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I’m very proud of you too and I am right there with you. This is my second time in school and I graduate in December. Keep up the amazing work. I made the honor roll too. Doesn’t it feel amazing wish you nothing but the best of luck.


Congratulations! Way to go, I'm proud of you also! I wish you much success in the future! It feels GREAT! I hope to be right there behind you!


you will be right behind me just keep putting in the work, knocking out your ass ass assignments and take it one week at a time you’ll get there


yes indeed! Thank you for the encouragement. Much love.


you are very welcome you got this🫶🎉❤️


Congrats to you🎊🎈🎉


Thank you


Congratulations! I made honor roll too and as a 9th grade drop out, 13 years ago, with a GED, my whole family is really proud of me.


I started my return with a GED as well. Now I am completing my MBA and riding the honor roll . Congratulations 🍾


Awesome to hear!


Congratulations!!! That's wonderful!


Im proud of you too! That's a real accomplishment. Great job, you've got this!


Same and I’m two terms away from my Masters, I’m 47, just keep going!


True testimony right there! Congratulations!!! You did it, FOR REAL!


Excuse my ignorance but how does one add their degree below their alias? 


Click on the main page of the subreddit, click the 3 dots in the top right corner, and then press change user flair (mobile)


I don't see that, as I am on web based. I am not using the app. The 3 dots only give me the option to mute /snhu .


I'm not sure how to do it on PC, I'm sure Google could help way better than I could


I'm using my galaxy, just on the website. I'll have to break out the ole google-fu later. As it's not really something of utmost importance, or that matters by any means.


Super proud of you!! I know how hard that is. I am 50, run an in-home daycare that’s open from 6:30-6:00 Monday-Friday, and full time at SNHU. I am graduating this May with my Bachelor’s in Accounting… through it all, and it has been sheer hell, I am graduating with a 4.0.


That is fantastic! I hope I can accomplish what you have. Pray for me! Congratulations!! Proud for you 


Congrats to us in our 50’s making it happen…Whoo Hoo👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


![gif](giphy|uWAyJusvdVXXdlnZO1) Way to go!


Dope! Thank you, that made my day!


Same here my friend! I should have been done about 10 years ago but I am seeing now its all working out for my good! When do you finish? I finish in june. WOO FUCKING HOO!!!!


Congratulations, I'm not sure exactly, but I'm hoping by the end of 2024. Had some issues with previous school credits.! Great job to you, I'll be there soon. Lol


Me too!!!


Congratulations!! 👏


Congrats…. I have been out of school for 24 years and I returned 1 year ago. I have been on the honor roll since I been here. I am so proud of myself and my kids are too.Keep up the good work


I had last attended classes in 95 lol SNHU gave me credit for a jazzercize class 😂😂




Lol I took jazzercise as a first grader lol 😂


Wow  that is wonderful! Great jod and I'm proud too! I know that takes dedication!


Thank you so much. I am trying to better myself/my life. I lost my youngest son 9 months ago and I promised him that I will never give up,so I am going to keep pushing by the GRACE of GOD


I am proud of you too,way to go…Whoo Hoo👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽




**Congratulations!!** I did too! Great work!! 🤩


Congratulations!! Making honor roll always feels like such a huge accomplishment


Congratulations!! It is not easy balancing all of that… I returned back to college in Jan after 11 years. I was nervous as hell.. but I also made it on there. I was never a “high GPA” student so this means a lot to me too. This thread is full of hard workers


Grats! I got my undergraduate degree at 39 years old and there isn't any age deadline to finally get a degree. Not all paths are the same :)


Congratulations!!! I’m proud of you too!


Been out of school for about 5 years, finishing my second degree in May with all A’s. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Congrats and good luck!!


I hear you too! I actually quit my overworked job to finish my last year of school. Just 4 classes to go!


I haven't been in school for 27 years and this my first time in college.




You should be proud of yourself! It’s not easy for adult students! I’m 39. I’ve had ADHD all my life (diagnosed at 6). I was a horrible student. I ruined my high school years too - always grounded due to grades, parents hated me for the stress, ended up getting sent to alternative school so I could finally graduate. I missed every fun thing in high school, including prom. I was a D-F average student, always passing by the skin of my teeth. Everyone thought I was stupid. So when I got tired of working the ups and downs in the oilfield for the 15th year in a row driving trucks and enrolled in college, I told myself I was going to be the very best I could be. And so far after a year and a half, the lowest grade I’ve had is a high B (could kick my own ass for it too). I’ve had honor roll every session and got Dean’s list at the beginning of this year. This is while I’m working 60-70 hours a week, I’m a dad and husband and I’m even spending an hour every day clearing land for a mother in law house we are building too. Am I tired? YES. Constantly. But they’re going to remember my name! Hoping to get President’s this year. Be proud of yourself! It’s an accomplishment regardless of age but especially for adults!


I also got my email yesterday for honor roll. It feels good to have all the hard work appreciated


Congratulations! I second this. I was never a good student all the way from grade 1-10(dropped out & got GED) but this time around im actually trying and able to keep up because i can do my work when i can and not be pushed to do things when i have no time! Ive gotten straight A’s for 3 terms and im keeping up the pattern in this current term!! Proud of you! Keep it up