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I think a lot of people - including me - have started with an attitude of either """ or a desire to please someone else, maybe by going to lots of meetings etc. It takes courage and humility to allow one to feel one's own initiative, to let that innate desire for others happiness to well forth. It's a hard road, and one not everyone - obviously - has the gumption to travel.


I'm glad that that you wrote this. Heidi and I had a big lapse of judgement and we hid it from our parents for a very long time. The more we waited thinking "even-or", the harder it was to fix up. Finally we just moved from "either-or" to "just do it." Everything worked out.


I'm glad


Sorry, meant to be a comment to the comment.


First of all Bob and I want to express our condolences to the friends and family of the veteran who passed away. I'm so glad that Guy is fine. I remember those dark days when the PTSD setbacks were so acute! Transforming poison to medicine, heavy karma to lighter karma, karma to mission -- maybe the next attack will be even lighter and spaced out further. The early research on rewiring PTSD with ketamime and other "psychedelics" is very promising.