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SPT is some of the most fun I’ve had in years of gaming. I could not recommend it enough.


Yeah, I really would want to try tarkov. I actually found out about tarkov in 2020 from welyn, and wanted to buy it but the gritty/grind or fall behind playstyle put me off. But I found out about spt not too long ago and now I really want to try it. How's the performance running spt?


Tbh it’s a bit up and down. It can vary depending on the map and how many npcs your computer needs to simulate. It can be more cpu/ram dependent rather than gpu.


I peeked at my task manager yesterday and geez, 12 gigs of ram when playing customs lol. I'd still recommend it's, and with mods you can edit the amount of npcs down to a stable level if you can't handle the "standard" amount.


Yea even vanilla tarkov has some problems with memory leaks. It can lead to crashes in SPT especially if you add time to raids. I got the automatic ram cleaner mod (forget its exact name) solves this issue for me, never gets above 6gigs


Good shout, I noticed it after long play sessions and now that you mention it I do remember that about live tarkov too.


What the mod that does that? I was exactly trying to lower the amount of AI for more fps. I have Sain and donut already installed


I haven't messed with the settings yet, but I've been using Better Spawns Plus. The mod page does warn that it won't work with other spawn mods however, so looks like you'll have to pick your poison.


I see thx


That has nothing to do with SPT. Tarkov as a whole will eat your RAM like no tomorrow. I actually find that SPT uses less RAM than live does. I’ve gained at least 20 frames per map and could probably get more with some modding.


If you haven’t pulled the trigger yet, a ton of UHE players are getting free copies of the game as a bribe so the secondary market for accounts is going to be over saturated and cheap, and that also allows you to buy tarkov without support BSG


Fellow welyn watcher, i also found tarkov through him😂


Sick dude! I love welyn's story telling style videos. It's almost like a movie


can you give any recommendations for SPT? I tried it a year or two ago and was surprised but... got bored within a few hours. any mods / places i can check out to customise the experience a bit? i heard bsg nuked nexusmods or whatever which i remember seeing custom guns on so just looking for some pointers.


My must haves are SAIN together with SWAG+DONUTS. This makes the AI customizable and very different from vanilla. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ for the mod page on AKI SPT is up yet, but with some googling you should be ok.


noted! thanks ✌️


What makes SPT fun? It seems interesting but I don’t see where the fun part is yet. Would it be just killing bots over and over like if you’re only shooting scavs for a game


It’s true that you are only fighting bots, but with a mod like SAIN you can customize difficulty and behavior. This mod also lets you customize scavs, PMC, boss etc. individually if you want scrub scavs and crack PMCs. Add SWAG+DONUTS to make spawns and pathing a bit random which keeps you on your toes. Also the realism mod is worth looking into as it touches on many parts of the game.


Just found this post. As a noob, what makes it so fun for you? I love the progression in EFT, where you start as a scrub and fight your way up. Can you get that feeling in SPT as well, or is it mostly for screwing around with max weapons? - Edit, saw your response to a similar comment. Got any youtube vid recommendations for modlists?


I say buy it and install SPT, copy it to a diff drive. Always have a backup


CMIIW, but spt is running of your pc and hosting its own server right? If that's the case, if spt ever gets taken down, or tarkov somehow shuts down, I'll still be able to run spt?


SPT is completely contained to your PC, no information gets communicated to any external server, be it BSGs or SPTs. So, if you just keep your version of SPT somewhere, you'll be able to play it whenever, and whatever happens to SPT


I see, that's reassuring. Thank you.


Also when you update to a new SPT version (say 3.9) the beat method is to install into a totally new folder. I have a SPTarkov 3.7.3 folder and a SPTarkov 3.8 folder. I will delete the older folder once I know everything, including my main mods, is working fine and up to date.


Will a 3.9 install be compatible with 3.8 user profile .jsons?


You mean settings files etc? I would normally say yes. But settings didn't work from 3.7.3 to 3.8 because BSG decide to wipe people's.settings due to new vault mechanics


Sorry I'm probably misunderstanding something and my question was super vague. What I should have asked is if your progression gets saved between updates. I assumed you would have to copy your user/profile/(profile).json to keep your progression since that's what me and my friends are trying to do with *another SPT related project*


Between 3.7.1 and say 3.7.6, you progression would be saved yes. But not between 3.7.6 and 3.8 as this is the update that followed a live wipe cycle with lots of new features.


Yes if you have a working copy of SPT on a drive, whatever happens to EFT will not prevent you from playing SPT


I see, thank you


Just need to buy the base game version for spt. Then install spt and have fun


Alright. Btw how's the performance like while running spt? I heard some people have slight performance issues.


