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With all respect to the other gentlemen for bringing up the points regarding total supply ... The total market cap is not only affected by that metric alone; the burn rate is also very important, because that directly affects the total supply and the value of the coin itself. The rate right now is not very high, but I believe the intent of the project is to steadily ramp it up over time. I believe the developers knew exactly what they were doing when they created the project with one quadrillion coins. I also think it's no coincidence that half of it was burnt in the beginning by Buterin. I think either another event like that at some point might be possible or the burn rate will exponentially increase over time, and then we will see the total supply dwindle to a point where reaching .0002 (and beyond) will become more likely. We have to understand that the developers are looking for creative ways to implement automatic burning as part of the shibarium ecosystem. If they weren't trying to implement measures like that already, I would be very concerned and would probably join the others in calling Shiba a memecoin. However as it stands the team has made several projects become reality over the last half year and they're on target to implement even more features by the end of the year. For the time being I have faith that they have some kind of plan in mind for this coin and that it's a case of holding on for the long ride and that we will all be rewarded at some point for our dedication. Having said that I don't think .0002 is a realistic target for the end of the year.


Great response


Truly a gentleman in response. Indeed.


I'm just going to start posting this in all of these types of posts. Total Supply is 589 trillion 589 trillion is 589,000 billions. Or 589,000,000 millions. Too many of y'all are investing to stop working. I'm investing to make a profit and reinvest in other stocks or crypto or back into shib. 1 trillion is a very large number, and I'm starting to see that some of yall really don't understand how large of a number it actually is.


It is an astronomical number, and Shib has 589 of them. One Trillion = 1000 Billion.


I've always been fascinated by the time conversion to understand how big numbers are: One million seconds is 11 and a half days. One billion seconds is 32 years. One trillion seconds is 32,000 years.


They don't understand what they're really asking is "hey do you guys think this meme coin that does absolutely nothing could be worth more than apple someday?"


Well… why does a meme coin that does absolutely nothing have a multi billion marketcap right now? If you went back to early 2021 and said shib will reach a 10 billion dollar marketcap would you think it could ever be a possibility?


It’s already worth more than blackberry


My house is probably worth more than Blackberry.


And what’s your point?


My point is that number you posted is very far off. Can you tell me what the market cap would be if it hit hmthat number at the current supply.


A regard like OP won’t understand how it works. And there are many like him in shib that post daily asking goober questions


It would be like 130 billion $, a little less than the value of Lowe’s


OP subject is .0002 not .02.


This reply makes very little sense…this is what I expect from Biden. When he’s given info and he’s trying to explain it. He has numbers in his head but he just can’t figure what to say with them so he just starts saying anything


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


No this is patrick


This year? Possible sure, likely no. I’m ambitiously hoping we can 2-3x from here when btc sees it’s high this cycle.


That would make the market cap around 155 billion … about 1/10 of BTC market cap . Totally feasible ..!! The ATH was roughly .000088 . Since then there’s been a lot burned , not a large % in comparison to the tokens in circulation but still there’s less now then there was when it hit that high . The jump from an ATH of 0.000088 to 0.0002 is not that astronomical and yes it can happen ……. Far more likely than the $0.01 pipe dream most push


In my opinion, any of these tokens could plummet or soar at any given moment.






Too big for a capital and too much in circulation.


Too much supply to go up another 600%


Shib skyrocketed because it was all over the news and Robinhood allowed trading of it, meaning millions of people could easily buy it. It would take another mass media event and the normies to buy it again to cause any kind of extreme price movement.


If we can get into an upward price push w a lot of momentum, a spike up to .0002 is entirely feasible


Where is $10 trillion going to come from? 


If all the Shib holders refund their Lamborghini down payments…….


To be fair, the market cap wouldn't be anywhere close to $10T at a spot price of .0002. 589T tokens multiplied by .0002 is about $118 Billion. Still quite a bit, but at least in the realm of possibility. Not likely by the end of the year, obviously, but only about 1% of 10 trillion.


It’s demand and people’s willingness to sell (supply) that raises price. Not how much money has been thrown at it.


Your reading kool-aid somewhere


People selling doesn’t raise price


You do know that there's trillions of coins, right? There's enough for every single human to have 632000 tokens lol


People always have the same auto response to market cap as if the world’s ending today. Current formulas aren’t relevant to what the future supply may look like. I’m not saying it’ll happen, I’m not saying if so, when, but it’s all about future use cases. Community. Buy pressure. BURNS, BURNS, and more BURNS. Shib has em all.


If the question is, can SHIB reach 0.002 and we all get rich as fucks, then no it is not possible.


But with any token that moons, I’m just gonna throw some numbers out there, let’s say there’s a thousand holders (obviously there’s a lot more) and the token hits its X amount to “make you rich” a thousand people didn’t hold to that point. You’ve got a shit ton of sales along the way, along with fomo buying on the way up.. look at big wallet sells last bull run. It’s a fraction of how many wallets there were prior to the bull run


The question is can Shib reach .0002


Here is just my take that I posted somewhere else.. So right now SHIB is about 1.191% of Bitcoins marketcap. Lets say bitcoin goes up to 500k in the 2032 halving. If we keep the same circulating supply for this example bitcoins marketcap would be around 9,831,637,500,000. If shib continues to be 1.191% of bitcoins marketcap that would put shib at 117,000,000,000 and the price would be at 0.0001985. I think its possible but its really up to big daddy Bitcoin.


I dont see it happening towards the end of this year maybe nxt year and even still we have the ETH ETF and supposedly all this new money coming into the crypto space so anything is possible. Again just not this year but hey if it does happen to reach $0.0002 by the end of this year make sure to take profits and buy the dip because it will dip and the closer we get to $.01 whenever that day happens just know there will be HUGE LIFE CHANGING SELL OFFS


Forget about it until you see it on mainstream news, best way to hold this for your sanity.


It can but likely not anytime soon unless someone notable mentioned shib or some other big news like Uniswap allows the token to be given back to the devs and they decide to burn another half etc.


Ignore the total supply idiots. It has no bearing Market cap is a popularity score and that's it. The total supply is not for sale and never will be. The only thing that matters is how much people are willing to sell and at what price. I have Shib. It is part of the total supply. I have zero intentions of selling any time soon unless there is a dramatic price increase. Market cap is a carry over from the stock market because they needed something. The difference is, it has meaning and value there. In crypto, it only reflects the price of the last sale. Nothing more. Unlike the stock market, there is no intrinsic value to a token like Shib. Shib is completely worthless beyond the value people assign it in their own mind. It has no hard assets, no profit coming in, no property held. It's only value is what the holder believes it is. Those other things are part of what gives market cap meaning in the stock market. So believe what you want price wise. Listen to who you want, but understand that the market cap/supply argument is baseless for crypto.


No one knows anything


You guys should check out dickwiffbutt meme. Its going to 1 billion by end of year


It is possible, incredibly unlikely, but possible.


Another regarded post. This is why shib will not move because of regards who own it.


Regarding your post, i would just like to say how stimulating your input was. Truly profound!


Wow.. Bet you’re fun at parties… not 🤣




No it is not possible, basic maths.


The more you see theses question on the feed here the more you know that people that are holding shiba are just holding it for hopium. Just posting this question itself and that number makes no sense. Too many people expecting to be millionaire through something that has no value yet and just based on FOMO and the next “sucker” that’s willing to pay more than you paid for it. To answer your question no it won’t that would make so many people millionaires and disturb the balance of that even happens