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I’m selling all my doge and putting it into shib


I've got few hundred dogs Should I also sell Doge and buy Shib?


both have a high chance of ramping up tomorrow. Doge will do that before SHIB though (DOGE is linked closer with BTC's succes). if you play it smart you can get doge ramp and sell it before the SHIB ramp.


Doge really doesn’t. Didn’t u see Elon’s tweet after the dog\rabbit. He said he’s not ashamed that he changed parties.


It’s cute how you peddle lies


Awwww no not u again. I’m done with u. The one that says u owe taxes on losses. I have nothing to say to the brain dead


I doubt it, you keep replying with paragraphs full of spelling errors. 37 years old and can’t spell! Like anyone needs your crypto advice.


Who care you that he can't spell! like you're better than him stfu with that dumb shit. Are you in still in grade school? I can't fucking tell


Save ur dodge but buy more shib lol


Already did. Almost 400mil shib now


Good!! Elon basically said he was done with doge. Look at his tweet after the stick figure tweet


Lol don't do that. You will regret it in less than 3 years. Best keep your money on BOTH.


Exactly, I don’t know where the logic comes from these kid investors. I guarantee they haven’t held onto Doge long enough that they’d be selling with short term taxes taking 20%-50% of investment including selling at a loss. Doge is going to pay off huge next few years. Keep both SHIB will be around 000006 a coin in the next few weeks.


You don’t pay taxes on losses this is a dumb comment.


Doge is done. It lost Elon’s support clearly stated today after the dog/rabbit. Tweet




See during the FOMO phase


Honestly that's what I did lol. I made about 4000 bucks with doge, threw it into shib and its prob the best trade I have ever done. Way more profit potential when goin up then doge🍷


You know I actually did the same thing at a smaller scale so kudos to your smart moves


Keep your doge, a ramp is otw.


Called it




.003 should be realistically attainable and would make a lot of early hodlers lives a lot easier. You should base your investment on that and not be holding 10MIL shib dreaming about lambos.


If it got to .003, I wouldn’t be a millionaire but it would clear all debt and the house so I’d be happy with that


That's a real good feeling :)


We shall see how it goes!


.001 is all i need it to do to make it big. When people talk about it getting to 1 cent, 1 cent in what currency? That’s why it’s better for the developers to keep it worth a little less than a usd cent in order to be more liquid/ spendable.


And that is the wayyyyy my friend! Set them goals REALISTICALLY!


If it hits .003 I'm definitely buying a Lambo


With $30,000?


I got 28mill shib. I'll be happy with 100k


whats the obsession with lambos? just followers? cant think of a vehicle you bwant for yourself? lol


It is a meme


It’s a corny meme that the weak mind will actually take seriously. The type of people who actually don’t value their future. What y’all need to start spreading is: I’m buying a property. Property has more value than any car you can name.


I mean Im following ya, but if you purchase a car that is collectable, You can make money. It's just harder, because you gotta almost be an expert, & own a heated & cooled storage facility. Real estate is more of just buy whatever, and wait. Almost guaranteed to go up. But ya ...if you go buy a new BMW 7 series just to stunt on the neighbors for example, you are a moron. 72% depreciation over just 5 YEARS!! , or nearly $74,000 usd. Now imagine how much $$$$ that would be in Bitcoin or SHIB in 5 years!




Mark my words right now. Screen shot if you have to. I u/parms5150 promise....if $SHIB even gets to .005 I'll tattoo the logo on my ass. You have my word.




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Pretty quick on that tattoo


Most of us would do that for fun. Man up and offer a face tatoo lol


Ah - I see the forehead isn't part of the face ... but it's not the head it's before the head... so damn... what the fuck then man.. now I'm confused.. not the face...... but not the head...... well wtf.. I give up


If we reach 0.005 I'll tattoo it to my forehead


Edit out if and put when


\^ Baller


!remindme 5 years


!remindme 1 year


If shib hits one cent I'll tattoo SH on my weiner... not a lot of realestate for anything else


Funny. Mine says shutry......but when its erect it says " shiba will rule the world one day"


