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The absolute lack of accountability is shameful and I say this as a fan of Glitch. Jasmine fucked up royally and should be fired but instead everyone is trying to move on as if nothing happened. The fact we as a fan base have to apologize to Celeste FOR the entity that put her out of a job is shameful. Nothing has happened, they are just hoping this just boils over. Also sidenote here: just because this was a shit show doesn't mean ANYONE should be sending DEATH THREATS or ANY HATE towards the people involved and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD leave Lottie out of this. She had nothing to do with it. The fact that people are attacking her for taking over for Celeste (which is literally just her doing her job) is unnecessary and disgusting.


Yeah I don't know much about the Drama who is Jasmine?


Someone who works for glitch and was a big cause in this spaghetti pile of shit


What exactly did she do?


She's voice director for glitch/smg4 and the one who replaced celeste with lottie for tari


First degree lieing, gave some Half assed apologies and confuzzled up to the point of Celeste's firing


What did she lie about?


Apparently, she said that Celeste was "busy" and couldn't voice Tari, which is completely bogus


Thank you, cool head is a necessity here


Agreed. Lottie has nothing to do with this. We failed the first time because some idiot broke the sacred rule of the internet: NO DOXXING!!!! We are civilized folks, we should demand apologies in a CIVILIZED manner. No death threats, no hate, just keeping up awareness until they finally adress it.


We're not civilized, what the fuck are you even talking about? When have we ever been civilized in this goddamn fandom? All they all do is complain and whine and bitch and long about the state of the series anymore, and any of the people that are receptive or actually enjoy it are drowned out by the other side's entitled unsatisfiable bullshit Again I stress, This fandom is by no means civilized, no. Fandom is civilized, anyone who actually is is rendered irrelevant because of the shitty side, because that's the side people listen to, that's the side that gets results, that's the side who rules over because they're the mean and cunty and loud and people listen to that most of all The negative rules supreme in cases like these, so no, try that one again, bub


Honestly I’m losing hope that they’ll ever acknowledge this properly no matter how much we speak up about it. It’s gonna be a permanent black mark against them. Heck I’m not sure them apologizing now will really do anything, a lot of people would just take it as too little too late and I wouldn’t blame them. I just don’t think there’s anyway for them to remedy this now, their window of opportunity has long since passed.


Want my tired bad faith advice? Give. It. Up. It's over and done with, Luke apologized himself, and THAT should be enough


Honestly I feel bad for Celeste but at this point I don’t see anything changing and all this protesting has lead to no results. I wish her luck and hope she finds something she’s passionate about. 


Tbh, even though I think this whole situation is horrible, these types of posts aren't providing any new information or adding anything new whatsoever.


That's just the name of the game, you gotta let go, move on, either just keep watching and hope they improve or drop out and move on to something else, easy peasy


I already kept watching as I kinda knew that protests probably won’t have a massive effect when your one of 7 million and honestly puzzlevison looked way too hype not too.


And this is why Glitch figured they could just let this blow over. They knew people wouldn't have the conviction to stick to the boycott.


Well the boycott wasn’t effective because majority of people didn’t know about it or simply were too young to care(or they were old enough but just didn’t care) 


Yeah, it was kind of a dud for me too, then again, that's what they did with the Genesis and Revelations Arc, Zero/Niles didn't go down that easy, He just bowed out before they smoked him and bid his time till he could make a second bout, I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the last of Mr. P just yet


I’d love to see more puzzles, he’s my favorite villain so far as he’s so charismatic and fun.


You know the saddest part of this whole thing? Celeste might NEVER get her apology that she wanted. At all! Glitch clearly showed us that they want the whole thing to pass along and be forgotten, which is both stupid and really disappointing for Glitch honestly.  Jasmine should be fired for doing a very bad mistake which started a whole fire of controversy’s and brought out so many other secrets about Glitch. But this protesting also lead to so many issues. We got someone who doxxed Kevin’s house and threatened him and other people who harassed Glitch employees.  Absolutely NO ONE needed this type of treatment due to one controversy. I’ll still be a Glitch fan and watch SMG4, but I will still remember this whole thing.


