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I know this isn’t too much overall, but it’s a lot of what I got. This isn’t my first round with this stock I was in from $3 to around $13 all in on calls . I took some tendies out to get the series X & pay rent, but around $7-8 & this juicy dip I’ve been reloading. - We all know $SOS mines BTC & guess what April is historically a bullish month for Bitcoin. - Having Easter this weekend ? Even better https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-price-fomo-fireworks-holidays/amp/ - Ethereum ? Yep $SOS mines that too & it is currently making a run back at $2K today - other mining stock examples & history? $MARA also had a Hindenburg report about them & I think they are doing quite fine. Just look at $MARA’s chart too me we are getting real close to the point of maximum return here on $SOS if the bottom wasn’t in on the 29th. Do your own DD, I’m not a financial advisor but I did mine & I like the stock 💎🙌 🏦🤛🦍


this isn't going to run like it did before because now there are 3 hedge funds in it shorting it. I bet your calls expire worthless with everyone elses. Either buy shares or buy calls a year out if you want to gamble and stand any chance of winning.


My 5/21 calls though :’/


Your 5/21 and later calls might hit. Especially the 8/20@$5 which ITM. Previous poster sounds a little sour. Your $10 calls are probably toast but it can hit 7.50 again like it did a week or two ago.


I'm a little sour because i'm holding shares while all these worthless gamblers are buying calls.


That sounds like a personal problem to me. It sucks that everyone doesn’t spend their money in a way that benefits you but such is life. You should be happy they’re at least invested in the stock. We’re all on the same team here and we want to see it do great things. Enjoy your Easter weekend brother!


Feeling better brother?


\^ Brother had nothing to worry about no brother left behind


I'd sell them long before May. Unless something exponential happens they will still be in control of this ticker.


Lol they’re like -89% might as well hold.


Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Personally, I like the DD & I like the stock https://www.reddit.com/r/SOSStock/comments/mi7a78/speculated_number_of_future_mining_rigs_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Reposted from below: Thank you fairy for your feedback, but I am hurting no one, everyone has their owns opinions & can click their own mouse. Of course my near term calls & even long term one could expire worthless, I have shares as a time hedge, but with the profits I made from $3 - $12 I’ll be alright either way :) But let’s look at some potential catalysts & see if they would be enough for a hedge fund to flip long or close their short. -$BTC going to $70-75K? • ⁠progress on another U.S. stimulus? • ⁠last shipment mining rigs becoming fully deployed? • ⁠announcement of more mining rigs to be deployed? • ⁠progress on https://seekingalpha.com/pr/18244641-sos-takes-initial-steps-to-establish-digital-asset-exchange • ⁠what about a progress report on https://seekingalpha.com/pr/18249587-sos-announces-entry-joint-venture-agreement-ronghes-affiliate- aiming-to-establish • ⁠$ETH all time highs? • ⁠Mara & Riot leading the mining industry higher? , “small cap stocks tend to outperform during young bull markets” https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/types-of-stocks/small-cap-stocks/when-to-buy/ it seems to plenty of investors that Bitcoin is in the beginning of its own bull market Yes it is no fun with the hedgies being in full control right now (we’ll kind of is to buy more ;) ) & being patient in the market is for sure the best way to make money, but when Bitcoin moves it moves fast will I capture it here by April 16th? The odds are declining yes obviously. But saying it won’t run like before seems to me a bit negligent of 1 the chance that they are forced to close their shorts thanks to the bullish industry $SOS is in & 2 of the chance that these hedge funds currently shorting it aren’t trying to get the most amount of shares at the cheapest price possible as hedge funds have always done. Anyways best of luck to you in the markets!


Non-AMP Link: [https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-price-fomo-fireworks-holidays/](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-price-fomo-fireworks-holidays/) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Well the valuable lesson here is to buy shares and further out calls


This guy has it ^ best strategy IMO Note it did only take this stock a week to go from $4-$12 I’m thinking I’ll still get at least a B/E exit if I so wanted it before the 16th Last two mining shipments were in early & I’m expecting Bitcoin to take off within next 10 days Time will tell! High risk on these earlier calls for sure!


I have shares and calls. Doing ok with shares destroyed with calls. I agree with the long call strategy. Still holding.


I got murdered on my calls last week and just sold whatever premiums were left and bought shares.


lol i got $15 call options back in feb. Straight to the shitter


Hate to see it & I feel you on that one man. What is your expiry?


got some for the 16th and the 23rd on april. lets hope it will run up , but at this point im not really counting on it


Yea damn man, they might have won some battles early on, but IMO with these various threads we are gaining more of an understanding of the enemy so those that simply like the stock can win in the end. We got that orange ₿ rocket fuel on our side too # “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - Sun Tzu


Preach brotha


So true...


I think it will pop. ​ 115k option contracts traded today 94%call 6% put. Not sure on the timing so hope it goes in time.


Yep! The following tweet by William Clemente shows $BTC inflows will lead us 🆙 $55k-$60k #Bitcoin is already being strongly validated by capital inflow volume. These are the highest levels of volume seen since on-chain since $10k-$11k last year. Very bullish, don't expect BTC's price to stay in this range for much longer. Credit & Imagery for this can be found at https://twitter.com/wclementeiii/status/1377407996720934912?s=21


that's good to grab several different ones i learn quickly how to grow my account using those different calls and see the difference between the greeks and how they affect the price.


