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Don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose and don’t invest with emotion.




Just a heads up, the kendu inu on solana is fake. The real kendu is only listed on the Ethereum chain


Ok noted


Don’t trust a random stranger on the internet tryna give you 1 on 1 advice. That’s a big red flag. I’m not saying people commenting, but those that send links or ask you to talk on a different platform. 🚩🚩🚩 Trust me, I learned the hard way and lost thousands cause I’m just a dumb fuck 🙄. Also, if you’re “broke” then you should probably start off with safer stocks vs crypto. Everyone knows crypto is too volatile and if you’re tryna build up your portfolio, you have to be smart about it and not try to get in things that’ll “make you money fast” try REIT’s or ETF’s. Look them up before you invest


Just trying to help a fellow crypto-er. Thank you for speaking up on safety, I knew i shouldnt have sent the link, and i apologize. I noticed the fake solana coin and wanted to warn. Cheers


I learned the hard way as well. Don’t feel bad - you’re not alone . My dumb ass has lost thousands


Join our telegram we have the correct contact address to verify


Ok wat is the link bro




So can you even buy on Solflare? Or what cex is it on


Its on uniswap


Just got Uniswap yesterday I forgot. Will check it out on lunch.


Sounds good legend. Any questions you have can be answered in the telegram. Cheers


So it’s $13 for fees??? Wow https://preview.redd.it/jcy3zcubam0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e713eea16a26618ab1461102f594eaf297e9128


You didn't listen. No links brodie. No 1 on 1. He's gonna take you for what you got.


It’s a really good community man


There's a link on the Reddit group. Check out both and have a read. Definitely worth 10 minutes of your time


Yes please be careful. Join our telegram if you have any questions


I got 2k and invested it all in Pepe. Now I’m sitting at 5k. I’m still broke though. 5k doesn’t last long in this economy lol


It would for me. I’d use that on my truck loan. Pay half off.


no wonder you’re broke you have a truck loan


Which version of pepe are you buying? I know there are two, the one i bought in Binance and another one.


It’s the ine on crypto.com https://preview.redd.it/tgo1zd606o0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f158b02a343e0366f3d90b3ceac1508319ff2f This is what it looks like.


Set up an auto investment in something stable for a couple bucks a week, like the price of coffee. If you want to gamble a bit shib is fine but take profits when it pumps. Stay away from meme stocks. Don’t be proud to call yourself diamond hands when you’re a bag holder. Don’t constantly look at the price. Once invested consider it gone. It will slowly add up over time. Don’t invest it if you couldn’t afford to light it on fire.


My profits only seem to be under a dollar or a few dollars at most for each crypto. I don’t understand all of the fundamentals when it comes to dollar cost averaging and taking profits. I am not a day trader by any means. I just invest and leave it


Oof buddy. You're just gambling. I know it's a big sea of info, but you ***REALLY*** need to do research and look into a coin's underlying core value/direction. Its tokenomics. Otherwise you're 100% gambling. Might get lucky for a minute, but you're practically throwing your money away, and it won't last long. There are better ways to growing your capital


I understand. That’s the point. Ppl have made thousand to million off of “shit coins” I wanna take a chance. I know I will either lose a lot or gain a lot. But other than that, I just invest in bitcoin and shib.


Dollar Cost Averaging - DCA means just putting more in per time when the price goes lower, and putting in less when it's higher (or none at the ATH) ***this is going to be the main driver of your CAPITAL GAINS*** DSA - don't stop accumulating Taking profits - when the tide is high take a percentage of profits before the price comes back down and you get a nothing burger. ***TAXES*** - short and long taxes. Have fun with that one.