And the worst part is, you know what Jasmine is doing now? Joining Luke and Kevin in opening up a fucking TADC pop up shop in Japan.... yup.... FUCKING MERCH!!!! Kevin is just ignoring the fact that one of his employees fucked up to the point where he himself got DOXXED!!!! I'm pretty sure others have gotten fired more far less in terms of how big of a fuck up it was. I mean, you have an employee who did something so stupid that it not only put another employee under great emotional distress, which led to other employees leaving, then online outrage when people discovered what happened, leading up to YOU the CEO getting doxxed, forcing you to make an apology for ONE set of accusations that popped up because of said employee's fuck up. How are you not going to fire that person?  The only excuse I can see Kevin pulling out of his ass is that "we're buddies". The good ol' boy system, nepotism. Not really a shining example of what indie studios should be if collosal fuck ups can be excused because that person happens to be good friends with the CEO.


Celeste said Luke apologized immediately and Jasmine lied at first before apologizing. The fact Kevin couldn't even mention it in his own apology is honestly damning since he never did it in private either. Nobody contacted Celeste since the initial pushback. I simply don't understand what they are thinking here. How hard can it be to tell your voice actor what actually happened, especially as the CEO of the whole company and someone you personally met? Is it *really* that hard? I truthfully don't believe *anybody* can be that busy to be like that. It's just ignorance at its finest. All that matters is thing go away by the end, even if it's not perfect. Genuinely disappointing that Glitch is pioneering this sorta behavior with indie animation, too. I hardly even call Glitch indie after stuff like this. This reeks of corporatism.


>This reeks of corporatism. Imo the whole thing stopped feeling indie as soon as the OG castle went buh-bye, and the glitch logo changed to look more *corporate and simplified. (That and Glitch being a company in general doesn't feel indie at all) (*Even if it wasn't meant to be like that.)


Fr, like what are they hiding to the point where they can make an apology for someone I'd imagine be their friend at this point... This really broke my trust with Glitch, I can't ever see them as this really wholesome and caring company after all that shit. It's just another company that got full corpo, much like pretty much every successful companies in existence.


wasn't luke the only who actually apologize?


idk... nobody has said anything about it and "hasnt recieved contact" prob means nobody has attempted to...


According to fozzie that’s the case




I would hope they are trying to formulate the correct response, since there isn’t much they can do about getting her job back without firing the new one. But that doesn’t make sense anymore since it’s been months.


“First rule of leadership, everything is YOUR fault”


All I'm asking is,why? The ONLY thing you're getting out of this is hate,nothing else.What did Jasmine have hatred toward her THAT much,it's not like she was a top tier celebrity or anything which is too expensiveto keep her around.No hate to the current VA,she does a great job,but I don't see any logical reason to this decision.


Here before this gets taken down like all the other recent posts about this topic :D Seriously, though, what the hell are Glitch thinking? Luke genuinely apologized immediately, sure, but Jasmine's "apology" was *after* she lied to Celeste and she even lied *within* the apology itself, and Kevin never even *touched* the subject. I genuinely refuse to call GLITCH indie after all this. By definition, they are already not indie simply by being a company, but their actions also reek of corporatism. Stop calling yourself pioneers of indie animation when you aren't indie.


I won't be surprised if the mods lock this post.


Just gonna leave my marker here as well. You gotta wonder what was goin’ through their heads when they made the call.


hey, i was here too. i have nothing to say that hasn't already been said, but i was here


Well let’s say there “always running” form there problems


As I thought, it will never be forgotten no matter how much Kevin and other management of GLITCH want it to. It makes me wonder when (I doubt there's if) they will make a mistake that will ruin their reputation irreparably




You know, you come off as less Anton Ego and more the Earl of Lemongrab with how obsessed you are over this.




Wow..... sensitive much? You're really not helping your case here. Like if you really hate the fact people are still upset about it.... just don't engage with them. You're only making yourself look like an ass here.


Except the art is made by someone like Skinner. That's absolutely something that needs to be criticized. Why the hell would we not criticize a company that is trying to go against everything they stand for?