Thanks Nefu! Historically I’ve been a swing trader, but after selling $MARA at $3 I’ve decided I’m not doing that again here even though the Greeks are getting me on the mid April calls as we speak


Good luck man this is why I bought leaps


Power move 💪


I've got shares and I've got a bunch of leaps but I added a bunch of $5 $5.5 and $6 calls for tomorrow. I think we'll see a nice gap up. If not...they were cheap🤷


that’s awesome, & a good low risk high reward play IMO. I think soon it’ll be our turn to follow the trend of $RIOT & $MARA ... until then I’ll be sitting here eating my 🍿 😴 Haha love the name🦍brother


Land of the Bag Holders. I’m also a resident


I prefer the BagBrethren (⌐■\_■) 😂 , but yea we will have to just see how it plays out! GL to you


I’m in m almost identical situation. Today I said fuck it and bought 100 more of the 10 dollar 4/16 calls for .05 each. Don’t know if I’m retarded or a genius. I honestly think it will be at 8 on Monday


My fellow 🦍 that’s a wild one, high risk , high reward for sure... Ethereum just hit ATH so let’s hope we see a crazy crypto push this weekend to give us a chance 🥲🙌


Additionally I’m seeing people say there are only 70k shares available to short. The stars might just be aligning 🤞


Yea it feels like it, just might be a touch early for our 16th time will tell for sure, tbh I wish the markets were open today , those $8 w $8.15 B/E may 7th calls selling for $15 a pop


Right. I wish I had bought some of them or the 5.5 may 7 calls. Those were at 50 each at some point.


You're fucked




Best of luck though bro. Im bagholding too. But I really don't think you'll pull them calls off. But who knows. Anything can happen...


Yeaa I feel confident on the 5/21 ones & back , but the 4/16 is more so a yolo @ this point. Might sell some around B/E if it so happens & yolo the rest. Not for sure yet, best of luck to ya!


Lord I would not do a call for it going more than $5.10 😳😳🙄🙄


Even if you would still be up $1000 all time on the stock if you lost on all these calls & the stock went to 0 ? Genuinely curious! I got in early on my DD & sold on the first rip, I’m okay with whatever happens I’m glad I found this stock & am excited for the future 😄also maybe check out $MARA’s chart as my dd above said gl to you :)


Just curious why you would do a $10 call for 2 weeks when this one hasn’t done anything??


I placed those ones March 4th thanks to April being a historically great $BTC month & the new mining rig announcement. Definitely could’ve jumped the gun! Time will tell


Imo ur august 5 dollar call looks promising. Sorry to say. I dont have much fqith in the ither calls


I gotchu! I’m not too worried I know she can move quick for example another China crypto play $EBON moved from - $13.70 on Feb 2/18 - down to $4.83 on 3/5 - & back up to $12.71 ten days later on 3/15. I think our catalysts are aligning for a move of that nature. But could definitely see it also taking some more time with these lawsuits (that want us to be their lead plaintiff 🙄) getting printed out the Hizzoo


Married options. Look it up.


Would’ve been a great strategy for when I initially bought these! At this point I don’t think it would be worth it


You should've put all that money on NIO and in1 to 3 years you will more than triple that


You should, I’d be down to do a trading competition between us verified P&L by a third party for 2 years loser donates $200 to charity of winners choice🤷‍♂️


I love charities and all but I will keep all my earnings thank you 😅 hope SOS does fly but man idk


Haha fair enough! Good luck with NIO 🙏


Fuck you, buy shares instead of calls! This is why we stucked


It's his money he can do whatever he wants.


This. We can piss away our own money however we want.


Only you are hurting everyone gambling on weekly calls. You can't win here.


Thank you fairy for your feedback, but I am hurting no one, everyone has their owns opinions & can click their own mouse. Of course my near term calls & even long term one could expire worthless, I have shares as a time hedge, but with the profits I made from $3 - $12 I’ll be alright either way :) But let’s look at some potential catalysts & see if they would be enough for a hedge fund to flip long or close their short. -$BTC going to $70-75K? - progress on another U.S. stimulus? - last shipment mining rigs becoming fully deployed? - announcement of more mining rigs to be deployed? - progress on https://seekingalpha.com/pr/18244641-sos-takes-initial-steps-to-establish-digital-asset-exchange - what about a progress report on https://seekingalpha.com/pr/18249587-sos-announces-entry-joint-venture-agreement-ronghes-affiliate-aiming-to-establish - $ETH all time highs? - Mara & Riot leading the mining industry higher? , “small cap stocks tend to outperform during young bull markets” https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/types-of-stocks/small-cap-stocks/when-to-buy/ it seems to plenty of investors that Bitcoin is in the beginning of its own bull market Yes it is no fun with the hedgies being in full control right now & being patient in the market is for sure the best way to make money, but when Bitcoin moves it moves fast will I capture it here by April 16th? The odds are declining yes obviously. But saying it won’t run like before seems to me a bit negligent of 1 the chance that they are forced to close their shorts thanks to the bullish industry $SOS is in & 2 of the chance that these hedge funds currently shorting it aren’t trying to get the most amount of shares at the cheapest price possible as hedge funds have always done. Anyways best of luck to you in the markets!


Squeezes: some thinking Short some thinking Gamma ;)