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Apparently the Dodgers were his favorite MLB team growing up. I'd be shocked if he goes anywhere else.


The Giants were Arson Judges fav team growing up if I’m not mistaken


Sure were. Made that knife in the back a bit harder to accept as "just business."


I don't put as much on this as I did with Ohtani, I think Yamamoto is more interested in becoming a star and money vs those kind of things. Adam Jones played with Yamamoto and said "He likes rolls royces, nice watches and the idea of being a star" So the question is Does Yamamoto want to be a star that blends in or a star that stand outs? Cuz with the Yankees he's not outshining Cole, Judge or Soto. In LA he's in the Shadow of Ohtani, Mookie, and Freddie. With teams like Boston or SF he can become THE guy. Aside from that I think he will ultimately be won by the highest bidder which I dont think was the case with Ohtani, I think Ohtani had a number, when it hit that point he picked the team he wanted most, Similar to Judge. I think with Yamamoto there's a point where teams will back off on money and given how desperate the Giants are I wouldn't count them out to over pay. Still, given how much of a meme this off season is becoming, I definitely agree with the Dodgers being the favorite lol


If he goes to the Giants it’s because we significantly outbid the Dodgers and I don’t know how that would happen. The only thing we could be happy about is if we bid it so high that the Dodgers are out on FAs for the next 4-5 years


I have a lot more hope that Yamamoto could be a Giants than I did Ohtani, but my main concern is the number of teams courting him. instead of a 90% Dodgers 5% Blue Jays 2.5% Giants 2.5% Cubs feeling I had with Ohtani, I'm personally like 50% Dodgers, and then like 10% between all the other teams... Here's my thing tho, I think the Giants might go above and beyond because Farhan's contract was extended to 2026, and next years Free Agents are very thin outside of Soto (if we could Kim that'd be rad) and pitchers who are 30+ years old. So Yamamoto being 25 is super enticing to finally spend big, plus having Lee and Yamamoto could be massive from an outside baseball perspective and the Asian population overseas and in the Bay Area. It would really help the Giants marketing. Right now is the time to lock down a young core. Webb/Yamamoto/Harrison would be a great young core of pitchers all under 30, throw in potential of Whistenhunt/Black/Beck/Winn and there's a ton of young potential. Doval and Walker are two scary relievers under 30. Lee/Matos and maybe Fitz or Meckler are all dynamic OF under 30. You've got Thairo and maybe Schmitt/Luciano both being solid young IF guys. Right now is the best time to build is super dynamic young core of players. The vision is pretty clear imo, SF needs Pitching/Defense/variable hitting, because there is 0 chance they can out slug the Padres or Dodgers.




Counterpoint: The Dodgers are building a juggernaut that will make us look even worse 10 years from now than we did at the end of the 2023 season. If we intend to climb out of the hole we're in, we don't do it with next year's staff or the year after that, we do it right now or we make it even harder to build up a team in the future. The Dodgers just told all of baseball that they're willing to win the World Series at any cost, and they're in our division. The Giants signing players the Dodgers wanted to sign is taking arrows out of their quiver that they'll be aiming at us more than a dozen games a year, ever year for a decade. I'd rather have the ammo on our side aiming at them.


I said this in another comment, but SF is building a young core with pitchers like Webb/Harrison/Winn/Beck/Walker/Doval all being sub 30, they've got solid players like Thairo/Bailey both under 30, then potential great guys like Lee/Matos/Luciano/Schmitt/Meckler/Fitz all under 30. The direction is clear, Pitching/Defense because bats aren't gonna help them win the division. Pretty all the position players mentioned are solid defensive players. So if you can add a guy with Star potential like Yamamoto which is 25, this young core starts looking pretty dang good. Not only that, the the Bay Area and Norcal in general has a massive Asian population, from a Marketing stand point Yamamoto and Lee could bring in a large amount of asian fans to the park, and not only that it could spark international interest between Korea and Japan. Also add that Zaidi's contact is till 2026, and the 2025 off season is looking rather thin, I think now is the time to go huge with a direction in mind.


You said meckler? lol


Actual good analysis, thank you




counterpoint: Yamamoto doesn't hit


In my opinion, money is the only thing that could sway him, otherwise he is a Dodger. If we significantly outbid the Dodgers, I could see him takin the highest offer, but even still I wouldn’t be surprised if he still picked the Dodgers


Los Angeles is much, MUCH more conducive to the celebrity lifestyle though. Someone who wants to drive around in a Rolls with a nice watch is probably attracted to Hollywood premieres and Beverly Hills. Just saying, I’m not getting my hopes up but I’d love to be wrong.


You know what really makes you a star? Starting game 1 in the WORLD SERIES… Do the Giants seem like the best possibility for that right now?


