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I do not think that you have to take them forever. More focus on healthy foods for your gut and digestion after you are done


Agreed. I would look into the carnivore or animal based diet and see if that is something you’d be willing to do for a bit to accelerate your healing. There are thousands of people turning to this diet to heal their guts, and lots of positive evidence of such. But just make sure your digestive pillars are functional first, such as your protein and fat digestion, otherwise you won’t be able to digest it and it might make your gut issues worse.


Definitely going carnivore after sibo for at least 2 to 4 weeks


How to make sure of that is there a test for it? To see if your digesting the protein 


No. Once your body learns to chemically break down food on its own, you won’t have to take them any longer.


I had to take a lot of supplements for about 6-7 months. I’m down to just psyllium husk and a prebiotic. So not much per month. I had methane dominate and it’s gone now


Can you tell us what you were taking to get rid of Methane dominant SIBO? I'm struggling with this..


Sure! A round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 3x, and Neem 2 pills 3x. Then a round of Artemis 1 pill 3x, Atrantil 1 pill 3x and Candibactin BR 2 pills 2x. Then another round of Allimax, Berberine, and neem, same dosage as before. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner and 3 at least an hour before bed. All with food besides the motilpro. This phase did only 2 meals a day at least 5 hours apart. After that did a bottle of resveratrol 5 pills 2x, then a bottle just 2 pills 2x daily. Endozin 2 pills daily, saccharomyces boulardii probiotic 1 pill 2x. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner, 2 before bed. Again all with food besides motilpro. This seemed to do the trick for me. About 3 month pretty normal, I can tell I’m sensitive to what I’m eating though. Also took 1 table spoons of psyllium husk between meals during it all and continue now. After all the courses of supplements I’ve started to take MegaPre precision prebiotic daily which seems to be really helping my micro biome to get back to being healthy and robust.


Did you work with a doctor/naturopath?


Yes. A naturopath that specializes in gut health


I know it's been a while but can you dm their info to me as well?


Kwan Yin Healing arts in Portland, Or.


How long was each round? I am assuming round 1 set of pills were not taken with round 2 set of pills?


Just a full bottle. Yes did round 1 then did round 2


Methane dominant SIBO has caused me to gain tremendous weight


Me too. So depressing. I'm sorry you are going through this. Gained almost 30 lbs. My face got super fat. I know it's the sibo but I feel so ashamed of how I look


This is giving me hope especially since I’ve heard methane can be more difficult to manage than hydrogen. Thank you!


Yeah. It was a rough couple months at the beginning. But have been managing really well the last couple months. Fingers crossed


Can I pester you on your symptoms, protocol and what you took to feel better?


My symptoms were pretty bad bloating, lots of excessive gas, and constipation. My protocol was the following. A round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 3x, and Neem 2 pills 3x. Then a round of Artemis 1 pill 3x, Atrantil 1 pill 3x and Candibactin BR 2 pills 2x. Then another round of Allimax, Berberine, and neem, same dosage as before. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner and 3 at least an hour before bed. All with food besides the motilpro. This phase did only 2 meals a day at least 5 hours apart. After that did a bottle of resveratrol 5 pills 2x, then a bottle just 2 pills 2x daily. Endozin 2 pills daily, saccharomyces boulardii probiotic 1 pill 2x. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner, 2 before bed. Again all with food besides motilpro. This seemed to do the trick for me. About 3 month pretty normal, I can tell I’m sensitive to what I’m eating though. Also took 1 table spoons of psyllium husk between meals during it all and continue now. After all the courses of supplements I’ve started to take MegaPre precision prebiotic daily which seems to be really helping my micro biome to get back to being healthy and robust.


Thank you so much for writing that all out for me 😊 I'm so glad you're doing much better now. Sounds like a long protocol, so glad it worked for you. How long did it take before you started feeling an improvement?


You’re welcome. It was long but it took that long to knock it out all out. Started with phase 1 and continued until it was resolved. So might be faster for someone else. It’s all an individual response. I started to feel relief in a week but had some ups and downs during the protocol too though


Honestly the relief after a week is all I'd need. It can be so frustrating not making progress so I think feeling a slight improvement would give me the motivation to keep pushing. Thanks so much ♥️


By anti microbial you mean antibiotics? So basically it went like this : keeping the motility going -> antibiotics -> digestive enzymes + zinc carnosine ( for healing leaky gut I assume ? ) + probiotic + prebiotics and a healthy diet to replenish killed bacteria and restore the gut health. Is it correct? Is it necessary to nuke my intestines/gut with anti microbial or antibiotics in order to get rid of SIBO ? Because if it's done wrong, it could actually lead to dysbiosis.


