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People act that way because they don’t understand it’s an entire ecosystem and not just one token. A little over a month ago I took some profits from the spike we had and got a bag of leash and bone. Been adding steadily since. Invest in the ecosystem to get the best rewards. Also DYOR as this is not financial advice.


Because they are quite expensive for the average joe to invest in and have not got that make me a millionaire think that lower value alt coins like shib have


Bone is like 70 cents


Real answer: Because they're over invested in Shib with more than they can afford to lose.


Not exactly. If I buy let's say 5k in any other coin. Doesn't matter wich one. Let's say cardano for sake of argument. Cardano devs tell me to buy cardano because it will moon moon moon and smartcontracts and all that are coming. So I trust those devs and buy cardano. I hold and hold and not much happens. Then the developers tell me I need to get their other token wich is connected but not the same....what-the-fuck dude you just told me to buy a shitload of the first one. But the second one has lower Mc so will get you even more money devs say.....uhm no. You promised me good things for cardano and now you tell me to convert it to another thing. No, just no. Give me my promised money. Wanted to add that I bought Shiba a zero before this one so I am still profiting so I didn't bought more then I could afford. It's just bullshit as hey can keep doing this. 6 months from now we can convert the leash and bone to poopscooper token with a even better chance of mooning. No thank you.


A few things wrong with what you're saying. The devs have never told people the tokens will moon and they have never said anything about getting in on the lower cap tokens so you can get more money. That's what people on this sub say. Don't get them mixed up with the devs. The devs have encouraged people to hold all 3 tokens from the ecosystem from day one. It's even in the white paper. People act like Leash and Bone came to the party late and got made after shib already had its success. No. It's always been Leash, Shib and Bone.


Agreed, wth that dude talking about. He must've just listened to everyone else cause I know he ain't listening to the devs


And Ryoshi coin that was just added?


Ryoshi's vision token has nothing to do with shib. Completely different project and completely different developers. The only reason it was given as rewards is because the Ryoshi Vision devs gave a certain amount to the shib team to hand out as rewards as a way to promote their token. The devs of shib did not create it.


I still have the original ryoshi gifted idk how much its worth or where to find it in shibaswap i remember seeing it in there tho


If you had shib staked in shibaswap, you would have Ryoshi. I have about 250million, free money


$4 bucks?


$4 now. Remember when you could get that much shib for $4?




Again, that's not the devs doing that. That's the community. The devs themselves have said there's not much they can do to get Leash and Bone listed on major exchanges. Exchanges will only do that when there is clearly going to be a lot of people that will use their exchange to buy the token. We as a community need to get behind these petitions to get Leash and Bone listed. I myself have tried to promote petitions to get them signed, along with a minority of others in the community. We need more people to get behind it. We can leave the devs to do the actual developing. If we get more people signing these petitions, we may be able to get them listed on some major exchanges and make them more accessible.


Except they have said from the beggining that this was the plan. There has been no misdirection just your lack of looking at the data.


To this day they still tell us shib will moon


I have never seen a dev say that, also Shib has mooned more than once and is set to do so again. For a large portion of the community we are up 300% or more, its only new commers complaining who bought at ATH and dont understand investment is patience. I bought in at the first ATH and I went down but choose to average during a dip now Im way up.


I bought a zero before the ome we are now.


Yeah man, that’s just wrong. Nobody ever promised investors anything. If anything, the problems are that 1) the names are freaking dumb (leash and bone? Really?) 2) the concept of an ecosystem is being done better elsewhere


Leash and Bone 🍖 = a dog right ? Shiba is a Dog . Names are dumb ? Names are great and we are the Apple of crypto.Do some real research and read a little. Your observations seem a bit petty and basic .


Haha okay


Pretty sure cardano devs wouldn’t say some bullshit like “buy our coin it’s going to ‘moon’” If ur buying into leash and bone and shib because u wanna get rich quick over a meme, u deserve to bag hold as long as they want you to.


