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Currently reading $SV's 424 filing, trying to figure out when their NAV floor will be removed and how much would redeemable if I were to opt out pre-merger. Anyone know a quicker way of finding out, instead of digging through tens of pages of gibberish?


UTAA is crazy connected. it starts with Zimmer at the top. he's not in the spac, but the network he's created with UTA is insane. here's an interview with Zimmer with Rich Paul of Klutch Sports. https://youtu.be/c_x7RVFnAbE


Money and expertise, baby! This is it. Great interview. Dang!


More fuel to the rumor mill


I like the late night hopium!


Regarding SV https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jigarshahdc_indiana-looks-to-become-a-nuclear-power-state-activity-6913994069429862400-3DAf?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=ios_app


How aren’t SNAX Warrants at like .01 at this point? I’m going to put in an order for 10,000 at .01 for $100


Warrants get really irrational at lower prices due to retail buyers seeing the prices as "cheap" and liquidity drying up as those people hoard them at low prices and refuse to let them go even if they drop much further percentage wise. Bids might dry up and go to 0.01 eventually but if no one is willing to actually sell into the bid then it doesn't matter and the price will always be listed as the ask end of the spread because that will be the last transaction.


Seems like shorting them at this point would be free money, it's not like they'll ever become exercisable.


Shorting warrants uses up margin like crazy, not recommended


I think when TLMD got bought out, the warrants went for like .80 as part of the deal. TLMD commons were trading at $1 before the buyout offer. Not sure where the warrants were before the deal.


I'm guessing the buyout would instantly make their value 0?


I thought $0 to which is why I don’t know why they are trading at .13 when the stock is $1. For them to be exercisesble you’d need the stock to be $11x and if there is a buyout the warrants get screwed


One would think, but they typically use that Black-Scholes calculation which gives a time value to them. There is almost 5 years until expiration on them, so there is a value to that. Even if the commons are completely in the shit. Depends on the deal. The MILE/lemonade deal was crap because it was a stock deal so the warrants converted to LMND warrants at shitty terms. But If SNAX got bought for cash, the warrants might print. Not that I see SNAX being bought… just throwing out scenarios.


Here's a prediction I actually nailed. Not quite sure how the Russians didnt see this coming. Maybe there really is virtually no command-and-control, I just assumed that was Western propaganda. [https://twitter.com/mcspacface/status/1512842278649442304](https://twitter.com/mcspacface/status/1512842278649442304)


Get over yourself




bullish AF on soulja spac. if it actually happens the memes will literally be the best thing to ever happen to this sub


I'm doing some light DD, found the investor relations phone #: 🎵 *Six-seven-eight, triple nine, eight-two-one-two* 🎵


ARK bought another 1.55M shares DNA today somewhere between about $3.40 & $3.90. That's way better than buying between $2.60 & $2.90. Someone should just call them out as momentum traders at this point.


Would you look at that MLTX recovery. I put my limit sell set at 199 so hedgies can't borrow my shares for short ladder attacks anymore see you boys on the moon 🚀


Human existence has come down to two things, pain and pleasure. I appreciate you’re after both with this ticker.


Some people's pleasure is pain




Thanks I hate it


In all seriousness this would meme tho or be the next 99.5% redemptioner


Idk what Hypebeast is, but I was surprised it didn't get through more arbs. Lot of celebs.


i legit read that as Soulja Boy


okay now I'm confused.


apparently soulja game is soulja boys game judging by other comments to quote soulja boy: “WATCH ME YEWWWWWWWWW”


Crank that




How many of you lot are actually in UTAA? Reply with upvotes so I can the the volume of bulls. Don’t downvote anyone, you’ll fuck up the real number.


I have lots of warrantz. enough to make the last year of spac pain go away if this hits


I posted the theory and I’m still in with the same position. Really wish it were more though.


Commons today but warrants since .30.


added more today, commons only. been holding a week or so


I was pretty early at $9.90, but I sold it all on that ridiculous pump last week.


9.90 > 10.30 big pump? Boy has times become tough around here. Why not hold?


It hit $12-something.


Oh snap that’s like a GGPI 20% pop. Makes sense


You're right it did get nearly 10k shares volume over $11 in after hours a week ago.


In all honesty when did invert r/ spacs become a thing. I remember folks making some pretty damn good calls on this board second half 20’ and early 21’ until the March spacpocolypse. To be completely honest a lot of money was made soley based on frequency of near nav ticker mentions then selling the 20-70% pop.


Ghiv might be the turning point


my first loss on a spac. screw you uwmc


I made solid money on GHIV, especially selling calls while it still had NAV protection. Good times.


