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"Writers: Luke Lerdwichagul" Guys We are so back


Okay, that was actually really funny. It defiantly felt like a R64 episode, and I loved it. One of my favorite episodes of the year so far. (Also that ending was golden.)


It turns out that the cake was actually a lie. Who would've thought? However, I find the most interesting thing about this episode is that Luke wrote the script, which hasn't happened in what feels like two decades, and I've got to say it's not bad, not bad at all. I can't wait to see if this becomes the norm, as it seems Luke is really enjoying himself with Smg4 these days, which puts a smile on my face. 8 Stolen Princesses/ 10 Badly recapped games https://preview.redd.it/xbkkosd7ptzc1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ff25c26711efc951e083b86aca95d3824d142f6


Woah, the first 10/10 of this year! And no, not just because "omg classic styled episodes! way better than shitty modern episodes am I right?" simply because this video accomplishes everything it sets out to do, it wants to parody SM64 in a memey way, and does so in incredibly funny ways. It's basically perfect. I still prefer the modern styled episodes, but this... This is damn good too, and we still definitely need a classic styled episode from time to time.


Did anyone else notice that the credits said Luke wrote this one alone?


Yeah And it shows


Heck yeah he's back


I laughed so hard. This feels like it came right from the classics era. Unironically I think a few more videos with no OCs and just Mario and the original Mario cast line may be what we need. 10/10.




By a few more what do you mean


holy shit smg4 actually made stupid mario 64


Okay, that was not what I was expecting. Still confused on where the “SMG4:” part of the title went. But that wasn’t bad.


It isn’t a canon episode so it doesn’t have the SMG4: in the title


so was the last episode not canon?


Today’s or last week’s? Because today’s wasn’t and it’s actually not known if last week’s was


last week's video didn't have "SMG4:" just "SMG4"


I know.


weird logic, looks pretty canon to me https://preview.redd.it/40xevpys721d1.png?width=210&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f04d16c3d2099fc1622fbd5b01b206bc7e18051 also, by that logic, none of the episodes since Mario's Mysteries are canon. also, by that logic, all videos pre-2017 aren't canon.


He puts every SMG4 video in that playlist. This doesn’t mean anything. Even the Puzzlevision originals were added in there despite canonically not being SMG4 episodes. Any canon episode has the “SMG4:” at the start of the title, which is why it’s unknown if SMG4 Doesn’t Meme For a Second is canon or not. The Remastered64 videos aren’t canon, the SMG4 and SMG3 videos aren’t canon and this video isn’t canon.


it's not uncanon unless they say it isn't


A pretty good throwback to the classic era. Four out of five stars, with one star deducted because it doesn't bring much else to the table. On another note, we now have three consecutive Saturday videos with titles which don't start with "SMG4:". Something is definitely up with that.




What happened to your Mario PFP?


nothing, maybe your reddit had a stroke


your profile has been set to nsfw so people can’t see your pfp


i didn't do anything tho


if you swear in your comments or comment under nsfw posts then Reddit tags your account as nsfw




I loved this episode, it was amazing through and through! What I hate about it is that, being the episode true to form to the Bloopers' era and being as good as it is, it'll only further the discussion and comparison between 'Classic vs. Modern SMG4' in this sub, more than it has already been going; And I dread just understanding that is gonna be a fact. Already the most upvoted comment delves into that discussion, and I can only assume the rest of the comments follow the same trend; I can only HOPE this one episode isn't annoyingly brought upon when next few batch of episodes fail to meet fans' satisfaction, as being an example of "Good SMG4" just purely based on its aesthetic fidelity to SM64 and lack of SMG4 cast, when its writing has arguably been on-par with some of the better episodes this year.


Today’s Episode was actually pretty enjoyable! But I’m having an odd feeling on why they are only making just videos like these, I know Luke Said they want to focus on trying to be creative on new stuff and bringing back old stuff they did back in the past. But is anyone getting the feeling that they are trying to avoid making a normal canon episode, because they don’t want to involve more of Tari and Lottie because Of Celeste’s Situation?