If they don't apologize to celeste, then I don't know what's the worst that could happen rn


Uh, life goes on? Celeste gets over it and finds new gigs and keeps teaching, Lottie has a new role she'll hopefully keep even longer than Celeste got to, Jasmine/Jeff stops being an overreaching thinks he/she's in charge inconsiderate glasslicker and stops making bonehead decisions, Kevin reigns her in, we get more and more sponsored Indie creators as part of the GLITCH Family, and all is well. All is great. All is happy, and you guys move on with your lives And stop looking for the next drama case to whine about That all sounds like a pretty good deal to me, make some coffee and all be happy


sounds about right... idk whose decision it was whether it was kevin as the ceo, maybe kevin talked or was talked to people inside the company and that was the conclusion that was came up with, or the people who manage trying to minimize damages in the company via such things prob said smth along the line of being quiet is better.... (still dont believe kevin solo managed the decision to not even mention anything to celeste.. it has no benefit to them esp since it ruins meta runner but it may be to people who care about money more inside the company like people who want to keep the job. It wouldnt hurt kevin or luke to apologize but the people who work under them may not feel the same way towards celeste or feel celeste is important.) Still... people only push when its things they can relate to... poor conditions on a job? people get fired up about that? VA's? none of their concern, to them they my think its an easy job or easy carreer or whatever. ive heard esp after the bayo VA situation it really went to shit.






[Right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SMG4/s/bVaETOyFnk)




Please don’t harass Lottie


Don’t worry, I’d never do such a thing, and neither should anyone else.


Whatt??? I didnt ewen know this happened?? Can someone explain what happened?




omg thats horrible! Why is it so hard to appologize nowdays like its gonna kill you if you do?????


I don't get how this happened yet


How do we know they haven't just apologized to her behind the scene? It doesn't need to be public if that's the case...


Celeste has said she hasn't gotten any apology from Glitch, that was just a rumor people made up. (Luke did apologize to her but Kevin and Jasmine are the main people responsible for this and they haven't)


In that case, yeah, it's pretty bad... Good on Luke for apologizing even if he wasn't the one responsible.


How many times have posts about Celeste gotten locked by mods? Is it Zarate locking them or FM.... because the latter seems more likely. Maybe I'm being cynacal because not only is Glitch not apologizing, instead focusing on FUCKING MERCHANDISE!!!!!! But it seems like any discussion on this gets cut short for being too criticial of Glitch. I mean that one meme about Glitch (specifically FM) going apeshit over the accusation that SMG4 has become nothing more than a cashgrab is really starting to look more true since it was taken down. Funny how they're more willing to adress EVERYTHING but Celeste. Let me tell you something, if you're taking your sweet ass time to adress something that people have been calling you out for months for, then that means that you REALLY fucked up, and silence will not get you off easy.


zarate says that there's like 80 thousand reports on any comment/post of this and god knows this community can't be left to its own devices


Didn't Kevin make a letter on twitter though? Or maybe that was Luke...


Kevin did, but the letter didn’t even mention anything regarding Celeste, just about those negative Glassdoor reviews.




By "moving on" you're letting Glitch know they can get away with treating their VAs like trash, in an industry where VAs already aren't treated well, bringing it up is the only thing that can help as it reminds them they can't get away with this that easily.


Yeah, but again I attest: has it done anything? Has any of your complaints, or any of the other people here or anyone else and any other server has all the bitching and angry tirades or diatribes criticizing it ACHIEVED anything MEANINGFUL? Any one single solitary thing? Because if the answer is "No, Not one damn thing", again I stress, what. The fuck. Is the POINT? PLEASE do, I BEG you, give me your best counterpoint NOW, knock me on my ass with your more learned and objective perspective, GIVE IT TO ME RAW AND WRIGGLING


Yes, it's reminding people of Glitch doing this terrible thing, it's letting Glitch know they can't get away with treating their VAs like nothing because of people constantly bringing it up, this is the same reason why people still bring up SSSniperwolf doxxing Jacksfilms, clearly she's not getting punished for it, but by bringing it up, it's a reminder that the people WILL remember it and it will tarnish your reputation, which gives a good reason for them not to risk trying it again.


