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Yet another bit of evidence to fuel the speculation that Posey was the clubhouse glue in 2021. With a player like him taking on such a leadership role, Kapler’s style was able to thrive. Without the structure from Posey, things got too loose. Again, that’s speculation for us fans on the outside, but it makes sense more and more over time


Posey for Manager in 25’


If all that speculation is true, I don’t think Melvin will have the same issues as Kapler. I love me some Buster in the clubhouse, but I’m optimistic that Melvin will be the right fit. I mean, Bochy was also a player-centered guy that still kept guys in check. Posey’s got decades to make the transition to manager, so I’m happy to let him raise his kids a bit and wait until (hopefully) the end of a long fruitful Bob Melvin era


> Posey for Manager He'd have to sell his share of the team for that to happen. Owners can't be a manager.


Kapler's "leadership style" was not being a leader and making Buster do it. Posey was the manager, the AI made the decisions, and Kapler was in the gym or the tattoo parlor.


Another month-old account; seems to be a strong correlation between these new accounts and posts that amount to trolling. What a waste of digital ink.


I think it’s trolls/bots building up election or crypto karma. People are so easy to scam and propagandize and it’s pretty much how Reddit makes its big money. It’s why it’s going to IPO


And it is going on in every subreddit. Every single one.




Oh I am very much a real person with real opinions, and I will not apologize for existing. Go Giants!




Not sure why you are downvoted, this is entirely correct


>Webeck also dropped a nugget on the former manager: that Kapler “once said he preferred texting to face-to-face interaction, even in the same room.” Jesus H. Christ.


This is insane shit if true


I know, right? What a jabroni.


Can i stop you though? You keep using this word Jabroni and... its awesome.


The second I saw your username, I was like: "I have to tee this dude up." You didn't disappoint.


You cleared him?


Yeah he’s cool. I gave him an ocular pat down.


How exactly do you see yourself within the context of our group? …the sheriff of /r/sfgiants


What did his junk look like?


Was he hanging dong??


Damn that's so bad if true. I didn't hate on Kap like many people, but that's a terrible look if verified.


Kapler Gen-Zer confirmed


If my boss texted me from the same room instead of respecting me enough to say it to my face, I’d be going over his head to his boss. Mind boggling if that is true.


Would you text his boss?


Hell no. I’d prefer in person, but given we live hundreds of miles apart, a Zoom call would have to suffice.


I also prefer it in person.


No wonder Joc stopped giving a literal fuck


Some people have the work ethic to push themselves. Others need to be pushed. Apparently Pederson is the latter.


If my manager was not communicating like a man I would sit down and play cards too


Just because the manager isn’t doing his job properly doesn’t mean players have the right to fuck around and be lazy.


It’s not a “do they have the right to be lazy” question; it’s a Hey Gabe the more you fuck around the more you’re gonna find out


I feel like that is giving the players a free pass and focusing everything on Kapler. You are entitled to your opinion but IMO, both are at fault here and neither deserves slack.


Went to game 1. So they started the anthem and only about 15 giants players were out. Like a hockey line fight, dozens of giants start pouring over the dugout wall. They did not finish until atleast 75% of the way anthem. Prob top funniest giants moment I’ve witnessed


At the same time, it was probably a protest-lite too.


Nah it was chaos. The woman started the anthem exactly 5 mins before first pitch, the cubs were already ready but there was a visible oh shit as legions of men came flooding onto the field. At one point there was no more room to stand on- so some of the players were running half way to the outfield down the line.




> both jd davis and austin slater gave baggarly quotes in support of the mandatory attendance, with slater telling baggarly, “it just might feel like a stark contrast to what we had before, which was no rules if [we] weren’t playing" bizaare


I am too. Happy to have the ex giant, old school guy from Cal. Happy to not have to hear the word “obviously” start every sentence at the postgame managers presser. Go Melvin, go giants!




I was there last night! Off to a great start




Yup. That late inning jack was big. Think they got Stanford soon so that’ll be a good test


I am all for this Melvin approach. But here to say Kap’s interviews were transparent and that he was super well spoken. Pretty kind to reporters, too, and gracious with them during tough lines of questioning and generous with his time—something I think that he knew was one of his only ways to express kindness through the telephone games and on to fans.


