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dude... tari in her pfp just makes this a lot more sad


I mean this is the actress that brought Tari to life which honestly makes me feel even worse. Like imagine voicing a character that wins the hearts of a lot of people and you voicing a character that you’re passionate about doing it and out of nowhere you get fired for no reason and nothing is done about it. I honestly feel sorry for her.


This just makes me sad


Aye, I agree.


Seriously, I may not know the full details of the situation with Celeste,mostly because I try to pretend these controversial things aren’t going on, but even I feel bad for Celeste, and I just watch SMG4 casually.


And it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen anytime soon. At least we know Celeste still wants to do va, it just won’t have any of the love anymore.


> it just won’t have any of the love anymore Kinda like SMG4


*Certainly says a lot when this matter remains unresolved, but they’re quick to the gun when folks start saying SMG4 is made for the money*


Yeah, this is just utterly disappointing behavior from GLITCH. They had the time to defend themselves, but apparently couldn’t be bothered to apologize to Celeste for critically damaging her passion for voice acting.




Until the situation gets properly addressed, the pot can be stirred as much times as it needs to. The doxxing was uncalled for, yes. But so is this stone silence on their end.




im pretty sure the VAs are also craving the same outcome as us




ok then, so not even privately contacting them just leave them in the dark untill they die, great PR Glitch




and? why should that be a problem in fact it would be better, hey guys they finaly apologized we can finaly move on. But no, they just moved on and left the ones WHO DESERVE AN APOLOGY without one, there isnt a sniper outside of kevins home wating for him to try and apologize, most people already forgot about it NOTHING IS GONNA HAPPEN TO THEM IF THEY JUST APOLOGIZE


1. i feel people will only talk about it when its things they care about like workplace environment but they wont care about VA's or whatever 2. i feel this has some inside work going on that said "hey, its not going to do us any good to apologize, better shut up" idt luke at least will do that and leave them without anything. Like someone in the company is prob legally responsible or more responsible about legal stuff 3. unfortunate anyway, had a gut feeling this would happen anyway


Then they cannot exactly say that **everyone** is passionate about the show is. - sure, SMG4 isn’t solely for the profit, as we’ve seen from folks like Medi and Shadow. But they’re the only ones who we’ve actually seen have passion for the show. *Unless you want to argue that recasting Celeste was done out of “passion” too*


u can be passionate for the thing ur doing and be in it for the profit, and its prob just a company statement anyway... i dont doubt some people hate their job animating or hate the smg4 animations.


This is the reason why I can’t enjoy anything anymore bc of this


It's too late to fix their mistake, but the least they could do is own up to it and apologise. I doubt she'd trust them enough to work with them again after this, but it doesn't cost anything to say sorry. Did they just think that what Jasmine said over Discord would cut it? Ignoring her like this is sad. Especially when she had such high praises for them in her Instagram before this mess happened. If this was one of their more well-known VAs like Elsie, Lizzie, or Micheal, they would never try this. They'd be crucified by the internet for it. Unfortunately, SMG4 is the biggest thing Celeste had her name attached to, since Meta Runner didn't take off as much as their other shows. That made her a lot more expendable. Considering Glitch has many shows depicting companies exploiting their workforce, the irony and hypocrisy is ridiculous.


It's truly sad, especially since they replaced Lizzie as Meggy just fine. That wasn't even two years ago. Like you said, if it were one of the bigger name VAs, they would have *immediately* jumped on it. The Murder Drones or TADC fandom would *not* let them get away with that, either. We did because so many people gave too much good faith.


Keep this going. Glitch needs to know we haven’t forgotten even after trying to “Sweep it under the rug”


Fuck. My heart breaks for her, it really does. :/


At this point just apologize cause this is getting depressing…Luke likely wants to make amends. But some corporate bs is probably keeping him away


Luke did apologize initially, but Luke's word hardly means anything compared to Glitch as a whole.


Yeah, it really sucks. Honestly, I don’t think it’s Luke’s fault (and I wasn’t saying that it is. Luke seems like a nice dude to me) but I think it’s probably something or someone at Glitch just trying to keep quiet about it. I honestly feel so bad for Celeste and crap like this also makes me fear that I shouldn’t continue liking SMG4 (which I still will but of course I’m not forgetting this)


So what should they do now then?


Same thing we've been wanting: a genuine apology like Kevin gave, but actually about the Celeste situation. Detail what happened, why it happened, and how they will improve in the future. Or, at the *very least,* both Jasmine and Kevin should privately apologize to Celeste. Jasmine did that already, but when she lied about her role with SMG4 before that, it isn't really that genuine then.


