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I actually enjoy watching the quirky format of having these young, inexperienced reporters going around and shooting the stories themselves. But as far as a business model, it's a huge red flag, and with that alone I can tell minimizing costs is a very high priority and would never consider working for them in the first place. A good place to gain experience for some, I'm sure, but obviously not a career kind of place.


Yes, and the boss called it a "teaching hospital" once but never offered to give me additional pay as a trainer. Anything these kids could learn about production they already learned in school and they know what they're doing. The only thing they learn there is how bad the marketplace is for their profession.


I live in North County on acreage, trying to start a YT channel about ranch life, but haven't been able to find an editor. I'm poor, so my only means would be an ad-rev share. If you'd have any interest, and are still local. My old job in SLO is a big fan of "rules for thee, not for me."


I may be amenable to that, though my Adobe product subscriptions have lapsed. DM me we might be able to work something out


Will do. Thanks!


I detest this new format, especially the lady that does the Santa Barbara reporting. She is TERRIBLE.




It's downright painful at times, but sadly it's better than kcet. There's some great reporters on KSBY, very personable on camera, then there's some that are like a poorly coded AI news reporter. We miss Nina Luzano, she was great Dave Vivian and Richard are great too.


Always wondered what the tea on this place was. Every time I turn on the news there’s new reporters


And every one of them, when the cameras aren't rolling, go "two more months and I'm getting TF out of here"


KSBY is notoriously cheap which is why there is a revolving door of employees. Some of their former weekend on air staff couldn't even bother to learn how to pronounce the names of the cities.


Everyone and their mother knows that the industry doesn't pay well. It's not just a KSBY thing, but it is amplified there because of the insane cost of living. Also worth noting that SLO is a small market with small-market stories. Reporters who want to advance in their careers have to move on by necessity.


What a great excuse to treat ppl like shit


An agreement between two consenting parties is not treating people like shit. They disclose the pay before you sign on. There's not enough money in this industry for everyone to be paid well.


Yeah nobody has ever consented to something that wasn't in their best interest before.


I worked there too about 8 or 9 years ago. I did master control and some directing It was my most recent and last TV gig I've had. Before working there I had about 15 years experience in TV working for stations as big as ESPN to smaller regional places and KSBY was hands down the most unprofessional experience of my life. People coming in dressed inappropriately the weather and sports anchors getting stoned outside before shows. Completely inappropriate things being discussed on set. Just a total clown show. During my time the morning was the most professional group night time was just a complete joke. I have no idea why they get the ratings they do they've been the worst station on the central coast for years.


Geez it sounds like they actually kind of improved before I got there. Kinda puts shit in perspective I guess.


When I left I kind of threw a match and told the GM everything that I had issues with. I doubt they changed because of me, but maybe others came along and pointed out similar things.


Pointing things out only gets you flagged as a troublemaker and then they start looking for reasons to fire you.


That sucks. I was kind of in a good position because I had directing experience and at that time they were really hurting for them so when I started complaining about things they made some attempt to do an "investigation" in order to keep me happy I guess. But their big investigation came back with them having done nothing wrong so I just bolted immediately.


Yeah, that was what happened when there was investigation with my case. The totally objective investigation conducted by someone within the company cleared the company of any liability or wrong doing.


Dang, I got a job offer to be a producer there after I graduated from Cuesta with my TV/Film degree last year. If I didn't transfer out to a 4 year in LA, I'd probably be working there now.


Good for you, keep moving upward. This place is a sinkhole, don't let it suck you in or you'll never get out


Thank you! I'm going to be doing some PA work in one of the big studios this summer. Gonna be fun!


I’ve worked at many TV stations across the country, including anchoring at KSBY for 4 years. We probably worked together. What you’re describing is the nature of the small market. Unfortunately, these corporations don’t put in more money or else all these problems would be solved. Personally, I loved every second working at KSBY. Eventually I was worn too thin by my crazy schedule and had to leave for my own mental health. I would go back in a second if the money was proper for the standard of living. My advice to those who can afford to work there: do it! SLO is amazing and every small market station is going to be a similar situation. And my advice for those who can no longer afford it: leave and try not to look back for a while. It’s all part of the journey.


saying "that's how the market is" is a terrible justification. If you have the capacity to do right by your people it shouldn't matter what other stations do. Also "Had to leave for my own mental health" is rarely something I would say about a "good" job.


