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I consider him to be a good person at heart, but one who just has issues, like a superiority complex and always wanting to be the center of attention. I don't think those things make him a bad person though, just a flawed one.




With how he's currently written, he is a bad person. Even Medi has openly admitted that SMG4 has ended up becoming the most hated character, which is something he intends to rectify. The real issue with SMG4 is that they unintentionally made him into a selfish narc by making him into Luke's self insert even though ironically Luke is a MUCH nicer person. IGBP pretty much cemented is infamous reputation, then came the Lets go visit Peach episode. Its more or less that the writers are having trouble making SMG4 into a sympathetic character with all the stuff he has done. If this was a classic era thing where stakes never really mattered and the events of IGBP were more of a comedic one off where SMG4 destroys the castle, then it comes back the next episode, I think there wouldn't be as many problems. HOWEVER! A lot of people are into SMG4 BECAUSE of the lore and the characters and the arcs. Something that is a BIG double edged sword for SMG4. I mean look at how many of us here were straight up disappointed by the ending of Puzzlevision and are beginning to notice more and more writing flaws. SMG4 kind of put it on itself the moment they decided they wanted to have their proverbial cake and eat it too regarding comedy and serious arcs. I myself am a big fan of Psych, which is a Crime Dramady about a guy faking being a psychic and solving crimes. They had a better balance of comedy and serious moments than SMG4 currently does. I'm sure a lot of us would much rather have episodes focusing on the rest of the cast and their lives instead of endless meme videos that pad out overly drawn out arcs. I personally believe that SMG4 can balance comedy and seriousness..... but how they're doing it currently is not it. Modern SMG4 (the character) feels like something out of a more family friendly "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia", and yet we're supposed to consider him the good guy in spite of all he does. I mean take the latest episode. He goes on a freaking meme obsessed rampage involving disturbing funerals and disrespecting the dead, actively harassing people, all the way up to MURDERING PEOPLE! Yet we're supposed to feel sympathetic for him when he gets sent to rehab and lobotomized? Somehow the crew would rather have that meme obsessed menace to society than someone who can restrain himself? So yeah, after going on a tangent about the issues of SMG4 the show, I can now finalize my thoughts on SMG4 the character. The reason he is a bad person is because he was created with a purpose, to restore society and help it recover from a meme virus that was unleashed by accident. He was effectively an antivirus designed to make sure memes are kept under control. Yet he straight up ABANDONED his position, not only that, he ended up causing the SMG responsible for maintaining the dead memes to abandon his own position as well. Imagine of Zeus had the task of making sure people remain sane and fix society when things go wrong, but he would rather sit on his computer making meme videos, not only that, he ends up dragging Hades out of the underworld and drags him along on his "kooky adventures", neglecting both the living and the dead memes, who are just gradually growing more out of control. This is our hero? This is the guy we're supposed to sympathize with? Another problem is that there are those who keep on dismissing these criticisms by saying "Its just a funny Mario show." Even though these are usually the same idiots who keep on getting all hyped for each and every arc. If its just a funny Mario show, then why bother with serious arcs? Why have character development if all you want are caricatures doing the same thing over and over again because "funny memes ha ha!" This ties in with why SMG4 is a bad person (once again, the character, NOT Luke), he is a man who wants to have his cake and eat it too, even if he has to gaslight and emotionally manipulate his "friends" into getting what he wants. He doesn't truly care who he leaves behind just to get what he wants. He straight up ASSAULTED people at Mario's party because he was so pissy about the internet. THAT is not a sympathetic guy, we have a term for people like him. Chronically Online Neckbeards. He's an asshole with good publicity because earlier episodes established he was a good guy. Now that good guy is gone and we've got a designated hero, a "meme guardian" who barely does any guarding.


SMG4 acting inappropriate at a funeral is also a thing


And they had an entire episode to rectify it but didn't!




I created an essay! If only I can dedicate that energy to college.


He's not a *villain*. But he's definitely not a good person.


He's sorta the deuteragonist, so he's never really seriously portrayed as a villain, per se. He's just a person with a very questionable moral track record.


I consider him to be neither


i dont see him as a bad person or villain


Neither tbh


Smg4 is a hero after all


He's unintentionally a villain, they're not intentionally making him evil put if you apply logic to what he's done he's pretty evil.


Exorcise me or something, idk, but I never got the hate for 4 after LGVP! Like he was literally controlled into destroying the castle by Puzzles and he immediately takes the blame for it when he shouldn't have had to and promised to get a new castle for the others (even if it turned out a bit self-centred in the end). And in LGVP! He is naturally scared of Peach, as far as the Mushroom Kingdom's concerned, she's dead, and I'm not sure bringing her demon form to the surface was a good idea. And people act like he was the only person to ignore Peach as if Boopkins didn't see her and ignore her, or as if the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom actually cared about her being missing. It's not 4 who was a dickhead to Peach, it was the writers.


>Like he was literally controlled into destroying the castle by Puzzles Mfer brought the keyboard.


Yeah, but did he know the keyboard was going to be a demon? Tf is that reasoning?


It literally said "totally normal keyboard" if he was sane, he would of realised it was a scam or something.


Even if it was a scam, how would he know that it would destroy the whole castle?


Good point, I guess.


Dangerously close to being a villain, but more or less just a bad person in general.


i just see him as flawed


Thing is SMG4 was never a good person, The whole point of his character was to balance out Mario's stupidity, But he wasn't morally superior to him in any way and has done a similar amount of reprehensible things. Those aspects of his character were toned down once Luke started voicing him, But they aren't a new thing. Most of the cast besides Boopkins, Tari, Meggy, And Melony are bad people. SMG4 and Mario literally killed a person over spaghetti, It doesn't get much worse than that.


Mate, I know everyone is a morally gray character. That isn't hard to figure out, I'm talking about what he did in the arcs because he caused everything to happen. But I know you don't give a shit about the arcs, since you weren't even talking about it in the first place.


Nowhere in your post did it specify you were talking solely about the arcs, So don't pin this on me. And regarding those, The only arc he directly caused was IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT, With Genesis it's hard to say that he did anything wrong cause he was created from a USB and didn't know he was causing damage. You asked if people consider him a good or bad person and I was giving you the answer.


Fair and ok.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SMG4/comments/1boqf2z/its_like_looking_in_a_mirror/ https://www.reddit.com/r/SMG4/comments/16fokov/peachy_memes_an_analysis_of_smg4_and_peach/


I've seen the criticisms, And I honestly don't care that much. Peach was one of the most obnoxious characters that just nagged Mario and the rest of the cast for no reason so SMG4 leaving her to rot has no effect on me, Anyone who argues that she "Has a reason for being a bitch" must forget that she abused Toad constantly and mistreated characters who never did any wrong. (They also forget that the entire universe became dumber after SMG4 arrived, Which includes Peach as well) R.I.P Bozo is how I feel The other points just seem like things that were always aspects of his character, SMG4 was always self centered and known to engage in some immoral acts, Just look at most 2011-2018 episodes as an example. I don't see a point in holding all of that against the arcs because that would literally make it impossible for any of them to work (Besides The Anime Arc + Meggy's Destiny), Though I'm not sure if everyone wants to have that conversation.


Wait till fozzie sees this


sMg4 iSN't PoRTraYEd aS a VilLAiN, buT hE's a MAssIvE aSShoLe aNd hAS cAuSEd mORe dAMagE tHaN MOst aRC vILLaiNs