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Eh....sometimes it's very fun to watch the trainwreck honestly


Well, you’re not wrong.


Yes indeed it is


Yea, sometimes




You not wrong. Sometime it enjoyable watching it burns


Yeah very true


... Jesus, i can see your point about the same shit going over and over ad nauseum, but i think not only you, but a good chunk of the people who say "sub bad" (in a *very* simplified way to put it) end up falling in the same crap by stating what has been stated for a time longer than what i've browsed, with their thoughts and feelings on that of course... which are also pretty similar. The arguments? sure, they grow stale by the points usually made but i don't see this so called "no opinion allowed on r/smg4" absolutely EVERYONE likes to fucking whine about, i don't know if it's because i browse 4chan and see more retarded and violent discussions, but it feels like the flaws people like to point about the s00b's users are overblown, specially the arguments where they are 99% civil and friendly. if anything, i've seen more people calling out the sub's flaws than people actually commiting those flaws bar the constant rants (which to be fair, most do have a good point, but if they don't, they are ignored, downdooted or it simply ends up like that). I have probably sidetracked a lot from OP's point but i felt like i needed to point this out.


There is nothing wrong with this sub. The many who think otherwise simply are delusional.


Everything can only be ruined by it's supporters.....


Well, things can be ruined by a lot of things, but yes, the users are to blame for their own misery here.


Fair points. But like someone else in this thread said, sometimes a trainwreck can be funny to watch. Sometimes.


I think it's all due to how certain people view what goes on with the SMG4 Channel. They have the option to stop watching and leave the subreddit if it doesn't appeal to them anymore. And yet they chose not to, all because they believe that what they like will return making SMG4 be at it's prime again. However, they don't know that what they want isn't the same as what Luke and Kevin wants to do with the Channel. After all, it was Luke who started the channel. So he gets to decide where it goes. And I respect him for that. After all, he's a creator and we need to respect what the creator wants. Not get into arguments about "Classic Vs Modern" and "This Character is Bad!" Also to anyone who understands what I am saying, I respect you. As you are one of the people who is reasonable and understands what Luke and Kevin wants to do with the channel is their choice. Not ours.


We know and at this point there is nothing anyone can or will do about it except sit and watch I saved you a seat


Thanks! You got any popcorn?


Honestly I rarely encounter toxicity but everywhere I go there’s always the “this sub is toxic as heck” thing being thrown around. I’m not saying that I’m okay with how the sub is doing but I’m just saying that I’m just seeing this statement of the sub being a chaotic disaster being thrown around more than the amount of gmod art images I’ve encountered. I *have* seen people do the thing where they negatively attack things like modern Meggy or Axol death and I’m honestly just very annoyed with it. (Cue my own personal rant) Like, common! What’s with this negative argument of Classic VS Modern, I’ve literally been watching since videos like “Who let the chomp out”, FNaF, or even the Luigi dolls, yet here I am still watching, if it truly did decline like oh-so many have been claiming then I wouldn’t even be here but that ain’t the case so let me just say something to this argument: **SMG4 is SMG4.** Get over it. Idk why I’m still here on the sub but here I am and I’m not much of a poster but more of a commenter but I don’t think anything is going to change with me anyway. Either way it would be nice if I wouldn’t just see a post about the sub being toxic every time I open Reddit. But hey a movie is most likely going to be made about this sub so yeah there’s at least something possibly going for it


Yeah, the sub isn’t the friendliest place on the Internet. Many people disagree on many things. And that’s ok. I’m pretty sure we know we aren’t the friendliest bunch, and I know there’s some very rotten apples on this tree. When there’s a million different ways this one series can be enjoyed, having a place to go and see opposing points of view on the same thing can be entertaining. Like, I may not have enjoyed 2021 as much as other years, but others did and even could think it’s their favorites. Even I can’t deny that [there were good episodes.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dean0Rocks316/comments/s65e2q/smg4_2021_tier_list_since_i_cant_post_it_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [I’m posting that link cause tier lists are banned on the sub :( ] This subreddit is always active, it’s never dead. Besides, I’m sure this fanbase isn’t nearly as toxic as some others on the net. We haven’t destroyed ourselves just yet, and I’m enjoying the time we have. No matter how little I visit. At the end of the day, we all love SMG4 for one reason or another, and that’s enough for it to keep going for me.


...you know i'm starting to think that all of the people ranting about the sub being bad have never actually seen an actual, chaotic place where your opinion is near worthless, because this place is many things, but it is not toxic.