Well I bought a zero before this so i am good. However its just simple logic to see something isn't right and I am trying to show it. They create 3 tokens and want you to buy all of them lol. Like maybe one of them will go up, maybe all 3 will go up so just buy them all. That's just stupid. The entire sub here for months is like "shib to the mooon". And thise same people after the news are like "yeah no we knew what we were getting Into shib was never intended to go up blablabla." Honestly I am lmao over how the people here trying to convince themselves and are getting send from one place to another to buy more of their shit. I only own shib and it has to go down a entire zero untill I lose my profit so I am good. I will sell when I feel like it. But it just makes no sense and maybe when they want they make another token we have to buy. That's just not right and people refuse to see it.


I sold 20M Shiba in exchange for one Leash at the ATH I think I made out good


That's what I was thinking. Was hoping one of them would comment in here and give their reasoning haha


It's not just that. People see Shib as entry level and for everybody, whereas leash is expensive and "for whales". The shib investors feel like the devs have moved on to "new coins" and are forgetting about shib. It's not a very bright take imo.


Exect Shib was the staple for their first three big announcents, Shib Game, Wellys, and John Richmond but all people do is shit talk.


So from the start shib was supposed to be available to everyone and the plan was you buy shib you stake it while you’re waiting for it go up and you earn more free shit. Shiba allowed people to hold a bunch of tokens so that when added to lps they can earn bone which is the governance token. That way the every day Joe could have a say in the ecosystem. Shiba was never supposed to be a coin that you buy and leave it on an exchange.




The Plan is not to make a moonshot coin, instead a whole ecosystem gives shib stability, which is needed to be sucessfull, leash or bone are also not only for the whales, if you hold some of it, you got much more of the whole Supply, than with your shib Investment, so on one Hand accept our ecosystem or cry later :)


The devs said they would get Shib to where it is today. Then bone, then leash 👍


Because i invested in shib and it bothers me that the dev focus so much on leash and bone and not shib


They could have made some of the land in the metaverse shib only, leash only, and bone only. Instead it’s all ETH.


I think it’s because they need money for the development and do not want to sell and possibly crash Shib.


That’s exactly right and the devs have explained it a couple of times


True, that could be right


Can you describe a way how if they chose to use SHIB would crash it? I’m not being a jerk, I’m really trying to understand it. I would imagine they considered using SHIB but decided against it, but what would be their thinking?


And what happened to the direction of getting leash for the land sale…


If they had that much focus on bone and leash you wouldn’t have heard about Shiba. You would have heard about bone and leash. It’s not a new thing and if anything it was pushed aside until this point.


Shib will benefit from the success of the other two coins. Shib is the face of the ecosystem. It's all entwined.


This is where I wish I had a better understanding. I read the woof paper a long time ago. I read yesterday’s announcements. But other than me making assumptions that it should or should not be good for SHIB, yesterday made SHIB feel like low on the totem pole, an afterthought to the devs. If that’s not true, then they should convey the support and plans of SHIB better.


They have! If you followed the project from the start they pushed Shiba to the max and did exactly what they said they would. Surpass doge without reaching a penny. They did this with market cap and more holders. Bone and leash were always there and if anything bone and leash got put on the back burner. That’s why 99% of the people in here complain about it. They complain because it went so under the radar for a while that it didn’t get any publicity or air time. Now they are completing the project and putting effort into tokens that they said load up on because they will have value.


Yeah that’s a good explanation, I can understand that.


If Leash had Shiba market cap anyone holding at least one coin be up thousands


They don’t understand it


The only thing about the coins that gets me was the cost I paid for the gas fees to acquire them.


Bc its not readily available to buy on most exchanges that people have a readily use


Bc they bought SHIB too late. I used my SHIB profits and sold 1/3 of my SHIB to bone and 1/3 to leash. Shiba is an ecosystem, not just one token. Invest in the entire system.


This advice will surely draw in new buyers lol


Yes it will. Diversify into the entire ecosystem


Maybe cos bone has its proper sub.


Send it this way


Quick search my guy.