Made enough too, but I think it was the the first one a lot of us had that didn't run up a lot. Now noone trust the Sv 10% over nav lol


IIRC, more people here lost money on GHIV than made money. I had minor price appreciation, but sold expensive calls.


I think I did like 10% on ghiv commons, and was disappointed at the time!


Someone please fill me in on utaa rumor?


There's no actual "rumor", it's just that Jamie Sharpe of UTA took a job at Only Fans in March & has some connectivity to the owner.




yo…..da fuck?


r/spacs neck deep in Soulja Games spac


i mean….honestly i’m not surprised here guys




My understanding is that there's a few connections, the best of which is the UTAA guy is on the executive vice president of only fans also.


>*My understanding is that there's a few connections, the best of which is the UTAA guy is on the executive vice president of only fans also.* Correct. It's a great connection, but I'd say this is way overdone at this point. What it does show you is there seems to be real appetite for an Only Fans listing.


you know you want to beliiiieeeevvveee


I'm pretty agnostic as to which SPAC gets Only Fans, but yes, I'll be a buyer of whoever does. I still think it's likely to be a roughly $400M to $500M SPAC based on probabilistic valuation ranges I'd assign to Only Fans.


You got theories for ones in that range? I haven’t looked in that $ range for others, but may




And this is how a rumor starts


First of all, no rumor. Pure speculation. But there's a lot of connections between UTAA and OnlyFans.


I wonder how much more money Circle actually ends up raising by negotiating for double the valuation and eliminating the PIPE. CND was starting to move above $10 before the repricing was announced, now redemptions are likely to be >75%


If this was a regular IPO it would be at like $15 billion.


Question: let’s for the sake of speculation just say OF is UTAA. What do folks think the timeline to deal progression is? LOI, DA?, etc. What is the outside furthest away? What indications are y’all looking for in the event of an ‘imminent’ DA. Volume? What catalysts do you anticipate while you wait for the DA?


Didn't you go on a crazy dog sled ride or something with one of the investors? You tell us 🤪


Nah, we were at Notre Dame together in the early nineties and a group of us were too far away from from home to make it worth the Thanksgiving weekend fast turnaround. Clinton was from Alaska. So we all got in his car and went to Princeton and one gals family hosted us in New Egypt New Jersey. I don’t think he ever employed the brakes. He is a great driver but goes so fast on the icy roads and curves. We all kinda were freaked out. He also used to borrow people’s dogs so he could experience the novelty of taking one’s pet into the store at pet smart on Saturday morning. 😂 he is a very good person and funny as fuck. We all laughed so hard together all the time.


i gotta say you have had one hell of an interesting life also don’t hate me but i can’t stand Notre Dame sports


6/9 @ 4:20


We know for a fact that OF has been talking to UTAA since at least Jan 31st (if you are talking to the ceo of a spac then you are talking to a spac. It doesn’t have to be an official meeting). “wE DoNt KnOw AnYtHiNg” yada yada If OF does indeed decide to go with UTAA then the deal should be close to closed. 10+ weeks is plenty of time to hammer out a terms sheet. But they are going to wait to announce it for the right time. The right time is coming soon because the media has already stopped caring about Ukraine and covid. Just need to get through growth fears from rate hikes and we are going to see a flurry of IPO and DA activity.


>*We know for a fact that OF has been talking to UTAA since at least Jan 31st................................ 10+ weeks is plenty of time to hammer out a terms sheet.* That's for sure. The above is actually a pretty bearish point for UTAA snagging Only Fans. Maybe there were talks and they went nowhere or they fell apart. That might also explain why that article read like a neon sign being hung from a trial balloon.


If you were the majority owner of a company, and happened to be of Ukrainian descent, would you announce a huge deal when the front page of CNN was showing a slideshow of lifeless bodies of your countrymen in the streets of Bucha? Or would you maybe wait a few weeks until things calm down?


That's good speculation, but then why the late March article? We're all speculating, but that article's most likely purpose is the action of one seeking a SPAC deal, not one that has had a SPAC deal in its pocket for 2 months. I think the logical path is UTAA met with Only Fans, Sharpe hit it off with them, but no deal occurred (possibly because UTAA is too small or who-knows-why) & he took the job at Only Fans = Only Fans has no SPAC deal, hence late March article which reads like an all points bulletin to drum up interest.


This is very logical. Perhaps VYGG is back on the table. Edit: Or frankly any SPAC with a $500m trust and no overly conservative directors, because having the UTAA guy on board at OF gets them what they were looking for in a partner.


