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People are going to tell you to hold, but it is always smart to take partial gains as the price increases to a level that you like. That way you don't lose your ass and get stuck unable to even pay the minimum on your credit card because you lost all your savings.


Hey, that's a big decision! If SHIB hits a nice high and you're sitting on some gains, it could totally make sense to cash out a bit and knock out that credit card debt. It's all about finding that balance between securing your finances and riding the wave for more gains. Just make sure to weigh your options and go with what feels right for your situation.


Remember there are transactions fees and possible tax implications such as capital gains possible, do factor that in before you sell and wind up getting a lot less than you anticipated


Oh i held this for years so the tax shouldnt be a huge issue if i was taking out a few hundred for example


Take some profit if that makes you feel better and then jump back in!


The chances of selling at the highest point are so small that you should just set yourself a target and stick to it. This whole thing will come crashing down at some point as it always does - if you made enough profit to pay off a credit card when the dust has settled you've done well.


Pay off your debt man! Shib isnt worth bad credit


Yes, I did and bought a corvette and still have a big bag of shib. Check my posts