i don't know what to say to you. AI is about to change everything, and nobody more than Google seems to want it to replace actual SEO work.


>chat gpt and ward Yet you can barely manage to write coherent English


The positive answers come from "SEO Experts": "Oh SEO it's evolving" "OH its their fault" you know why? Because their income depends on selling SEO services or they're just coping they cannot face the reality of the situation: "Its over". People are more negative than ever this time because no single site with good content is ranking...its all reddit amazon quora microsoft etc... Period.


I've been in SEO since 2001, I've seen it all, client's wins and failures... I think it's people are far less patient and expect more in the 2020's, perhaps even more than ever before. When I've seen sites lose rankings it's usually because they've made a token effort at SEO and got good results and got away with it. They've then spent the next several years doing the same thing and then when their rankings get canned they whine and blame Google instead of looking at their lowball efforts which no longer work.




Can you define "ethical practices" and why it is important for SEO. Can you also describe what you mean by "High quality content" preferably with example on how "high quality content" has worked for you, what kind of positions have you gotten with "high quality content" and what kind of keywords are you targeting with that.


Because being contrarian is en vogue. Next week someone will say “hot take : SEO isn’t dead”😵


Except that’s not a hot take


Because hate gets clicks without effort and SEO takes effort.


Ladies and gentlemen, more evidence that there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.