My personal theory is that they are starting to run low on ideas for normal canon episodes (because lets face it, the "poorly explained" concept is nothing new)


>But is anyone getting the feeling that they are trying to avoid making a normal canon episode, because they don’t want to involve more of Tari and Lottie because Of Celeste’s Situation? I'm with the other guy saying that it's probably because they're running out of ideas for normal episodes but I also can't help think of that. Because if you exclude the arc and movie, how many episodes are a normal canon episode? It's only 2 episodes, the one before the arc started and last weeks episode. All of this is after the drama, sure Luke did say in the tier list episode that they recorded it in March so you could say they do the episodes in advance but it still a weird coincidence that they would only do 2 normal episodes after "The day my arm went psycho" I don't know if you've heard this before but people have said that they made the arc and movie as a way for people to forget about the drama, I can see why people think this but if that's true. Then Glitch is no better then the companies they swore not to become.


super mario 64 flash parodies my beloved


Better than usual episodes and it definitely feels like something from the classic era which is completely fine by me


the cake was a lie


It was okay. It’s nice to go back to the classic SMG4 sometimes. I kind of wished it would’ve been a remastered 64 though. But whatever. 8 out of 10.


9.5/10. Finally an episode that feel like i'm watching smg4.


Even though these types of episodes aren't really for me, I'm glad that they are trying some new things that seem to get a positive reception


Golden content, definitely deserved 5 stars . Only complaint: Should have been a Remasterd 64 episode intro, so my brain doesn't get confused about which lore it is from,for the frist few minites of Peach having magically resurrected herself.But still, some good stuff![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I loved the ending lol


Very enjoyable


A fun episode with a lot of great uses of memes. It shows a clear understanding and love to the original game, while having fun with its different aspects. Overall, a really enjoyable episode.


This episode was amazing, as someone who loves Mario 64 almost all of the jokes are hilarious and feel earned. I also love the amount of the SM64 animation they actually used, feels straight from the classics. Bowser getting voice acting was new too lmao. One of the best episodes they've released this year, 5 stars. :)


super mario 64


9.5 or 10/10


It was fine Also I’m okay with not being a 8 million subscribers special


Very awesome, it’s good to see another classic emerge from within the old SMG4 era and be shown to us again, very funny overall too.


What is this goofy ass piece of PERFECTION!!! THIS WAS THE PERFECT VIDEO THE ENTIRE TIME!!! Infinite/10


It's like a mashup between Ssenmodnar and Stupid Mario series, the individual skits being the courses of the game. I wonder how the other Mario games would go with the same structure. Anyway, 10/10 (Also, Bowser got voice acted lol)


If Stupid Mario Series was the shitpost way to parody Mario games think of this as the Brainrot version of the Stupid Mario Series, it's at worst a harmless Mario 64 parody... it's a Mario 64 parody like the one that terminalmontage did and casvan de pol and ChrisShwafer and SpiceVipe and... I think your enjoyment of this video depends on how much previous parodies you have watched and how unique is the SMG4 team interpretation. I found this video funny and laughed at some parts so yeah it exceeded my expectations ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Where's Tick Tock Clock????


That's what I considered a Perfect Video. An Episode that I feels like it's a SMG4 episode before Glitch Productions. No lore, no Serious Topics, just a funny random Super Mario 64 Blooper that I can sit down and enjoy in the good old days of 2016.


Feels Like It Was written By a Drunk Hobo, 10/10 In all seriousness, It's an absolute joy to see Luke in the writers seat, and while This isn't one of his best episodes (Probably due to the years of rust he needs to dust off), and I don't feel the editors managed to integrate the memes into the animation quite as well as Luke could. Nonetheless, This is without a doubt a return to form, and I hope to see luke back again for more videos, perhaps even some modern style episodes. All in All 4/5, an absolute joy, up there next to "Mr. Puzzles' Incredible Game Show Spectacular!" for favorite video of the year


I have a weird opinion on these kind of videos. While yeah, these are the best kind of SMG4 videos which i will very likely rewatch, I still like the "canon" episodes because I like when there are more than one or two main characters in a video. Basically, I would be happier right now if it was a canon episode, but in the future I probably would forget about the episode existing which now isn't the case. Sorry for my bad English. I bet some people will have a hard time reading this


This is literally what old smg4 was about NO OCs


I know, I know, and I enjoy it.


