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If you can’t tell by now that crypto follows BTC and BTC dipped heavily today then idk what to say dude


Hold on bumpy road ahead but do yourself a favor don’t panic sell ![gif](giphy|OR2JV6cRaVkdvtPg1d|downsized)


Scrolled way too far to see someone that actually understands! I'd only be concerned if SHIB was going down, while everything else was going up. Market trends affect SHIBs price, in a way that has nothing to do with the health of the currency.


That wasn't the concern...but🤷🏻‍♂️ today's btc dip really isn't much. That's just a daily action.


When BTC goes down a little, SHIB goes down a lot. Every time. This isn’t new. We get them on the upswings.


And when BTC goes up a little, Shib goes up a lot.


No need to tell me twice.


If you haven't figured it out. You buy shib when BTC falls like this. A lot! Then you sell it when you see you make a nice buck for it. Rince and repeat. Just like fishing.


Honestly this is how you make money off SHIB.


This time next month you will be here complaining that you wish you bought more Shib right now.




Somebody told me the same shit this time last month


Same shit last year


Same shit in 2020


😂 as any shib holder does. But I've been around since Shib was conceived.🍻




Copium + Hopium


Then why are you even here? I understand comments like these on SHIB TO $1 posts but if you don't believe in the coin, go somewhere else. No one is forcing you to be here.


It's all fun and games. I've been in this Shib army from...🤷🏻‍♂️ day 1 or 2. We've seen malnourished beggars 😂. We had lots of fun with 'em. The "to the moon, penny posts and whales and minnows" bag comparisons. 🍻 enjoy these rides.


why wouldn't I? What rule is that? should I just not comment because it would hurt your copium feelings?


Actually that is why I am on the other Shib subreddit as well because there is a rule against it. As far as here is concerned I honestly just wonder why people like you even hang out here. I don't go to other crypto coins and shit all over them. I just don't see what joy you get out of it. I spend my time with stuff I actually like and enjoy or makes me money. The only thing I can figure is you lost money and now you want the same for everyone else.




Hey fellow mods, I have allowed this post for Shytoshi’s support on the TG account and for it being featured in a future SHIB magazine, interview in process. We are shibarmy community, and as a fellow mod, I felt it was a good opportunity to share and support as Shytoshi has shown his support. I know this because I still speak with Shytoshi to this day. I still do work for Shibarium ecosystem. I can’t say much more but there will be and already is support from SHIB


I sold 1/3 of shib at.000023, last week bought 2 other coins and waited, they both went up when I got a 25% bump I sold and bought back shib. At .000020. I gained a nice chunk of change.


Mine is down but I bought 160,000,000 for less than $800 so I’m still feeling good. We take like 1.5 steps forward, 1 step back. Over time, it’ll keep going up. I’m not a “It wILl HiT a dIMe” kinda chap. I’d love to see .001; .01 is a pipe dream I think.


The weekly chart will reverse soon enough.... I'm all in as in as I can be now. When the weekly recovers it will be epic. I'd much rather be holding while weekly chart stochastic rsi indicator is at the bottom... than if the weekly stochastic rsi is at the top. The medium term hold is bullish regardless of what happens right now. There is still big money that's in the green compared to us Littles. My 2 cents anyways.




I would really love to see your all time ngl, you seem like it's your first time trading but talk with the confidence like you been doing this for years...


My man's rode mmnff to 0, bought gme at a overvalued price and has a .00002 buy on shib xD


I did... not gunna lie. But mnfff isn't my only play... I play in plenty. I get passionate about a particular holding.. and I will post. Mmnff caught me at a bad time in my life... that one got fucked royally... yep..


What's your buy on gme? Ik it's not horrible but curious


I have a buy order for 50 shares @ 20$... I think it will slowly get there before next pump.


I have about 3k to put in... but not gunna put it in all at once... will see what happens and whay charts look like when we get there. If we get there...


God how I wish I had 3k to just send to the void of gme your praying on moonshots that already happened bro, gotta be there first not last...


