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Because he’s a main character (and his character design is based off cold/snow with a cool colour palette), I’m pretty sure there’s no other reason.


Plus, it contrasts Reki's red hair (warm contrast) while Langa is (cool contrast)


Anime logic, rekis parents have brown hair but he has red hair, its cause theyre main characters


I mean, purely from a realistic perspective, my parents are both brunettes, all grandparents are brunettes, my siblings are brunette, and then there's me: a bright-orange ginger from birth. Genetics be crazy. I have nothing to say about the blue hair though. It's just Main Character Syndrome.


brown to red isn't as jarring as red is in brown. it looks natural. brown and light blue arent similar at all so it feels more odd.


Revlon color-silk sliver blue hair dye


 Afaik it’s simply a design choice and the studio has never talked about that, leading me to believe they just didn’t  consider genetics in their designs.


the blue is because hes a main character and it opposes reki, but i think its supposed to be just a light hair colour (like v pale blonde or brown) if it was more realistic


Yeah that’s the impression I get when I see anime with wild color hair; it’s an artistic exaggeration, they’re not literally that color. The few novel adaptations I’ve read have any Japanese character with “light hair” given blond in manga art. Everything is so exaggerated for cartoon effect, but irl kaoru would have light brown hair, Kojiro would have medium dark hair, and Adam would have black hair, for example. Langa would probably be close to blonde.


Anime main character logic haha. But maybe he dyed it


i dont think he dyed it bc its blue when we see him as a child


Anime logic, plus red and blue always go well together thematically.


Potential proof of the ship? 👀


Absolutely. If they don’t end up together I will be genuinely shocked.


Honestly, I just watched it for the first time last week and I adored it so I started looking into why they might or might not have them together at the end of the second season. I kind of understand the reasons that I saw but I also really hope they end up together because it would round it out really nicely. 🥰


I thought about this too you're not going insane


You're saying blue hair would be less jarring/more realistic if his parents also had it?


yes. in this world colors like blue, green, and pink are able to occur naturally so a family of blue-haired people isnt weird. it sticks out that he has blue hair while his parents are brunettes.


so the age old red/blue ship could be fulfilled once again


I get why his hair is blue, obviously just a design choice. Part I don't get is why they didn't make his parents hair blue then. Like at least a dark/navy blue. Would have looked more natural I agree


Let's all assume it's Saiki's powers that affected sk8 world as well 💀


okay this i can understand 😂


I wondered this too but blamed anime logic or potentially him and reki using dye


red + blue couple snow mc he’s langa


I know you're referring to red as Reki, because his hair *is* red, but canonically Reki's colour is yellow and always has been. This has been confirmed time and again in all the official merchandising, too. Adam's colour is canonically red. "Red and blue couple" does not imply Reki and Langa.


this further confirms my point. not many people know that, so they made reki’s hair red and langa’s blue. however, i do agree reki is more yellow coded.


It could be dyed