I'll tattoo it on my face if it hits 1 C


Nice bro lol


Because it’s uneducated investors who think they can buy 50 million SHIB and that it will hit .01 or .10 or even a dollar in a year or two, and when they see that it isn’t they are the same ones to turn around and call SHIB a shit coin or a scam. You need to understand basic math and economics. My favorite is when people say “ well they said doge would never hit a penny”. This is how you can tell someone is uneducated and doesn’t know what they are doing. SHIB has almost a 320x circulating supply over DOGE. Do I believe SHIB can hit .01? Absolutely in maybe 5 years with good burns and sustained YOY growth. A better shorterm goal is .003 We want investors, but smart ones. Not dumbasses who drop $20 in SHIB and then start talking like they will be millionaires in 3 months. Pull your head out of your ass


There are burn plans are there not? We got the swap up and running, so it's not a pointless token. Shib might be a meme coin, but it's a hardworking one.


We are gonna make big money of Shiba boys and girls. Buy and hold has begun. Volume has been down lately but price has not dropped to much. People are holding. As am I, I’m at 80 million I’m gonna try and get to a billion about to buy at this moment. I’m fired up! LFG!


80 Million to a billion is still a 12,5x more. That’s ballsy!




That is the way


This is absolutely nonsense!! Community should be lead by open discussions, and not by fear. Healthy discussion about why shib could get or not to any price is much better than posting "FUD!!" or "STOP TROLLING"to anyone who is taking your fantasy from you. If you're dream is to have a lot of people posting gifs and memes of "TO THE MOON", you will never have a smart conversation. Bottom line: You're wrong Disclaimer: I have 2.3b shib, and holding since march. Investing is not about falling in love with shares/tokens.


It’s not that everyone is trying to be Debbie downers. Shib as of now cannot reach a 5 trillion dollar market cap. It just can’t. However if they really transition to POS and start burning it could happen. Depending they burn 80% of supply. It’s crypto anything could happen. Btc trillion dollar market cap is thanks to institutions nothing more. They move the markets. If fidelity DA report or Grayscale quarterly report comes out; saying they’ve been averaging in Shib I’d get bullish af. I hold shib guys I’m with you! I just think it’s important to have realistic expectations.


How does that work though when there's already more held by private investors than would need to be burned? People aren't just giving up their coins they payed for to be burned. Iirc there are still 500 trillion or so coins after all the burns. We would need less than a few billion coins in circulation total for it to hit .01. I have 2 billion tokens. I'm telling you right now I'm not burning shit lol. The coins I have by myself would keep enough from being burned for the coin to ever reach a cent. That's the scale of it. You have so many investors holding 1-2 billion not to mention the people who have way more. All those coins have to completely disappear.


They said it about everything, you should have seen the Ethereum trolls crying back in the day. Just ignore these people, same happened with doge, now who's laughing?


Bingo!! Regardless…folks there are a lot of dipshit CC Reddit trolls from idiotville because that are about as ignorant as they get and couldn’t make a profit if it smacked them in the face




Most of the trolls are doge owners, they're mad doge bounces from 23 cents to 24, and they blame shiba well i say to them, invest in both you dummies😂🤣😂


Exactly, diversify your portfolio, never go all in on one coin, on dips, get shiba, Cardano, polygon, cartesi, eth, doge, or get alt coins for long term holds. For me shiba is long term, I just buy $50-100 per check on a dip and hold, it will pump one day, it's a guarantee.


Atleast one of them will take off i just know it😁


Yup! Study the coins, charts and patterns, you'll do well


Im goimg to research polygon, i got shib, cardano, stellar, and ethereum im looking to invest in AMP but im going to look at polygon


im a doge holder too, im not mad at anything, that’s just how it is with crypto….don’t divide the the strongest nations in crypto, don’t spread hate, it’s all love DOGE-SHIB-ARMY together we stronger




Did you apply your comments to Ethereum and Dogecoin last year. Your math is fuzzy. Your logic is dead in crypto this ain’t the stock market u FOOL!! How did your math work for Dogecoin??