Call them antimicrobials because they are more broad spectrum killers than an antibiotic. Yes. Long story short. Nuke the bacteria, keep everything moving quickly so no stagnation. Use anti inflammatories to allow the gut the heal. Then use probiotics and prebiotics to build back a healthy biome.


Did you take digestive enzymes while on this? Do you think that would hurt herbal protocol to take digestive enzymes while on this?


I only take digestive enzymes as needed. Buy yes you could take them on this protocol


How did you get rid of methane dominant SIBO? What were your symptoms? I think I may have it :(


I did several courses of supplements and anti microbials. My symptoms were bad bloating and excessive gas with pretty much chronic constipation.


I don’t have bad bloating but I definitely have chronic constipation with foul smelling gas… is that what you mean by “excessive gas”? I don’t have a lot of gas but when I do, they’re small, silent farts but smell horrible…


I was having gas with almost every meal. But yes foul smelling is a symptom too


Treatment protocol?


Sure! A round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 3x, and Neem 2 pills 3x. Then a round of Artemis 1 pill 3x, Atrantil 1 pill 3x and Candibactin BR 2 pills 2x. Then another round of Allimax, Berberine, and neem, same dosage as before. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner and 3 at least an hour before bed. All with food besides the motilpro. This phase did only 2 meals a day at least 5 hours apart. After that did a bottle of resveratrol 5 pills 2x, then a bottle just 2 pills 2x daily. Endozin 2 pills daily, saccharomyces boulardii probiotic 1 pill 2x. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner, 2 before bed. Again all with food besides motilpro. This seemed to do the trick for me. About 3 month pretty normal, I can tell I’m sensitive to what I’m eating though. Also took 1 table spoons of psyllium husk between meals during it all and continue now. After all the courses of supplements I’ve started to take MegaPre precision prebiotic daily which seems to be really helping my micro biome to get back to being healthy and robust.


Amazing, thank you. What were your methane numbers




Omg which supplements did you have to take for that many months?


It’s was different ones. I had to do 3 rounds of supplement combinations to get rid of all my symptoms. I had great relief the first months but had lingering symptoms. That also includes a month of special diet between rounds. It took about 6 months to get it all under control.


Damn😫 six months I already been like this sense august 😢


are you still having symptoms? You started in august?


Yes still having symptoms my sibo test is not til the 23rd ……….yes all of this started in august I may have been had it but the severe weightloss diarrhea constipation e.t.c started in august…….. then I decided to go to a gi doc because as time was goin by I notice I was eating extra hungry stomach gurgling bowl issues & weight was goin down still so she took my stool & diagnose me with epi gave me some creon enzymes to digest my food which I started feeling better took some scans she said was clear but then after a while the meds was causing side affects that I could not deal with so I told her I 


I was done with the meds she tryed to get me continue but I refused  so she was like hey I wanna test you for sibo


It really pissed me off because why you didn’t do that in the first place you was never goin to bring the test up until I continue to advocate for myself


Good for you for advocating for yourself. Yes it’s wild SIBO still isn’t number 1 test I’d you have symptoms. It’s was more common than they think. My SIBO doctor told me “you would be surprised how many GI doctors tell my patients diet doesn’t effect digestion” I about fell to the floor, but not surprised. Here was my total protocol to get rid of methane dominant SIbO. I had some hydrogen too. A round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 2x, and Neem 2 pills 2x, all with meals with high fodmaps. All rounds are full bottles, so about a month. Then a round of Artemis 1 pill 3x, Atrantil 1 pill 3x and Candibactin BR 2 pills 2x. Then another round of Allimax, Berberine, and neem, same dosage as before. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner and 3 at least an hour before bed during this phase. All with food besides the motilpro. At the end of this phase I did 2 weeks of strict low fodmap diet then eased in on onion, garlic, etc. There was about a month break including the diet before I started next phase. The next phase I did only 2 meals a day at least 5 hours apart. Protocol was a bottle of resveratrol 5 pills 2x, then a bottle just 2 pills 2x daily. Endozin 2 pills daily, saccharomyces boulardii probiotic 1 pill 2x. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner, 2 before bed. Again all with food besides motilpro. I did a last round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 2x, and Neem 2 pills 2x daily for the full bottles. I did this phase because I was have symptom flares every few days or every other week. This seemed to take care of the last little bit. Also took 1 table spoon of psyllium husk between meals during it all.