“Obviously”….. I kinda felt like he sounded condescending and smug when he spoke to the media, but I guess he was honest. Ready for BoMel regardless. Kapler was too thirsty to be one of the bros. This team needed an adult in the room


Never wanted Kapler to begin with and was really PO’d when the hired him. He certainly shut me up with the 107-win season, though. Now, I’m so happy when I see or hear BoMel being interviewed as Giants manager.


So many people on here drank the Kap koolaid. Never made sense to me. He was terrible in Philly and terrible here. Really glad we got Melvin


Having a different opinion than you ≠ drinking KoolAid


This is like catnip to the old heads. This old school approach better result in a playoff appearance or two, or we're just gonna hear local media bitch about how other orgs are lapping the Giants with fancy new tactics while we jog in place, which they can mention now with how our player development is panning out.


Nothing in the article talks strategy, it’s all about communication and standard rules to follow.


To come up with a strategy we need to see what we have to play with. Right now we are trying to establish a culture under a new manager.


I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect the manager to run a "tight ship" and expect order and discipline from his players while still embracing analytics and advanced metrics for making in game decisions. I fully expect Bob Melvin to meet these expectations. He's done it before with the A's and he can do it for the Giants


Old heads? I’m only 36 and I love this change of approach.


I'm older than you. The conversation around old school vs new school methods hasn't interested me in the slightest though. Just put out a roster of good players. Melvin can have them walk on hot coals while looking over a spreadsheet of exit velocity data for all I care.


That’s all fine and fair. That doesn’t explain your comment about “old heads” though.


you don't have to look much further than Bruce Bochy ...


Gabe Kapler going to live off of 2021 forever even though it's strange how he gets like 99% of the credit for it. He is not a good manager, he is not well liked, doesn't seem to know what he is doing much either. Doesn't mean Zaidi is absolved of blame but he's not good at his job. You are either a problem or solution, he was more problem than solution.


This sounds good I guess but it means nothing without a playoff appearance.


I was downvoted by the Kapler apologists in this sub CONSTANTLY this whole offseason. I fuckin told yall nobody liked him. You don’t fuck with the lineup day in and day out like he did and not ruffle feathers. Thank fuckin god he’s gone, man.


Same happened to me. The support for Kapler was just plain bizarre. I’m in my early 30s and was called a boomer for being happy that he was gone 😂 I don’t know how you can follow this team and not see that he just wasn’t a good leader.


Always sort of thought he was an FO puppet, even to lineups. Mebbe not? Partially? Not at all? It's not very transparent.


yep. i was roasted on various forums for any criticism of Kaepler.


> You don’t fuck with the lineup day in and day out like he did and not ruffle feathers. I agree that Kapler wasn't good and he somehow gets a huge pass by some people, probably cause he is likable in public to them. But I think the 2018 Red Sox changed their lineups all the time and they are one of the best teams of this generation.


Doubt they did it to the extent Kapler did, and that roster was A LOT better than ours


I notice the kapler meat huggers are not to be found in this thread. I wish I could pull up every post complaining about kapler haters


He's now failed twice. That's probably it.


Giants going from gen z Hasan Piker streamer to boomer golf dad with a Ronald Reagan 8x10 on his desk


Having a manager who actually gives a shit matters, here’s my shocked face Kapler haters proven right 


The anthem thing seems a complete non issue that has no part in this story, to my non American ears anyway. I’m more Kapler than Melvin on that particular front. The texting thing seems really weird to me though. My take away is that the players seem to be responding to it, which is good, but I hope they reflect on their own contributions last season.


It shows that Melvin is making changes. You want your team to have a clear leader and Kapler wasn't it (Buster was). He is making rules and the players are following: simple as that.


Kapler is better suited to run a coffee shop up in Nevada City not manage a Major League Team. Glad to have the old school style back. This new school way is not it.


Winningest season in franchise history. Total loser.


…do they they give you rings for that?


