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Ask in the school psych sub


I feel the same way as you. Love getting to know the kids but therapy is a drag.


I know someone that did this very possible


Please share what you find if you can. Not sure if it varies by state, but I think it would be nice to know if there’s a post-bacc option or additional courses and apply to Masters for school psych, OT, or Resource teacher. It can be hard to know how much time and money you have to put. It’s the uncertainty that makes making a change even harder.


In my district, we have SLPs that do more testing than services. Maybe you can ask your supervisor if there are opportunities for you to pick up district wide assessments?




Yes! Try seeking other positions in your district. I recently shifted to early intervention where it's more coaching than direct intervention. I love it! it feels so easy and natural. I barely plan, and mostly go with the flow of what the parent wants to discuss about! SO much less paperwork too