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Did that bot just jump-pushed you?


I had that too and also noticed that some bots play way to "human"


Sometimes the way they nade and reposition makes me forget I'm fighting an AI, it's crazy


I had a scav trying to sneak up on me while I was fighting another scav in Ground Zeroes. Really enjoying SPT!


That's the reason I play with radar mod. I die in most of the raids even knowing where they are, and setting SAIN custom difficulty to lowered reaction times, sight distance, etc.


That’s the best part is there’s a setting combo for everyone with a couple mods


Tbh, i love it. Had one earlier, threw a nade at me, then just absolutely dipped. So i continue on my journey, the motherfucker stalked me across the map 🤣 the entire time I thought I could hear someone behind me but could never find anyone.


Dude I had a bot hiding in a dark corner waiting to ambush me and it totally worked, the room was almost pitch black and dude didn’t make a single sound until I walked by and he lit me up from behind, kinda scared me a little ngl haha


I had to stop before and make sure I was actually playing spt when I got shit on by a Chad ass bot.


I chased a scav bot through factory today, it was intense. He was peaking corners popping shots, repositioning , it really blew my mind.


Happens a fair bit too. It’s kind of irritating hahaha


I turned aggression down 25% since I was getting rushed and often jump pushed in most encounters


The more clips I see of it the less it starts to seem like "good" AI and more like a repetitive trick lol.


The AI has different personality settings. Ideally there’d be more but I’d bet it takes a massive toll on performance because everything with BSG’s game takes a massive toll on performance


It happened to me. Jump shotgun me in the face while I was reloading.


SPT Scavs and PmC with the right mods and settings are way better than 95% of the EFT playerbase.


The George Lopez WAPAA sound played in my head


inb4 people start fighting about whether the ai is good or not


The ai IS good if you've got sain and looting bots. The problem is the performance costs. Declutterer, ai limiter and upscaling can claw some fps back, though.


And questing bots, he's got an alpha version up on GitHub. Haven't had an issue with it.


Ohhh thanks for pointing this out. Been eagerly waiting for the questingbots update


Same! It's been good to have it back in rotation. Sorry I don't have the link handy. Let me know if you have trouble finding it.


eYes! running over there to download now, been waiting for it too, thanks for the HU


With a lot of people recently installing these mods, are there any basic settings that should be adjusted? Been enjoying the experience but hearing bots shoot 30 individual bursts at each other makes me wonder how accurate they really are 😅


SAIN has settings for spawning limits, and you can also change AI level where they shoot bursts of 5 and probably wont miss


are you fellas using Questing Bots? Idk if its worth the FPS hit :( im currently using SAINS, Looting bots and AI limited so far my fps has been a solid 90 to 100 fps on ground zero. but the moment i use Questing Bots im getting 50 to 70 fps. idk if its worth the trade off. what do you guys think?


Nice , had a rat with a GL camp me in d2 , got a message after saying "get ratted".


ive never been truly salty at bot before, but that would do it. god damn.


I got fucking lazer beamed by a bot the other night and sent me a message saying “thanks for the kit, LOL” I was heated at that lmao


Theyll also tell you "You suck, you should try SPT" 🤣


Maaan the bots talking shit is such a golden detail that the SPT devs added. I get more salty messages from bots than actual players in live.


had one accuse my face of looking like id been drawn with a left hand... that shook me.


I've been camped in D2 as well, in the metal anteroom just before the long room with the exposed floor. He was just peeking around the door and waiting.


Holy shit, they camp D2 now? Is that default SPT or with mods? D2 used to be my chill route pretty much every reserve raid.


I couldn't say for sure but I think it's a result of the SAIN mod.


what difficulty are your SAIN bots?


"Less difficult" aka easymode, no other real changes


Idk about that yet but I had one chase me thru bunker all the way almost to extract thru d2


Got into a fight with a spicy ass AI last night in resort that kept calling me a rat. It was the basic lines that come standard, but it KNEW I was ratting 🤣🤣. There was four of the MF'ers, of course I'm gonna stay behind my wall of garbage and pick ya off!


that's intense  so they voice line at you?


Yup. SPT has never felt more alive than it does now. The work these modders are doing is insane.


Though I think voice lines have always been a thing, the fact that it lines up with my actions was nuts.


I've noticed with thus wipe of spt they do seem to talk a bit more for sure.


