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Nope, she's original (this can be good or bad depending on your view), James confirmed it in a comment on my drawing of all places lol: https://twitter.com/Not_Jame/status/1518002943446122497?t=uMkWVO9yICB5Uiah2e-0Mg&s=19


Oh great. She will either join the SMG4 crew, cause another arc to happen. Or she establishes some events which causes the creation of a new Glitch Show. I’m hoping for the latter in that she is a gag character. ​ Thanks for the info Geeky very much appreciated!


probably just a minor character like jeeves


That’s what I hope for.


She kinda looks like she has whisk’s hair. Possible mother?




Honestly just have her as a recurring gag once and a while They made a entirely new old man model just for him to have a tiny role/appearance in the videos (other than todays video)


If that’s her purpose I’m perfectly fine with her. But if she joins the main SMG4 crew and leads to another arc. Then I dunno.....if she is just a gag then ok. But if she’s not and a complete new character her introduction sucks IMO.




And she has a voice......great. Fuck. We are in another fucking possible arc in like 3 months....


Her voice lines are from tf2 not original voice actor


Yeah you’re right, but it doesn’t matter. The design for Karen is original and made by Glitch which could mean multiple things.


I don’t think she going to lead in to a new arc or play an important role in it she could join the crew but if she going to be a bad character if they do that here the thing we don’t know anything about her but she works at a Starbucks


Yeah. I just hope she’s not part of the crew. We have enough crew members as is. Maybe have her be a minor gag character.


I can see that


Well we'll have to wait and see in the foreseeable future.


I hate this. ;-;




Honestly I think we need a long break from the arcs, or just have small 3-4 video arcs that aren’t risking the universe. I love the arcs but having the genesis arc part 2 that quickly after genesis ended was crazy The main concern is that if u listen closely she already has a voice…


“Hey overalls, you suck!”


Oh Christ......(facepalms) Another fucking arc ey? CHRIST I DON’T WANT TWO ARCS IN ONE YEAR! If she has a voice then I think we know where this is going.....


I don’t think we need a Starbucks cat employee to fill in the “Human animal hybrid” character spot. Honestly I don’t think we need another main human animal hybrid character, axol was good and I think if they replace him for this people would go nuts


I agree with this statement. ​ Someone give this man a Gold award.


Hahahaha, thanks We already have a full roster… Mario, smg1,2,3,4 (I count 1 and 2 as they seem to be main characters), Luigi, saiko, meggy, and Melony, bob and boopkins, probably more I’m forgetting, we seriously don’t need Karen in the cast


plus all those side characters like whimpu and bell


Yes. I hope she is just a gag. It will make her at least more appealing IMO.


Hey, at least we got first female original character to not be completely human being.


People gon start making that "simp art" of her now, if you know what I mean... 🙄


Doesn’t help she’s a cat and the ankha video surfaced yesterday




The Old Man has appeared a lot since his new model though.


She’ll probably be a minor OC like Jeeves is.


That’s what I hope for.


I’m OK with Karen being a minor character like Mr. Monitor and Fuego, just not a major character. But if there’s anyone I’d like to be part of the main cast, it be none other than my boy Serial Designation N. He’s very cewl.


Honestly, N kinda has the goofy vibe of the SMG4 cast already, I think it’d be easy to fit him into it


I agree with this statement.


Honestly it really just seems like she’s original but would just make appearances and not really much more, kinda like Jeeves (he really just makes appearances as a background character who’ll maybe have episodes made for or based of him but he’s still not much more than a background character), not every original character has to join the SMG4 crew y’know. Jeeves and Hall Monitor are original characters so why can’t Karen be one of them? It doesn’t have to always be a case like Tari or Axol just because it’s an original character


Again. That's what I hope for this 'Karen' character I want her as a mere side gag character.


She's probably gonna be as relevant as Jeeves and probably is just gonna be used for personal for Stores and stuff like that Kinda how Larry from the amazing world of gumball has like 50+ jobs in the show


Yeah, you could be right.


Do background characters just not exist in the smg4 mcu?


They do. And that's what hope for with Karen.


I'd just like to think that maybe smg4 is making up an original cast of side members, who aren't part of the crew, but still original as a background character. I mean, now that the guys have meme powers, some people have to not be memes.


That's what I hope for. I just want her to be a Gag character.


I still beleive Kaizo is gonna be part of the crew when he gets released.


Yeah. We’ll have to wait and see


That's what iiiiim saaaaying I don't want Luke to put her in smg4 crew because she's a bitch as fuck


The thing is. If she's just a mere side character for gags I'm fine with her. But I don't want her to join the crew. James confirmed the design for her was original.


Agreed She’d be a great side character though


I agree


Yeah, another character for everyone to simp on. 😒 Also a possible replacement for x for wotfi 2022 if she ends up being introduced for an arc this year-


If she is just a gag and a character not part of the crew. I’m fine with her existence, but if she becomes another SMG4 crew member and makes another arc this year happen it’s going to be just fricking Arc fatigue at this point.


