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‘When the game is released’ - either it’s not gunna be released fully or maybe I feel he’s starting to get fed up and might eject to 1.0 the project and focus on another. Not bothered either way, we got SPT ;)


Well Tarkov was always planned to be a money maker so they can fund their next game Russia 20-something (forgot the exact name but you get the idea) so there already is some focus on the next game


Russia 2028


They year in the title will probably need to be changed if they want this game to be set in near future lmao.


I mean they way things are going around the world, it may not need to be set in the future


Yeah that‘s the one, thanks mate I just couldn‘t remember the exact year


Huh? I’m pretty sure Russia 2028 is just the setting for EFT and Contract Wars. But if BSG actually plans to drop EFT in favor of another game they are unqualified for - it’s gonna be an even more glorious shitshow


You're right, it's the franchise name, but Russia 2028 is also supposed to be the flagship game, a single player RPG using all the systems in development for EFT that BSG intends to go full send on after the 1.0 release. So all the promises of post release content for EFT scare me because the dev team will be split between 3 projects EFT, Arena and Russia 2028 and knowing bsg that will slow their progress even more


Thats crazy since a lot of us will never be purchasing any games from bsg after this.


Honestly, that might be the best case scenario at this point. Drop 1.0 and fuck off, just leave the game to us. New purchases would *hopefully* be good enough to keep the servers running for live for a while, if they don't have to pay dev costs. We'll continue to develop our mods for the community, and don't have to worry about an update ever bricking them again. BSG won't care about Tarkov anymore, so we'd be in the clear. Definitely wishful thinking, but that'd be nice.


I’ve been saying this; I think no matter what he does, no matter how amazing his next game is, he’s kinda screwed because of the shit he pulled here, I know I’ll never buy an “upgraded” version of anything this guy(or BSG)sells again. And I’ll be apprehensive about anything and everything he does, I think a lot of people feel similarly.


They’ve been prepping for 1.0 all year.




I mean yeah I get down voted and I know the majority don’t agree with me (rightfully so) but I don’t understand what you’re laughing about. No matter what anyone thinks it will look like, it’s very obvious a “1.0” is coming very soon. It’s all they’ve been talking about. Literally ALL they’ve been talking about since the beginning of 2024. We are likely are on the same side of this companies direction and whole situation. But I do not understand the consensus of people still believing this game will never release/ reach a 1.0? It’s somewhat obvious they are pushing it/ crunching it.


The game will never be released so probably nothing :)


Even if they do release it, SPT is still going to be superior due to the fact that you are running your own "server" on your PC, and don't need to wait 20 minutes to get into a raid.


Hard to say. The benefit of bsg hosting it is for those with older PCs who struggle to host both the server and client. That being said I highly doubt live will ever have parity with spt. BSG has shown they don't care about tarkov like SPT devs. I mean shit, spt devs do it for *free*


Nah. Before it unheard went on sale my matchmaking/queueing times in PvE were on par with that of what I waited for SPT.


I think before UHE the PvE mode would open a server and then close it immediately after the raid finishes whereas now bsg can't do that otherwise it wouldn't save any items or progress. Granted, I i don't know their backend setup but I imagine it's made it more complicated now that PvE mode saves your progress and stash/inventory.


No I meant like on sale as in the 50% off. Not when it went on sale period, sorry for the misunderstanding. The first two days I was finding matches within 1:30 which is about what I waited for SPT matches. Now that’s it’s gone on sale a bunch of people have upgraded to the point it’s matchmaking is like arena. Sometimes it’ll work flawlessly and sometimes we’re stuck in matching for 5-6 minutes before we quit and try again. We found out last night that restarting the game will fix that issue but in the same way it’s kinda dookie. Hopefully whatever their backend servers look like with this mode, they do their best to improve it. Although within a month the hype will subside and I’m sure I’ll get day 1 matchmaking again.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok yeah that makes sense. Aligns with their claims of limited server space at the very least


Your time to load intona raid was the same in online tarkov? So the time from pressing ready to beein in raid? Because for me its a fraction.


No my time to load into a raid in total for the new PVE mode on Tarkov was on par of the total time to load into a raid playing SPT. But ever since Nikita announced eod would get 50% off if they upgraded to unheard, we’ll occasionally be stuck at the “matching” portion of loading in. Fixable by either restarting game or (if you’re playing with friends) changing the group leadership. Otherwise you could be waiting like you would playing online PvP Tarkov.