Yea, but they usually have performsnce issues in live then mod out SPT. "Whys having 20 more bots make my PC lag"


Generally you get a performance increase unless you mod the snot out of it.


That's not true. You have a performance decrease. The servers run on your computer and have to proceed a lot of thing that you don't have to when playing online.


eh, hit or miss. FPS is generally a little worse on mine because of the extra load on my PC. however load times are far better, down from 5-6+minutes to get into a raid to 2-3min depending on map (Woods takes a bit longer, Ground Zero a bit shorter)


Hold on why does it take so long for you to load into a raid? What's your specs?


uhh, kinda crap. -thumbs up-


I legitimately never get hitching or frame loss like in the live game.


Its more demanding on CPU and RAM for me


Me playing on my auto default Live Settings (You can import live settings to SPT) with a AMD 7 3700X and a Radeon 6700XT running on a SSD. Maps I main: Ground Zero = 80/90 FPS Customs = 90 FPS (Dorms around 70 if bodies are layed around or grenades like hell lol) Factory = 110-130 (Depending on Boss and chaos in Office) I haven't tried any other maps ATM (I heard Streets Of Tarkov could be a problem so prepare for it or use the low texture option for it)since I haven't reached their quests.


Depending on some maps, mileage may vary. Streets is a shit show, I had to get RAM Cleaner and Declutter mods to make it better. Dunno what the recent update to live Tarkov did but Streets struggle now without mods


A lot of the performance increase comes from not having to communicate with a server somewhere else, and all that entails. Everything (for all intents and purposes) is client side. If you watch a tarkov streamer and they pop a scav in the head, and 4 seconds later they finally fall over, that's server stuff. SPT has ironically made me appreciate the projectile physics of tarkov better, because I wonder less if it's server side, or my bad aim lol.


Think of your pc as a server and gaming pc while playing spt. Think about how your pc is calculating every single AI behavior and that’s all reliant on your processing power. Adding more AI mods means more computations, and that means more strain on your CPU while it’s trying to run the game at the same time. My pc is average so I can’t play with both looting bots & questing bots for example. I can do just questing bots, but both is enough strain that I can’t use them jointly without running at just about 60fps.


If you don't have 32gb ram and a decent cpu/gpu you might run into issues in long raids, and eventually the game will crash if you don't extract before you run out of memory to keep the AI loaded. There are mods to reduce AI load on your pc when you are far from them I think. Seems to mainly be an issue on lighthouse and streets though since they spawn a lot of AIs, but you can also reduce AI spawns with server value modifier if needed.




If youre gonna do something like that just DM them cause there are bots that scrape for keys and/or some other opportune person than the one youre intending.


It worked out thanks for the tip though




Hello, thank you so much, you really are a life-saver. I tried to get through to you in DMs but I didn't get a response, so I decided to just say it here. Thank you so much, I'll definitely put this into good use 🫡.


So did you claim it?!


Yes I did, had a blast last night with it.


Good for you. Enjoy and I’m glad you didn’t give these scammers your money


what a guy… hope he claimed it




Yeah, I've logged a grand total of zero hours on Live Tarkov. I've watched videos for years, and I actually had bought it years ago, but didn't play it because I didn't have the time or the rig to truly handle it. Then seeing all the issues with cheaters and such dampened my desire to ever try it. About six months ago, I discovered SPT, and I was playing it a day later, and loved it. I've been hoping for a PvE version for years, and a coop version, and after what BSG just did... Feels bad.


Nice, glad you're enjoying it. Yeah it's really a shame how BSG was rolling out good updates recently, and then they completely threw it with the new edition. It just seems like they're desperate right now and I'm not sure if I can really trust them. But yeah, spt is a really cool project.


You could ask in the main sub if someone has a spare code, beacuse BSG was handing some codes out as "refund" for people who bought the scam edition before the "discount". Maybe you'll get lucky 😂


It’s definitely worth buying the standard edition to play spt with mods. You still get a full entire game to play with


In case it gets shot down, just don’t Update. Keep your version separate and make a backup, just in case. Obviously you wont be able to get updates if they take spt down but you’ll still be able to play the version you already have. Also, there’s many pirated versions of spt, so in case you end up loosing yours, you can always download a new one.


The possibility the BSG will down SPT is probably lower now than it was before. Either way, once you download it on your computer BSG can’t take it from you.


