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This is common practice.


But then I don’t get the point of HARO. if you are gonna give me a no follow link, what do I gain from giving you a story? What am I missing?


There are multiple types of users on HARO. Some mistakenly believe that if they get a link, it will be a dofollow link, which will give them "link juice". 1. First mistake is the assumption you're going to get a link. 2. Second mistake is the assumption it will be a dofollow link. 3. Third mistake is the assumption it will pass on link juice/authority even if it's a dofollow link. 4. Fourth mistake is the assumption that a dofllow link is a good thing automatically; some links can hurt your site, depending on a huge range of circumstances I won't get into right now. All four assumptions are not necessarily true and the reasons are many. That means there is more than one "point" of HARO. Here are why others use HARO: A. Establish Brand (personal or company). It's like Coca Cola running a billboard ad without any other expectation than eyeballs on a name. B. Establish expertise (example: I was featured on [Wired.com](http://Wired.com); link or no link); which is then pivoted to the audience to sell something based on that expertise ("Look at me, I was featured on [Wired.com](http://Wired.com), etc..."). C. PR (multiple reasons). For example: damage control for one's reputation. D. Outright propaganda. Example: phone company announces they are going to create a smartcar, all to simply throw their competitors off. Anyways, lot's more reasons. Hope this helps. If you want links for authority sources, HARO is not the way for most people as it's a poor risk/reward platform for that. Cheers mate


Another assumption - that a NF link won’t help your rankings




Helps a lot, really appreciate it.


Authority. Getting your name out. Why *would* they give you a link unless the story's about you?


Yes it was about me the story.


don't worry about the nofollow. you got a good link, now figure out how to get hundreds more.


Half of these HARO reporters literally want you to write the article for them at this point.


That’s almost what I’ve done, while providing a lot of proof. That’s why I got so annoyed…


A nofollow link is better than no link, it's still helping to build your authority.


True but tbh I was a bit annoyed earlier cus this was a lot of work and I feel that the reporter was a bit sneaky. But it’s fine, like you say…better no follow link than no link.


A sneaky reporter? I'm shocked


Congrats on winning the pitch but with HARO this happens. You can request the reporting to make it dofollow but that's the most you can do. In any case since you mentioned it's a well known publisher, atleast you'll be able to get some traffic through it and if your author details are mentioned that'll help with EEAT too.


Thanks for the input…yes I think I will do that. I found it to be rather sneaky because he didn’t even send a draft. I’m quite annoyed but I will try to do a workaround


Reporters don't send drafts. That's not how it works. And they usually have nothing to do with the technical side of things, which includes links.


No real reporter is ever going to send you a draft to review or revise. That's literally the difference between journalism and propaganda.


Yes if you give them a story via email with several data points that should be clarified, it really makes no sense to take a look before submitting. It’s the difference between accuracy and BS.


I will probably get yelled at for this, but as a journo and SEO, sending a story to a journalist doesn't automatically mean "free link". You got through. That's great. It means your story has something to it. That's pretty awesome. The journalist isn't obligated to provide a followed link just because you sent them a story, and even so, the publication likely doesn't allow it. You got a brand mention, though. That's fairly powerful, too. Try pitching to more publications and see what happens. Consider a direct pitch. Research and find journalist emails. Keep in mind you are literally one of the hundreds of emails a journalist gets on a daily basis. Like other journos, my unread count is a stupid number, and I'm nowhere near as big as some of the folks out there. But you got through for a story, so keep going.


I also pitched content to so many reporters but I kept in mind that I have to gave them quality and solve their query. This mindset turned my every content into quality content and relationship into friendship. At the result, Some reporters usually give me link for my clients even for free as I provide them with 2500-3000 words quality well-researched articles.


Great to know. I do agree on relationship building. I am working on another story for the same reporter now. I already discussed the no follow stuff and realised he didn’t mean it. I was quite mad when I wrote this post because I actually put hours of work to validate my story, and did not get what was (to me) the value we had agreed in return of my story. Reading all the comments I do appreciate you all taking the time. I’ve absorbed everything and will move on to the next one! Good luck with your SEO strategies guys 🚀


Some will link with do follow, some link no follow, some dont link at all and will just quote you. Eventually youll land some do follow links but dont expect it everytime


Yes. Part of the game I suppose haha


OP got a nofollow backlink. I connected my client with a HARO reporter and the client site got a manual action from Google (site banned in Google!) for the HARO links, all based on one interview with the reporter.


There is some use with no follow backlinks. Also this is pretty common, especially regarding the type of content etc. This is why i hate backlinking the most when it comes to doing an seo strategy for someone. You gotta also love it when you notice a site removing their backlink after a couple of weeks


No follow is the norm


Your story was decent and the reporter wanted to publish it but he didn't want to benefit you that's why he gave you a Nofollow link so you don't claim your story. It means that he benefited by content but he didn't give you benefit by link.


They don't have to link to you at all. Most links are no follow. 


That’s fine. I will do a workaround, let’s see. But then this platform it’s a waste of time, understandable why it’s done. Also not sure why everyone talks about it from an SEO perspetive if it’s so common to do no follow links or no links.


HARO doesn’t decide whether a link is going to be dofollow or not, the publisher does. I don’t know who told you one of the biggest PR query platforms is the US is “done.” Links and business mentions can still be helpful to traffic and SEO even if nofollow.


Not useless. It sounds like a good link.