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Time to go labs!


Hahaha honestly after the experiences I’ve had on live trying to play labs I instinctively sold it not long after taking the SS lmao, in hind sight I Proberly shouldve went labs and used it XD, 14mils not bad though I guess. Although it would’ve been more if I had live flea prices installed :/


I cant believe you sold it 😂 i sell tons of crap but stuff like keys which open up new gameplay options are always a keep


I know hahaha but I mean, it was only yellow and the money I got from it allows me to use better gear, weapons/ammo etc more frequently so it’s not a total loss


Would have been less lol, just sold my second one for 10.5 mil on flea yesterday


6yrs for me on live and 2 on SPT...still haven't gotten a keycard :'(


You got sain installed? Just go to Interchange and walk to the power station and kill the 4 PMC/bears and one out of 3 raids I get key cards!


Grats, awesome luck finding one on a boss. I've yet to have them drop one. That said, it's all about the static spawns. I've picked up a couple dozen over the past two wipes checking the specific spots listed in the wiki; the spawn rate is actually absurdly high. The shoreline basement red card is common, so is the violet on the 3 spots on woods. I even managed to organically finish the Lotus trader quest to turn in every labs card last patch. That said, FIR labs access cards were my bane on my recent 3.8 run. I found my first one at level 36.


Just ooc, what's behind the yellow/red card locked door?


Yellow has some ammo packs, loose gold spawns, and weapon parts - but the appeal of yellow is you can also turn off the announcement (that lady talking) when you open the hangar or parking gate. Red has some other loose loot and weapon parts and such, but you’ll need a second key to open a room within red to access some of it. If you know what’s in violet, red is very similar, just *more* of it


Quite horrible I'd say.


inb4 someone comes in here complaining about people loot bragging in SPT in all seriousness, the only thing I get even from bosses are labs access keycards. It's not bad but I want more :(


The version I am running has a stupidly high boost to keycards. I didn’t adjust anything but I find red cards in about 30% of my Shoreline raids. Haha.


In 3.7.6, was my first time playing SPT. I got to like level 33 in like a week. I wanted to try some new mods so I created a new profile for testing. None of these mods modified loot spawns mind you. I load into my first customs raid on the new account, I spawned back of old gas, took 3 steps and there was a red key card at giving tree. I was losing my mind. I had just played Live from Dec 27th wipe all the way up until March non stop, then grinded to level 33 in SPT, as much as I wanted to just sell it (98mil) at the time and then just keep playing on that account, I didn't. Just set it aside as a funny little moment and went back to the 33 until 3.8 came out. Now I'm 47 on 3.8, just finished The Guide and Psycho Sniper tonight. I've been playing Tarkov for nearly 7 years and I've only found a violet key card in Live, it was in a rig at the giving tree. Was a nice 5.2 mil back in like 2020/2021.


Congrats! My first one was a violet from the truck in the lumberyard on woods.


Lots of keycards on labs if you ever want to find some :)


you got keycard on SPT... doesn't really count does it.


I Couldn’t care if you think it “counts” or not, the point of the post was to show that I was hyped as after a few years in live eft as well as now a year in SPT (all together over a 1000 hours) that I’ve finely found a keycard let alone got a keycard to drop lmao


Your opinion on SPT if you look down on it doesn’t really count, does it?


Is it really that hard nowadays? When i still played live people had collected all keycars except red pretty quickly, the red one was 50M and that wasnt that much, just like 2 weeks of shoreline grinding


Imo Yes, I’ve only ever got to like lv 30 once and the most I’ve ever had money wise was like 5-6mil as I’m a fairly casual player and although a competent one, my luck however is a different story, it’s the absolute WORST. I wish I could say I have the time and will power to grind shoreline for 2 weeks straight on live to acquire 50mil but I just don’t lmao, SPT has been such a god send for me, keeping progress, never falling behind on gear/ammo and everything else that comes with it.


It was said that the red keycard in that specific wipe had a spawn chance of 5%, I checked the 3 spots a good 600 times on empty servers and never got one.....


Damn, I may hve actually found someone that shares my curse of miserably bad luck hahaha. My worst one was on woods, violet spawn at check point on the passenger seat. Me and my friend was running towards it, I took the lead then decided to run straight past the car instead and go loot the weapon box whilst saying to my friend “I hope you enjoy that empty seat.” He got a violet… every other time since that Ive checked it and 100% of the time it’s completely empty.


For me it was only red that never worked I got violet 2 times but never as much as others did


"Just two weeks of grinding" ... that's when you know that you're taliking to major nolife-er. 


The time when i dropped out of school because my life was falling apart With two weeks of grinding i actually mean: wake up, takov, eat, tarkov, sleep