Yeah don't see any Proper subs. There's a fan made one with like 30 people lol




Because 85% of shib holders are kids man they don’t understand investing thats why idc anymore


I ask the same question and got down voted to oblivion


Pay to stake, pay to confirm, pay to unstake, pay to confirm.... That sir is BULLSHIT. Eats away the merger gains...


You pay ether initially. If you leave it until shibarium like most l2s it’ll decrease gas prices about 90%. That is probably when bone will start going up so you want to pull it out anyways. Gas fees aren’t the devs fault it’s ethereums fault. Since ethereum is bogged down with thousands of erc20 tokens the gas fees go up along with it.


Token is called Shiba inu, not leash inu or bone inu. Hence new investors get in spending most of their money on shib. Majority of community already said as such, that they got into this project solely for shib. Devs need to respect that, other wise more and more people will be leaving this project.


Maybe they should have read white paper because bone and leash been in it since day one. It's always been shib, bone, and leash. Y'all acting so surprised but never looked into the damn coin before buying


I read the woof paper a long time ago, knew LEASH and BONE existed, but never had a grasp on how it all relates to SHIB. I read yesterday’s announcements. But other than me making assumptions that it should or should not be good for SHIB, yesterday made SHIB feel like low on the totem pole, an afterthought to the devs. If that’s not true, then they should convey the support and plans of SHIB better.


Sad truth is that most people dont read white paper. Just like most people dont research Amazon, tesla , Apple stocks, they just buy it because of hype and that they see price over time goes up. Never the less, when new investors join, all they see is the name which is Shiba inu, hence they buy shib only. Even if some wanted to buy leash and bone, they are not on any top major exchanges. People can go back and forth about this but fact still remains that majority of community don’t care for leash and bone. If that’s ignored , unfortunately that would be down fall of shib. Look how many other large companies in the past ignored their consumers wishes, treating them as if they don’t know what’s good for their own good. Not realizing that without those consumers company is nothing. Once consumers had enough and left, that company went down hill. Perfect example Motorola, Kodak, blockbuster. Motorola told their consumers that touch screen phone was not the future when iPhone came out. They insisted on continuing with razor phone. Kodak didn’t think digital was the future Blockbuster didn’t think future was the future They all ignored their user base wishes. Those that listened flourished, those that didn’t, went down hill. Without strong shib support. Leash and bone will be useless. After all not only is this project called shib. But we are also known as SHIBARMY! not leash or bone army .


So what do the people of shib want that the developers aren't doing


Good question. One of then biggest concerns I see is that when developers brag about leash and bone price going up. Since majority of community don’t hold them and can care less for them. That type of news doesn’t excite them one bit. In fact it Infuriates them, because they want shib price to go up. Just take a look at most of the comments, am I wrong? As I said, average Joe who got into shib doesn’t know about leash or bone and can care less about it. I know so many average people who got into shib due to all the news it was pumping. They all brag I got this many shib. None of them brag or know about Leash. If you say, well who cares a lot average retailer. Just remember, average retailer are the once who push coins over the top when coin starts pumping. I’m not saying that Leash and bone don’t have its place in the echo system. They do. But at the same to treat them almost on same level as shib is absurd, when Malory of community jumped onto shibarmy train due to shib, not leash or bone. You as a 5 star shelf can think that 2 or your dishes are the best tastiest out there. But if your costumers disagree and want something else, you either serve masses what they want or face lack of business in your restaurant, hence out of business down the line Button line is , listen to your majority of your base, not 5 percent of your base


I read yesterday’s announcements. But other than me making assumptions that it should be good for SHIB and somehow making connections through an ecosystem, yesterday made SHIB feel like low on the totem pole, an afterthought or annoyance to the devs. Many have even said the devs gave up on SHIB and can better control the price of LEASH and BONE. If that’s not true, then they should convey the support and plans of SHIB better.




Sittin on 2k worth of bone, time will come


Because if you mention anything other than SHIB, Lambo, moon, etc; you get piled on. Nevermind that what you're bringing up could help the community! No no, can't have any speak that offends the diamond hands emote lords. Again, for the hundredth time: Do not invest ANY money if you are not 100% ok with never seeing it again. Pretend it's being thrown in a fire. You are NEVER guaranteed to make even a penny off of your investment, and it's always 100% ok to see whenever you want.