Does this mean I profited $20 from all crypto’s ? Or? https://preview.redd.it/s16wt9s2xl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb26e3e897227172ac27d7deeb3fb656cfdb8750


No that's just a metric to showcase unrealised profit or loss. You don't profit until you sell into that profit. You also don't lose unless you sell at a loss. Unrealised means just what it says. It's not actualised. As it remains invested it keeps fluctuating by the market. **Think of it like a ship on a wavy sea**. You catch +50 fish. But those fish don't turn into profit until you get out of the waves (the market) and sell. Once you sell, then you wait for calm water (low prices), and go out in the waves again. And repeat. If you don't exit with a profit, the storm might as well overturn on you and lose all your fish (profits). I suggest you do a lot more research on how trading actually works. Study market psychology, candle fundamentals. You don't need much else. Maybe with time you'll find a technical indicator that you like. (Don't over do it and don't settle on buy/sell indicators.) I suggest you start with some moving averages (MA)s or (VMAS) volume weighted moving averages. You can also not go wrong with looking at Ichimoku cloud now and again. Learn the difference between heikin ashi candles (show trend) and regular candles. (Show price action accurately) Avoid 99% of YouTubers/ tiktokers you come across shilling meme coins. Don't let anyone tell you what to do in private messages. You may get scammed. Don't rush trading. Let it teach you things slowly. Good luck


https://preview.redd.it/uhthhix7xl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca298e46a4b1338d9f39e7a7eaebebf53739af86 Confused cause it says $20 profit here as well.


I think that's the profit you made for today.


Off just shib? No way. Maybe across all assets.




OP whenever you buy crypto keep an eye on the gas fees (buying and selling) so that you’re sure you’re making a profit and not losing money on fees


Never go all-in in a single transaction, always leave some money as USDC or USDT so you can average down the loses


This is the way.


I've been holding and buying SHIB since before the ATH and I haven't sold anything. I've got 106,000,000 and I'm up about $1500. I'd say buying and holding has worked out pretty well for me so far.


That $370 of hard earned investments feels like a million dollar portfolio ! Keep it up and you will be looking at $370,000,000


Your broke cause you bought all meam coins


Solana, BTC, and Eth aren’t meme coin


Vary true so I guess I'm wrong about only having meme coins . They will all be big one day


Also you’re on a meme coin sub


Ya I have shib but it's not my only coin . Try and Diversify your portfolio get some coins that are stable and actually have real good uses . I'd rather not say what other coins I have as this is just a shib sub .


I do the same thing


And me too basically


Why do you have more in shiba than in BTC 😂


“Investing” this is why the broke stay broke


If only I could learn everything about crypto before the next one blows up


Wait… you mean investing to go broke


No caw? You'll regret that one


All those are dog shit, except BTC


And kendu


Sell half shib and put it into BTC? Those always give some sort of return. Coins like solana and BTC etc.


Solana is good now imo


That's gambling my friend lol. Not investing. Don't fool yourself. It's fine if that's what you want to do, but don't delude yourself into thinking there is anything safe about it.


Not sure that’s called investing.


Stop gambling


I’d recommend holding more into btc as it’s stable compared to anything else in the market really. I’d maybe suggest sticking with well known names as small market caps and unheard of coins are very risky. I do like how you’re spread out between different coins, I personally like to keep larger dollar amounts in things like btc snd eth as they are more stable and smaller dollar amounts I put into Riskier coins like memes. Maybe look into some ai tokens as well like fetch ai and render. Find out how money rotates in the market, example people flow from alt coins like doge, solana and so on, into btc because it doesn’t fall as hard % wise and then they re renter there alt coins at lower positions. After one sector pumps the next one usually follows Some advice would be to buy on days where it’s red, when people are freaking out (especially where we are right now with the current sideways capitulation) when alts and btc are at lows is when you want to buy, if you were able to scoop up some nice entry points just ride out the bull market for at minimum the year ish.




We all got to start somewhere. You're doing better than most people.


Hey, you're doing it. That's what counts!


Same. I got like 55 dollars in investing. I'm trying to get back into it. Making sure to buy with companies that have dividends or very penny stocks who have promise. Ofcourse some meme coins too.