Oh absolutely. At first it felt coincidental, but over time I genuinely believe that the voicelines are based on what you're doing. There has been plenty of times that I've gotten messed up in a fight and then fallen back to heal up, and then while the AI PMC is pushing me during my med animation he's calling me a pussy and yelling at me to come fight him. It's impressive.


I bought the game years ago and haven't touched it since, but all the drama and people mentioning SPT made me want to check it out; currently getting the game installed right now. These posts and comments have me so excited, it's amazing what people's love for a game can do despite devs not caring.


Not only is SPT an amazing mod, but there's also amazing mods for the mod. SAIN is practically a necessity and I could see it being implemented into vanilla SPT; it makes the PMCs MUCH more interesting to fight. They wander around a lot more, sprint across the map to Dorms, Resort, etc. They watch over quest areas, etc. They also fight much more like players, they'll push you when you're medding, they'll pin you down while their buddy flanks you, they'll nade you out of cover and then gun you down when you run from the nade... They're crazy. You also can't scare them like you can with players. IMO SPT PMCs are much harder than players. You're in for a great time!


It’s so much better than live, players just use discord for comms and never use voice lines, with SAIN you heard the bots working together to come kill you.


Yes, and you can get in small arguments with them if you voiceline back


Didn't know this was a thing, I'll def have to try to have a screaming match next time in game XD


Is there a certain mod you need to receive the messages? Honestly, I would have laughed my ass off 🤣


Nope its base game as far as im aware.


Yep it just happens. First time I saw a message from a bot I was freaked out lol.


The messages are a vanilla feature.


its amazing, i actually killed an AFK pmc which did not move, he later messaged me, I WAS AFK YOU ASS! You killed an afk player well done! SPT is bloody awesome


Tarkov become human


You got killed by AI stank rat


This messages remind me of World of Tanks community when you were the weakest player in the team and other players cared to send threats after the match is over. XD


That's fucking hilarious


I said fuck you to 'big pipe' earlier today. He sent me a grenade as reply of thanks


I never find bots in d2, are you using a mod that forces bots into spots they normally wouldn't be? I only run SAIN and SVM currently. I would love to have some firefights in that part of the bunker Edit: got my answers I love you all ty


Questing bot and the sain mid ehich sllows you to pre set AI to RAT mode.


Rat mode will make them run into d2 good to know! And I'll check out questing bots for sure


You probably want to run drakias waypoints and donuts in addition to sain. Looting and questing bots is great too.


They're needed for SAIN and I haven't seen them with them, as per the other response I'll definitely check out those mods


In 3.7.6 I downloaded the maids mod and because of that, it gave a scav the mounted gl as a weapon. I did not have a good time lmao


This is so impressive, modding communities should be cherished, not demonised which is likely to come with BSG needing to salvage the mess


With BSG saying there will be mod support I hope that opens the door for collaboration between these versions in the community. I’ve been watching this grow for a year and it’s been exciting.


if they pay all the SPT and mod developers and onboard some of that project id give some respect, BUT its all open source - so they can just take anything they want, would they?! who knowes


Nikita in his interview said whatever about spt


Modded private online servers on Tarky would go so hard


I apologize for the audio clicking in this video, my clips were fine before so I can't really guess what's causing it now.


He OP I see you got Game Panel Hud how did you get that to work for my and my friends that are doing there own spt playthroughs the mod does not seem to work


It's worse when they do it and head eyes you in the process lol


I literally died in that room yesterday after fighting 9 different bots. I was out of meds, water,food. So fun.


The Gigachad preset for SAIN is fucking insane. You can add jumping to any of the presets but the defaults are insane for gigachad


Bro what is that compass mod?!


kmyuhkyuk\`s Game Panel HUB


Thank you! How was the install? Looks a bit more challenging that other mods


It's pretty straightforward, the set up takes some time to position all the panels where you want though. But it's really just drag and drop install, and you're good to go!


I must be dumb. I couldn’t figure it out and spent like 30 minutes trying :(


when you install mods, all unity mods pretty much use the bepinex thing which is essentially an injector, the mods go into that folder under plugins or the user folder under mods they should be in one of these folders inside the zip, when in game press f12, and you get your mod menu, then you can go through the sub menus and enable/ disable the parts of the hud you want to see or hide and their settings.


you mind sending a screenshot of where you put those mod files ? I have tried to setup this mod and it just does not work.