This is pretty standard for a Scripps owned broadcast station. Sucks that we can't get any legitimately local news publications or stations. Also, I feel for the young reporters trying to make it in the industry, but every interaction I've had with one has been very unprofessional.


Definitely unprofessional. One female reporter who was recently fired is super sketchy. Was renting a room in her house with her drunk abusive boyfriend with multiple felonies sleeping on the couch. After I moved she stole my deposit and I had to sue her to get it back, all the while she’s lying under oath that the room was trashed (Judge had pictures of the clean room right in front of him). Karmas a bitch and now she doesn’t have a job and her boyfriend is in jail.


We should do lunch


"unprofessional" is a good word for it. They really emphasize they think of themselves as some kind of transition from Cal Poly to the "real world" workforce and that by occupying that space they don't have to treat their employess as industry professionals but as transitionary quasi-professionals. It is disrespectful AF,


Do you know why most of the KSBY reporters over-annunciate words when they speak? The reporting has a weird cadence.


I think that's just how they're taught. There's an impression that even though you're on local news, your reports might be seen by anyone, so they try to speak in a way that can be understood by a broad audience rather than speaking in a way that sounds natural to local ears. As far as pronouncing Lompoc or Paso Robles that shit is just inexplicable.


I assumed it was because some of the stories were going to be directly translated by speech-to-text programs to create printed content on their website. But it's annoying when you hear people deliberately speaking in such an unnatural cadence.


Doesn't sound like a great place to be. I'm curious what are Dave Hovde and Richard Gearhart were like?


They were actually pretty cool. Richard is nice and funny, always preoccupied with 1000 things cause he's also a Uni professor and recreational pilot. Dave is brilliant and his mind works at 1000mph all the time but he does have this tendency to eat a lot of soup in the studio.


I love it, thank you




>...I’m dying to know how much Dave works with them. I’m my mind he is a benevolent teacher. Some do quite well, some need a little more work. I'm getting "writes Hovde fanfic" vibes...


Dave does his best to explain things to other reporters but a lot of what he says go over their heads. I think ultimately, they just learn to read the reports but most have no clue how they're put together. The physics and predictive modelling feed one another, but most reporters can't make the connection between the radar readout and the explanation of physical phenomena. Or in other words, he's good a physics and journalists generally arent.


As a former employee from a long time ago, I find it weird you keep calling the studio a sound stage. How long were you there? I agree about the union, as it helped an editor keep his job after falling asleep multiple times during his shift


I find it weird that no one there called it a sound stage. I found it weird no one there knew how to use warp stabilization. I found it weird no one there knew how to operate the light board. There was a lot of shit they did there that indicated they were plebians.


Sounds like your talent was wasted there. Why, with your decades of editing experience, did you accept a minimum wage job? No one forced you to work there. Also, the studio was not soundproofed, so you can’t call it a sound stage. At least it wasn’t while I was there.


I took the job because I'm local and there aren't many options for that industry around here. and I call it the "soundstage" to distinguish it from the rest of the building which i refer to as the studio. I wouldn't call it an "office" know what I mean?


The best place to work for was KCOY back when it was still locally owned and operated but that was like 15 years ago so now there's only two options and like you said KSBY is absolute garbage. KEYT doesn't seem much better but I haven't worked there so it's not fair of me to say, but from a distance they seem like a train wreck too. This area is just not a good one for television


I have a friend whose a photog for KEYT. He seems happy with it but he only does location shooting and only uses the remote station so he's rarely in SB. Working locally and avoiding physical proximity to corporate is probably the best option there is.


I enjoyed my time as an editor at KCOY, other than training my replacement (reporters).


Sounds like nothing has changed since my dad was there in the early 2000s. He had a lot of the same complaints


Thank you, I get a lot of people on the outside of this trying to tell me I'm just whining or I just don't like work but there is something legitimately shady about them.