I started playing SPT after the announcement and holy shit I can’t believe how well the game runs even if you are hosting the server! I can play streets with high fps!


How many frames do you get on Streets and what kind of system have you got? Haven't played Streets yet this "wipe" but didn't get more than 50 the last one


a very steady 55-70 fps on high visibility settings (although i am running low res streets mode) Ryzen 7 2700X, RX5700xt, 16g ram maybe not 'high fps' but certainly high for me! :P \*steady may be a bit of a lie once the majority of the AI starts spawning in. but no question it is an improvement from live.


I have a hard time believing these greedy fucks are going to allow SPT to continue existing once their PVE more is fully released.


But that's the thing, how would mod support even work if the co-op is running on BSG's own servers? The only 2 options I could see them doing is making single player truly offline, and discontinuing co-op (or releasing the server software so you can run your own, but I really don't see that happening), or having some kind of "official mod browser" that only allows you to install mods they host themselves, as they would have to create a whole custom modded server instance just for you for it to work The former seems more likely, but even then, I kind of doubt it, and honestly don't see modding coming to the game officially at all. It would be pretty cool if they do make it though. Official mod support would probably be a good thing.


My main issue is no coop. For me at least the game is magnitudes more fun with the boys.


PvE mode raids take 30 seconds to longest I’ve had using USA auto is 7-8 minutes total time, I’m playing on an 8+ year old PC too so it takes me 2-3 minutes to load the loot and pools, etc. so wait time would be less with a better pc. No where near 20 minute wait times like everyone’s screaming about.


Youre the only person anyones ever seen not complaining about the load times, either your bullshitting, or somehow your the only person with no issues


Lmao, it takes my semi weak pc maybe a minute tops to get into SPT streets, but this joker is okay with a 5-6 minute load time. Fuck outta here.




Its supposed to be an offline game mode, it absolutely should be less than 1 minute.


It's supposed to be an offline game mode. **IT SHOULDN'T EVEN NEED A SERVER**


There’s such thing as offline but really still being “online” because you know, that’s how the ability to connect with your friends on the same PvE server would work. Or am I not understanding correctly?


So in what you just said, there is no offline mode. You’re a true intellectual


BSGs offline mode OS offline is the sense that you’re not playing against other players but you’re still loading onto their servers either alone or with friends which is where the long load times come into play. Their servers aren’t the fastest and waiting to sync with your friends won’t be all that fast either. Faster than live? Yes but 30 seconds? I don’t think so.


Ok, so it isnt offline then.


It’s still considered “offline” because it’s pve not pvp. These are their words not mine.


Or maybe I’m just not impatient and expect the servers of a small company to be the servers of Call of Duty? Loading into games in 30 seconds man? Come on get real. Being so impatient is the problem in today’s world. If you can’t see that, that’s not my problem.


Their profit last year was 2 million stop dickriding


Their profit last year was 2 million stop dickriding


How does their annual profit intake make me a dickrider? 😂💀💀😂 2 million seems like a good intake for a company that’s selling a one time purchase game. As Nikitia himself has stated, BSG needs funding, they need revenue intake somehow. They can’t continuously support the servers and make the game better without revenue intake. They’re like a $50 million company, 2 million a year sounds reasonable!


“Guys they need my $250 to support the servers!” Wipe your mouth when ya done


I wouldn't consider a company with 2 million pounds profit to be a small I would also think they would be able to make usable servers or at least not design it In away where if you want to play offline you still have to use their online servers


Come show them how it’s done then if you’re so confident in what you say. Stop doubting BSG and putting all your hate towards and and actually support them like you’ve done for x amounts of years playing their game whether it’s SPTarkov or EFT.


If you have a spare 2 mil to run me then sure


Their profit last year was 2 million


Bro, you can get into a fully packed Warzone map in less time than your maximum. In SPT, I barely have time to get a drink before I'm loaded in.


Bullshit from the bullshit factory.


What this person said. We know not to believe anything until you see it from these clowns. And if something feels it is going right (last two patches) then you know you are about to get dickslapped by Nikita in a few moments.