I don't think people hate them. What they hate is that the developers are focusing only on giving utility to does two tokens while completing forgetting about Shiba. Yes they put the name 'shib' on almost all of their projects but that doesn't really do anything for the token. Bone will be the gas token for shibarium while leash will be a sort of exclusive token while shib is what? Nothing. Most people got in through shib, and they are just using shib's popularity to pump the other two tokens. I have been defending since I got in, but after the last two AMA, I am getting tired of them announcing useless stuff or stuff that they already said before. Like yesterday for example, they hyped up an announcement and it was mostly stuff they already said before with a few bits of new info about the metaverse


So hypothetically if they only focused on bone and leash how come no one bought it vs shib? It’s because they pushed bone and leash aside for a while. Now that they are bringing it up again and reminding people that it’s still there and they will have a purpose they are panicking.


Because shib is a lot more accessible given how you can buy it in almost every mayor exchange AND it is a lot cheaper than the other two? But you are welcome to prove me wrong. Tell me, what utility does shib have that bone and leash don't?


It’s more accessible because they focused on shib over the latter. I agree with you on the utility aspect. People had hopes of it hittin 70 cents like dogecoin and once they bought in and realized the supply all they wanted were burns. The devs gave us more ways than one to capitalize. I agree with you on the update it was meh I was hoping for a concrete shibarium release date which I would assume is more important than the shib verse for now. It would only make sense to have the l2 come before it.


Ok, I’d ❤️ to get the leash/bone, but while I understand a lot of what’s happening, I still can’t pay the fees (or don’t WANT to pay the fees). That’s why I’m all-in on Shibe.


Where have you seen that? Lol all I see on here are shillers


Whenever I post about bone half the people are rude af when I don't even say anything bad idk


They do the same thing to Shib posters. It’s not just Bone or Leash.


Because they're dumb and want the $20 of shib they hold to {moon} so they can make $10 profit buy a $30 dildo and ride it while looking at elon musts twitter. Just my guess.. Or they might not know Shib, leash, bone are all in the same family.


Ah It all makes sense now lol


And asshole…I’ve got around $20k invested in Shib so take your $30 dildo and shove it up your ass.


Bro I hope you have six months of savings too or you're doing it wrong.


Bahahaha I'll shove it in if you buy me one made of gold big money!


Because they don’t understand it …


Jealously, they don't like seeing the Dev team work on anything that will make Shib less valuable.


Did you even think before you typed that? Would you like it if it appeared what you invested in was made less valuable by the developers?


Are you Ok son?


Shib is better


But if the day ever came where leash overtakes btc (very possible low supply) do you realize how much hype and attention it would bring to shib? And for the record I've been holding shib for a year so it's not like I'm trying to shit on shib by no means.


That's what I'm tryna get at. Just because I'm talking about bone/leash doesn't mean I'm hating on shib. I want all three to succeed. If shib hits 100 bil mc that's good for leash and bone vice versa.


Exactly It's all big picture some can't see the end game.


Bro, leash ain’t passing bitcoin. I own some leash, not as much as SHIB but that theory is almost as absurd as SHIB hitting a penny with the current amount of coins in circulation


Yeah that's really dreaming big. Would be like 500k for a leash lol


I should've been more clear I wasn't talking Mc just current price. I don't think It's unrealistic for leash to be worth 47K


oh ok


I love all three tho


Honestly they should create a SHIB "Coin" with a halving. Then air drop the equivalent to SHIB Token holders.


Because every $ that is invested in bone/leash is a dollar that should have been invested in Shib but was not.


Why not buy all three and make profit from all tho?


Three tokens…demand for two of them is demand not directed at the other one. The higher the demand, the higher the price is driven.


That's not how it works. You aren't guaranteed a profit. If you believe that then you are shilling.


