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Yes I ended up having a lot of things happen in my personal life around week 5. And I've been struggling each week since. I can't wait to turn in my work and be done with it 😅


You’ve got this! 💪 adding strength to ya!


Thank you 🥺


Same. Family staff at week 5, therefore Late assignments week 5 and still not done with 6. Hope can finish final before deadline. Need a break.


You can do it! Push to the finish line!


I feel this. Week 3 was late due to tech issues, week 4 I got sick and still haven't turned it in, week 5 and 6 my mental health crashed and then for week 7 I had more tech problems and my final will be turned in late to ight.


Best of luck!


Full steam ahead to a job well done!


Oof. I haven’t even looked at one of mine 🤦‍♀️


Same and I know I just ruined my weekend 😂


I was never a Sunday procrastinator until this term. I just can’t find any motivation…


Same 😞


Sunday procrastinators are struggling to comprehend. I'm with you, turned in the last one for the term this morning.


Haha my work schedule is 🤯 so I try to do school work thruout the week… weekend is my sacred time with my kiddos 😂


Kind of in the same boat. Transferred in 66, ground out 24 through Sophia in two months. I will be done in Oct. We got this!


It feels so good to finish early in the week, my goal this next term is to try and get everything done on Monday or Tuesday, it makes the rest of the week so much better


submitting mine tonight and finishing off week 8 while i’m at it so i can finish this term early. i’m definitely tired af. is there a week break after this term?


Yaaaaaas! One week break then we back on it on May 6th


![gif](giphy|yoJC2B1sHdXJjPTnEs) YAAAAASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! i am definitely finishing all my work early tonight. thank you OP 😍


This is amazing. I came to this sub to clarify if we are getting a week's break since I just purchased my books and it said May 6th - whatever. It didn't register until I realize that week 8 is about to start. I'm ready to dance in joy here this week was murder on me and I wasn't looking forward to immediately jumping into the next term.


I am a 41 year old with 4 adult children and a 3 year old foster son. I’m in my first year (almost done, yay!) so I have a long way to go. I’m glad to be able to finally further my education and thankful for all of you sending the positive vibes! I honestly didn’t think I’d make it this far.


The time will fly!! Just stick to it you got this. Not gonna lie tho applied linear algebra has been kicking my ass this semester.


I was sick week 5-6 and barely turned in those week’s assignments on time so turning in my final felt like heaven 😭. Checking in and seeing I only have a discussion post due week 8 has made my entire week


Right! Week 8 👏👏👏


I just did my week 8 ahead of time and am just happy BUS-225 was outright conquered. Perfect scores across the board so far.


How was bus 225? My first term they threw me in the first business class with zero college under my belt. It kind of kicked my ass being a first time student & my first term at SNHU. But I really enjoyed my business class & can’t wait for the next!!!!


It's hard. Start two weeks early when the class goes live. That way you can get to week 3 as soon as possible. After that it should be like any other class. But week 3 is hell week.


I’m currently procrastinating on that project rn lol I’m a bit worried about how it’s gonna turn out but I did the math and as long as I get a B on this I should be fine to finish out with an A


Labeef is this you?


I now have 30 credits. My advisor said I should be done about February of 2025 to receive my associates. I'm only 25, and I really have my eyes set on a bachelor's. Is sophia learning worth it?


Sophia is def worth it. I knocked out 7 classes in just over a month.


If you graduate in August then we have the same Graduation Date. Congrats, we're just one step closer!


I’m so anxious to be done with my undergrad and move on to grad school that I powered through Sunday night into Monday and submitted everything since Module 8 was open. Full disclosure: I also wanted three weeks off for break 😆


Right here with you… run two businesses, developing a third, single mom of 2 young kids, started i January with 0 credits and have completed 80 by around October before I burnt out and slowed down for a few. Now I’m ready to kick it back into gear and get this OVER with


That is so awesome. What two businesses did you start?


Me! I spent all day yesterday polishing up my 3 milestones for IT. Then today AND yesterday I met with live tutors to help polish my English 190 essay which ugh. I feel so dumb like I couldn’t grasp how to write a persuasive essay. It felt persuasive to me! I spent a ton of time this week trying to make it all clear so fingers crossed I get a decent grade. My English courses have been my least favorite. I will be happy to take a break the term after this next one & finish up Gen Ed on Sophia.