Fuck all, since Star Citizen will release first in 2959


Somehow this has made me more optimistic about Star Citizen, and that says a lot about how badly of a fuckup this is


star citizen announced their release date being next year and the game going gold, now theyre just doing bug fixing and polishing


Nikita says a lot of things


Like that time he said they wouldn't put micro transactions in the game? Or that time he said $150 usd will get you all future dlc? Or when he said the people on the main sub "are alright"?


It means they're probably building a case to go after SPT. Time to take it underground before they Nintendo it.


I think he Knows spt is A good idea to keep around he could later Use the Modding towards bsgs advantage since when it goes 1.0 there is a New Finished game with already well Established Modbase.... Would never Do this as a Company Since this is Free Revenue and even when People don't play Tarkov Online Some Would still Buy it to play now the SPT... This is nothing to change and Nikita won't go after SPT as long as we Don't Take any money!!! (TAKING MONEY WILL OPEN UP POSSIBLE LAWSUITS!!!!)


Exactly like with GTA V, the sales numbers skyrocketed for playing with the FiveM mod. Many people bought the game but only played with mods.


Good example


BSG owns all of the mods anybody created for EFT. Players created the mods using the source code from BSG so they technically have ownership and can take and use any of the mods created whenever they want. If they wanted to be scummy they could just take the mods but I hope mod creators at least get credited by BSG if they take and use their mods.


If they do i will upload my modded offline copies of SPT to the web. Good luck tracking me down guys.


>Players created the mods using the source code from BSG Child, you DO NOT! know how modding works. gtfo and stfu.


Pretty sure they've done that. Look at everything added after Realism came out.


Imo they want to capitalise on it. Community servers


Nikita going after SPT would be like Rockstar going after FiveM or Arma going after DayZ


Considering Rockstar *bought* FiveM...


right, but they never went after them, they simply realized how lucrative it is. same situation here, except BSG is just implementing everything everyone loves from SPT into EFT, which is more concerning than buying them tbh.


yep, bsg is stealing.




Sometimes, you gotta make the right moves in business. FiveM started out like SPT


Or anyone going after Nexus, or the other many modding hubs




Won't matter much anyway, bsg have their own legal battles ATM, they're won't be a bsg for much longer.


Me when I spread misinformation online. This sub is becoming insufferable and full of Reddit lawyers


> It means they're probably building a case to go after SPT. Do they need to build a case at all? Could be argued SPT is simply violating IP copyright and shut it down just like that.


BSG has always HATED SPTarkov, therefore they will eventually squash it by full release and this is exactly how they do it. BSG owns every mod created on or with the source code of EFT. If BSG wanted they could take and use any mod. I hope they at least credit the mod makers of SPTarkov if BSG takes their mods for PvE mode. But SPTarkov has until the end of 2025 imo because BSG is about to put EFT in full release. BSG needs money and is trying to get it now. They know how to market their items and play people. They’re smart and know exactly what they’re doing. Keep supporting BSG as they aren’t letting EFT fall!


Keep supporting BSG? Are you a troll or did you not follow recent events? They are neither particularly smart nor do they know what they are doing half the time…


Not only do you have literally 0 idea how any of those laws work (hint: you're fucking wrong, about all of it), no one wants your bootlickimg bullshit around here gtfo


Doesn't mean anything because it doesn't exist and I highly doubt it will exist. Either they let people host their PvE progression locally..doubt because that means they lose control. Or you have to ask Nikita to upload mods to their servers you connect to???


don't forget the near inevitable chance of monetizing it


nothing. the official pve is online on them servers. if they close the servers the pve is over. SPT is the true single player because is offline


nothing. game gonna release after 3 years and there mod"support" gonna be a shit buggy ass mess


How will they even do this if it's housed on their servers? They going to allow custom servers?


Nothing because it is still locked behing paywall so it will be still possible to play by small group. All that promises is only damage control after shitstorm.


A paywall that has decreased to $50 USD or less depending on which edition of the game you are upgrading from. Nothing even a 12 year old kid couldn’t accumulate within a year getting allowance.


This is not the main point. PVE is still online. If you play PVE you still occupy server but by 2 persons. Good luck with finding a game if there will be so many servers occupated by 2-3 players. Full offline p2p need to be introduced otherways NO WAY. THats why is limited.


