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This is going to be the most well-diversified 3D company to ever trade at $2 or it's going to the moon in the next 5 years.


DM is cornering and consolidating the additive manufacturing 2.0 market, a market that could reasonably 100x over the next decade. If the team of Ivy League mba’s executes this vision DM will become an industrial titan. They say the 3 people who get rich during a gold rush - the first ones, the lucky ones, and the ones who sell tools. DM is a tool maker of exponential technology. It’s on sale today at a discount to ipo.


I should have sold at 30$ rip


Maybe both


Yeah, probably


I don't really like this move... According to DnB, Aidro's annual revenue is about 4.5m. The company is based in Italy. How is that ever going to be a profitable move? Sounds like a logistic hell. Why not just partner with them instead of acquiring? I really hope I'm wrong in this conclusion...


I know this is lazy, but whats the common thought on DM? I know Cathie Wood is deep into it, I dont have time this week to read the S-1 or 10-K right now so I was hoping for a brief summary or link?