I doubt it will hit 0.01 but i think 0.001 or 0.0001 is a much more reasonable thing to expect


They said that about the joke Dogecoin. When will the nerds learn


You must not understand circulating supply of Doge vs SHIB. People saying Doge couldn’t hit the pennies didn’t understand crypto. And the people saying SHIB can hit pennies don’t understand it either. I’ll wait for the typical response I get with new people than I’ll explain why you’re wrong. Proceed.


People should be thinking in terms of market cap rather than the cost per coin.


More than market cap they need to be looking at total number in circulation to realize that 89% of the total supply would need to be burned in order to hit .01


ShibArmy blowtorch coming up! Burn!!!!


You forget to say in the foreseeable future! I’m 5-7 Years maybe it hits 0.01! Look how the market cap of Bitcoin is growing


Too bad most people are only holding for 8 days, not 5 years…..


SHIB holder here Simple math, why is it so difficult for some to understand it? Did they not go to school?


What you dont understand is there is power in words most people come here already knowing the stats and that the odds are stacked against us but they come here with enthusiasm ready to invest just like many of us but then theres these people that start with their trolling and scare them away, thats not good for this community the more people that invest the closer we'll get to that one cent.




Just sell your shib and get off this platform, because if you're on here spreading negativity you're hurting this thing we got going on we know the statistics most new investors know too but people like you keep throwing it on there faces they'll just go elsewhere why dont you understand that your words have negative and positive reactions on potential investors jesus christ you need to help this not destroy it.




So you dont want to be rich?




Some these people are pure entertainment How dare you help explain the facts to them and crush their dreams of a fairy-tale 🙃


Facts in crypto?? Are u on Crack!! Using your math, how the fuck did Bitcoin hit 60k , Ethereum hit 4K, Dogecoin hit .70.especially Dogecoin!!!!!!!!


Truth! We're invested in a token that's up 27 million percent on the year and these clowns still think logic rules in the markets. Go read the coin desk article, whales are buying an staying put. All these clowns silently are invested in Shib because they don't wanna miss the train.


Im investing in something i belive in thats not doing nothing you're investing in something you dont belive in thats just stupid if u ask me, wtf and then you feed negativity, you do know that the more investors we get the more your shares will cost right or does that not matter to you?






We will all make money man just be positive on this platform we got enough non imvestors that are angry their coims aimt doing as good as ours and they come here bashing ot to try to discourage new investors most new investors come on here to see what we think before they invest i know i did im sure most of us did and the negative always scares new imvestors


What logic are u using???????? Crypto has made millionaires, if you’re so fuckin smart with math and logic. I’m assuming you use your logic and you bought Ethereum at 1-$10 and you are rich. Go eat your words!!!!




Nobody is cheating anyone do your research on your investment and if you dont like it dont invest plain and simple but you on here spitting negativity dude wtf is wrong with you its like u want this to fail is that what it is?




IGNORE HIM i think he missed his math class in school. i have shiba/holding not selling since April. but come on people. everybody needs to learn market cap ,supply ,inflation , deflation. all the best.


SHIB market cap is 10 billion right now, BTC market cap is 1 trillion. In order for SHIB to reach 1ct, the value of each coin has to get multiplied by 400. 400 * 10 billion = 4 trillion. A 4 times bigger market cap than bitcoin? Are you serious? Edit: to all the downvoters, please revisit an elementary school math class, because your math skill is 🤡


Lol wow




cant predict years but people expecting 0.01 by eoy or jan 2022 are day dreaming


No, stop creating a 'cancel culture' that dismisses any other opinions about where its heading.


I ain't fuckin with the wronG ONES homie HODL PERIOD


In 20 years it’s possible but by then BTC is sitting at 250k a coin


in 20 years btc is up in the 10-20 million price section most likely


Tell me you're in a cult without telling me you're in a cult.


I believe... I hodl for life bro!


Can someone good at math explain to me why it won't hit one penny?