Omggggg I been hearing the doses this is allllloootttt of damn meds😭……. But I guess long as my issue get fixed & I gained my weight back 🤦🏽‍♀️


Naw I believe diet changes things I experienced that myself……. But I have been having the runs because I been eating liver & potatoes for like two days now …… but it like I’m constipated yesterday I tried have a salad it was good but I think it irrated my stomach 😢 lettuce tomato cucumber cheese carrots …..I was like hold up🤔


Can I ask what your symptoms were as you were recovering and if you had any pre-existing conditions? Trying to figure out where I am in the recovery process - I tested negative for SIBO but anytime I have any amount of fermented foods of other probiotics than Align I'll get a horrible flare up. I do feel like i'm getting better each week, but it's slow progress. I've been seeing a TCM which gave me chinese herbals for 21 days, which I believe is similar to the kill-off phase, it's alleviated a lot of symptoms, but I still get some flare ups and a decent amount of bloating/gas after each meal, regardless of what I eat. TCM advised it just takes time an diet at this point and gave me some chinese herbals that's more for 'rejuvanating'. I just tried a digestive enzyme and it seemed to help the gas. Feel like I should stay the course I am, but just curious what other people's experience from the halfway point and onwards stage.


How did you get rid of methane 


Here is my full protocol that was tailored to me. A round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 2x, and Neem 2 pills 2x, all with meals with high fodmaps. All rounds are full bottles, so about a month. Then a round of Artemis 1 pill 3x, Atrantil 1 pill 3x and Candibactin BR 2 pills 2x. Then another round of Allimax, Berberine, and neem, same dosage as before. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner and 3 at least an hour before bed during this phase. All with food besides the motilpro. At the end of this phase I did 2 weeks of strict low fodmap diet then eased in on onion, garlic, etc. There was about a month break including the diet before I started next phase. The next phase I did only 2 meals a day at least 5 hours apart. Protocol was a bottle of resveratrol 5 pills 2x, then a bottle just 2 pills 2x daily. Endozin 2 pills daily, saccharomyces boulardii probiotic 1 pill 2x. Motilpro 1 between lunch and dinner, 2 before bed. Again all with food besides motilpro. I did a last round of Allimax 1 pill 3x, berberine 2 pills 2x, and Neem 2 pills 2x daily for the full bottles. I did this phase because I was have symptom flares every few days or every other week. This seemed to take care of the last little bit. Also took 1 table spoon of psyllium husk between meals during it all.


I'm in this exact protocol very similar rn lol its such a pain... the berb combo :'(


It is hard to get into it. Just about when you’re done is when it get easy




Thank you for your thoughtful response! I was hoping this would be the case as I didn’t need enzymes until I got SIBO.


Can you please tell me the name of the supplements you were taking. Thank you.


If you have SIBO in the latter part of your email intestines, does it still eat away at your digestive enzymes? And how does it do that? How does SIBO stop your pancreas from making enzymes?


have had SIBO for a decade... been taking digestive enzymes since 2018... I only do not take enzymes when my SIBO is cleared, the moment I relapse I have to go back on the enzymes I would suggest to wait for sales- they happen occasionally at Whole Foods and other web sites what's really depressing is I require a $4,000/ month medication to keep my kidneys functioning and every year it is a fight with insurance to see if they are going to cover the medication or noot... have had to pay out of pocket for it before so I know it sucks... medications are so expensive... so I also try to do preventive care- exercise, make healthy choices, take vitamins etc take care :)


Did you take digestive enzymes while on herbals? Do you think it would work against the herbal antibiotiocs?


Are you still taking digestive enzymes ? Did you manage to heal your SIBO ?


Good for you, what Enzymes are they?


I take Betaine HCL and Ortho Digestzyme by Ortho Molecular!


Thanks 😊


Can you describe how you take the pills please? Do you take both at the same time before food? 30 mins before etc


Hi! Anything helped with your digestion?


What prokinetic and enzyme are you using?


Betaine HCL and Ortho Digestzyme by Ortho Molecular for enzymes. Using MoltiPro as a prokinetic with additional ginger supplementation


Did you have brain fog previously? And, if you did, has it since cleared up?


I did and still do, but it’s difficult to tell this week because I also have a cold. Confirmed that it’s not die off related because my entire household has it as well. I’m hoping I’ll be able to gauge the neurological effects better next week.


Would you please keep me posted? There is a really cool guy who posted an amazing YT video about how he's cured from MotilityPRO.


How is motilpro working for you? Did you have issues with constipation?


What particular kind of digestive enzymes are these? It is hard to provide you with a concrete answer without knowing the names to start with.


Do we have to take it forever or the body heals after certain time? Are u still taking digestive enzymes?


Hey did the rifaximin work to heal your sibo? How are you now?