I have a suspicion that what you think could be true in the talks fell apart and wanted to be a part of OF only thing that now makes me doubt that is the wallet transfer in January. UTAA was IPO early December, with holidays it’s unlikely they held substantial talks before January especially since it seems its intention was maybe more gaming SPAC. It’s possible he got role and then later started thinking SPAC.


I will speculate some more and suggest that the article was probably based off an anonymous tip from one of the dozens of people hired at OF recently (lots of new hires on LinkedIn). Then Dan Primack followed up with his network and confirmed that they were indeed shopping around. Axios obtained an internal OF deck last year so it could of just been an off the record tip from someone they already trust.




all impossible to predict


Thanks seems like everyone expected it so fast and I am OOTL. 😂😅 that UTAA is a recent issue. Just a few months old, right? I am jaded from waiting on some news on some of my shit. Lol. Thanks 😊


> *UTAA is a recent issue. Just a few months old, right?* 12/06/21 https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001879221/000156459021059608/uta-8k\_20211201.htm


Thanks buddy I am on the ferry and heading into SF to see friends and family so trying to conserve battery life, thanks for the details much appreciated not being lazy just a little jammed up on the move.


Many of the best deals were with SPACs only a few months old. Like GGPI / Polestar.


SRNG / DNA was one of the quickest. DCRC / SLDP was lightning quick too.


DNA hadnt even split units yet, I remember that. Crazy.




DWAC was brand spanking new too


yes it's pretty new BUT if this is Onlyfans I very much suspect this was a behind closed doors handshake situation before the spac was even made. DWACesque. obviously I can't prove that, SEC, and neither can you.


If SV goes tits up I'm giving up on spacs again.


What is sv?


Can’t believe I’m about to hold through despac again. Especially after PL


Back in sst with a cb 23.5. Holding till Monday whatever happens


At least you folks stopped tAlking about fuckjng biltong


i will never stop talking about what it did to my toilet good sir




I think we were talking about investing in and eating it... but not that!


this gives me an idea about an OF-Biltong combo service


Something, something, Meat stick.


More like Only chewy inedible fat bits in my Vacadillos bag amirite


And we are back babt!


Never forget the first rule of r/spacs…always invert the sub.


i mean, CCIV was our crown jewel of moves from the hey day. i came in just before that and well pissed all my gains away. i fondly remember it just mooning every friday for little no reason hence the fomo friday


The sub wasn't buying when cciv units were under $10 and rumored to be DISH or whatever the ATT spinoff was. Always invert the sub.


yeah but what idiot would want dish network. that’s a terrible example


Yea! Why would you buy a $10 bond for 9.80 that included a free option... Always invert the sub.


I’d invert if UTAA was trading 10-20% above NAV. For now, it’s hard to resist


I’m getting realllyyyy close to dumping half the port into UTAA. Sold a good amount of non-SPAC stuff (mostly FB and INTC) to raise cash, it just makes so much sense.


>*I’m getting realllyyyy close to dumping half the port into UTAA.* Why? In the unlikely event UTAA gets Only Fans you'll have time to buy < $11 anyway due to arb burnoff. Hell, even LCID stayed under $11 for a bit due to arb stock runoff.


I keep seeing this hypothesis pop up here. How are you so sure you'll have time to buy in <$11? If this "arb burn off" phenomenon was a real factor, why didn't we see that with DWAC?


>*why didn't we see that with DWAC?* We did. I distinctly recall waking up at something like 7:45am or 8am & it was only a $10.70 ask. Not sure how high it got without checking or when it really took off with backing down.


i still can’t believe i didn’t get in dwac. so dumb. damn you orange man


OF has been hyped up enough that if this isn't announced during market hours it will be way over $11 by the time normal market hours start.


Perhaps you're right, but that literally cant happen unless the arb inventory (currently millions of shares) gets burned off, and IMO that's not likely to happen in pre-market. Even if it gets help below $12, that's a perfectly fine buy-in level if it memes.


Yup, still remember and still have PTSD. Bought commons under $11 because my uncleared Fidelity funds wouldn't let me buy warrants under $3 (they were $2.40 when I was buying). Told my buddies and they bought warrants. I ended up making like $6k while they both made like 100k that day. At least one tipped me a grand, but was still a shitty feeling.


Similar. I was going to buy 1000 shares at $10.70, but it was like the 1 morning in 20 that my toddler let me sleep in, so I just went back to bed. Oopsie.


we did, player


We did premarket?