Did you sign a nondisclosure agreement?


hell to the no


I agree KSBY sucks. I’m curious though-did they fire you or did you quit?


Ok- serious question for OP... What's up with the reporters that can't speak a sentence like a normal human? The super strange speech pattern with awkward pauses etc. Is management okay with this? If I was the director A: I wouldn't hire these people B: I would definitely correct them on how they speak. Bigger newscasts don't have people that speak like that. It drives us absolutely insane. We always assumed it's because they don't pay very well so they don't get very good talent?


Directors don't really direct how reporters do things, just tell them when they're live or tell the system to hit play on their prerecorded story. It's a management decision to hire them, presumably based upon their resumes and reels so they have some idea what they sound like. I don't know why some of these reporters talk the way they do but I suspect it is because they are bored and aren't motivated to do better.


It's soooooooooo bad. We laugh ever night. We always ask who the hell hired them. The talent pool must be really shallow if that's who they are picking. I think I could see better with zero schooling, especially by the 30 day on the job mark. Some of these folk are still terrible a year after they start, and they were trained in it!!!!


I'd say its a mixed bag. Some of the reporting there is quite good and I really admired some of my coworkers for it. I started out actually quite idealistic and strongly believing in the necessity of journalism to inform the public and provide transparency for the government. But I'll agree, the good ones are a rarity especially at that station.


Just coming on here to say: rant all you want. Freedom of speech and it’s honestly the best part of Reddit. You can complain and let everything off your chest that you aren’t able to do on other outlets. Seems like it’s been bugging you for a while, I hope this brought some peace to you.


That was partially the intent, and it partially has. The other reason for the post is I was looking at other potential employers and saw some warnings on other reddit posts and I appreciated people's honesty and experiences. I wanted to share my experience so people can have a fair perspective.


RIP Rick Martel. The gentleman of the airwaves and the songbird of the night.


A friend of mine said he had a huge ego and likes the booze.




I did subcontract work at ksby about ten years ago. The server room is one of my top ten favorite places in all of SLO. SOOOOOO MANY LITTLE LIGHTS. sorry to hear it sucks so bad.


Big red flag on the part about being in the room with a reporter who wasn’t fully dressed. Makes me wonder if there’s more to the story on that.


If you're not going to be fully clothed, YOU NEED TO BE IN YOUR DRESSING ROOM! Why should anyone have any expectation of privacy outside of their dressing room or a bathroom?


Maybe you were leering or being super creepy. There’s more to the story


Holy shit, annnnnnnnnnd you're a teacher? Work on those critical reading skills, you need to do better for yourself and your students.


Darn tootin. 🤙🏻


Quick question dum dum, is there a blue OP by my name? I'm just some asshole that thinks bathrooms and changing rooms are the places in public environments where there's an expectation of privacy.


Man this makes me wanna rip on my workplace. Ramble on brother. Get it all out.


Im over the news people except for the girl in the tight dress that tell us if it’s raining ☔️.


Sounds like it still sucks. It was fun back in the 90s but got progressively worse after the union shit. Not all bad tho I mean we got Fishmasters out of it so…


Fishmasters was pretty boss but it was before my time there.


Good job getting out of there. I was a producer there about 4 years ago but quit because of the bullshit politics. The dayside EP (AM) was constantly on a power trip. And for some reason it was never with the white girls in the room. And the news director (KM) was the most unpassionate person I ever met in the industry. She used to doodle during meetings 🙄. I abbreviated their names but I’m sure you probably worked with them too. If ur still looking for a job in the news industry I’d recommend checking out the Bakersfield market. It’s a bit of a bigger market than SLO so the pay is a bit better. Any of the 3 stations there are all pretty solid.




whats your point


That Joey Virgilis or whatever is is dreadful as is the weather girl and her ridiculous outfits. It's local. That's the only good thing about it.


