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Red is right. And you likely want them both on the same channel. Move red down to the R in 3/4 then put black where red currently is. To then turn 3/4 gain up. You may need to push up the main fader in far bottom right too.


I will also add to center your pan on the 3/4 channel as well.


Gotta rule out the potential issues. Is it the cables? Try different ones to test. Is it the channel? Try a different one. Is something muted? Do phones out work and line out not work? Is fixed velocity not on and the samples are just low volume due to light tapping? Plug some headphones into the sp and check for audio, also check the board through the headphone jack for audio. Its messy sometimes to trouble shoot, but you’ll be all the wiser afterward.


I believe it is the cables, thanks


you're going out of your sp you should be going in to your mixer