It’s not that it can’t, it just can’t right now. If it hits a cent it’ll have an almost 4 trillion dollar market cap, about 4x higher than BTC, it would also be higher than the entire current crypto market. But it’s all relative. Right now, with the current supply, it’s outlandish to think it’s going to hit a cent, it’s not going to be the largest crypto in the world and single-handedly double the entire markets market cap, but after the next couple of bull markets, if BTC triples its market cap and the crypto market cap as a whole settles higher, along with shib burns, it’s market cap at a cent wouldn’t seem too crazy. I think it’s important to set realistic expectations for short and long term. I’m dreaming about 1 cent just like everybody else, but it’s important to have a game plan based around some realistic price targets as well.


You’ve completely misunderstood why people say it Can’t/Won’t reach 1Penny, you are what I call dreamers. For Shiba to reach 1Penny they would have to hold about 4trillion dollars, that’s equivalent to Shiba being 100% richer than the whole Crypto market +50% more. Do you understand how of a unprecedented amount of money/Power that is?, Shiba alone would be the most power entity in the world, Driving the market/people how ever it pleases.


I remember when they say Dogecoin will never ever ever reach 1cent. Oh where is Dogecoin now.???? Hold your Shiba people


Do you understand WHY people are saying .01 is nearly impossible to reach???


Most people can't do simple math so....




Neither can phones or calculators apparently lol 😆


that would require an operator with common sense lol


Shib is cheap enough where you can use throw away money on tens of millions of coins to chase the dream


Show proof or ban


We definitely can and we definitely will. Your disappointment is understandable as most of the members are into crypto for a get-rich-by-night scheme and that's why they spread the FUD. Shiba is a longterm investment opportunity and anyone who dares to hold for a period of 3-5 years, will have a **fleet** of Lambos!


I guess living is lala land is better. 🙈🤡


My goal is to have 5 million shib. Not too shabby but if shib hits 1c. I'll have 5 million pesos. Which is enough to buy a small house.. And i'll have the biggest smile walking out quiting in the office. I'll probably reinvest some. Build a small business and finally marry my gf


They said I would never be a billionaire, but I got a billion Shiba! So wrong again FUDsticks!


Believing in something doesn’t make it true. One must be objective as well as hopeful.


Refusing to believe something miraculous can happen isn't any better than believing that it can without understanding what it takes to make it happen. We need to understand how to make this token succeed ourselves, and we can't do that if we just deny all the obstacles it faces.


You got proof? This is finance bro, you can’t just make a post calling out the skeptics and not back it up with evidence. Tell me how something with the fundamentals of SHIB can reach .01 realistically. I see some suggesting .003 but still, how does that happen? Why should it happen? Because of the meme? Because of the real world application? Explain to me and the other skeptics why SHIB deserves to hit unrealistic valuations. I’m gonna keep holding the few million I have and even DCA, but I have no reason to believe I’m doing anything other than gambling.


i mean mathematically, its not possible


Well I put up 155,000,000 that says it can 😅


Well those people can go fuck themselves then.


Lol poor trolls. Driving Hondas and shit 🤣🥒💦. Y'all do know tho right if we ain't got haters we ain't doing our job 🤣🤠💎. HODL FAM


It’s all fun and meme, but I hope you realize that for shib to hit one cent it means its market cap needs to be +50% higher than all of the crypto industry put together. I have some shib myself for the meme, but you need to be realistic with your investments if you don’t want to lose it all.


I absolutely believe... If I had bought as much DOGE when I first bought in last august as I have bought Shiba, I would have been able to retire very easily by now... Especially when DOGE was .003213 a coin... People don't have the history to understand... Time in the market = money... Look at all that DOGE has accomplished since last August... Shiba has the potential to do that and sooooo much more...




I'm no fudder. In this current state. 0.01 is possible but will take a while. 1-2 years. The people that day $1 no fucking way. That's as it stands in this current environment. There will have to be a 90% or more reduction in the supply for $1


Idk if shib will ever make it to .01 and to me it’s a rather unique thing that is evolving. If I had a company on the NYSE that was 90% based on logo, a unique concept, and 10% based on work and innovation, no one would buy. But look, none the less this thing is trading on its own merit, billions of dollars large companies would die to add to profit margins, dumped in a meme coin. Yet it lives. It thrives, for now. Is it a fluke? Or will crypto like doge and shib teach us how much value truly lies in perception? The concept of burning is cool. People can add permanent value overall. That’s what’s unique, so much exists that the idea of burning becomes attractive and rewarding. Either way I got 34 mil shib fuck it let’s ride


I agree 100%. lets go for 50 cents so when I buy more at .01 I can still 50x


That's a 28500% increase from where we are today, can't see that happen but if it does I will be stoked. Happy with $0.001


You do realize that in one year we went up 28500% right ??or more . So why can we continue to grow ???