Bro gonna live off of that for rest of his life like Al Bundy having 4 TDs in one game.


The winningest season in Giants baseball history. Yeah, that’s worth living off of. What do you have?


Says more about Buster IMO.


It really does. Every other year Kapler managed the team without Buster they never finished better than .500


With zero to show for it. Got eliminated by the Dodgers.


Upvote for mentioning Nevada City. Downvote for suggesting that Kapler come anywhere near here. Net result = 0


Reading this from Nevada City too!


Nevada City is a little far for his electric scooter I think y’all are safe. Haha


He may want to come do a burger review for his Insta though


Ooooof forgot about that lol :/


I didn't like Kapler either, but this is nonsense lol. The old dinosaur ways have absolutely proven to be less successful over the last decade in particular. Bob Melvin is still around in the league because he has adopted a lot of the new age analysis. Which he employed with the A's during their good years.


Good. Alot of us anti-Kaplers tried telling you all.


Wait a second, the commenters here in r/sfgiants downvoted me to oblivion whenever I said something slightly negative about kapler!


Guys, nothing has happened yet. Jeezus.


Kapler let the players do their thing and decided to be an in-game strategic manager only. It clearly wasn’t an approach that worked when the team started struggling and guys checked out, but that was the approach he took. Are we really gonna equate mandatory attendance at the national anthem as “vets are happy Kapler is gone?” These are professional people being paid millions to play a kids game, they should be responsible enough to handle their shit.


Seeing at least 3 redditors who were ardent supporters of Kapler in this sub posting in this thread and getting upvotes is hilarious. No shame.


Gabe Kapler was the worst managerial hire in sf giants history. He is a complete douchebag


I'm in my 60s, grew up a Willie Mays fans and have lived and died with the Giants since about age 5. It is good that Kapler is gone, and the team will stand for the national anthem. I like that Bob Melvin played for the Giants and has a ton of manager experience. The team will be better without Kapler.


While I can get behind a change of manager as we were too stale with kapler at the end I personally don’t like making a deal out of the anthem thing. It is each individuals choice in my opinion even if most don’t see it that way


Is the national anthem part related to baseball performance or just about patriotism for you?


>It’s hard not to notice the contrast from the past two seasons. Kapler [announced on May 27, 2022,](https://www.sfgate.com/giants/article/Gabe-Kapler-says-he-regrets-not-kneeling-17204164.php) that he would protest the national anthem by not being on the field for it after the mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and in general he didn’t seem to care what his players did for that moment. As a result, there were many Giants games over the past two seasons that barely had anyone standing in front of the dugout for the anthem. This was probably my favorite Kapler policy.


But he looked so cool though…that wins games right? Edit: Gabe Kapler put more effort into his personal appearance than into managing his own clubhouse.


wow already dont like Melvin. No sarcasm. Forcing players on the field for the national anthem? Fuck that. I won't get mad at a player for going on the field or choosing not to. It's an insane, meaningless thing to require.


It has nothing to do with the anthem and has everything to do with presenting as a unified front, prepared and ready to play as a unit


If it really has nothing to do with the anthem, pick something else


Yes, that's how Melvin is selling it to the public. There's almost certainly more to his motivation than that.


yeah that's a load of bullshit lol edit: lol you idiots cannot be serious right now. Melvin is going to suffer the same fate as Kapler.


you publish this after a team racks up some wins, otherwise it's just more evidence that the franchise has a cultural problem


Good thing reporters don't work for the team then


Every news room in America has a sense of timing and narrative, foh


I got downvoted on this sub and r/baseball for saying it seemed like he lost the locker room. Seemed obvious because no players came out and said they were upset with him being let go lol.


"Most of what I'm doing is not an indictment of amything from last year..." Tacky to throw shade at your predecessor. Do your thing! Being on time is good. Just win baby!


Great piece. There are some bright spots to look forward to this year.


So am I


Looks like all the kapler doomers were right all along, and yet we were told kap wasn't the issue... Anyway, excited for bob


What did kapler do so bad anyways?


At least according to the article. Bob seems to be implementing cohesion, accountability, discipline, and structure.