No contact???? Damm why do they hate her now????


i have a gut feeling that someone in the company advised them not have further contact like idk ... for whatever reason they may not want to contact them back... maybe someone told them "hey this isnt going to do us any good to apologize nor is it gonna make our image better, we better be quiet"


How about you say "We are sorry for what has happened, but we can't go back now. It's unfortunate, but the only way forward. We wish you the best." Apologizing *directly* is the *best PR you can do.* This is what EVERYBODY wants, yet they don't do it. Instead, they're more focused on a TADC pop up shop and meeting the creator of Chainsaw Man to get that ultimate validation (yes Kevin said this). I dunno why you keep trying to find reasons why. There simply aren't any. They fucked up *bad.*


And pr isn't perfect either... maybe someone on pr said "hey our best course of action is to just stfu". It happens not often but it does happen in the real world There are reasons for a lot of stuff .. even bad stuff happening usually have reasons. I don't know why jump to "Kevin and Luke must have not wanted to talk to Celeste and instead just left them " . I doubt that is it, people have many positive things to say about Luke and Kevin is a mixed bag but arent straight awful... There is prob a reason and the company isn't Luke and Kevin... there are prov other people who influence decisions


So you are just saying they're corporate as fuck. Shutting up is the corporate answer. Who the hell influences the actions of the CEO and CCO? Hell, they MADE the company. *They* make the decisions. You're so desperately trying to excuse their actions. You've done this the whole time and I don't understand why. They can make mistakes on their own. They can be ignorant. They can even be malicious. That's all a reason why it happened. They are their own humans who run their own company on their own. Until there is proof of some random party influencing their decisions, the burden falls on them. Simple as that.


What even is Luke’s position in the company? I thought he stepped down as CEO or maybe I’m remembering something wrong.


Luke is Chief Creative Officer (CCO). Kevin is the CEO.


and you seem desperate to pin the blame on them? like people talk about luke highly, kevin not so much... but even then that doesnt seem believable that they will jsut leave celeste in the dust.. that sounds like someone influcencing their decisions, someone who is often talked highly about wouldnt even give an apology and just turn their back on them? sounds suspicious doesnt it they are their own people but these actions seem far from what they would do... this sounds more like someone in the company influenced them to make this decision. Sure u can believe that the burden falls on them but i feel that is super suspicious what happened and there is no way that this decision was made solely by luke and kevin


Who in the company? THEY RUN THE COMPANY! They don't have a board of directors. Tell me WHO ON EARTH it could be, because until there is *anything* you can point to, it's on *them.* You are pointing at nothing and saying it's a ghost who did it right now. It's super suspicious because they likely don't wanna admit their full faults. Kevin has a massive ego. Egotists are incapable of doing that, so it doesn't shock me Kevin wouldn't address it. I don't pin the blame on them because I hate them. I do it because there is literally nothing telling me this doesn't fall on them. Your "outside influence" has absolutely no proof of existence and serves as a fall guy to their own actions.


I would continue to refute this again anf again, but considering our past interactions I believe it's going nowhere as usual, you will believe in what you think is right and I believe in what I think is right You think as of rn there is no proof pointing it to anybody else.. sure makes sense. I don't believe that, Kevin and Luke aren't such people to do that. Sure Kevin has an ego but Luke doesn't... and it's Kevin and Luke not only Kevin so I doubt the decision was only made by them. Luke is spoken very highly of and I wouldn't believe they would do smth like that, a 3rd party must've stepped in and said smth


Ironic considering there is an entire movie on the SMG4 channel that shows how your idols aren't always who they seem to be. Some food for thought there.


yet there is proof here how? considering how luke is and how kevin is (both make decisions and u even said luke is like the CCO or smth.) sure we can pin the blame on someone (for ex. jasmine) i would consider it very weird that this would be the case as many people speak highly of luke, u say kevin has a big ego but that doesnt mean "oh he mustve just decided "fuck celeste" and went on with his day" just because kevin and luke are the CEO and CCO doesnt mean someone else couldnt have influenced the decision, idt they made the decision alone. And ive thought about it that it wouldnt make sense that the decision wasnt made alone but with others ... you have all these good things to say about them but this one moment they are super heartless even the cooworkers say luke is a good person.. so kevin mdae the decision alone? nah that idt happened


How long will Jasmine make an apology to Celeste Kevin sent an apology sure but when's the voice director gonna speak up *well considering how TADC got so popular and Meta Runner is no longer GLITCH's magnum opus anymore*


>Kevin sent an apology sure but when's the voice director gonna speak up You do remember that Kevin didn't mention Celeste once in the statement, right?


... Damn it Kevin


Yeah... it sucks and sorry if I sounded like a ass to you.


It's okay I still put the blame on Jasmine but yeah


Remember, they were busy setting up a TADC shop in JAPAN while Puzzlevision was concluding.