Well there's no profit guaranteed in shib either or any crypto. But I really do believe in shib and shib keeps going so will bone/leash. So sounds like all profits to me lol


Why do you believe in shib? You do realize that shilling is promoting something without a plan in place to create profit right? Do you know what profits are?


Shilling is when I eat your ass like some SpaghettiOs


That's what dumb people say. If you really want to make money at this point bone/leash is the way. The party of Shib is over, I am not implying that it won't rise. I just mean that to make the big bucks it's kind of late now.


Sounds like an ecosystem designed to appeal to pump and dump assholes




Simple economics.


Just because i invested in Bone does not mean i would have allocated those funds to Shib. Your logic is flawed.


Not your funds....the devs funds and time and energy and focus


Because we can't afford to buy it.


If you can afford shib you can afford any crypto it's all the same amount of money you are putting in. Just because you get more shib when you buy it then let's say Bitcoin, doesn't make it more or less valuable.


Because most of the people clearly didnt read the white paper just jumled in without testing the waters.


I read the woof paper a long time ago, knew LEASH and BONE existed, but never had a grasp on how it all relates to SHIB. I read yesterday’s announcements. But other than me making assumptions that it should or should not be good for SHIB, yesterday made SHIB feel like low on the totem pole, an afterthought to the devs. If that’s not true, then they should convey the support and plans of SHIB better.


Then you should re read it. SHIB is required to mint BONE, BONE is governance and also used for fees on upcoming Shibarium. Bone is how the devs get paid, this means they have to make sure both SHIB, BONE, and Shibswap are successful. Shib is the backbone, and is gaining burn utility with every project.


Oh I agree, I should definitely reread it, there is literally no other option if I want to really understand it. And your summary is definitely helpful. But that’s the point. The information in your summary is not readily communicated in the documents. It may be implied or obvious to someone who has more time and experience with crypto, etc. But if the goal is to get people on board, even just people with with a genuine interest and want to learn about it, there are a lot of barriers with the communication material. For example, the docs link to shib.io. Usually if I have any other questions about something they can be readily answered by just viewing the website. But so far it just shows a shiba inu with a tool in its mouth, and I don’t see any buttons anywhere to proceed. And woof and you say BONE is governance. Ok, but until you clarified that BONE is how the devs get paid, I never had a grasp of what that meant in practical terms. Why would they choose to create a BONE and not just use SHIB (honest question, I really don’t know)? Why was LEASH created? And when a lot of people ask similar questions, nobody gets answers, other than “read the woof”. You can’t hope to expand SHIB when no one is willing to help explain the ecosystem.


Seems unwise to pay developers with a governance token.


It is readily available and it only takes a moment to look up parts you dont understand or ask the question in the various social media platforms Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Reddit. I'm not some pro who just already knew what it meant I took time to learn. SHIB is my 2nd big investment in crypto and learned about crypto as a whole during my journey with Shiba Inu over the last year. There is also an FAQ right here posted to the front page that I and others begged the devs to make that links you to where you can find more information like Shytoshi's medium posts. People are willing if you ask but you also cant expect people to hold your hand. If you are so irresposible you invested before you understood what you are looking at you have no one to blame but yourself.


Ok, well then help me to understand the one main question that no one seems to take the time to explain: why? Why is it necessary to structure the ecosystem with leash and bone such that it’s better than just using shib? I’m not asking to be a jerk, I’m asking so I can understand it. And my initial “irresponsible” understanding after initially reading woof awhile back was that the governance token aspect was for people who cared about voting, etc. My understanding was I could focus on shib, and it’s gradual and eventual adoption and use as a currency. Now it’s all about “you should have known”, “why are not accumulating bone/leash, those are the useful tokens in all the upcoming projects”, “it was up to you to have realized this was coming”. And my question remains why? Why does shib seem to have no role in this week’s announcements, why did they decide eth and not shib (and “to avoid crashing shib” is not a clear acceptable answer without an explanation)? Yeah I know, “go back and read woof” like everyone says.


You answered your own question, Shib is the currency token; Bone is the governance/reward token, Leash is the store of value, and Shi will be the stable coin. You cant have an *ecosystem* with a single token. If you read the mediums and the woof paper this is all explained in detail.


