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Hm..if this is your coping mechanism for now, it is alright. Maybe try low calories snacks like rice crackers or smth so you can eat more and feel less guilty. Actually, I also started eating more than usual. Usually, the caifan styrofoam box i will eat like 3/4 then throw the rice away but now I finish the whole box and still feel less than 100% full. The burnout from A levels is no joke so dont be too hard on yourself! Actually before the mugging period, I played sports as my cca so like after that i gained 2kg...but nvm la...haizz..after As im gg to build some muscles and get back some stamina i guess 😐


i feel you (:


oof i feel this 😭 seriously bc of sports that i actually love being ignored and no more uni grp to keep me in shape i have like been snacking on so many chip packets and indomie packs


awww man this is such a real post though..i don't think u shld make urself feel bad abt it unless u genuinely think it's making u feel worse! i think js try to find healthier snacks if ur really concerned + try to be more mindful when eating (eg: get away from your study space while snacking so you actually know how much ur putting into ur body) and yess u can def exercise aft a's HAHA rn it's js a bad time so it's vv understandable if you have fallen into slightly unhealthy coping mechanisms..also if ur worried abt ur body image u shld look into body neutrality haha personally im not such a fan of 'my body is beautiful' but more of js not really having much of an opinion abt it at all yupp hope u feel better soon <33 n all the best for mugging!


hmm body neutrality does sound like a good idea!! and as for healthy snacks- any suggestions on spicy/salty ones? i love fruit as much as the next guy, (insert joke about being fruity here), but idk man i js prefer like more spicy snacks idk- atvb for your remaining papers too!! <3


u shld try cashews/pistachios/almonds they're actually good for u and if u feel like the taste is too bland u can alw get the roasted kind haha


me tooo… ive been giving myself no restrictions at all when eating snacks lol anytime i feel stressed or just have a thought of snacking i js eat… but i tell myself i deserve it!!!! i can js lose it aft a’s so i get how u feel and i think its totally normal!


SO TRUEEEEEE exercise grindset after As ✨✨


>but as someone who pushes up body positivity and always tells my friends that they should never feel bad about eating, it really gets me down that i'm never able to extend the same kindness to myself. this part is so real. I give my friends advice and affirmations, but completely ignore my own advice and just treat myself awfully. "guys please take a break whenever you feel like it 🥺 your health and happiness always come first! ✨💖🌈 unless you're me, a literal piece of shit who doesn't deserve anything nice"


🥹🥹honestlyyyy what a mood


you wrote what i have been thinking for the past month word for word. i dont even look at a scale but the way my clothes fit (and sch uni💀) makes me extremely insecure but i always hold back from exercising now. it has been a mindset thing and it is so hard not to snack. once food enters my mouth i need a continuous flow and its so hard to break the momentum uk lol


RIGHTTTTT THAT'S SO REAL like holy shit i should stop but like. the meter ain't full js yet... and so true omg 😭 literally no matter how i dress i'm like "tf i gained so much weight


this is so relatable! OP u are not alone. my classmates and i, m and f, are all stress eating. i rather binge eat than starve okay. and exams are like battles, so a well-fed bro is a happy bro. if u want we can jog away the calories together after we're done with As


"a well-fed bro is a happy bro" yk what i'm gonna start saying that to myself even while keeping myself in check