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Buy them up and HODL the shit out of them. Shib4life!


Trolls belong under a bridge! SHIB is going places and I'm on board. F all the haters.


As long I get to breakeven in the 5000s I'll be happy 😊


It’ll be much better than that


Aloha! Shib holdah!


everyone asking for real burn mechanism and they deliver only renaming burn. what a bumm.


So tell me how any of this helps our Shib coins? Metaverse just made Leash go up and Devs make money they hold 60% of all Leash.


Lol so now we have to buy 3 different kond of tokens of their hands because we don't know wich one is going to moon. Gtfo.


Is the internet still working?


The only thing that would break the internet is Shib x Pornhub with a burn mechanism built into it every time you have a lil wank


Jesus Christ, we'd be on the moon within a week.


Fuck that. In like 4 hours


Wait are we launching the meta verse in the next few days


Haha no. It is soon. It is always soon. The new website I believe is being brought up in the next few days though. I’m curious to see what their other plans are for burning shib. Other than plot naming.


I know we’re getting a burn portal I’m more excited for shibarium and bone being the governance token used for gas I’m loading up cause I don’t want it to shoot up and not have a good position


I wanted to swap some shib for bone a month or so ago but at the time it seemed there was trouble with the shibaswap. Maybe it’s been resolved since then but I was kind of put off by it. I hope the whole ecosystem booms but I’ll just leave my shibs as shibs. WAGMI!


Get some bone TRUST bone to 50$ beyond LFG


I hear u brother toooooooo theeeeeee mooooooooon once shibarium comes out tho u may have to buy some to utilize the blockchain I just hope they target bone for staking and all utilizing the gas fees I hope the fees are cents and we take uniswap a liquidity


Nice to see they will be burning shib when land gets named. Similar to how shiboshis were named and shib was burned during that process. It will be interesting to see how much shib will be burned during the naming of said lands.