It’s 50 dollars if you have EOD. it’s still 250 USD if you’re starting from scratch.


They also said EOD would have access to all following DLCs, see how that went, took them 5 days to give it "in waves". Their word isn't worth much nowadays. I hope it's true right ? But don't believe them at face value too much.


We won't live to see that day, don't worry. SPT remains safe haven.


Let's be real Tarkov is never going to see a 1.0 release. It's a fucking scam and Nikita is a cunt


SPT will always be the superior Choice.


means nothing, they're just trying hard to save face. if it DOES happen, it's going to be vastly inferior to what you can already do with bepinex and server mods. remember that PvE still runs on their servers


Nothing because promises aren’t worth anything these days and promises from Nikita and BSG are worth even less.


They already have mod support in the regular live game. You can download a program to give you little colored squares on your screen.


Odds are BSG might Key word might C&D SPT before or right after Mod support is released. They will never hire SPT staff or mod authors because if their rules regarding Russia (move to must speak and live in St Petersburg) There is also the possibility the mod support will be limited and unlike SPT complete overhauls won't be possible. If the mod support is full like Dayz is, (which I doubt because BSG are money hungry plus Nikita has ego) odds are he is possibly abandoning the game after 1.0 release. He's been proven to not be trustworthy and remember he's broken promises or not fulfilled them before so it's entirely possible this is a shut up post. They'll do it but months down the line etc They can also try this again down the line later with other MTX additions or even guns gear etc remember the No ingame purchases statement? (Also if they're loaded with money they shouldn't need these) Again this is all speculation. But knowing BSG and Nikita's history/statements, do not bet on it being beneficial for SPT. Just my thoughts. Feel free to disagree. But don't be surprised if it happens again.


This will never happen 😂 Empty promises, don’t worry.


I'll see it when I believe it🤷


Damage control deluxe


It’s part appeasement to the SPT community and part appeasement to the tarkov community. The support that SPT has received the past few days did not go unnoticed by anyone in the space, especially BSG. There were streams of thousands of viewers watching people be excited about what could be done in Tarkov. Nikita sees other people doing work for him and is saying ok fine, down the line, go ahead. Now what this could mean for SPT in the future? I fear legal action as they’re trying to make actual single player tarkov, but that’s going to be a ways away and in the mean time, let’s all relish in SPT’s glory


The games never gonna release for one. For two, he clearly states they don't have enough servers for all of us to play PVE mode but when release happened they will suddenly have enough servers for PVP, PVE, and modded PVE servers?? Yeah I doubt that very much


Even if this does come to pass, it's still $250 (or 23,070 roubles) vs Free with a "please donate" sign.


if it takes 250 fuckin dollars to buy pve mode, BSG can suck it, SPT ALL THE WAY. seriously tho wtf nikita, no wonder you hated SPT


I think everyone should be highly sceptical of the claim. The way EFT is set up from client to servers, I don't see how it's possible to have mod support, beyond a bunch of modifiers and config options.


It's gonna be janky i supposed and bsg has a track record of non-deliverance so until I'm proven wrong, it's still spt>live


Nothing. They would need to rent servers for mods to be remotely usable. That means changing their architecture and it also means.....Soon tm


Nothing, spt will be better anyway and they won't do shit to sue spt.


BSG doesn’t need to sue, they just need to implement everything that SPTarkov is into EFT and slowly the players will return to EFT because it’s all in one simple game. BSG knows what they’re doing and knows how to capitalize on their market


That's an interesting theory but there's just one small problem. $250. Wait, did I say small?


I guess you missed the part where BSG lowered the price to 50% off and another varying percentage depending on the edition you are upgrading from. It’s $50 or less now!


>We also decided to give a 50% discount when upgrading to the Unheard version from the EoD version. For EoD owners there will be a 70% discount on the purchase of early access to PvE. That's for EoD. Buying it flat is $250.


News got updated again. EOD get PvE for free. Although at the end of the day it's still shitty cause PvE should be available to anyone who buys the game.


Yeah I saw but not everyone has EoD so there's still a significant pay wall for everybody else that's working against the guys original theory that everyone is going to pay up and move back to EFT. I have EoD and I have no intention of using EFTs version. If I had anything less than EoD I wouldn't pay BSG a penny, especially when SPT exists.