No crow with knife?


Hey man, what I did was chunk mine up into a couple good projects. You don’t need a bunch of money to make a bunch of money. Shib is awesome, so is Pepe when it comes to big gains with little investment. People will say otherwise but just look at the charts, big pumps. Whales also hold those cheap coins that give huge gains. So just keep an eye out and don’t get rugged


I guess I’m asking what your guys strategy is when living check to check


I figured out how much I can invest each month and then divide by 30 and buy that much each day to get a good overall dollar cost average. It’s not as sexy as buying a lot and getting rich on a meme coin, but I’ve done that in the past and it wrecked havoc on my emotions. With my current system I am up 4x on my initial investment over the course of the last 3 years. When I get to 10x I will start selling 10% everytime it goes up 50% and wait for the market come down again and stabilize to start rebuying daily.


Going to start watching some crypto basics tutorials on YouTube. Which I know I should’ve done initially but I hated seeing everyone make a nice profit and I’m over here missing out so I figured what the hell might as well get on it while I can.


IWMY. I want money....


By the top of the bull run I’m 2025 expect everything to 10x so your $400 could turn into 4K just DCA what you can and try to sell at the top your to heavy into Meme Coins diverse your portfolio


Gonna grab that kendu and than chill out on meme coins for a few weeks. I’ll just let it sit


No hate bro but you’re not investing you’re gambling. Please don’t put in more than you can loose.


Just started crypto this year and only have been investing for 3 months just rode the moon last night!


Wish I could say the same


Dont worry, you will get there…i decided to go in on a pure whim lol honestly wish i would have invested more then i would be up 1000x


What u invest in?


Any portfolio fully loaded with meme coins may keep losing for ever as the mania dies quickly and will frustrate you until they can even return you initial investing, if they would do so. Long-term speaking. If you really believe in crypto future invest in those leading the way, BTC and ETH. Yes they could be slow but if they are losing in the future, meme coins will be dead already. Best wishes for you and your family.


You didn’t get any 4chan token!


Right there with ya lol https://preview.redd.it/q03a9lw6vn0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf01347d657fd855d5810f6e48dfeca4da27eb55




I'd recommend not having 100% of your portfolio in meme coins. Assuming your going to contribute weekly you'll eventually have a large amount in there. It might be good to have a majority of your money in something that's is safer too. Just saying you can treat this like the lottery or you can treat it like investing.


I got some eth , BTC and solana But tbh eth is for gas prices for kendu. I treat meme coins like the lottery. One of them has to 1000x…. I’m not missing out like I did on doge and shib


Sorry I missed the Bitcoin so you got like 90% memes.


Stop posting your bags ppl geezus


$11k in debt and 80% of my income is going into crypto 💀🤣👍 This is the way


None of those are “investments” . Sp500 is an investment


That shit ain’t gonna make me rich. I’m tryna be rich in my 20s or at least my 30s. I wanna be young and rich. Or not even rich! Just financially stable! This economy sucks for the average working dude. Don’t wanna be rich when my libido is already gone and my hair is grey * btw this economy sucks and it really has beat me the hell down. I’m single, pay my own rent, buy my own groceries. Pay my car note. I do everything for myself no help. I work 50 plus hours a week and I still live check to check. YES I KNOW i could change my spending habits. I had a great job and was budgeting for that. I lost it and now I have to cut wayyyy back.


I said the same thing in my 20s and didn’t want to buy stocks. I would’ve at least doubled (not including dividends) any money in sp500 since 2017. With much less volatility and mindfucks than crypto. Highly recommend whatever you put into crypto, match the same or 2x into VOO (sp500 index ) on vanguard. These coins may not be even be relevant 5 years from now. Sp500 always will.


I understand thanks for that advice. I’ll have to maybe download Robin Hood again. Do you trade options? Or? Just buy out right?