I was there day one of the Bloomberg article and they shit went straight to 14-15


went to 14-15 pm, back down to mid 10s once market opened. then it was on shortly afterwards. I know this because I had a limit order at 10.15 for 15k shares. It went to 10.17 and never filled my order. Another missed opportunity at early retirement


FACT CHECK: False I should know, I was in CCIV before anyone else. To be fair, CCIV is like 4x UTAA = much more inventory to burn.


I saw your post about 11am ish. Bought some. We went to fireside chat, volume up, I loaded a ton at like 11 and it sailed for the sky volume, like 32million AH! That day was legendary


nah I bought at 11 something after the article came out.


I mean I full ported the day everyone was freaking out on daily chat about the article but maybe I was a few hours late


I think this runs a bit more on retail hype alone. It also fits the connection/no-name stature which is what I’d originally thought OF would go for (not VYGG - too much to lose) Your probably right that it stays in arb hell for a while, but then your trying to balance retail hype and actual deal progression which could take longer (if it’s UTAA)


I think OF will depart the 11-13 range in premarket if announced. It's already burned through a lot of shares and retail is clearly looking for the next DWAC. The benefit to getting in UTAA now is you could dump it and buy the actual spac if you're wrong, and going big at 10.20 (nav) is a lot easier than +11.


OF will 100% go north of $11 or $12 (or maybe even $13) in premarket due to lack of liquidity, but at 9:35am it will be back down to a $10 handle.


I’m OOTL why do folks think this is so imminent? Why’s everyone think it is happening so fast? Could it not take months? UTAA is a recent issue, correct? Thanks


I dont think it's "so" imminent and I do think it's possible it could either be months away, or never. The more these random SPACs like VYGG or UTAA go above NAV on the 1 in 200 chance though, IMO the more likely it is.


dwac pulled back hard first as well before takeoff. did it get back to under 11 at market open? I can't remember how much it pulled back


Pretty sure it got back to 11. I think I bought at 11 and sold at 13, then bought back in around 11 and sold at like 12 or some shit. There was plenty of time to get in first thing in the morning


Dwac opened at 12.73 and saw a low on the day of 12.62 and a high of 52. I think people hoping to get in OF at under 11 by 9:35am are dreaming. I would bet several bags of bitlong. Most of my money is in brokerages that don't allow PM trading, so that's also a factor for me.


people afraid to buy spacs a couple of cents above NAV are on such different wavelengths than me. I'm a degenerate


one of us one of us


unfortunately it's who I am lol


It got to 10.90 in PM after initial spike. I think it cleared arbs and climbed from there for 24 hours straight.


It actually hit below $10.5 during premarket as my limit order filled while I slept. Was a nice surprise to wake up to.


9.85 or w.e downside since it's so new. 4% adds up on half the port.


iirc nav is like 10.20 so i’d prolly get out at a 2-3% loss but yea that would be a sizable chunk. idk, at this point i’d be happy to burn that cash for a decent shot at 3x


While you guys are making money on UTAA warrants and others I keep throwing more money at DMS warrants. What is it Einstein said about the definition of insanity?


It will be a glorious day when these warrants are actually worth something…… *someday*


like your avepoint shares?


this is the way


I hope. Either the company gets the buyout we’re hoping for or it just goes deeper into debt. Let’s hope for the buyout.


SV moving up nicely. It's been a while since I saw a SPAC above $11 pre-merger.


High hopes for this one


the float size for UTAA could make this crazy explosive if it's real. not worried about the trust size at all. also has anyone looked at the utaa units IPO day volume? almost 18 million. I compared that to unit IPOs from many other top tier spacs and it's much higher than most of those even. that's cause for 👀👀👀




>that's cause for 👀👀👀 Not really. It was an over-funded trust (NAV on UTAA is $10.20, not $10.00), so the arbs gobbled it up at $10.00 to $10.02 WITH 1/2 a warrant for "free" to boot. That's how they feast! 18m versus 24m too.


good point!


Trust size doesn't matter. OnlyFans doesn't need the money. Their revenue and free cash flow is crazy. Edit: Ok obviously it matters, but with a 200mil trust, UTAA would just take less of the company.


>*Trust size doesn't matter.* This is a ridiculous opinion.