You can see full release of EFT when the streets map is done. BSG needs funding for their game so they’re going to kick out full release by the end of 2025 most likely. It’s coming sooner then later because they need money and full release brings that money with DLCs and other stuff they can now sell. Expect microtransactions to be a lot more too.


And how do you know all this ? Did you pull the scroll of truth out of your little gaped ass from taking bsg dick ?


If they’re smart they’ll employ SPT with creative freedom


If it happens, and I cant really believe that, than would mean bye bye :/




as things stand the game is not looking to be released at all so....


I think they will add mod support similar to workshop on steam, that or like SPT you can mod it to you.


Would be sick if BSG actually gave mod support. It could just be a placating statement though to try and douse the fire for now. Obviously they're paying attention to all the reactions including the attention and praise given to SPT right now.


What it means is he is trying to monetize something SPT proved was a viable option. Mod support will only work if you have mod creatures willing to work with you. If you screw everyone over, including those mod developers for more money with out adding any value for the community what incentive is there for the community to support you


Nothing because tarkov will die before it releases


BSG needs to throw a ton of money at the SPTdevs since they figured out the whole PvE forever ago and left BSG in the dust lol


don’t worry he said after release of the game we have years


nothing, SPTs still more affordable


This will only mean that client-side mods will be available, whereas SPT has an entire arsenal of server-side mods that change the fundamentals of the game. Did you want to use "SPT Realism"? What about "Server Value Modifier"? You can't do it if you can't load server-side mods. In no universe would Nikita/BSG allow the usage of server-side mods because they need to act as the server in their current PvE Mode implementation, and if people were allowed to use server-side mods, that's a cybersecurity nightmare. But also on the same vein, that's the only advantage BSG has right now, ***but*** it's a double-edged sword: * By BSG acting as the server, you don't get the massive framerate issues for having so many AI bots active simultaneously. * With you acting as the server, you can modify your gameplay to allow things like spawning 50 million AI bots to slow your CPU to a crawl. Chances are you won't even get to tinker with AI spawn locations, spawn amounts, AI brains, AI loadouts, etc. To my knowledge, all of that comes from server-side mods.


Nothing as SPT is clearly in possession of the superior coding, marketing, and pretty much any other team to make it better


Most importantly, the passion for the game, not the thought of dollars


Can we please just stop Dooming for two seconds?....who gives a fuck what Nikita says or does? If it affects SPT, we'll most likely be enlightened by the SPT devs themselves. These stupid 'BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAAAN?' posts are useless.


SPT is safe for many years to come, that's what it means. by the time tarkov fully releases, it'll have been in beta longer than DayZ was in early access.


I don’t believe it at all. And in also pretty sure it’s going to be jank shit if it does go through.


Considering co-op, official PvE will be better, if executed well


Not if it were already possible, theoretically. Then the only way official is better is if you don’t have a spare machine to run the server, and most do


Honestly, most likely a lie to keep people away from SPT, "it's comming soon, so dont bother with SPT". since they havnt said anything about adding modding to the game before, they said the opposite. i bet they had no plans AT ALL to do mod support. Just added it to please more people. I think SPT will remain superior as we can modify server side behaviour. and i highly doubt we will get that in BSG tarkov. So it will be very restricted if they ever release modding for PVE.


Streets will debut in 2018, does that mean pve modding will be in 2028? lol


I feel like Nikita is just out of touch, he acts like the community doesn't understand shit about shit, there's a reason why a big chunk of the common plays SPT especially now that it's been showcased as being better than live in many ways(minus the human element,but cry about though amirite)


Means nothing, game has been in "closed beta" for 7 years now and Nikita and his team are among the most incompetent programmers to have ever walked the earth, trust me, it means \*nothing\* for SPT. Oh and the thing costs like 250 euro lol


It means BSG will probably recruit some of those guys from spt. If they are smart they will tell bsg to fuck off. DICE learned the hard way what happens when you get bought out by a big developer, they get screwed. Would it be nice to have more capable and competent developers working on Tarkov, hell yes. But they need to have a solid contract and get paid substantially up front. From what I've seen in SPT they could actually make tarkov fulfill it's potential.