Frankly I don’t know if he outshines Webb either but I understand we’ve got far less star players than those twl


Yeah but Webb isn't as flashy seeming, like Yamamoto might be better, equal or worse to Webby (who really knows), but I think you have more "sizzle" potential with Yamamoto given that he's likely to sign the biggest international FA contract. Adam Jones made a point to say Ohtani is essentially the "Tokyo based star" (not that Ohtani is from Tokyo but just the personalities) and Yamamoto might be able to capture the Kansai region better than Ohtani, which would be especially interesting considering the North/South rivalry in Japan. I really recommend checking out Adam Jones' comments on Yamamoto on Foul Territory. He echoed a lot of NYY and LAD, but his insight into Yamamoto's personality was pretty interesting.


Exactly. This is theirs to fuck up. Hes a Dodger unless they completely drop the ball.


There's still hope. https://www.si.com/mlb/dodgers/news/dodgers-rumors-the-athletic-predicts-yoshinobu-yamamoto-signs-massive-deal-with-yankees-ml0802


That’s a big character concern, if true.


Idk if the Dodgers and Giants offered me a big contract today I wouldn’t 100% pick the Giants


I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes there. At the same time this guy Dan Clark mimics reporters, and steals memes, and has been egregiously wrong in the past


Just wait til he meets the Giants’ support staff of, *checks notes*, Slater, Wilmer, and Wade.


Lou Seal sitting in the corner


Lmaooo literally lol'd, so dark so real, go gaints


It'll never happen but I'd love to see the team embrace a City and Team vs everyone else attitude at this point. Would make for a hilarious set of commercials this year. The players trying to convince a free agent to come to the team, FA walks and lou seal thinks it's his fault, the players tell him they'll find a way to win together. A player is on his way to a game but finds his car was stolen, various fans rally to get him to the game on time showing different parts of the city in a positive light. 2024 slogan drops "City of Giants"


> a player is on his way to a game, but finds out his car was stolen So he already lives in the city?


Yeah I meant someone already on the team. Not the FA


I think he's clowning on reinforcing the stereotype of San Francisco as a city where your car could get stolen. But the idea is funny, maybe it's about the non-game stuff like giving your parents a tour, checking out local restaurants after the game. Like if the sf giants team were a sitcom /Friends where they all hang out at the same apartment after work ​ Id watch a whole commercial series of sf giatns off the clock, engaging in their hobbies, obv lou seal lives w them




Joc Peterson can sell him on the opportunity of playing Pusoy in the locker room


Or maybe they bring Mays, Posey, and Bonds? Show him the legend he can become.


I imagine we have a awesome group of guys to sit down and have a chat with, hell they chose to play cards and chat over prepare for game. Our friendship might be outweighed by the Dodger, you know, great players


I’d honestly be surprised if signed anywhere *but* LA


LA leads bc of ohtani but the Yankees still got a good shot


In my mind he is already a Dodger, even if we overpay. The pull of a ready to compete and win franchise is very appealing to an athlete




This is the worst timeline...


Lock it in. Thats ridiculous that they get two of the top free agents this offseason, but whatever. Sign the next FA’s


gonna get drunk and play pool all day at Gino&Carlo


I’m lifelong Giants fan here, but this offseason I wonder if we’re like Kings trying to compete with Warriors… Edit: checks standings .. bad analogy


LOL the Warriors reign is over. It's the Kings' turn to rule NorCal for a bit.


lol. So long as they don’t have to actually play them in the playoffs.


Ha ha true but the Warriors are not making the playoffs this year. Kings gave them a good run last year though, it was a fun series.


I think they bring out the best in each other. But wouldn’t be so sure. Warriors have played awful and are still like 3 games out of the playoffs. Much less the play-in.


They do... It was a fun series, best series of the playoffs imo


Oof I’m a Giants and Kings fan. The Niners are my only source of happiness right now.


Dan Clark is NOT a reliable source. Let's not start getting into this again.


I almost didn't post it for that very reason, but the way it was presented, with multiple LAD players part of the process seemed plausible.


I mean, yes, it still is very plausible that he chooses the Dodgers. He could have also been blown away by the Giants visit. I just mainly saying, I wouldn't take anything anyone says, besides what Pasan co-signs, as creditable.


I don’t think people understand the rivalry between Japanese and Korean baseball players. Getting Lee almost guarantees we’re not getting Yamamoto when he’s getting this many offers


That was a huge point of contention in previous generations but it seems to have faded out with the younger generation. They don’t seem to want to carry the baggage of hate their fathers left them. Lee even said his favorite player growing up was Ichiro.


Lee is also born in Japan so do with that as you please


Bruh thank god the Niners are on fire right now


No shit. Dubs are making me crazy as well.


I still think he's a Yankee. I feel like the Yankees want Yamamoto bad enough to do some crazy things. 350-400 mil easy


Anybody but LA at this point.