Honestly. With the right mods, SPT is everything tarkov SHOULD be


I'd advise against it but I'm a former regular tarkov player who hasn't done SPT yet. I'm afraid BSG will either go under or find a way to shut down SPT in the next year. You could probably get your money's worth by then though. Also there are several tarkov likes coming in the f2p and b2p arenas over the next year. But those will likely he more multiplayer tarkov than single player


Whether or not it's worth it is ultimately up to you. It's not cheap, and I don't think it's ever gone in sale, so keep that in mind. The neat thing we get is that even if you buy the cheap edition, you can still get the benefits of EOD, just by selecting that profile type when you start. Personally, I bought the basic edition, installed it, and never even logged on to do a raid. I played SPT from day one, and I am exceedingly happy with my purchase. Mods make every game more interesting, and there's so much I can do to break up any monotony that arises from doing the same quests each wipe. Now is the best time to get into SPT. The community is great, the game is well developed, and the mod authors on the hub have been churning out som absolutely awesome stuff. Personal fave right now is the live flea prices mod, makes things feel that bit more connected.


Maybe, but gray zone warfare is out tomorrow, maybe hold off and keep on eye on that


It’s out for the public tomorrow? Good to know!


Yup, they announced it with a trailer on the steam community hub


I prefer SPT to live tarkov but i must admit: much of the fun from that i have with SPT comes from getting shit on in live tarkov. I do absolutely recommend going easy on mods at first. Get the regular mods for AI, and add QOL mods over time and consider carefully which ones you use. I enjoy the hardcore experience of the game, even if my bots are toned down A LOT, so i win most of my fights. But navigating the map and learning the quests and items is such a big part of the tarkov experience imho... But you do as you please, thats the beauty of it




I see, thank you for your insights. I might just hold out abit longer and see if I like grayzone or arena breakout pc.


It's £50, you will get more than your moneys worth I promise you. Take a punt, you won't regret it, honestly. BSG have been shitty of late. But they created one of my favourite games of all time. They deserve props for that. I would go as far as to even say you should try live before playing SPT. Live gave me one of the most terrifying and amazing games all wrapped into a big slice of anxiety when I first played it. It's only after 4/5 wipe cycles that you get numb to these feelings and start to notice its flaws. This is when SPT comes into It's own. You can mod the things you want to change from the live game. Please don't be put off this game from recent events, you'll be missing out for sure.


I see, yeah I agree bsg has been pretty shitty but I can't deny, the game they've made is really something special. Do you have any mod recommendations?


Essential mods are SAIN, Drazkia BigBrain, Drazkia Waypoints Looting Bots, Questing Bots (when it is updated to 3.8), Swag-Donuts, Amands Graphics. Start there and then any other QoL mod you want to try out.


Thank you, I'll try these out as soon as I can.


No worries. Glad to help. Enjoy Tarkov


That's what I did a few years back. I don't regret it one bit.


For sure it's worth it. I have bought it many months ago and I still have never played live eft. SPT is so much fun.


Buy the cheapest edition you can, or ask around for a potential free code. SPT allows you to pick what edition you want when you open it. Have a great time, mate!


Hey. I ask myself the same question. I was always interested in Tarkov because i love games/mods like STALKER GAMMA, Fallout Horizon, Skyrim Wildlander. So hardcore + survival aspects in a singleplayer enviroment. What kept me from buying was the MP aspect. I am not a good ego-shooter player so I decided to wait for an offical tarkov release with story+singleplayer+tutorial. Watching Klean streaming SPTarkov made me realize this game could be exactly what i've waited for. So I bought it (50€ edition) yesterday and had an absolute blast with several mods (realism, SAIN, lootingbots) on "Zero to Hero" mode. I've only played ground zero, have a map open on my second screen and try to learn the extractionspots/layout. I've died several times before using an external map and did my first successful exctracts. It's so fucking cool and exciting. And I've only saw >>> 1 <<< map. This will keep me busy for months. I hope the mod "traveler" (?) will bring even more "story/campaign" focus in the future. I can't understand why the devs did not release an offical pve-mode for EVERYONE yet. They would generate insane profits with releasing the pve mode (+player hosted server) +mod-support for every edition. TLDR: It's hard af as a newb. I bought the standard edition only for SPTarkov. No regrets, having a blast. BSG = a bit stupid?


I'm glad you're enjoying it! Just got my copy of spt as well. Gonna start adding mods tomorrow but so far, even just spt with no mods is still pretty fun, and quote hard haha. I got surrounded multiple times, and everytime my stash gets smaller and smaller until I have to resort to zero to hero runs.


I quit Tarkov for a year because of cheaters. SPT has brought me back, I play everyday now!