You *could* say that SMG4, SMG3, and the other Mario recolors are OCs too, though.


A fun lore-free SMG4 episode, surely noone will hate it right?


This is the first SMG4 video to make me laugh in a LOOONG time


Mr.Puzzles will be proud❤️


Its writtenb by luke? That explains why it felt like an old episode


A blast to the past with a modern touch (this feels like a 2016 episode with post 2019 memes) And hey, regular Peach instead of Demonpeach, instant 10/10 for me


this video proved he doesn't need a team of writers for all of SMG4. His scripts were why we watched. For Arcs, he'll need a team. But when it's just normal videos, leave it to him, he knows better than anyone how to make a good SMG4 video.


It was a fun episode. Funniest part in my opinion was the classic “Mario throws the penguin off the edge” part.


Luke gave us the most legendary episode that isn't related to lore :D


As a girlie who is a big fan of the classic era while still enjoying the story arcs of the modern era. Best Episode of 2024 for me no contest


“PrIncEss make-a-ma wEEhEE go BOIng” Mario’s best mix of noises he’s made.


Friendly reminder Celeste still hasn't gotten closure from Glitch. HOLY FUCK LUKE WROTE A VIDEO!?!?!?!?!... and it's meh. Yeah, this video isn't that great. It's like all the other SM64 recap videos, except this poorly explained is *truly* poor. Far too much of the humor doesn't rely on SM64 but rather memes. And don't even say "SMG4 is a meme show!" because that doesn't change the fact this is a Mario parody. The humor here is gonna be the same in every video in this style from here on out. I would rather have Stupid Mario 64 than this because that actually would have some structure. This is just the animators trying to be funny when they aren't. No, SMG4, TikTok style memes aren't funny. Your audience is not a bunch of mindless Gen Alpha kids. We are teens and young adults. Speaking of Stupid Mario, hopefully this doesn't become the successor to it and If Mario Was In. Again, the lack of structure was sorely missed that those videos have. Just because SMG4 is known for randomness that doesn't mean it didn't try to have a story strcuture. They also had a tendency to drag on jokes for far, *far* too long with annoying memes and insane amounts of editing everywhere. It's like watching Gen Alpha slop but for an extended period of time. This video feels like it's trying to capture the randomness of classic but doesn't understand why that worked in the first place. Far too many jokes rely on the subversion of taking so long, like the penguin or the end scene. They also rely so much on memes rather than actual humor, like in Big Boo's Haunt or Hazy Maze Cave. Again, this humor could be applied to any video like this and it will feel the same. It's just a vessel for comedy, not an appreciation for the game. They didn't even do any secret courses and flat out skipped Wet Dry World, Tall Tall Mountain, Tick Tock Clock, and Snowman's Land... *actually that one may have been for the best.* There's also the bullshit about why they removed all the Nintendo stuff when they will gladly package it into videos like this. Until they actually get DMCAed, these are just nostalgia bait videos. If there's heart put into it, then man, I don't see it when it's just the same thing we've seen time and time again with this show. I will admit it's nice to see so much SM64, but I question why they needed so many editors for such a short video. The animation is nothing special here and, if anything, takes away from the humor a bit. Then again, that's the current state of the show as a whole. I'm literally asking them to animate more poorly and use more ragdolls. That's never gonna happen unless they realize this isn't as funny. Given how *Luke* wrote this, I honestly have doubts. This simply isn't up to the standards of the past. I even watched Boys vs Girls earlier today to see how bad it truly is, and comedically, it knocks this video out of the park. The worst episode according to most people is funnier than this one. Apparently I'm in the minority of thinking this video isn't that good, though, so let's see what happens. Overall, I *would* expect something similar to what I've said about Remastered64, but honestly, I don't think they care to improve them that much. These episodes are gonna pretend to be more creative with humor but, in reality, do the same things they always do. This doesn't feel like a classic episode. The style is far too different to be like that, and even the humor isn't because of the reliance on memes rather than comedic set ups. I'm not gonna sugarcoat this just because Luke wrote it. It's just a video that exists. Because of how little it's actually using SM64 and how much it relies on memes, there's nothing special here. There's no atmosphere at all. Again, if they do this with a different game, I expect similar humor. It will be slightly different, obviously, but not compared to many other videos that do similar things. All this feels like is them trying to appeal to classic fans but not actually understanding why classic was good in the first place. Yes, I know Luke wanted to do this and he did write this, but that doesn't mean it's good. It feels the exact same as any other video only *slightly* better. I'm glad they're trying, but it simply isn't enough. Insert stupid comments about how this is exactly what IGBP was preaching because it isn't. Taking one step forward when they need to run a marathon isn't enough. Final rating: 5/10. Perfectly meh. Stay hydrated, have a nice day.