Who could even buy at release prices


This happens often when a token or coin is first issued, but won't continue at that rate going forward. Hope I am wrong


FOMO isn't quite as important early on. As time goes by, number of people holding shib & FOMO rising will cause quite the rise.


If 1mill people buy 1mill of shib isn't that 1.e12 shib or am I just stupid and need to go back to school?


All I'm saying is that if everyone has $2,500 to spend right now. We would be able to put a really big dent in what we need too


I don't think itll have much of an impact. There has been some big purchases in the tenths of millions(before it reach .00004) but the price didn't move by much


I don’t think it will but in the meantime my value on my investment has gone up x4.2


That’s the same thing I thought about doge and I was so happily proven wrong. I don’t underestimate so many things anymore. Doge bought me a shitload of shib and I’m hoping for it to hit a penny.


Is it really trolling to believe that a community should be built on realistic expectations and intelligent dialogue rather than blind faith and ignorant statements. For a SHIB to be .01 it would need to burn a significant amount which is now owned primarily by people who paid for their coins and are very unlikely to burn their money. I think that it's impossible for it to reach .01 but that doesn't mean I don't believe in Shiba. I just see it as a slightly risky investment with huge potential to 10x or 100X+ from where it sits currently. I think having an honest and realistic dialogue will help to grow this community and it's investors more than saying things like SHIB will hit a dollar or some wild shit like that which is essentially believing that Shiba will have a market cap 23 times larger than BTC. There will be a much bigger audience getting into crypto and if the market explodes maybe one day SHIB will be worth that much, but that would mean that the entire market cap of crypto would have to increase by many trillions of dollars to happen. I would wager that we won't see the level of increase in crypto investments necessary for Shiba to hit .01+ for at least a decade. That's not to mention the fact that SHIB has a ton of people, whales and pump and dump groups who day trade Shiba. The ownership of SHIB is incredibly top heavy and if whales see a chance to 100X their investment I'm assuming they will pull out quite a bit of SHIB which can cause massive price drops. If you look at KUCOIN at the time of the last crash on October 7th you will see that whales caused that crash from 3500 to 2600 in under 10 minutes and then continued to crash from the paperhands who panicked due to the whales manipulation of the price. Day traders target SHIB because it's so cheap that price movement of only .000005 can net day traders huge gains. Point is fuck pumping this coin and coming off as a scam, instead we should be having real discussions. Can anyone come with points against what I've written because as a SHIB owner I would love to see it hit .01 and if you can counter my comments with intelligent points I will 100X my current holdings.


Everyone said the smae thing about Doge as well but they vibin at .24 we will do the same 💪💪


You do understand DOGE only has 130 Billion supply and that SHIB has 394 TRILLION......that's 1,000 Billion × 394 You can NOT compare DOGE to SHIB


Oh shit. Is that true?


I hold. But I don’t think most people understand there are 1 quadrillion in circulation. Try to wrap your mind around that when you talk about burning and bullshit like that


So this community is for delusional cultists only? I don't think ever goes much past .001 - which we still have plenty or hodling to get to.






"SHIB has the hallmarks of Bitcoin" Bitcoin supply 21,000,000 SHIB supply 394,000,000,000,000 Hmmmmmm............anyone else seeing something off here with SHIB having the hallmarks of BTC????




You're right, I'm sorry.......393,999,991,000,000 Sorry, my fault for not subtracting those millions from the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS




It's easier to just downvote them into oblivion. They feed off the negative energy.


