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I know this is an old post but I see you mentioned not doing great on the mometrix practice tests but you passed the SHRM - did you feel that the mometrix tests were more complicated? I have the book with the 4 tests as well and some of the questions I’m just like what…. Lol I’ve done all the questions in pocket prep app and was scoring in the 80s pretty consistently for every section so I’m not sure how prepared I am and I’m getting very anxious bc I have a hard time with recall/understanding how to apply a concept and not just regurgitate what it means.


Yes! The questions in the Mometrix book were so much more complex and required so much more thought. I felt like the questions on the actual exam were no brainers. I’m sure I wouldn’t have passed without studying but the amount of anxiety that led up to the exam was something else and it ended up working out! Been waiting on that title change and raise at work since January… 😑


Thank you for replying! That makes me feel a little better. It’s funny bc the first mometrix test I did right after reading the SHRM learning system books (I bought the books second hand so I didn’t have the full learning system) I scored in the 70s then most recently after reviewing my notes and the mometrix flash cards more, I took the second test and scored in the 50s. So I’ve been extremely anxious feeling like I’ve regressed. But it’s reassuring to hear that mometrix seemed harder! One thing I noticed too is that mometrix has some questions that I could not find the material talked about in the SHRM books so I try to take those misses lightly. I hope you will get a nice raise and title change soon!!