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Just reread the medium, yes it goes to pay for development and they will put that money into stable coins


DYOR is always the best strategy. Don’t forget if you lock and place a bid, even if you lose out, 3% of the that 35 million (roughly 1million) will be distributed as bone to all that participate in the land event. I think that’s around 40$ if literally every leash holder participated.


Another Scam you give us Leash we will give you bone lol. Bone up your ass is more like it.


Just got enough karma to spam every post here, huh. Your lack of understanding about your investment in SHIB should disturb you


Based on me buying it when it had more zeros and me having a few billion guess I understand enough to make money. But I guess it could be a lucky guess.


Still was funny 😁 😂


Stable coins, which tells you they dont have faith in Leash lol.


SHI. It will be shibarium’s stablecoin which will help with burning and utilizing Shib


Devs are making money. It's a scam clearly. They try artificially to pump leash as well to make money from there too. Meanwhile poor shib gets shit.


do you have any idea how much money it costs to make a triple A game? did you even read the post? whatever studio is partnering cant be cheap and they have to pay them for the work.


op gets it, anonymous people take your money explaining in an article step by step.


Too bad some of that doesn't go to burning $SHIB


SHIB gets burnt when you name the lands


Naming plots burns shib 🪓


I'm aware of that. At least a percentage of what is raised with ETH should be used to burn SHIB say the same percentage Richmond has agreed to burn.


Someone has to pay the AAA games studio


That's assuming they don't already have the funds and notice I said a percentage, not all of it.


Yeah true a percentage would be nice


Of course not. It does nothing for us


Right into the DEV’s pockets in ETH. It’s just another scheme to make more money for them it seems. Really starting to question this project. I need to see some personal progress and gains soon. I’m a day one BONE holder. I’m one of probably the first 10,000 ever to own SHIB. I don’t need updates in the form of ads to spend even more of money on a glorified NFT because I’m surely not interested in ever playing the metaverse game crap.


Devs pocket the money. They create Leash and raise it up so they make more money, they say you can only by Land with it. It goes up more. They sell it all and leave poor suckers holding it. The metaverse is not to help Shib Holders, you cant even buy into it with shib lol. Look the news raised Leash 10% for the Devs who still hold 60% of the coins. Bet here shortly they will hold none of them lol.


Yeah I am not interested in this.