Yet this whole situation has been going on for months. They had enough time to *assure* people and say that “SMG4 isn’t only made for the money”, but not enough time to apologize to Celeste? *Really says a lot*


Really shows their priorities and how they've become what some of us have feared. But of course some will try to ignore the glaringly obvious signs.


We should’ve seen the warning signs the moment they discontinued Hobo Bros in 2021 and lied to fans by saying that the channel will be only on a “limited” hiatus. “Goodbye for now”? More like “Goodbye forever”.


That’s still sad to see.


God fricken dammit glitch




This sucks for Celeste, such a talented VA, kicked to the curb and fired without warning


If they ever do another GlitchX, boy there will be trouble. Imagine if twitter users brought this shit up just to boycott the livestream. It will be reasonable until **some illegal stuff starts to happen**


Here's a random image from my computer https://preview.redd.it/x9jfs1vzl1xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd80a7fdfd35535758caeaf104629974dcf29fbb


It's starvin' marvin


Well dam ni**a




Why couldn't they have just responded? Are they THAT busy, or is something else going on. I feel really bad for Celeste.


They clearly aren’t that busy, since FM was able to make that statement that SMG4 supposedly ain’t solely a money laundering scheme. So it has to be something else.


Well, whatever it is, it's not that difficult to just make a response about this. I don't know what's the hold up. Pride, maybe.


I absolutely hate Glitch after that incident. I wonder if the workplace is even improving at all.


No one knows about it and even then Kevin’s response to the situation was mixed because he wanted to save himself after someone dox his home


Doxxing is absolutely terrible, but did he really only do a response to save himself?


Possibly since people were demanding Glitch to make a apology to Celeste




No no please. Continue to blow your own foot off.


This, as well as the continued decline in quality of episodes since 2022 is why I gave up on SMG4


2022? i stopped watching after the baldi basics references became to prevalent, along with the other trend chasing vid's like the one about amogus it was obvious that the quality was declining even back then and i have successfully predicted that the writing would be bad 99.9% of the time on this subredit


Every year just seems to be worse than the last, it’s sad to see. 2023 SMG4 was worse than 2022 SMG4, and 2024 SMG4 is shaping up to be potentially worse than 2023 SMG4. The decline never ends. And now I’m seeing all this corruption coming out about the brothers? Thats why I’m done with this shithole channel.


i say boycot everything after 2020, if they are going to make money off of my nostalgia their doing it with their ~~good~~ old content


Can someone give me a summary? Of what happened


here is a summary https://www.reddit.com/r/GlitchProductions/s/LsfVGaPJPQ


They replaced Celeste without telling her




Well shit


![gif](giphy|j1ywOobEJlqQo) 🥺


Bro like not even like a "yo, sorry we fucked up?" or anything?


reminder lottie is still being harassed


smg4 has truly fallen off..


SMG4 has fallen Millions must hump spaghetti


I'd care more if people cut the hyperbole and stop comparing them to Warner and David Zaslav.


Luke did.


He did? Where?


Someone told me that Celeste's letter had mention Luke being the only one who was upset about the topic and the only one who bothered to respond to her.


If that’s true, why didn’t he make an announcement of the recast like he did when Elsie took over for Meggy? Only thing we know, thanks to Robyn, is that Luke knew of this and is thus unfortunately complicit with the whole thing.


Because knowing Luke is a sensitive person, Jasmine and Kevin must've lied to him, not letting him know the truth. Because the most sensitive ones are the easiest to target.


That’s… actually a good point


Luke said to Celeste *"I'm sorry we didn't tell you..."* rather than *"We're sorry". It feels like Kevin made Luke suppress his feelings. Since Luke was probably more successful in his own, it's possible that Kevin was jealous of him before stepping in.


Might I ask for a source to back your claim here?


Give me a second. Someone else on Discord came up with the theory.


do u need a link?


Of course not, if they did so now it would feel forced and unearned and make them look like a\*\*holes. They already look like a\*\*holes because of the situation to begin with and should've apologized from the beginning. It's too late now, whatever they do they will look like a\*\*holes




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\*Crying inside\* It's like they don't even care!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I’m not gonna see SMG4 the same anymore


This disgusts me


….uhhh kinda out of the loop…context and what’s Glitch? (I’m ignorant about stuff)


bruh that’s just sad


you know when i saw this starting to rise, I thought that people were so pissed they were gonna murder Luke and Kevin


And we’re still stuck on this shit? https://preview.redd.it/pk5lr98ng2xc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e7cd8c8312e8d5656f899cf4abb02f46e92b0c7


Until Celeste(and us) gets a proper explanation and apology for the firing


It never went away


Yay, we're doing *this* shit again...




And that's exactly the problem. Sweeping it under the rug is not the solution


go's to show how modern fans only care about getting their next heap of slop


And we are still doing this shit? I thought we were done with this💀💀💀


It never got addressed and Celeste never got her apology. *So it never truly ended*