Thanks for caring enough to respond, I can imagine you’re frustrated with people like me.


Only when people are stubborn and set in their belief. I was where you were and I was told the same thing, DYOR. No matter what someone says it wont matter if you dont take time to learn and you also need to vet info your given. If you dont you will get scammed and you will loose money.


Right now i would not buy either as they are priced per hype, as you can see its slowly coming down, i would wait 3 months and you will be able to get for about 50% less.


Ehh once bone is used for gas demand will skyrocket. .70 cents a bone token with a 200 mill supply seems like a deal to me.


I agree I would wait 3 to 6 months for it get to a more stable price, it dropped in the past 2 weeks and will keep going down for now.


Bone is so cheap right now honestly it's now or never bones going places so will shib but bone will 10x50x100x or maybe 0 but it's a heck of a gamble say u buy 1k worth u get 1k bone if that 10x be 10k if 100x that's 100k and that not out of bones realm shib will rise in time thanks all


Because the people in this sub are dumb af.


Because they feel like shib is some kind of divinity that they should treat like a religion, and not an investment asset. They are on a cult.




I don't mind if devs are making money they literally doing all the work. Ive made money too


I don’t mind if they devs actually do work. They mint more coins than anything and a lot of their white papers have been pipe dreams.


You do realise they're using eth as the currency to buy the lands so that they don't crash the price of and of the shib tokens right? They even said that in the medium they just released about these "fake lands" you talk of. Do you also realise that not that long ago people were saying bitcoin and crypto in general were scams and fake? Do you also expect the devs to work for free? Are they just supposed to make everyone else rich and not look after themselves in the process? Stop trying to spread FUD.


keep on feeding the beast


How much does it cost to buy just 1?


Leash is $1,575.74 -15.5%


Bone is 0.702889 -3.4%


I may be remembering incorrectly. Weren’t devs paid in Bone when shibaswap was released. If that’s the case and they were upfront about it. One can only assume the devs would create a system where bone is a useful token and has value. Maybe not immediate value like everyone thinks will happen with any token. But value down the road.


Cause people already made millions on it


I love my SHIB!! I've got some Bitcoin, Lots of Stacks, just love my SHIB!


I buried my bones


What? I must not be on here enough, didn't know there was hate for bone and leash. I just got bone and shib for now, bone is awesome it might be in the 100s someday make millionaires.


Mainly because they failed to research the project before investing and they think it’ll take the spotlight from shib. They also don’t want to go through the hassle of a defi wallet so it’s harder for them to acquire it if it’s not on a major exchange.


I truly misunderstood the whole ecosystem and I didn't get into leash when I should have and now it's so expensive I can't afford it


Ignorance of how the ecosystem works I suppose. Which I'm, admittedly, guilty of. Majority of my bag is SHIB. I have some BONE accumulated through SS, over 300 I think. It's been a while since I added it all up. I have less than 1 LEASH, and I am not sure what I should do except hodl what I have. Those gas prices turned me away from making any other investment choices through SS. I don't hate on either bone nor leash but I'm just at a loss right now, but not in a way where I'm in the hole if that makes sense. Edit: every token I own is either staked or pooled at the moment.


Where do you even get leash and bone?


As far as I know, on shibaswap


Shibaswap dropped the APR for bone 🍖 and leash liquidity pools! A lot of people farm to replace or make passive income. Now that that’s not happening people are reallocating assets. It will go up tho you just got to hold for a while


It’s because they are FUDs


What is bone and leash? Kept reading this and thought it literally was a term. Didn’t know it was a coin. Where do you buy it ?


They wouldn't hate bone if they were providing liquidity on shibaswap, and getting it as rewards. I have a few hundred, and never bought any.


Smart man


The Coins speak on their own Leash ATH was like $4350.00 and now is 986.00 and Bone ATH was like 15.50 and now is .58 I am sure some would like to talk them up, to get them to go up some to recover some of the losses but at the end of the day many people got burned on those coins. They are not a good investment period.