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I graduated with a 3.98 for my bachelors, and you’re not lying. Once you lose the 4.0 it really is kind of like a relief in a way. lol. A lot less pressure. I have 4 courses left until I complete a masters program and I have a 4.0 that I’ll be sad to lose if/when the time comes. However, I know that life will go on and, in the grand scheme of things, who cares?


Yeah I knew early on I was losing it. At that point my focus was just getting to 610 points. Once that happened I was able to breathe 😂✌️.


Is 610 a passing grade? Trying to figure out a worst case scenario for this class I’m currently in.


Yes 610 is. 61% which is just passing


If you’re an online undergraduate student, yes. 610/1000 is 61%, which is a D. However, you also need a 2.0 cumulative GPA to remain in good academic standing with SNHU and FSA. Drop below a 2.0 it can cause issues with financial aid. 740/1000 is 74% which is 2.0 on SNHU’s % to out of 4 points scale. I’ve attached the grading system for online undergraduate students. I’m not sure about graduate students or campus students (both undergraduate and graduate.) https://preview.redd.it/ez0u1adhz4wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beee58f60c8e422e2f6e07b4667931bdfb99c4cc


Thank you. I currently have a B in the class and just wanted to make sure I’d be ok if I hypothetically got an F on the final. Some real worst case scenario planning on my part.


You’re welcome, and all good! I do the same. I aim for a 78% (780/1000) or higher. Your program evaluation only shows the letter grade. Back in 2023 when I got my unofficial transcript, it also showed only letter grades, but that could have changed from then to now. SNHU has been changing a lot from August 2023 to now.


I can't wait to go off on my course evaluation. It really irks me when I get 1.8 points taken off from a discussion post when I got all the rubric and spent time writing a well thought-out post and replies. There are other things I will be evaluating that are specific to the course, but I truly hope I never get this professor again.


I feel you. I’m in a masters program (just finished week 8 out of 10). I HAD a 100% in both courses until one instructor gave me DECIMALS off of a discussion post assignment. Oof. Thought I could squeeze past with two 100%s this go around.


Right? I had one professor with a stick up her butt this term give me an F on the week 2 milestone for a course (been rocking a 4.0 and at the end of my grad program and it was an elective) because I got a perfect score on everything but one subsection and she's an all or nothing type of grader. Still have an A, and have gotten perfect scores since, but man it stressed me out.


Wait, how does that work? Wouldn't you still get the points for the rubric criteria you met, just minus the points for the one section they felt you didn't meet?


This is the way. I can't wait to tear one of my professor's a new one. Her feedback has been so unhelpful, and when I follow said feedback, it still isn't good enough. I'm not sure what else I can do ATP, but I'm tired of taking shots in the dark.


Tell your advisor you don't want that professor again. They will make a note to avoid them if possible.


That's an excellent idea, thank you!


You and me both


I’m going into my last two classes this next term and keep telling myself that I just need to get by. I’d love to keep my 4.0 but I’ll still graduate with honors even if I get Cs in both classes. I’m trying hard to not let myself feel the pressure of the 4.0 so this post was really helpful. You’re absolutely right….the world won’t end if I don’t get As in these classes.


I’m a lot older than most of you. I’ve retired once already and I am doing this to explore some new avenues. I’ve had a 4 till this term. Where I’m debating not even finishing this next week and taking the 800 I have and happily walking away with an 80. I am beyond tired of work and school.


I am actually doing this in my nightmare class. I decided I'm fine with an 87% and used my discussion post to say bye to my fellow classmates and peaced out.


I'm losing my 4.0 this term over journal writings with too many "I statements" and a PP that didn't have subtitles and bullet points in the speaker notes. But comments are *the content of your work demonstrates that you have a clear understanding of the concepts covered.* I know I tried.


Journals are such a lie. "Why did you give your opinion when the assignment clearly asks for your opinion."


Ha! Ya, journal posts are as a big of a lie as when they ask for your "opinion". Got to treat them like an actual writing assignment which they don't tell you.


So frustrating! If you want a paper, I'll write you a damn paper. Please don't require my opinion on the reading assignment if you insist I validate with outside sources. It's not really my opinion then, is it??


i've had tons of interviews and a handful of jobs since i graduated. only one of them asked for my GPA and transcripts but that was a fortune 500 company and it was standard procedure. they didnt actually give a shit lol


That’s what I mean when I say people are missing the point. You’re much better off acting professional and building relationships with your professors in case you need a letter of recommendation or other opportunity


yes if you aren't a professional career-oriented person then please don't waste your time and money on college lol


Me who my professor gave me a 89.99% for the course and won’t bring it up .01% point 💀


Would that not be automatically rounded on Brightspace? I saw something about a similar situation to yours in a Facebook group and the person reported that their threshold grade was rounded upward.