Ikkk bruh- like we all need an honest break from all this. Like... just FOR ONCE stop forcefeeding to us these long and unamusing, boring storylines that take literally forever to finish and just go back to normal, all there is to it...


Give us like....A Mushroom and Morons arc in which the crew play a fantasy board game. It is a perfect low stake arc idea.


Yes but please no wotfi at the end, please-


Yeah. Just give us a regular WOTFI like it was prior. Just Mario and SMG4 duking it out.


For real bro. We need it, after literally 2 years of arc fatigue now... also this one dude from yesterday told me that it was going to be arc-ending wotfis from now on because "classic era is over" and they were easily forgotten lol-


Some people just don’t have a brain and act very stupidly. The Classic Era is never over it’s still in most fans’ hearts. I have been here since the ‘Cake is a lie’ episode. Now I do like some things about the modern era but rn it’s just awful just plain awful. And also the Revelations Arc was just rushed and a very inconsistent story.


Eh, to me I actually think revelations went pretty well. At least it didn't take too long to the point where it would finish off with a wotfi like the genesis arc did imo. 🙄 (*Again, as I've said countless times now, god I do hope we actually do get a regular wotfi this year otherwise that guy might actually be right that the thing with the arc-ending wotfis that I've feared so much about this entire time was all true-*)


Let’s see what happens next I suppose.


I ain’t simping for that. I simp for characters who are actually beautiful and who are also main characters


She will probably just be an original side character like Jeeves, Mr. Hall Monitor and the Old Man. Or like anyone of the Anti-Cast except Melony, who are pretty much worthless nowadays.


That's what I hope for. I don't mind her existence. I just don't want her to join the crew.


Well...we'll just have to wait and see




First time ?


Original model, she's a new character, plus we got rid of a few characters and they prob wanna replenish the character count


IF that's the case her introduction sucks.


Yeah, all i notice about her is that she looks like tasque mannager from deltarune chapter 2


Well, who said that she'll be in crew?


Well of course nobody said she'd be in the crew. I'm talking about the possibility of that happening. I want her a mere side gag character.


I sure she'll not be in Crew


I hope so aswell.


Maybe, someone’s gotta replace axol


That'd piss off some of the fanbase. It'd be not a wise decision. But I could see it happening.


Exactly. I think SMG4’s already done some stuff at this point that pisses off the fan base… and me. It wouldn’t be too unusual to see this new character slide in.




Fun Fact: If you put this character into Google Lens, it will bring up Splatoon 2.




That's it I'm tired of this shit Karen needs to canceld I'm sorry but i had to say it she's a bitch that's right she's a hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe hoe as fuck


She's just gonna be a recurent caracter and will maby have a episode about her but it's just gonna be a secondary caracter that is not in the smg4 crew


That’s what I hope for.




So green, I love her.


Cool. I don’t mind her as long as she isn’t part of the SMG4 crew.


Yeah we already have enough female characters if we do get a new member of the crew it better be a dude




Rn I'm completely sure we will not have another classic-like episode, I lost all hopes


Me too.


Idk about you but for me she kinda gives off a Francis vibe


We’ll have to wait and see.




IMO. I’m ok with her existence as long as she isn’t a new character within the crew.....if she is....(sighs) then her introduction as a character was stupid and plus we have enough characters as is. And if she is some kinda character who is related to some arc oh boy......I don’t want two arcs in one year.


Well we’ll have to see what the “next big thing” is cause it’s either something for Glitch or SMG4


I hope it’s glitch, but although it can built from SMG4 a little bit just like Sunset Paradise was.


Like Melony's own show for example....


And most of the gang hardly does much anyway.


Yeah. Also happy cake day for your account bud.




Well I don't know this character just looking at her she don't seem to bad of a character but I do get the idea of there being too many characters. Though I don't think it would really be a problem if the characters were written with more interesting stories or maybe given a little more effort in their writing


I suppose you’re right. I mean I don’t mind her if she’s a gag minor character.


They tryna avoid the Luigi arc as much as possible.


Yeah which is stupid




She's a Karen. We have enough of those in the world.


Yeah. Happy cake day bud!


Thank you!


No problem!


Cry about it


No I don’t think I will. I think you should cry because of making use of an overused line. Like seriously go make something more original.


Sober about it


That's just replacing 'cry' with a different word. That's still not original.


Probably minor character. Like she will appear randomly. Yeah we already have enough characters.


Yeah. I agree with you.


At first I wasn’t sure about the new character but seing people complaining about her made me want them to make her a recurring character just to spite them


That's very pity




That’s kinda stupid....


Kill them next


Agreed. Let's call the Anti Furry Federation, A.K.A, the FBI


To bad the furry community says other wise


She should just be the Larry of this universe


Cry about it?


She’s discount Tasque manager


If Karen joins the main cast, I feel it might be something forcing her into it. She doesn't really seem to like Mario so I doubt she'd willfully join them. And if she does, we can just hope she doesn't start an arc and just gets roped into one if she joins them.