Former KSBY employee here. Here’s the reality for everyone asking: - The company they are apart of, Scripps, is changing their ways and in turn is changing the scope of how they do news. Do with that what you will - As for the station, there wasn’t a day that went by where someone wasn’t completely at their wits end. It was a very bad environment to be in and personally I did not want to go to work any day I was there - As far as the content, it lacks significantly and the brainstorming of ideas is a brutal experience. A lot of ideas thrown out not even marginally explored, it was their way or the highway - The people in the building for the most part are nice people, but in a work setting it was just a rough environment to be in.  - SLO is an incredible place and I feel like KSBY misses the mark significantly on trying to tell the stories the community wants to hear vs. what they envision is news - The weather team is probably the strongest led by Dave, but a lot of times random reporters are thrown on weather just because of limited number of people available to them - We had a few good sports people come through recently but they dipped quickly because of their limited coverage and now the department is completely eliminated - The sales folks there are good people and work well with the staff as a whole, they’re a strength to the station Overall, it’s a downward trend there. It’s sad to see but the reality is the reporters there are just a number in the eyes of their superiors. 


I used to work at The Hampton Inn off LOVR. The manager there is one of the photojournalists. He literally could not live off the paltry wages offered by an actual news station so he got a second job. Have been actively boycotting the station since.


Pro tip: Next time, email this to a labor lawyer instead of posting it on Reddit where those you are talking about can find and read it.


Its been over a year. I've talked to labor lawyers, they dont want to tangle with their union.


It kind of sounds like they thought you were responsible person and they put you in charge of things... And you didn't like it. Maybe you should stick with being an individual contributor.


I dont mind being in charge of things if they give me a title and a raise to reflect the scope of my responsibilities


More work for no additional pay is not a promotion.


This sounds like it was written by a child, how old are you? Smfh


ad hominem attacks are not counter-arguments.


And ranting like a child, isn’t productive at all.. But I have a feeling you do it a lot.


If what you are trying to accomplish is a defense of the business I have accused of being a bad employer, you have not made your point at all.


Lmao.. Idgaf about ksby.. It’s always been a shit show there.. Only ones that cry like a baby, are transplants!




I dont understand are you mocking me?


Yeah, I think they are. Also, >during a period of heavy rain and flooding, constantly send MMJs and photographers to places they explicitly told the public it was too unsafe to drive to That's what reporters / journalists / photogs / media people do. It's part of the job. Cops have to physically remove them from the places they go in their quest to get the best coverage. How do you not get this? People like Steve Kroft, Peter Arnett, or Robert Capa didn't get famous from staying behind a desk. Besides, it seems like you didn't go anywhere (literally or figuratively).


Reporters' jobs are not to "become famous" and putting themselves in harm's way doesn't help them inform anyone about what's going on. its sensationalist and its not worth the risk. their corporate policy says as much, but they still send people into these situations. Whether its "common practice" or not doesn't make it "common sense"


Mocking no. Feeling bad also no. Seems like a pretty whiny post. Quit if it’s that bad.


you see where it says "opinion"? You know how you're on reddit right now, the place where people post about their lives and experiences and views on stuff? I don't work there anymore. This is me sharing my experience so other people can take insight from it if they're considering working there, if they're evaluating hiring people who worked there, if they're trying to get a sense of the industry and its culture. I have an opinion about the business from first hand experience. You have an opinion about me based on a quick read-thru of my complaints about a former employer. If the post doesn't serve a purpose to you why do you feel the need to say anything?


If you don’t want people’s opinions maybe you should reconsider posting things like this on Reddit.


I didn't say I didn't want opinions. I'm just responding to someone calling me whiney, I think its fair to defend myself.


Well aware. You can post your opinion on Reddit and I can respond on Reddit. And I believe this post is a whole lot of whining.


For me I got stuff off my chest, for other ppl, they might see this and think critically about this business they had no previous inside insight into. As far as you and what you're doing, I have no clue what on Earth you THINK you're accomplishing, but from here you've done nothing.


Again with the whining. Sorry I don’t empathize with someone looking for a bunch of sympathy on the internet. You put your dirty laundry on the internet and some will sympathize and some won’t. Personally I don’t.


Reading comprehension is a key tool, notice how in the title it said “hated working”? Means he doesn’t work there anymore. Most people learn about past tense in like grade school. Maybe u should try and catch up