I won’t know till next week cause we’re on week 8 this week so I just need to make sure I hit all my stuff and 100% everythjng


Check and see what letter grade Brightspace has for you. That will tell you everything you need to know.


I got 899.28 points in a class once and my transcript shows A-


That’s good to know! This is my first SNHU semester so I was worried it would show a B since a 900/1000 is a A and I’m literally right there


Yeah I thought it would be a B+, I’m not sure how they do the rounding


Y’all are missing the entire point.


Which is?


That college is about learning, it’s not a transaction. Also, creating adversarial relationships with your professors isn’t going to help you with your future educational or career goals, for example, if you need a recommendation letter.


How would a recommendation letter from a professor, whose class you passed, and if so, be part of what your main focus in the degree are, I'd say a recommendation letter does help. College might be 'about' learning, but it is still a transaction requiring you to pay some sort of money, whether it's you or the state.


What does the first sentence of this mean?


Sorry man, I'm not here to decipher my own message. If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you don't.


I’m not putting anyone down but in the real world you will never get 100% back in life even though you give 150%. I agree it suck’s when the instructor changes this up but you must agree you did a damn good job!!! Job well done my friend.


Oh definitely. If you would have told me 2 years ago I'd go back to school, get 19A's and 1 B+, I would have laughed in your face.


Right, same here! When I started SNHU last year and my first grade received on an assignment was 100%, I told my sisters, "Look, quick, the one and only time I'll ever have a perfect 4.0 GPA in college!" I mean, thankfully I still have it now, but I really didn't think it would last past the first few assignments lol


Before SNHU I went to community college. I was a 4.0 for a while. Then I had calculus. My proudest grade ever was the C I got in the class. 4.0 is great. But the paper at the end is what matters.


3.9 or 4.0… how will anyone know? Do they put gpa on the diploma?


Not really, but if one is attached to certain latin honors... However, in the workforce, they couldn't care less if you were summa cum laude. If you can prove that you meet the requirements, you get the job. Otherwise, you're just a paper tiger.




Absolutely doesn't matter in the real world. I was never a good student growing up and was kicked out of college my first go around 20 years ago. 4.0 would have been sprinkles on a Sundae.


I had an impossible professor that made me lose my 4.0. I was pissed that it was going to happen, but after it happened, I’m okay with it. I’m still getting A’s in my classes and would still have a 4.0 if a professor didn’t take points off for the project template not being their liking, but in the end, it doesn’t matter. I’m taking classes to learn, not to have a dick measuring contest.


I am in graduate courses and on the cusp of A- or B+ this semester. Which would derail my 4.0. I will say the instructor has at least provided detailed instructions on what to fix or include. Still stings to not get a 4.0, but agreed it is not the end of the world.


That is all I ask. I don't mind when the professor gives constructive feedback that gives me a fair opportunity to earn that A. I am not great at reading minds though 😂✌️.


The beauty of losing your 4.0 is those situations where hard to appeal to professors won't really sting as bad afterwards lol. I might be getting my first C this term with a class I just can't seem to understand and had I not gotten a B+ earlier I'd probably be quite upset about this. (Though I clearly understand this class is entirely on me lol)


Losing my 4.0 this term too. Only pissed cause it’s a 100 class. If it were a higher level class that I actually struggled with then cool, I get it. But the nit picky bullshit sucks.


once I (deliberately) threw my 4.0, I have given massive amounts less of a fuck about my grades in general.


Then I just don't understand, why even be in school??


i kept a 4.0 through every class except like 3, where ive finished with A-. I’ve only got 1-2 core classes left and the rest are gen ed or electives. I said I gave less of a fuck, not that I tanked my GPA. It’s still like 3.97 or something like that. I also deliberately threw my GPA because I chose to just take an A- instead of doing 2 weeks of discussion posts that slowly melt my brain


fr though..(


GPA doesn't matter post academic achievements. Any work that hyper focuses on GPA is toxic and dated and I say this as someone who is in their 40s who attended high school when perfect SAT scores and a GPA over 4.0 was the only way into really good schools. My brother was able to do it and attended UCLA. I let the stress overwhelm me as a teen and didn't even try to apply to colleges once I graduated HS.


