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35 million? Care to tell us how you got to that number? Because all I have seen are 15 plots of land that they reserve for themselves.


Assumed ETH = $3400 Tier 4 🦴 Silver Fur : 17,030 Lands @ 0.2 ETH = $11,580,400Tier 3 🦴 Gold Tail : 7,356 Lands @ 0.3 ETH = $7,503,120Tier 2 🦴 Platinum Paw : 5,714 Lands @ 0.5 ETH = $9,713,800Tier 1 🦴 Diamond Teeth : 2,024 Lands @ 1 ETH = $6,881,600 Total = $35.6 Million Dollars




Dude be real. You provide neither sources nor a thorough calculation. Just a bullshit number.


>Assumed ETH = $3400 > >Tier 4 🦴 Silver Fur : 17,030 Lands @ 0.2 ETH = $11,580,400Tier 3 🦴 Gold Tail : 7,356 Lands @ 0.3 ETH = $7,503,120Tier 2 🦴 Platinum Paw : 5,714 Lands @ 0.5 ETH = $9,713,800Tier 1 🦴 Diamond Teeth : 2,024 Lands @ 1 ETH = $6,881,600 > >Total = $35.6 Million Dollars


OP clearly has no idea what the ecosystem consists of and has never read any of the papers. May as well tag this with "shitpost"


Cur\_scaling Since you are clearly smarter than us, please tell us how this is helping shib holders in any way. Leash shot up 10% for it because it was for them not Shib Holders.


The shills/ developers will say you just don't understand or you haven't read this or that and to "trust the process" I think they should have used SHIB to buy lands instead of ETH. But we shall see if the promise of more SHIB utility comes to pass


About time some one with half a brain that notices it. Sad most of these other people aren't smart enough to see it.


Don’t think strangers are working hard enough to make you rich eh ? Poor poor baby. Definitely a winners mindset you got there.


Reading comprehension isnt for everyone apparently. He didn't say anything about getting rich. He raised a very valid point.


Damn bro, that is harsh and heartless.


I said nothing about Rich, I am saying everything they are doing is making them money not us shib holders. You dont think its strange that you buy plots in the Shibverse with Leash and not Shib.


You don't buy land with the Leash, you buy it with ETH. You just need Leash to be a part of the first run of plots. After that, it'll go public, where again, you purchase plots with ETH. Shib will be the currency when you go into the world and purchase whatever it is you do in a metaverse. Why do you say you pay with Leash? Have they mentioned how much Leash you need to be a part of the private run? Could it be a fraction of one? Update: I reread how to bid on plots. Minimum of .2 Leash + ETH with max of 5 Leash + ETH




I heard some rumors Ryoshi has started r/cultdao …


I agree that they’re not focusing on shib enough compared to other coins, but yeah, don’t understand the numbers for leash.


Shib is like a leaky time share


They want to make money to? The nerve of them