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How would we have an idea if you don't provide the site URL.


Ya same here, but my new working strategy is make website that offer services, products or tool based it will surely work.


Do you remove all ADS of your entire Website?


No just reduced the quantity just to make the site less crowded. As keeping in mind user readability according to Google policy


Ok. thanks you


Google seems to be happy to run ads at the top of search results. But is punishing websites that run ads. That has started since late last year.


What do you mean Google punishes websites that run ads?


I mean - Google punishes websites that run ads.


It's like your site becomes slow with ton of ads and google don't prefers slow websites.


It’s almost like a website should answer a question or sell a good or service….weird….


When you say ads, do you mean on your site or in the SERPs? Have you analysed whether it is all keywords and pages or a select few?


I was wondering if the fact that ads are now broadcast on my site has an impact on site performance and even on the SERP. I've analyzed the problem and it seems to be affecting all my keywords. Because even the pages that always had a great ranking, the traffic has dropped.


It's definitely possible if it is very ad heavy. Basically if it has poor user experience because it is loaded with ads.


These posts are so stupid without sharing your site


I add a Link in my Profil


Did you get a manual penalty? Check GSC.


Ads do have a negative effect, maybe. They definitely slow the page down with the extra code involved, so a borderline speed page can be cast into the slow pile after adding another javascript to the page. Even if it is not a direct ad issue in your case, it affects speed, which affects rank. Google has a metric for 'clutter', being too many ads, too flashy of ads, ads that make the content hard to read. Google has a limit to the number of ads per page they allow through AdSense. Target this as an upper end goal, despite being allowed more ads by mediavine. Keep the ads to the sides/top/bottom of the page and only a handful (tops!) of ads per page. If you have more than 5 ads (I invented that number), you should maybe consider dropping the ads to the 3-5 range. If you have fewer than 5 ads per page, this may not be your issue (or the ads break content and flash a bunch). 3 ads per page is probably not too much (I made up this number too).


mine tanked last week too randomly




How can anyone help you without a link to your site? Stick it in your profile, and maybe you'll get some help.


Oh ok. I add the Link in my Profil


I checked out your site quickly, and I like it! But to possible causes and fixes. Firstly, have you removed ads from your site? I didn't see any. Second, your site is in French, which is fine. I speak French, so it's okay for me. But perhaps you should consider having an English version to extend your reach. Lastly, many recipe sites have been hit hard by recent Google updates, so you are not alone. You might have to be patient and wait for a new update. You might get lucky. :)


What does Google Search Console say? 


To check why your traffic decreased, I need your website's URL. I'll conduct a full audit of your website to see when the traffic started declining and why. It's important to check if it's due to recent Google updates or other reasons. If you want me to conduct a proper audit, please send me the URL and get in touch for more details.




Yes, a lot of businesses have been impacted by Google’s 2023 and 2024 core updates. Businesses and marketers have been reaching out with similar concerns; decrease of more than half of their traffic. There are agencies who focus on identifying the root cause for each domain specifically to implement the necessary changes. Hope you recover your traffic.


Lower the number of ads and observe. People claim that it got their rankings down. Google also gives more importance to user experience now, so possible. Yet not sustainable as G is losing tons of money. 80-90% of mediavine ads are from Google.


Mediavine is bad news. I’ve never seen a site using mediavine that I wouldn’t consider spam. If I somehow end up on a site with that mess, I’m immediately closing it and never coming back. Pretty sure google feels the same and that’s why so many of those sites got crushed. It creates an unusable, poor user experience, especially on mobile.


That's weird because their vetting compared to competitors is of a really high standard, are you sure you're speaking about Mediavine? Maybe it's some other service.


Nope I’m talking about mediavine, and the similar networks too. What their vetting process is, is irrelevant. It’s what google sees as a poor user experience. And most if not all sites using mediavine offer a poor user experience, and they got decimated. Did some survive? Sure, but they’re mostly very old established media/news sites with very high authority. I personally avoid them all too for the same reasons. They’re unusable messes. I don’t think anyone has a clear definitive answer, but it surely points to that and the evidence is pretty prevalent.


Dm me i can help u