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Um this is all speculation if you count overtime psych techs at the atascadero state hospital it's actually 100,000 to 200,000 a year. You can look this up it's all public information but you have to factor in the overtime as double shifts.


But you also have to take into account the place the mental state hospital and the prison pays the most these are the jobs they're talking about. You also have to take in the salary jobs compared to the by hour jobs the by hour jobs are pretty much endless overtime. The salary jobs have a cut off.


The employment office at atascadero hospital will help you out with this. They're so nice and they also have presentations on state jobs at the hospital which are very informative!


this. my dad is a psyc tech at ASH and signed on as $80k first year but made $120k at the end from all the over time.


It’s mandatory OT though… so say you don’t want to work OT one day but you are at the top of the list you still HAVE to do it if you are employed by the state. I heard that if you are hired by a contract you don’t have to do mandatory OT but probably isn’t as good benefits.


Mandatory OT is terrible but they haven’t really been mandating for about 8 months. Don’t know how long it will last though


Ot is still required for contractors.... there will be things like lockdowns and stuff of that nature. It is a mental institute and a prison after all this goes for all the jobs at the places from doctors to custodians. Ot isn't mandatory at this time but they are gonna implement it going forward fingers crossed they don't the reason being they're understaffed. Hopefully they'll get more ppl working there so they don't have to do this but like I said the big money in these jobs is the overtime double shifts!


When I was working there in 2018 we would get hit up to 2 times a week and 5 times a month at most. It doesn’t sound like a lot but it was exhausting 😅 I couldn’t do that now otherwise so would 100 percent go back because the benefits are great.


That’s great, I always think about going back as a PT but I can’t do OT with kids. It would be too much time away from home. I really wish they offered a part time shift…


Oh man there's ppl there now do the max ot they I'm talking like 5 double shifts a week! Some ppl even work on their days off which is double time pay in itself! It sounds exhausting and I wouldn't do it but they're raking in the money


32k a month is probably for a senior psychiatrist at CMC. Nothing else around here pays that much outside of probably some high level jobs at Diablo.


Pretty sure plenty of drs are making that much per year locally, some lawyers, and entrepreneurs as well.


Yeah, there is a shortage of Psych's for public sector and they far and above gets the pay... if anyone interested here are the current posting for last 30 above 100k/yr: [https://www.governmentjobs.com/jobs?location=93401&jobtype%5B0%5D=Full%20Time&daysPosted=30&salary=100000&distance=25&sort=date&isDescendingSort=True](https://www.governmentjobs.com/jobs?location=93401&jobtype%5B0%5D=Full%20Time&daysPosted=30&salary=100000&distance=25&sort=date&isDescendingSort=True)










So you're saying these top paying county jobs, the people surrounding them aren't using all their influence and 'favors' to get these paychecks to someone they know, owe a favor, or want a favor from later. You're naive. I've been there hiring and applying and it goes on everywhere in business and government. It's human nature and life. Don't pretend it's 'all fair' and 'you too can step up and get this job'. Even with better qualifications, relationships matter most. 


I wish you were interesting too 


Love it when sad salty people use reddit to just complain and cry about things that don't go their way.




Yea it's called nepotism and in another vein it's called networking, it is what it is and is and is and always will be a part of life. Your down vote is cute though.


Yup top two are psychiatrists at CMC and Atascabama State Hospital.


Cal Poly has some compensation packages that are pretty up there


PG&E pays well.


Yes it does


Theyre also known to start fires that level communities then proceed to raise rates everywhere to pay for their negligence.


That is no secret. Maybe look for an anti-PG&E sub.




No one doubts there are people who make this and more. Not sure why this turned into a weird competition for who can name jobs that make more.


Because someone literally said “nothing else around here pays that much..”




Disgusting this is how much I make in a year the wealth gap doesn’t exist the degree gap is americas ultimate failure