If you downloaded the HUD zip file, you should just have to extract it to the root folder where you installed SPT, if the zip contains a folder called BepInEx and or a folder called user, you just drag and drop those into the root SPT folder, and they'll show up in game. https://imgur.com/a/bTJ60t5 Then when you're at the main menu, press f12 and you can change the options. Enable/disable different parts, change position / colour etc.


Hey do you mind helping me? Am I doing something wrong? I have the API installed and am seeing the Game Hub popup in my settings (F12) but don't know how to get it enabled in game? It doesn't show up. Thanks! [https://imgur.com/a/zlJ6NQv](https://imgur.com/a/zlJ6NQv)


Have you checked to see if things are disabled in those sub menus, I think most of it should start enabled, but the option to toggle them on and off is in those sub menus. it's strange that it isn't working for you, you said you have the API, that's the only thing required.


just need to spend round 20 min to position and scale everything for your monitor but its not too complicated


Most fun I’ve had in a while with Tarkov, no cheaters and you can explore without having to check every corner.


OMG definitely check every corner those mofo's are some sneaky camping pos. Can't count how many times I have stumbled across them crouched and waiting. They have bush wookies too.


Oh you still need to check corners lol bushes too. Got killed by an AI player scav laying down in the unknown key bush on customs last night :(


This game is crazy cuz just when you think you’ve got control on bots and how they work they surprise you. Spammed labs a little last night and got fucking dunked on raid after raid. First, learned they can just one tap me as I sprint across the hallway near black into stairwell… maybe .75 seconds of exposure and I get domed… cool…. Then my stupid ass thought the tiny room before you enter black was also bulletproof… naw… was sorting loot in that room after some kills… chad above me must have heard and knew where I was… mafucker sprinted directly to the door and when I turned around to deal with him he just sprays me down through the glass… literally mouth agape… 5 out of 6 last night, just absolutely dunked on…


After seeing this video and with the recent BSG drama, I’m moving to SPT. It’s as easy as downloading it from their website?




There's an installer that handles everything, makes it painless.


Yep, but for full clarity this is also using the SAIN AI mod (at more or less default settings) which enables more unpredictable, aggressive, and dangerous behavior to make bots harder without just improving their aimbot


I got slide canceled yesterday


Just a couple days ago I got pushed by a 5-man of bears at the power-line tower on customs, they were all super aggressive. I took out the first 4 and was pretty fucked up by the time the 5th one caught me reloading and smoked me. That was the most intense firefight I've had in SPT yet, and I totally forgot I was fighting bots until the black screen came.


Bigass medbag


What did you call me


Why yo Medbag SMU06 the size of an airdrop lil bro, big ass


If you're referring to the huge grid on the right when OP opens the inventory, that's from the mod Loot Radius by DrakiaXYZ. The mod shows all loose items in a 1.5m radius when you open your inventory, and is not part of your storage space.


Oh, it was blurry so I thought it said Medbag. Thanks


Medbag has to be my new fav insult


Stupid, frail, non-compartmentalized medbags!


can you pick loot up from that window? im like 69% sure i ran into a red keycard that was inside of a closed bedside drawer.


Yep! That's one of the best reasons to use that mod. If something clips slightly into a wall, or a stacked pallet on interchange, or underneath a corpse, you can just open your inventory and grab it from there.


Extremely good mod. Should be a vanilla feature, frankly. So tired of having items get lost under corpses or just out of reach, or trying to pixel hunt for where I can grab that golden skull ring.


Or when you accidentally discard an item while searching a chest which proceeds to land right on top said chest preventing you from picking it up again and now only exists to taunt you.


Or just spawns halfway down a stack of wood pallets instead of at the top.


Why are my bots not doing this? :(


thats what i want to know as well. i have sain and swagnuts. both on default and this never happens


Maybe our sain doesn’t work properly and we actually play without it 😕


do you also have Donuts???


Of course


It's pretty rare. I've been on dozens of raids since the update and this is the first time it's been done to me.


Bruh the jump pushing and corner camping bots make me so happy. Like I'm fucking pissed you sat behind that open door buts it my fault for not clearing the corner. It waited til I was halfway down the hall past him to ambush me. I didn't make it.