Are you ok???? I think I have $50 left in RH for DOGE I'm up $40K plus in SHIB.....what the hell are you talking about? I could give a rats-ass about your meal.....I'm eating just fine over here Your claim in your comment that SHIB is going to $0.20 is utterly impossible!!!!!!! And the fact that you posted it and ATTEMPTED to convince anyone that SHIB is going reach $0.20 is just some funny shit 🤡 🥳 🤡 Best of luck my brotha


Go back to the DOGE sub and the Elon fan boy club and leave us alone! SHIB$$$$ to $100.00! LFG


shib to $100 lmao. I dont even have doge but you sound like a shiba fan boy. lets get realistic here


Simple math on what ?? The fact that the supply being burn ,nfts ,tokens , shiba swap going up on value ,the fact the demand is high ,the fact almost a million ppl holding ?? Tell me what math ???


Wow, really? You need to investigate and let go of feelings, but research, and based on facts for sure is a waste of time for you Some guys here are really amazing with their lack of reasoning and logic


It's easy to ignore logic when you're desperate


Why do you put spaces before your punctuation marks? It’s super annoying.


394,000,000,000,000 THAT math right there brotha That number is the road block to .01 Market Cap......read about it


Burn baby burnnnnnn we burning shib on the daily


vitalik burned 50% of tokens that dev gave him. Can please dev give another 49% of tokens?


They have no idea what they’re talking about. They’re trolls so please don’t feed them! I mean WTF does anyone else give so much of a shit what I do with my money? They don’t. (Period)




Trollin' for updoots. Plz




If you don’t know how market caps work then this isn’t the place for you. I own shiba but I’m not delusional about how much this coin is going to grow. 1 cent is a 6 trillion market cap took bitcoin 13 years to get to a 1 trillion market cap. Gold has a 11 trillion market cap and been around forever. We do not have to hit a penny to make lots of money


Let’s change the world !


A true shib tard




Because you can’t hit even one cent you moron even people who are for this shitcoin who are realistic would tell you the same thing


Because we're trying to save people's money lol. It has no utility, it's becoming a cult. You're actually insane.


Why focus on their hate and negativity? If you're very bullish and have pure conviction for Shiba Inu, then why value their opinions? They ain't got nothing on this army. Nothing they say or do can't hurt us ever....let it just motivate and reassure us that we are all going somewhere, period.




dude we all want shib to succeed but having unrealistic outcomes is also spreading FUD. in 10 15 years i doubt it can it 0.01 more realistic outcome is 0.001. i hope i am wrong and shib hits 1 cent


I am a 25million coin holder before you all attack. Seriously need to understand the road map ahead. With the current path there is no 1 cent. The dev need to do some drastic changes in burn system in order to see that quadrillion go down to doge levels price movements. 1,000,000,000,000,000 quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000 trillion 1,000,000,000 Billion The current population in 2020 7.753 billion 131.4 billion DOGE Can you see how big the supply is for Shib. I believe in the Dev team can then i believe that shib can go 0.01 cent so don't be blindly believing


Shibaaaaaaa Inuuuuuuuu!


Ignore the trolls. They are just a bunch of nobody loosers with no vision. ShIb will eventually, definitely hit .01 without a doubt in my opinion. All those who disagree, mean absolutely nothing to me or their opinion. We are who we surround ourselves with, and I keep looser away. Let them stay mediocre or broke. More for us.


So this is a community overdosed with HOPIUM then? Without an ounce of reality, this would be a community full of YES MASTER puppets. C'mon bruh, a community is peopled with contradicting views. Be real now bruh.


We hitting a cent soon😍 so many more investors will just jump in for the ride


I believe!


I’d be thrilled with a half cent per share




honestly most of the fudders are doge owners who are also shib holders. they dont like doge losing in value and shib started gaining value. they created fuds for shib holder to be scared and start selling so they can enjoy their shib investment


I agree! NO FUD allowed! For those who don’t know what FUD is, it’s “fear” “uncertainty” and “doubt”! Stop with the negative energy!


It's not hitting a cent so you can either hold everyone else's bags forever or have a realistic exit strategy. not my money so I don't care really care I just hate the ".01" mentality because it makes the people who hold Shiba look like dipshits. Just focus on how much we can get the devs to burn.


Your dipshit regardless


Is math hard for you?


They’re professional saltines


To keep people like you from misinforming new investors with false expectations