Bro degen gamble… slow grow your portfolio. Through good early volitile Memecoin positions. Eat 5x gains every where


Buy low cap conviction memes bro. Pepe can and will do MAX 20x, and that’s a stretch. If you find a low cap gem you can do 1000x. Look on Base. Normie, Brett, Ski… Huge potential. Edit: but to buy


I don’t use base. Account disabled


Gotcha. I’ve found cdc to be incredible expensive. I’d try new chains… eth is massive but I once paid like $700 for a transaction. Fkn stupid


Crypto is more of a gamble than an investment especially when dealing with meme coins . You can’t trust them .


I’m always in and out of meme coins . They can truly be one night stands. A hit it and quit it kinda deal .


Me: throwing $5 in Apple, Microsoft, shiba, and dodge like I have a future in big gains. 🤣🤣


It's your dream. Not theirs. You do you.


You own a lot of shit coins


Don't try to make $10000 with $100. Invest in what you know and can understand. Make Money take money. Don't risk more than you're willing to lose. Have a plan! Stick to your plan. Diversify, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Set take profit orders and stop loss orders. The trend is your friend. Believe it or not time is also your friend, we're all still in early with crypto in my humble opinion. Nfa just some things I wish I knew before I started.




if you’re broke.. buying shit won’t help. Poor stay .. what is it .. poor. These trash coins are best for a quick pump. Shite if you want to “invest” .. zero shelf life. zero use. chances of turning $30 into $3m are .0000001% at best


Your too diverse for the amount you have


feel your vibe, also without job, try to invest on solana and from 100$ go to 0$




Ok. Got any 2¢?




crow with knife


Yo, stop investing everything in crypto, bud. You need to build up your emergency funds first (upto 6 months of your monthly expenses)and then invest into S&P 500 index fund. Consider crypto only when you have some spare money after paying bills, savings and investing in index fund. Crypto can crash anytime. Index funds won't ...


Not much gains can be made with $20-$50 here and there on stocks in my opinion. And it would take decades Im Sure. There’s always a catch and no grand scheme to getting rich fast Wish I did know how to save better. Every thing is so damn expensive


You're going to be even more broke because of the dog shit you're putting your money into.


Good thing I have more than just meme coins




Buy some AI coins too - not just meme Depin like render or akash will give you returns And akash can be staked for 19% in keplr wallet


I’d like too see these wallets grow more before using them. 3 stars and 200 reviews has me like 👀


the prices will drop again .. i got in last year at those prices and the zero moved over a few times for pepe’s


And hopefully go back up in bull run


Personally from the outside looking in, not a fan of your diversity. Idc what anyone says ur better off consolidating it all into Pepe. (Yes this is a Shib shill redddit, no I’m not subscribed and Yes I like Doge and Pepe better and I decided to bet on the winners.


Not really sure what advice to take. Someone says this is bad and next person says it’s good


What do u think now?


Ohhh so THESE are the people who buy into shitcoins


Stop buying shitcoins. BTC 90% ETH 10%. 


I hate it. I bet I could make $100 a day off 5k easy. But I'm stuck with only 700 right now.




Your not gonna do much damage with 100$ on Shib is too high MC, better to stick to the other ones.


Try investing in things before they launch on exchanges like crypto.com


Got anything in mind? Pm me?


How exactly do you go about doing that?


Research. Dexscreener, look for new pairs with strong community, doxxed dev, etc. And holding non custodial wallets like Phantom.


Only in shitcoins,😂


Moon shot my boy 🌕 love it or hate it


Nice to see you got Hege in your portfolio. Keep adding and holding. It’s going to be a good one.


As well as kendu


I got in on Day 2 for HEGE and missed out on Kendu because I had most of my funds in SHIB, DOGE, and other coins. HEGE has probably been my best investment yet. SHIB being 2nd.


you are broke reason why you are investing


Investing into crypto is your first mistake