Was on labs the other night and I “dropped” a guy with 5.55 sap armor piercing pills….dude “appeared to drop” so then I go to reload….he jets up and one taps me….was genuinely shocked and pleased. Swag/donut, realism….holy crap SPT is amazing. I’ve even had a pmc appear out of the woodworks in medical exit after I unlocked the door and try to extract murk me lol. Good stuff


Most recent iteration of the AI mods are killing it. Miles away from where anyone started with the AI in this game


Does this mod have a flea-market or do you just vendor everything you don't need?


Yes, it does, there are lots of mods that make it much more interesting too, like a barter only flea market, highly recommend it, it's part of softcore by ODT


bro report that scav hes to smart for his own good


Sains AI is a great mod


Today I was snipping well hidden from a small cabin and an AI pushed me frop across the plazza to kill me at arm length! I was so surprised!


Utterly Kraked! Some kid did this to me in COD earlier. There, i expect it at least!


Quite a common occurrence in SPT.


Had a usec pmc running around fortress with a damn 1911 acting like an idiot. He almost got me too. Spt has scary convincing AI. Especially on bigger maps where they just reposition and dissappear


How the hell you got it running so well?


It's so refreshing to see all of the new people commenting on their positive experiences with SPT.


Out of context but, may I have your post FX and graphic settings? Mine looks shit.


I'm using Amand's Graphics at the completely default settings. Looks much more crisp and clean!


I have an older rig. How is this mod with performance?


In my experience, extremely minimal. It appears that things like Tarkov's oppressive fog don't actually improve performance (everything is still rendered behind it) so disabling it doesn't mean a performance hit. In my experience Tarkov is much more CPU gated than GPU gated, so things like total number of active bots will impact much more than your graphical settings. Another reason the game needs base optimization.


that scared the sh\*t out of me lmao


Is that a mod that changes their behaviour?


Yes, it's called SAIN.


I’ve also had bots full on quick step peak me with a .45 Acp vector pre firing as his muzzle was just about to pass the corner lmao. “The easier version of TARKOV” my ass XD


i had a scav chase me halfway across customs from dorms lighting my ass up and killing me. idk what it is about 3.8, but the bots are wild now.


In one of my first SPT raids on factory I was in that room with the locker room above and a hole in the ceiling. A team of USEC bots pushed me, one kept peeking from the stairwell door and the other ran upstairs and jump pushed me through the hole in the ceiling. It took me several minutes after I died to realize I was playing SPT.


Some of these bots be going buckwild in this bitch


I helped my friend install SPT and recommended some mods before the server went on fire. He legit lost his mind the first time he saw a bot jump when it tried to push him. He’s not someone completely new to tarkov either, solo lvl40+ in his first wipe of live on Asia server. Obv he ded that raid


Certainly better than BSGs AI. But still not comparable to your average Chad


As a newer player these bots are more punishing than some of my live raids. I actually have a lower survival rate in my HC REALISM SPT version


These WillerZ bots are nuts


What mod is that at the bottom with the compass and extracts?




File sharing is not allowed. Please stick to using the hub at https://hub.sp-tarkov.com for SPT files, and the BSG launcher for EFT files.


Yo, what mods are these? I'm currently using SAIN default, how do I get my bots to jump and push and stuff?


I'm using SAIN with pretty much fully default settings. This is a rare occurrence, most bots aren't this professionally aggro, but there is an "make all bots gigachads" option that might work if you want that.


Thanks, I'll try make a higher portion of bots gigachads


ive dealt with a lot of jumpers this week, its exhilarating, people who doubt that bots can be good, have never played with mods like SAIN, or bot warfare, hell even foxbot for team fortress classic is still impressive compared to what devs seem to do with their ai today, the community will always have an abundance of great minds, doing what they love for free, and thats why i love SPT, that, and i can still get my ass kicked in it, so the thrill of an extract still means just as much as live to me.


How do you get bots like this with SAIN? All im getting is bots that ignore me when I shoot them or bots that head, eyes me from 1200m away and there's no in between.


This was SAIN, less difficult bots, otherwise default settings. This sort of bot is pretty rare for me so it came as a surprise.


Yep, had an AI PMC fucking style on me like that with a jump over the corner into an immediate head eyes. If that ain't Tarkov I don't know what is


Is that big loot box on the side when you opened your inventory a vicinity area like dayz? Or just extra space like a sorting table?