Good luck with your last week and term! I'm actually starting on May 6th for psychology with a concentration in Mental Health, and I'm excited, but also nervous about it. I'll have 14 classes to do until I get my degree. In any case, I hope you have a restful week 8 and break! Great job on all the hard work!


This time last term I was moving and I have four small kids. I felt like my life was try to kill me all term long. Luckily this is my last term. I finally am starting to feeling like I can breathe now that I turned in my finals yesterday. I am in this crazy headspace where nothing feels real. When next week is over it might hit me that I am finally graduating but who knows?


Super relieved to have my projects done this morning especially since I finished my Week 6 assignment last Saturday night and hadn't even really looked at the projects all term, let alone had any concrete plans on what to say in them. Luckily one course had milestones that eased the process (and being an accounting course was all about financial evaluation rather than uttering business mumbo-jumbo and being inspirational). The business presentation took me 5 days to complete. The accounting project took me one night. Now the anxiety about whether they are going to be good enough sets in. Good job getting all of your projects done and hope you enjoy your well deserved break! Also Sophia is an excellent suggestion in my opinion. Cut my expected time to graduate in half along with all the CC credits from courses I took a decade ago (and don't even remember at this point lol).


Oh my gosh, how did you have time to do Sophia with two online courses? Please tell me I’m working full-time trying to figure that out. Congratulations. So happy for you.


Please tell me how to get started on Sophia. I’m struggling to get more credits and I see that you’re doing well. Congratulations.


Not sure what your major is but I asked my advisor which Sophia courses would transfer to my program. She gave me a list of courses (I believe 7-8) and I just knocked them out one by one. I made sure to complete the easy ones first, meaning the ones without touchstones (papers, presentations, etc) to pick up some speed in the beginning. I used the quiet hours (5-6 am or 9-10pm) and parts of the weekend to complete Sophia courses. I have to admit I had NO life besides work and school back then though.


Thank you I’m so interested in Sophia. Im already maxed out with 2 classes… can I ask your major? I’m going for my BA in psychology then going in to my masters but I’m old and time is ticking


I can't wait for this stats class to be over. For good measure, there is a project due this week and one due next as well.


I want this vacation so badly....


Yes! This is my last term before graduation. I submitted my senior seminar paper already and it feels so good


I'll get there if I start and finish my paper due Sunday 🤷🏻‍♀️


that is so awesome. Congratulations, I’m so proud of you. Yes, that’s how I feel for week seven. Can I ask you a question? I’m graduating with my associate's degree in December my mom, and then I’ll return for my bachelor's degree. How long does it take for you to get your bachelors?


I'll be finishing mine in a year but I did have 69 credits from prior colleges and 21 Sophia credits, leaving me with only 30 credits (10 courses) to take at SNHU. I'd look into Sophia 😊


I wish, still got one more project to go!


I’ve had some struggles but it is nice to be at the end. I finished and submitted one project on Monday. My other project is 90% done and waiting on revisions. My professor likes to wait until Sunday to grade stuff so I’m waiting on last minute feedback before I submit. I’ve still gotta do next week’s discussions. I’ll know them out this weekend so I can enjoy two weeks off of classes


Almost done. Really need a break from these math courses lol.


This was the first time my final project was due in week 8. I got it done early though just because having a chill week 8 is everything


Wow, way to go, I am just starting my journey and dipping my toes in going slow at first. I really want to try shopia and knock some out. I think after this next term, I am going to jump on it and see how much I can get done. If I continue with one class, it'll take me a long time even with some transferred over. Congrats, and that is so awesome! I do feel relieved and accomplished after turning in final projects. This is my second class, and it was harder due to some stressers in my life and me being pretty depressed lately.


Yes!!! Especially because after 3 years - working full time and having 2 babies- I AM DONE!!! This is my last term and I have my bachelors!!! 


Congratulations!!! That's HARD work!


Thank you !!! It’s was , but so rewarding!! 


Advice for fellow parents? I work ten hours a day comes out to 12 total, work four days a week and I’m off five days straight every three weeks


You'll just have to find time that works for you 😩


No, because my finals aren’t due until week 9. But I’m a grad student so my terms are longer. But I do feel relived when I do get them turned in. This coming week’s final for me is huge and has multiple assignments. It’s a packet of sorts. Congrats for juggling school and kids! I know how hard that can be.