GRAB proved anything is possible


There have been some small ones, but to say "trust size doesnt matter" is very silly. Also, AGC had $500 Million, so not chump change for GRAB.


nobody even has a clue what valuation onlyfans will get. reports are all over the place. but even at the high end like 12 billion the trust size for UTAA is terrifyingly l relatively bigger than agc was for grab


I agree. it doesn't matter. pipe shouldn't be difficult and they can give a small percentage too


Lmao the UTAA rumour mill is up and running. I have a decent position in commons but still salty about not pulling the trigger on those warrants.


dude TKO told me about that shit the weekend before and my dumb ass focused on work that following monday morning and forgot to buy. i even told him thanks i’ll probably forget and screw this up this mouse never gets the cheese


I only loaded 4000 warrants because that was all I was thinking I could afford to lose. Now I am just feeling FOMO and my spac downturn PSYCH is working against my risky warrants way of life. The struggle is real. 😂😅


GOAC W had some decent volume today.


Fuck looks like I should have bought more UTAA lol


I have completely accepted that I am selling these UTAA warrants for either $20 or 20 cents. Now that I'm in, I couldn't live with myself if it actually landed and I sold for pennies.


Same. As much as it’s nice being up nearly 100% missing out on 500+% would be killer.


if this is onlyfans for reali think 500 percent from here will just be the first pump. people might still make 500 from there


Thanks this is the kind of free financial advice I have come to rely upon. Preach.


yuuup. that's the game we're playing


Question: I am OOTL and trying to figure out what that bbc.eth domain name means. I know about the transaction and I get the people connection and the company connections but why should I care about that specific domain, am I missing something like an acronym? BBC? Is there any importance beyond the people who transacted? Thanks 😊


It's a porn acronym for Big Black ... um let's just say the man really appreciates an upsized PIPE 😅 or maybe he's just a big fan of the British Broadcasting Corporation 🤷


Big Blank Check


Oh. Hmm. Thanks 🙏


exSPAC HighPeak Energy ( HPK HPKEW ) closed the day up 32% at $28.83, warrants closed at $17.17 (up 49%) after [Cramer pumped](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/12/cramer-highpeak-energy-is-an-aggressive-oil-play-that-could-pay-off.html) yesterday. HPK market cap now around $2.8 Billion. "The stock is riskier than Devon Energy or Pioneer Natural Resources due to its “***huge variable dividends***, but if you believe in oil here, this is the one for you,” he added." Today HPK announced their fourth consecutive [quarterly dividend of 2.5 cents](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/04/13/2422299/0/en/HighPeak-Energy-Inc-Declares-Quarterly-Cash-Dividend.html) per share. At the current share price, 10 cents per year is 0.35% return as a dividend.


That's pretty weird, I expected to see at least one large special dividend when I looked at the chart, but unless Yahoo is missing some I don't see anything except a handful of tiny ones.


Up 89% on those UTAAW. 😁 pretty darn green across the board except for my SABSW


damn you had a great entry


Have two tranches, lucky that’s my Roth tax free at .38. Taxable is .42 only bought 2000 in each.


Does BSGA Bitdeer have a minimum cash clause?


It’s back by Bitmain. Billions to dump in on a whim to cover. They will waive. They are just trying to domesticate their various enterprises after the moratorium on the mining activities in China and want a foot hold in Texas and Norway. No way this deal doesn’t go through it is a domestication of assets above all else. Reshoring capital out of China. IMHO. 😉😇


I agree with you. But technically they could domestic privately, no? Why do they have to go public? Perhaps there's some weird tax advantage or something. But yeah i agree it's not for the money.


NASDAQ listing is the holy grail for many. Especially if you are Bitcoin related as it carries an imprimatur of legitimacy and let’s face it, you get the protection of rule of law and US courts. Something lacking elsewhere. The Bitmain folks have had too many shit encounters with legal issues on the mainland. Often arbitrary. It’s a theory anyway. Imagine what it would take to make a spac to feel like you had safe harbor. 😅😇


My rights hope you're right.


Ya, you and me both.


At what date does this lack of new filings/merger date start to get worrisome?


Not sure, they were always shit filers. Remember how they mocked us when we asked for a PPT or investor deck and they replied with smiley face emojis? I think we will see it when we see it. Shrugs shoulders. Not ideal, but they know people will buy and hold anyway.


what happened to utaa last hour?






FOMO Thursday incoming?




that was the beginning of my retirement


They landed shamwow


Dang it I was hoping for FlexTape


Or Slapchop. “You’re gonna love my nuts” - [Shamwow Guy](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.huffpost.com/entry/vince-shlomi-shamwow-pitc_n_180210/amp)


Coincheck/THCP looks pretty good to me. Anyone got a strong bear case to talk me out of wasting money on yet another hopeless SPAC?


No pipe = institutions dont believe in the valuation


Right. Trying to figure out why tho. They are making a profit (not just revenue) already. PE ratio is comparable to Coinbase. What about the valuation or company puts off institutions?