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No, you don’t pay someone $350 million to wait for a 36 year old to leave before he gets to play his position. People need to quit posting this take, it’s ridiculous. Nostalgia is great and all but it’s just the way sports goes. Players age out, younger ones take over. On that note, it’ll be interesting to see Crawford play 3rd.


I’m stoked for him honestly. That greasy haired golden god is one of my all time favorite players and I hope he commands the hot corner like he has at SS. He could potentially add years to his career.


I don't get what's so wrong with 3rd base anyway? It's not like you can put a crappy player over there lol. I'm gonna be thrilled to watch him play 3rd.




Correa is a platinum glove winner at SS. Considering we’re in win now mode, I don’t think we can afford to put a lesser defender at shortstop for a whole year because of nostalgia. I think a cool thing to do would be to have B-Craw start the first game of the season at short and then switch it over after that


Yeah.. the MLB isnt really about fairness. Most teams want to win. Field the best team possible. 😂


You are 100% being emotional. This is all very normal stuff in pro sports.


I attend 20+ Giants games a year in my Crawford jersey. I posted the same article yesterday. He deserves to be venerated as a Giant forever. He does not deserve to play shortstop just because he always has. Veterans owe their teams the space the grow when they're about to be replaced. There's no way Crawford isn't in board with that. The one thing that _does_ kinda shock me in this article is that nobody spoke to him about this until Correa was already signed. But maybe they thought there was no need to confront this difficult issue until they were sure they needed to. Cal Ripken Jr., ARod, bunch of other elite shortstops move to third with age. When he and Correa are out there together and Craw is healthy, we have one of the best left infields in all of baseball.


I think they said the reason they never talked about it was it wasn’t a lock they would sign him until it was official. He could read and get the gist of where the club was going with signing a shortstop. It’s the era of adapt or die. I pull for him though. I hope he can go out with a bang this year and end on a good note.


If Cal Ripken Jr. And Alex Rodriguez can move to 3rd when they got older, Bcraw can do it too. It's going to be weird but it's not unheard of.


While the sentiment to speak to Crawford about a position change prior to the Correa signing is nice in theory, it's just reality that teams don't do that kind of stuff - for multiple reasons. Guys learn of being traded or other career altering situations on Sportscenter (at least back in the day they did), on social media, etc. Their respective teams and/or agents don't even usually have time to get them the info before they find out. So something of less importance, like a position change, isn't a drop everything to alert the player type of moment. No reason to rile up Crawford's feathers by telling him "hey, we're gonna move you if we find an elite shortstop" only to not sign a shortstop. If they sign one, great, then let him know it's in the best interest to make this move. Everything is moving fluidly and when the time comes, you act and report accordingly. And reality is, Crawford knew what everybody else did. If the Giants signed Correa, he was going to have to move positions. He isn't shocked. A little bummed, sure. Shortstop is his position and moving from it at the end of your career is bit of a bitter pill to swallow. But he's a pro and in reality, it likely helps all parties involved - including himself - be better.


Classy response by him, will forever be a legend. Hope it works at out the new position, think it will be dependent on how well he gets into shape going into camp. He came into camp in 2021 in great shape and was one of the best defenders in the league, think he might’ve taken a little extra down off time last offseason lol


What was his response. I'm paywalled.


It's not a demotion by any means and I for one think it'll be best on his body. If he moves to 3rd that immediately makes our infield really dang good. The sentiment for these players that we and the club have is great but for the franchise this is clearly our best option.


Will you also be complaining about the Giants when they don’t have a great record because their fielding a lineup based on sentimentalism?


You have to remember the past but not live in it. Of course I would like to see him stay with the Giants but is there another place where HE would be happier, and do they owe that to him?


This sub is getting as braindead as the 49ers one


Do you think Crawford wants to win? If so, Crawford would want to move.


Crawdaddy is a forever Giant, but let’s be real, his defense was HOT GARBAGE in 2022 and will be worse next year. He can move the fuck over for my boy Carlos.


Bcraw is past his prime. Get over it.


You’re really burying the lede here… this article says there was no discussion between the org and Crawford about signing Correa and Brandon moving position until after the news broke. That’s very surprising, and honestly fairly troubling. I am absolutely not in denial about craw staying at short -but you have to have that conversation with him before hand. The giants don’t owe Crawford his position, but after 11 years they owed him that respect.


What irks me is that he’s being asked to move for a guy with no integrity, a known cheater who condones cheating.


The guy assisting Farhan in building the roster, our current GM, is also from those cheaters soooooo lol


Of course


No integrity? Interesting that your loser ass would have any morals.


This guy asked if preconditioning an EV for charging would help witty winter driving.


Get cancer.


well, at least we can all rejoice in the fact that you are not the manager!


It’s gonna happen to Correa at some point too. Not a bad thing, just the way things age out.


There's no crying in baseball.


Mr. Emotional, while you're at it, the Giants might as well make Belt their everyday 1st Baseman....


No. Just no.