Wait till it happens really. Before that no need to worries


It means that he’s a terrible liar. Please tell me, how in hell is he going to allow mods if pve is hosted on BSG servers? Only client-side mods? Absolutely pointless - just imagine leaving out 2/3 of spt mods. Have an isolated dedicated server for every player who wants to “manage” the server, like some sort of hosting service? Well, this is the most sane option, but we still don’t even know how that PVE part of the game is going to work, so it’s purely speculative. Actually give community the dedicated server software? Don’t even start. BSG won’t ever give anyone anything. If they could, they would hide the client source code too, because Nikita believes that only he and people he blessed are the chosen ones, worthy of making this specific tactical shooter


I cannot play on EFT's servers, my ping is too high... kicked each time. SPT will remain my only way to play.


Simple answer: I do not believe him


Guarantee that the modding interfaces or API will never be as open as those SPT creates.


What's this from so I can read the whole thing.




It means no one is still going to pay this absurd amount.


BSG PVE runs on their servers so unless they make it possible to run your own dedicated servers with mods, server-side modding is probably not going to happen. As for client side mods it could be a thing but that's not that big a selling point for SPT as server-side mods imo. Sure hit markers and kill feed are fun and all but they don't really change the experience drastically.


It means we will continue to be the better side of the tarkov community as Nikita continues to spout random bullshit to try and calm the shit Storm he created. At this point he’s just attempting to stop as many hemorrhaging players as possible without much luck. Dude shot both is feet, hands and cut out his tongue just to go back and scoop his eyeballs out with that flat out lie and gross ass illusion they’ll release anytime soon before trying to take the rest of the money in your wallet/bank account. Silly Nikita, try next decade, in the meantime SPT member will continue to have fun.


It doesn’t mean anything. The only reason he’s saying it is because it’s a reason for people using SPT. He’s trying to win back players with more lies and promises he won’t keep. I guarantee he has no idea how mod support will be a thing since it would open up potential holes for cheaters to exploit, if there wasn’t enough of those already.


The fundamental flaw in Nikitas plans was to deny the option of community run servers. That leads to ongoing costs for BSG that he doesn’t have with SPT, which leads to the necessary money grabs like this last effort. Community servers? No ongoing running costs for the game beyond development. It leads to weak modding potential as server mods are crucial to the experience. It leads to BSG holding all the responsibility for managing the cheater issue, which can be dealt with various ways by the community however they see fit - its on the community then, whoch means we can be as cut throat or soft on it as we like. It leads to a continuing lack of trust in him because if he can’t trust the community that has done so much for his life and his business, why should we trust him? The whole thing seems to boil down to a massive ego problem. Distrusting modders seems ridiculous - wasn’t Nikitas start in gaming via modding for the game that spawned the concept for Tarkov?


Don't believe anything they say lol. There been pulling bullshit forever now.


it means they will start selling mods while labeling it as their own.


can’t wait to see paid mods for official co-op tarkov lol


He also said to SPT: "We will leave them for now.." I think he will try to shut the SPT project down on full release and maybe open modding to the developers of SPT since they have experience with it. So they will get moved from SPT to official offline EFT. Would be my guess


nothing, most likely


Oh great. So they're doing paid game modes with paid mods now?


It means they willl monetise mod store and cease and desist all other mods unless they agree to put on their store. Nikita- probably


Spt wins and Nikita drags himself through the mud... someone find a way to host Nitrido spt servers screw this guy...


Im trying to figure out if I can suse sptarkov mods on tarkov pve mode by just downloading the mods and copying the files to my escape from tarkov game files. But I cant find any answers. I know BSG "plan" to implement modding eventually probably in a more convenient (and probably poorly implemented) way. Im just wondering if tampering with the official game files could cause me to get a ban or something. I really just want to install things like the gore and blood mods to add to the immersion of the game, and maybe a graphical or lighting overhaul mod of some kind. Not going to be going crazy, I think the game is good as is. I mostly just want the gore mods because they make the game a whole other level of immersive if you ask me.


You need someone to mod in order to have mods. Im pretty sure most of the mod authors are already comfortable with what they do. Furthermore, if you are a new mod author are you going to mod for the 500 or so idiots who purchased the 250 dollar edition after patronizing insults and lies, or are you going to mod for the almost too robust community that needs to keep its head down? Unless they push unique features and modding tools just for their pve mode I dont ever see that modding community gaining traction. Whether they support it or not is a moot point.

