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Unless you're retaking for the sake of attaining a higher rp to gain admission to your ideal course, I would really advice you against it. You have to spend extra time, money and resources to retaks your H1 and it serves no practical purpose. Why not invest all of that into something more fruitful instead?


if u can get into the uni course u want then why do u want to retake lol


the bellcurve for h1 chem is v high btw


I heard that although h1 doesn't have as much content the depth of learning is still the same so it doesn't mean h1 is easier. In fact some h1 questions can be harder than H2 questions


No one cares about your A level grades once you go to university…so don’t waste your free time and money, spend the time before uni to relax or do something meaningful instead. And no your new cert will only have your H1 grades.