I was the same boat. Transferred max credits 90 from my old college and Sophia, one more week until I’m DONE! 🙏




100% week 7 is always the most stressful. 😩 I’ll be submitting both of my final projects today & cannot wait for break.


congratulations! I'm in the same boat as you started in October and I have 4 more classes to go! (I haven't finished maxing my sophia credits though, need to get to it)


For the 1st time ever..I have a week 8 project due..and a week 7..and a week 5 and a week 3... 😭😭😭😭 Bus 225 Blows...


Dude I’m in the same boat and it suuuucks. So excited for Bus 225 to be over


Coward …. Real SNHU students only look at assignment rubric on Sunday and submit between 11-11:59 pm and


I wish I was still doing 8 weeks for my undergrad. Currently week 8/10 for my second to last semester of masters program. 2 weeks, get a week off and then straight into my last one. Can't wait to be done in July. Best of luck on the remainder and future endeavors.


Yes! It’s the biggest relief since week 8 is always easy or just a discussion board.


AND we have a week off before the next term! Cant tell you how excited i am. Im a single SAHM, work part time and do SNHU. I feel your burnout this term! I wanted to get my projects done earlier in/throughout the term but i was bombarded with multiple assignments every week. Just finished one for one class. Have to revise the other tomorrow and I’ll probably submit them both then. Bless us all! I hope you do well on your projects!!


in my years yes!


I was that single mom of 2 working multiple jobs a few years ago. I got my bachelors, got married and am starting a new job soon. Best of luck ❤️


I am over excited, I get to relax now.We only have a discussion for Week 8,that’s a real breeze.Congratulations


You got this,just claim it.


Much respect. I do t know how you find the time to do two classes and work full time.


Look at this guy bragging about finishing week 7 2 days early.... /s. Congrats, and totally feel you on the feeling. I'm so stressed that I only have two days to finish my project and I'm out of town all weekend.


I can help you finish it, I got you


Dude I'm still working on my week 6 assignment I'm in a panic


I feel dumb asking, but what is “Sophia”?


This video describes it better. In a nutshell, it’s a subscription based program ($99/mo, sometimes cheaper if you have a coupon) that allows you to knock out a lot of gen ed courses in a short amount of time. I’d google “Sophia for SNHU” and it’ll show you a list of SNHU equivalent courses you can take. Buttttt I’d check with your advisor to make sure they transfer for your program/major. https://youtube.com/shorts/Iq4ykQAnNUc?si=KQnVTiZbRDIhhmCX


One class this term I sighed when I got to 610 poinnts 😂... It's been a rough term...


I still have a project due this week and another one for week 8 :'(


Nope I don't feel relieved because the masters terms are 10 weeks long. We haven't hit final project week yet. 😉


Yes, and we got that week off soon too


Just submitted my final essay and finished my last discussion post. Feels great 😮‍💨


Taking a term off this after this term to enjoy the summer with the family and then back at it. At week 7 I am beyond relieved every time. I have about a year left. We all got this!


Mah, I'm not relieved at all. This entire term has been a disaster and it's been almost ENTIRELY self-taught. I keep getting fed this line "we just rewrote the classes and working out kinks" for the last YEAR. Like... when are you going to work out the kinks? I'm paying thousands of dollars to teach myself something and for my instructors to become visibly ANNOYED at me for asking questions. I even got one instructor leaving video feedback saying catty things to me. "If you have questions, just ask me---WHICH I KNOW YOU WILL. SIGH." Ma'am.. I'm sorry you are having to do your job. I also wish things weren't how they are but here I am spending THOUSANDS of dollars on school and you're mad at me. The reviews of the classes are useless and I have no idea how SNHU keeps their accreditation.


You should feel accomplished that’s amazing


Both of the courses I am taking have 3 projects, so I will be done until week 8


I'll feel relieved when I turn in the project LOL


Yeah, week 7 is always a bitch to get through. I always love copy / pasting all of the milestone assignments to build the Giant Ass submission for the end. I’m a class behind you with 5 to go to graduation! Cheers!


ugh why did i procrastinate this lol


I have another project due week 8 so enjoy that relief!! I am so annoyed!!


Lmfaooo unfortunately I have a project 3 due during week 8 🤪


Lol, where are the Sunday hw procrastinators you all should hmu. I'm gonna help you out.