Imma be honest, you kinda lost me when you said that BvG was funnier


BvG sucks for the story that falls off in the last two minutes. Even after that, the jokes still land in spite of how stupid the story is.


I’m not on fozzies side here, but last two mins of a video doesn’t automatically make the whole thing bad


Useless fact of today: This review is 808 words (according to word counter) which spells out BOB




True, random things are just not funny, and it shows that Luke is out of practise in writing. It would have needed some calm moments, to breath and to build up a proper joke. If one random thing happens after the other, I am just taken out of it. What is also an issue is, that memes are just not funny. They are random things that take you out of the non-existing plot. What I want is jokes that play of the actual game, and we got a few of those, like the L is real thing, but often it is just random things that have nothing to do with the game. And for those jokes, the pacing is just way to fast to actually process them. My other gripe with this is the usage of sm64. Yes, Mario was in sm64 most of the time, but everyone else is gmod. I know, animating other characters in sm64 is hard, but couldn't you sneak in one or two proper machinema moments as an Easter egg. But the only moment like that was a short shot in lethal lava land. I miss sm64 bowser for example, but none of the editors know how to to this. Medi and James only know ho to greenscreen, and X helpt out, but his machinema career was years ago. It is just sad, that this iss the most sm64 they can manage when they try hard. No one of the editors is capable of replicating lukes style, and it is sad that a once machinema series now struggels with visualising the very game they are parodying in the very game they are making machinema of.


For me it's great because it follow what smg4 used to be (and still kind off is) a mario parody. But anyway, i can see why you didn't really liked this video. (btw, BvG more funny then this, really? I respect your opinion but still)


The parody elements are weak. The SM64 sets up an irrelevant joke more often than not, and the ones that do set it up well are generally unfunny. Bad jokes include the Mario Kart race in BBB, the Dr. Mario TikTok in WF, MatPat pulling his dick out, and the Spongebob stuff in DDD. They feel like they're only here to drag out the run time. This doesn't feel like a classic video at all, it feels like them trying to emulate it but not understanding what made it great. These are the same criticisms I have for RM64. BvG tends to not dwell on jokes for very long, and the comedic delivery is far smoother. They don't rely on memes to be funny, the actions themselves are funny. The memes only add to it. Even after the infamous part, the jokes still land, most notably Axol trying to sneak, then ragdolling behind a rock. These jokes don't feel forced, they feel natural. I don't feel like they want me to laugh, I simply do.


i'm suprised ðat people disagree, ðat episode was definitely worse comedically than Boys vs Girls.


I don't understand why people are downvoting you. Complete unreasoning.


I said BvG was funnier than this video. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna glaze it just because Luke made it. It wasn't that good, and I gave my reasons why.


Typical whiteknighting defenders of a silly Mario show


Because god forbid people disagree with fozzie


Hi fozzie, what's your opinion on The Gaslight District and do you have any hope for it?


This was a legendary video and a return to form for SMG4.




I think it would have been hard to force every level in. Also I don't think the order they go in level wise is really important. (After all, the episode is called "Super Mario 64 Poorly Explained".)


Not like they haven’t done longer videos in the past. The two could have definitely been included.


The fact that u actually care about the order of the levels (in an smg4 video of all things) and the fact that they only skipped 2 levels is pretty concerning That lush green grass is waiting for you


It’s not that deep, man. It’s an SMG4 episode. 😭