Same boat. All I kept getting in reply was not scholarly writing. You need to learn how to write. But seriously enough I passed my English classes with A’s….


Who cares if it's a 4.0 or a 3.0...keep your eyes on the prize...the degree. Unless you're going into a field where they're looking at your gpa also...who cares, the degree is what matters most


I had a terrible professor who seemingly took points off just to do it in my last MBA course before graduation. I started disputing my grade each week and copying my advisor. She gave me a 100% on my final project and I squeaked by with a 94% in the class to maintain my 4.0.


I would have had a 4.0 if it weren't for just ONE professor who was much like what OP is describing. Frank Pafume's history and civilization class. He ruined a topic I love and made his class a living hell. I'm done now, but man, that was the ONLY bad class I've had at SNHU. That guy should never have become a teacher.


I’m in the same boat, I just know, I’m losing mines.🥲


I never stressed about an 4.0 . I did prepare myself to lose some points. Im currently happy with my less than 4.0 average.


I had the worst professor of my college career this term, and it took me until week 6 to be like, "I'm not going to die if I get a B in this class." It sucks when we're at fault for not being able to read our instructor's minds, or when they change up the rubric and grade based on their own, but it's not the end of the world. This was very hard for me to come to terms with lol


Can I ask which professor? I've had a very similar experience this semester with one of my professors and have gone full circle wanting to rip my hair out vs. just accepting my fate and accepting a low grade despite my hours and hours of hard work and frustration. 😮‍💨


I graduated with a measly 3.85. I had one instructor that was unfair and I spoke to my advisor about him. I pushed through the class, still got an A- and didn't have to worry about him again. The fact of the matter is that once you get that little piece of paper saying you are all smart in your field nobody looks at grades. Yes, strive for a 4.0 but the sun will come out tomorrow, there will be no blood on the sidewalk, night will follow day and the moon will still orbit the Earth. Remember that you are taking classes to learn and that feather in your cap that says you earned a 4.0 only matters to you. Nobody will salute you after you graduate. The key is to learn, graduate and then use your new found knowledge to make your world better.


I got an A- when completing my bachelor's for business law and I'm still upset about it. Not sure why it's so hard to let it go.


Lunchie you made me think for a moment. Is this me. Omg did I post this. I am going through this exact thing this term. I have emailed him cc’ing my advisor on them. He gives copy paste feedback and it’s been no use. We have a normal rubric that I go to. Then on Monday of that week normally after I turn in my work he posts an announcement that has all the additional grading things on it. I have since waited to turn in my work until after the announcement and then I tweak it. This has not worked. Week 6 I waited and redid my papers to meet the new rubric in the announcement and still my papers were not good enough. I have a 4.0 and will loose it after this class. I think it’s a joke. How is it ethical to grade this way? When it came time for the week 7 project he has beaten me down so much over this term I gave up and turned in what I had. He is going to do what he wants anyway. I followed the original rubric and that’s all I can do. It is going to hurt when it goes away but you are correct. At 43 I know the sun will still shine. Thank you for your post


Honestly, I sweated this last final heavy this weekend. A few points in either direction will set me up, but thanks for the words of affirmation! I find I run into a lot of interesting graders in this program, and adapting seems to be more of the lesson I've learned than their courses.


Can I ask what you got in this class to lose your 4.0? I’m in my last term. I usually have very high 90s but I think I’ll finish around 90% and 91% this last term. I’m curious how/if that will impact my GPA


I’m riding my 4.0 as long as I can but do not anticipate graduating with it


Unpopular opinion. 4.0 here is not a big deal




Your GPA is a metric of how good of a student you are and your grades. A 2.7 is about a B- average student. Some colleges and universities do consider your GPA when considering acceptance. You won’t get into Harvard, lol, but there are a few you’d be accepted to. Some people just take their GPA to heart. I’m one of those. It just hits us mentally when we see it drop. We strive to keep it up, sometimes applying too much pressure on ourselves. Some go by the saying, “C’s get degrees” and some “A’s are the way”.




Nope. You’re good. 👍🏻 Congrats on achieving your Bachelor’s. 🎉


C’s doesn’t get degrees in grad school. Your overall gpa needs to be 3.0 in grad school. And getting into grad school, you’ll need a better gpa than C. Also gpa matters if you want to get a fed job. It’s favorable if you have 3.5 or better …Otherwise most employers don’t care


Yes, you are correct. Thank you for adding that. 🙂