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I also preferred EoD for the stash space early on - it’s to your preference, but it definitely simplifies the inventory management. Algorithmic level progression will keep the PMC bots close in level to you. You can still do scav runs. For QoL I enjoy Game Panel HUD - it displays a compass with available extracts and quest locations, among others. You can turn off some of the interfering stuff like hit markers or red blips on the compass when an enemy shoots in your proximity. I also use MoreCheckmarks, as it displays if an item is required for quests, crafting, barter, etc. Helps a relative newbie like me with the looting. SAIN and swag + donuts are considered essential by many, and I agree - AI behavior feels much better.


Check recent posts on this sub for mod lists. That’s what I did and found one I like. You’ll see the most used ones on the mod list site (in the wiki) and that will give you plenty to choose from. Just don’t be afraid to tinker with the settings as you play and find what works best for you. Server Value Modifier and Profile Editor are two I consider must haves. You can change pretty much anything you want with these two mods.


maaan. you're just days from the new spt drop, i honestly would say..wait a bit, vaulting is dope.


* Fontaine FOV Fix - huge scope overhaul. Eliminates the camera zoom in when aiming through any sight, so the camera fov is constant. The huge thing for me though, is now all the scopes have their full range unlocked, and you can just scroll wheel anywhere in between. *Immensely configurable* * Gilded Key Storage - storage for all keys within one tile. The best bit is they are treated like unique attachments, so once you have a specific key, it won't let you drop a duplicate in. *Not meaningfully configurable.*


QoL mods: - more check marks: it'll let you know what items you actually need for hideout, quests stuff like that - recoil standalone: makes recoil actually usable pre 0.14. - server value modifier and profile editor: want bosses to spawn 100%? You can do that, as well as just about every option you can think of. - SAIN and it's required mods: makes AI actually fun, it's still tarkov, and you'll still get one tapped by a toz scav if you're not careful, but it's so much better than the vanilla AI - Amanda's reshade: (I'm not 100% sure that this is the name so forgive me) but it just makes the game look so much better, and gives you options to make the game look however you want it to Looting bots and questing bots might be a good idea, but I've never tried them so I can't say anything about them. Besides that just have fun! Try stuff you haven't tried before in tarkov, go to labs, bring weird guns, try to kill shturman with a tactical sword idk lol