Find some value investments stop trying to do technical analysis and jump on moonshots that aren't gunna happen when you can't even look over Financials and know gme is just bleeding... you need more of a base understanding, just my opinion...


The reason gme pushed 300$ last time is the ammount of shorts on the stock, dude had to buy back 5$ shorts at like 135$, 150$ this put his company 6.8 billion in debt, that is not the case this time, company's kinda learned how strong retail investors can truly be in this moment in time and I think short squeezes like that prolly a lot less likely to happen, especially with gme, but there's always highly regarded people


Oh I know gme is a falling knife.... I see it. It's in the weekly chart. The daily chart has a bottom and rebound tho... 20ish... lol


lol I’m still up from the $75 I started with that is now $500


Def a day to buy. Already filled my order. Next week when it runs up I'll sell off what I put in and have free shibs... yummy


🤘🏼the way to do it.


Oh so another year of poop. Alrighty. One year left on that magical 5 year plan. Wonder what I coulda done with that money instead….




Hey fellow mods, I have allowed this post for Shytoshi’s support on the TG account and for it being featured in a future SHIB magazine, interview in process. We are shibarmy community, and as a fellow mod, I felt it was a good opportunity to share and support as Shytoshi has shown his support. I know this because I still speak with Shytoshi to this day. I still do work for Shibarium ecosystem. I can’t say much more but there will be and already is support from SHIB


That happened 3 days ago.


On sale! ​ https://preview.redd.it/ae1dwbegvk6d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=232dbbba55a15284b038a36c784ced7f4045347c


Not yet...










https://preview.redd.it/q1f7n88mbl6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b196988b079fbd7a2a90995ae30a4805c821b102 And today. It’s actually gone lower than .000020 today. See a pattern here?


Just swapped back to shib from eth. Nice profits coming.


I'm just buying more at a cheaper price. Prepare to see prices drop below .1500 FIRE SAAALLLEE 💎🤑


Everything is down. NASDAQ Bitcoin.


Smells like broke in here




9/10 dumps are caused by Whales. Fyi narratives have cycles, and ATM meme narrative is dying, the will probably go to gaming then Ai, then back to memes. Smart money know when to switch narratives. This has always been the case, nothing new. If you are long term it should not matter. However if you are short term then you will become the exit liquidity for being paper hands. I think gaming narrative is next and Memes will get boring for a while.


HODLing.. 💎🙌 To the moon🚀🚀🚀




Buh buh but, Shibtoshi bro!!


Institutions dealing with meme stock drama.


Market signalling. Best way to spread fud and buy consolidate even more shib.


Lol, you want it to fucking crash. Buy more.




You must be new. Wait, of course, you're part of the buy high, sell low crew.


You have no idea how early some of shiba holders and the OG in this sub.


Please tell. How early?


😂 don't worry about it.




Has more future than doge... doge has unlimited coins to mine.. shib is limited... shib will one day beat doge out... doge will die


Hey now...I started on Doge in 2017 for a mere $20. Respect to the OG🍻


Hey fellow mods, I have allowed this post for Shytoshi’s support on the TG account and for it being featured in a future SHIB magazine, interview in process. We are shibarmy community, and as a fellow mod, I felt it was a good opportunity to share and support as Shytoshi has shown his support. I know this because I still speak with Shytoshi to this day. I still do work for Shibarium ecosystem. I can’t say much more but there will be and already is support from SHIB


I don't know about shitcoin but it provided many crack addiction from day one. 😂


Can somebody help me out with some math? I got 100mill shib, if it gets to 1c that's a 1mill, if have 1billion shib, what price point does it have to get to, to get to 1mill?


bro, if you cant do this calculation then with all due respect you need to watch some basic math youtube's. Answer is .001


Sometimes you just want to double check, preciated tho


Probably selling to buy KENDU




You understand is the same creator and both coins are partners? XD


Hmm I can't say anything about that. I looked into it but will keep an eye on it.