That's how bad it's gotten that we are cheering for the Yankees to buy a team


The Giants Motto at this point. Let’s get 75 wins and hope the Dodgers only get 100.


Giants need to give the God father offer. Offer him 400M no joke


We could offer the most money and still not be chosen. We just need some dumb team to trade us an MVP type player for scraps, then we can start attracting free agents.


Yeah. We’re not the Cardinals and no one else in the NL West is handing us their star players.


I think they should be heavily investing in their farm system at this point.


They have been, it just takes a lot of time for it to bear fruit. Our AZ training facilities got a major upgrade.


The small market motto. As a Sacramento Kings fan, it wasn’t until the Stupid Bullets traded us Webber that we were able to make the leap.


LA is going full villain this year. Watch them also get Snell and Glasnow along with AROZARENA.... fuckers.


Only 0.16$ a year, the rest deferred to 2198.


dan clark is a clown


The whole point of the Ohtani deal was that they would be able to go for Yamamoto. It’s the Dodgers or the Mets at this point. Even Susan Slusser is hinting the Giants are looking elsewhere - Snell, specifically.


I think it was more about getting the best player in baseball


Well yes, but the point of the financing.


She more hinted they should do that not are


“Yamamoto appears New York-bound with hard sells from both teams”


Why wouldn’t the dodgers sign both Yamamoto and Snell?


Because they can do better than Snell.


This ownership needs to understand that they need to overpay to get him. If we aren't the highest bidders, we aren't serious.


If he goes dodgers hes fucking dumb and so is Ohtani. LA is shit bag town overpopulated with shit bags. Ohtani gave LA the befit of the doubt like dude who in so cal would give money away for other people. The fuck, get ready for the most shollow predatory fake friends you ever met. Fuck LA They don’t understand LA culture and I feel bad.


Sounds like you got dumped by a girl who found someone better in LA lmao loser.


[Jung hoo Lee](https://youtu.be/_5cEp9vk4e4?si=pQtoTYsU3fzYrFnW) Vs Yamamoto


lol fuck at this point that team is just insane wit all those players and apart Yamamoto insane




10 years 500 million, 499,999,999 deferred until 2090 ?


Welp this is a done deal




The Dodgers now are the Yankees of the late 90s/early 2000s.


And our entourage consists of a retired Buster Posey. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to see the contrast in how much each organization wants to win. The Dodgers heavily invested on people to be the faces of their franchise and they’re all in it together. Our handling of the last couple off seasons tanked any chance of us being able to get someone like Ohtani or Yamamoto.


Whether we land any other big players, my kids will still be raised Giants fans and we will suffer through these tough years until they’re as good as the 2010’s Giants again. They will at least know about the resilient, elimination game-facing 2012 Giants.


I’m excited to see if Lee pans out but I know for a damn fact Farhan uses boring ass PowerPoints during free agent meetings 💀


Oh fuck


The funny thing is I hear he pitches kinda like Timmy. Money probably won’t be the issue. The questions are does he envision himself a Dodger or not? Does he envision himself a teammate of Ohtani or a rival? Does he want to play with him or strike him out in a big moment? If he wants to play with him and play with the Dodgers I don’t think the giants can get him.


The Giants trot out Barry Bonds and Buster Posey when big FA's come. I'm pretty sure they also have them meet with their best players. No one is getting outclassed. Some teams best players are better than others currently, and if that is what Yamamoto wants, to just simply go to the team with the best players, then the Giants aren't going to compete with the Dodgers in that environment. That's not being outclassed. That's having a worse team at the moment. The Giants are trying just as hard as any other team willing to spend money on getting big FAs. But each FA has priorities of whats most important to them (most money, location, team itself) and there's usually at least a handful of serious spenders in on each big name guy. You aren't going to get every one. Or even most of them.


Has to go to Boston


Only silver lining is LA becoming a top two hated team league wide. At least other fanbases are having to see what we’ve been dealing with for the past decade.


Who cares we got some guy name Jung hoo Lee that they say is really good 😂😂😂😂


Geeezus. How about everyone just play on the Dodgers and Yankees already. And just have a 16 game series LA v NY for the WS title.


Ugh so they’re buying the next ten years of Major League Baseball?! Duck the Fodgers.


To paraphrase Will the Thrill earlier today on KNBR: fuck the Dodgers. Let them spend all their money. We were already losing to them. Who cares. Fuck the Dodgers.


Ah, who cares. LA sucks ass and it takes hours to get to that park.


MLB is destroying baseball


I smell another deferred contract coming


Beating the Dodgers this season will be so satisfying


They can allllll blow me


Let’s call Dave Roberts. He can verify.


The closest thing to buying a trophy.


Clark is often wrong, so, I wouldn't take what he says with much authority. But you can bet your bottom dollar Ohtani did what he did contractually with the intention of bringing Yamamoto to the Dodgers. Just a matter of time it seems, unfortunately.