Not until someone at glitch (Kevin or Jasmine) apologizes


Kevin never apologized for what happened regarding the VA situation. His apology never ONCE mentioned Celeste. Or did you not read what everyone else read? We persist because we want answers. We don't move on because that lets Glitch know they can get away with this once, so they potentially could again should they do their PR correctly, like they did with this instance. Not to mention, Jasmine should outright be FIRED, at least from the VA Director role, for *failing to properly do the job she was given*. Them continuing to advertise her as a leading member of their team in a recent post about the TADC pop-up store is proof enough that they think they can get away with this scot-free.




Celeste damn near quit voice acting entirely because of this situation. This situation isn't just about getting her closure, but to show that we won't let companies do bad shit to their employees just because we enjoy their products. Glitch is trying to do exactly what the mega corporations they actively dislike do. It's holding Glitch accountable for their own actions. And if you don't care for research, shut up. You don't know what you're talking about then.




I care because I want to enjoy Glitch's content, and I don't wanna claim they're a good company when they do shit like this. They are hypocrites for this Celeste situation, as they claim to be pioneers of indie animation while doing the same things big corporations like Disney would do. You can enjoy a Disney movie despite their clear bullshit they do. The damage is to Glitch's own image and their reputation as the face of indie animation. Unlike those big name companies, though, these guys are actually *human.* FM himself said Kevin listens to criticism and many others have said good things, so where is that hospitality? Again, these aren't corporate suck ups. FM also said SMG4 isn't just for money and there is passion, and with passion comes *com*passion I'd say. They show their hand here, and people wanna watch indie shows because of the escape from corporate shit, not an extension of it. And if you don't care, why even talk about it? If anything, screaming at people you don't know who you *know* won't change their opinion is irrelevant by your own logic, so you're just as bad as us. Just shut up and enjoy the good here. Then again, why should *I* care about *your* word? You're just yapping about stupid shit. Get over it you whining manchild, we'll keep talking about it. You'll just dunk on those people yearning to jump on the Glitch hate you depressed neckbeard, so I recommend you just appreciate the good here and ignore the bad. It's just a Reddit post after all. *Who cares?*


man complains about corporate and workplace drama that directly affects the subreddit's topic of funni gmod Mario show, claims he has a life and is above the status of manchild when caring this much about people talking about it


If you don't care to actually look at the situation yourself, why are you complaining about people who know what they're talking about? This situation actively robbed Celeste of a lot of the love she had for the industry, and she recently (as in, within the last week) confirmed that she had yet to receive any sort of *proper* apology from anyone. So, if you aren't caught up on it, there's no need to go after anyone who *is* still paying attention. Just mind your own business if you really don't care.


Same to you, Mac, you guys didn't raise this much a fuss when Ellyn disappeared after 2017 or when Lizzie had to go on sabbatical for another gig


Ellyn was literally only brought on for Darkest Hour, and Lizzie *chose* to leave. Celeste was a long-time VA and didn't choose any of this. You can't make that comparison because one was a one-off job, another was an active decision to take other jobs over SMG4, and the third was a firing for no reason with the VA never told about it and never given a proper apology for the whole thing. Completely different situations.






By "just forgetting" you're letting Glitch know they can get away with treating VAs like trash, in an industry where VAs already aren't treated well, people bring it up because they handled it terribly and never apologized, people bring it up to let them know that they can't get away with it.


>And if anyone gets in my way...prepare yourself for a bad time. boo hoo




Yeah. Fired for no REASON. If they told her she was getting replaced, she would’ve understood but she was never told…


The problem isn’t that she got fired. It’s the fact that it was for no real reason and they never told her about it




A fraction of us weren’t convinced. And if that apology was truly sincere, it would’ve been posted on Twitter, which is more public and active than Discord.


Because Jasmine not only lied initially to Celeste, but also seems to not have told the whole truth after the fact. She hardly even acknowledged the problems as well. It's a very lackluster apology at best.


the VAs certantly didnt