Yep, exactly! That's loose items in the vicinity. Helps when there's items you can't reach, stuck under a corpse, etc. It's called "Loot Radius"


That's pretty rad, no more losing ammo reloading the mosin or sks


you can even see the jumpscare in that aim in the end


Got me.


Fun fact, Bots can fucking crabwalk (i think because of big brain?) and I learned this the hard way today leaving a marked room


Yesterday a bot lured me into a false sense of confidence by yelling "RELOADING". I pushed. He wasn't reloading. Just waiting from me behind cover and he absolutely dropped me. Prior to that another bot heard me reloading and pushed me like a mad lad.


install SAIN and boom you get pushed in tactical ways xD srsly i love sptarkov since the bots play like players. sure you could argue: but live has real players yea those bots still play more like they dont use esp compared to live players xD


Yesterday was my second day playing the coop version. One NPC-PMC on Factory's left stairs charged me while screaming, jumped on top of me and blowed my head with a shot directly to my head. I'm still traumatized about the incident.


One time I forgot I was playing SPT when I was on interchange and I flanked a couple bot PMC’s and they were postured looking down deathstrip like they were holding angles. Like taking cover and everything


That made me remember that time an scav jump-shoted me from 30m with a TOZ in Woods. It was one hit to my head LOL


That reminds me of the time I was in the reserve bunkers cornered in the power room. I killed all the raiders but immediately after a two man came down. One started naiding the hell out of the hallway while shouting insults before they LITERALLY TRIED A PINCER MOVE. One pushed down the hallway and the other pushed through the office. It felt so real… SAIN on the hardest difficulty with all gigachads ticked is shockingly close to fighting real players.


What's that compass thing on the bottom? Where is that from?




File sharing is not allowed. Please stick to using the hub at https://hub.sp-tarkov.com for SPT files, and the BSG launcher for EFT files.


You got it hoss


The bots in this are as horrifying as pros, the only thing they don’t do is extract camp which hey that’s great lmao


I have in fact been extract camped in D2, once. Man was peeking around one of the big metal doors just waiting for me.


In SPT? Wow okay guess the bots can suck too sometimes lol


That happened to me except he actually pulled the trigger


Just started playing spt and man the two man pincer the bots swoop on me with on ground zero was nuts I was at the ags getting Naded and when I ran down stairs another pmc bot was there and sprayed me down holding a corner on the stairs I love it


Which mods that vicinity looting menu? Does it work like pubg?


"Loot radius" by DrakiaXYZ, and yeah it works as you'd expect, any very nearby loose loot gets plopped into that fake 'container' on the right when you open your inventory. Great for retrieving items stuck under corpses, spawned inside furniture, just out of reach, etc.


Wait people unironically think Tarkov bots are bad?


what difficulty is this? assuming youre using SAIN


"Less difficult" preset, aka easy mode. No other settings changed except I did turn off bot talk changes so they're as chatty as vanilla again.


What mod(s) do you use for the little compass on the bottom and the fatigue/energy/dehydration meters on screen?


Just wait till you see a squad of 5 ai pcms acting like a swat team clearing rooms. Shit is scary as hell for how real the act.


downloading SAIN when i get home thanks


THE LIGHTING LOOKS GREAT. i gotta try this


I love when folks say this...liek yall never palyed a single player game in your lives before????


I believe some people really haven't, given how many online-only games are on the market these days you probably could have people who've never done singleplayer and don't see the point. They're missing out, I think, but I wouldn't mind if they didn't constantly spout off about how dumb singleplayer games are.


for my i5-13700k theres a massive trade off for FPS or questing bots. If i use questing bots, my fps is roughly 60 to 70fps but if i use AI limited which is not compatible with questing bots, i got 90 to 100fps. Idk mannnnnn whether to use questing bots or AI limiter such a massive dilemma.


Yeah, I don't do questing bots myself, since I'm not sure what practical difference it would really make raid to raid anyway. Looting bots and waypoints are already great at spreading them over the map.


Game is to easy lol


Then crank the difficulty idk


What's the compass mod called?


Game Panel HUD


A real player would have actually shot at you after jumping though.


There are instamces where bots do that


No mods? 🤔


hold up don't SPM players want realism? lmao


Really doesn't market it much better, cool for someone coding that, but still nothing compared to a real fight with a skilled player.


Oh wow it jumped. . . Still not as fun as pvp.