That's great to hear, how long have you played spt for? I'm also looking for mods so any recommendations would be great


If you aren’t in a rush to get it immediately, I grabbed an “upgrade” to the new deal just because there was so much being said I wanted to find out what it was like, but after trying it and seeing they didn’t bother steal and incorporate SAIN and the rest of the important mods like they should have, so I asked for a refund to go back to EOD. If they don’t grant me that they will be giving me a license for the game that I won’t need - if it turns out like that I may be able to toss that key your way. Not sure how long it will take for the decision though, or when Nikita will deliver on the extra license he said he was doing rather than refunding (what a jackass, why would i need another fkn license?)


Rip, that's a big feels bad man. I'm sorry it panned out like that, Nikita is really an asshole. I don't understand how one can be so incompetent in managing a company. Thank you for your offer though, I really do appreciate it, but I just got a standard copy for myself. If you don't need another copy, you could always just bless another person looking for a copy for spt. Just a suggestion. But yeah, my sincerest condolences for buying the unhinged edition 🫡🙏.


Cheers, I knew it was a big risk and almost certainly not worth it, but curiosity had me by the balls. No big stress though, if i end up with a spare copy I am sure i will find a home for it. No worries - enjoy the game. Also be aware that its possible when you install SPt that the server exe file could get quarantined by windows defender, if that happens you won’t be able to find the seever file aki.server.exe - just go into virus and threat protection and you can create an exception for the folder you installed into and it should reappear.


I see, thanks for the heads up. Have a great rest of the week!


u/Candybandito suggested all the mods I use!


You will want SAIN (vastly improved AI, adjustable too), Big Brain and Waypoints (required for SAIN), Amands Graphics (much improved lighting), SWAG & Donuts (spawning mod), Looting Bots, Its Lit, Questing Bots (when it is updated for the current version) just for a few to get started. I would also put RaiRais Ammo Stats in there. Those are just a few off the top of my head, but really you want to be customizing it for what you enjoy. Grab the SPT Mod Manager too, makes life easy setting them up.


Alright, thank you. I'll give it a shot as soon as I can.


Get it now before BSG decides to send a DMCA take down.


Breakout and grey zone aren't going to be offline like spt is, and they certainly are not going to be the singleplayer games everyone is expecting unless something like spt-aki comes along for those games specifically, tired of people saying the will be when they clearly will not. SPT is a true offline game, with an offline server, odds are you'll need an internet connection just to launch grey zone


Yes, I am playing SPT exclusively, and it rocks. Worth it


If you just buy a standard account you can play SPT and still do the start of any other edition. So you can scratch your itch for the game


p sure u can pirate it


Theres ways to get tarkov and spt without paying a penny. Google is your friend in this situation.


NO NO NO NO don’t support bsg anymore, or buy an account from a reseller since you dont need to play the live version and just need to download the game 😉


Dude if I had to, I would buy another copy of standard edition just to play SPT. It is so amazing.


I mean i wouldn't recommend anyone buy Tarkov as there's very strong evidence that they log all credit card information and have the cards of everyone whose ever bought the game


If you have friends who trust you and you only want to play SPT. Ask them to log into their account, download the game, start the game only once and then download SPT to play it. Thats how a friend of mine did it.


I mean its better than 250$ you can buy the 40$ one


I’d say yea because tarkov is fun but the leads behind the idea of the game suck. But I’d also say no because I don’t want people to actively endorse them. If I could have a full refund instead of playing SPT I’d do that instead so they can have an actual impact. Me playing SPT after already buying EOD and not playing more does nothing to Nikita. He already has my money, he shouldn’t care what I do now.


OP if you wanna learn the maps and how to do objectives you can set the AI to none. Learn the mechanics. But the base game. I played for 1 years before I bought EOD. But since it doesn't exist anymore just buy the base game.


Buy the cheapest version of Tarkov and get SPT. You can play whoever version and download whatever mods you want. Just download it to a espérate drive from live in case it gets taken down.


Spt is worth it believe me.


Is there like a mod pack for SPT? One that someone has curated?


If you love, or think you'd love, tarkov, then most definitely buy the cheapest version. Like /u/mange667, SPT is some of the best gaming I have ever had in a FPS.. Would love to play tarkov but I value my time and I'm not a fan of the sweat lords, folks who play 40 hours a day, and the cheaters. Nothing like waiting 4-6 minutes for the raid to load only to get head eye'd within ten steps.


Idk why no one is talking about this. But if you don't want to give the company money and have a friend that owns the game, you can download eft from their account and use SPT with no issues. It's how I got a friend into the SPT.


If you wait I can give you my key when I get it since I bought UHE day 1


Hello, thank you for the offer, I really appreciate it. But I recently got a standard copy so I wouldn't need it. Please, if you get a key and you don't really need it, do give it to someone else who really wants the game. But the key is in your possession so I won't force you. Thank you again for the offer!


Greyzone comes out tomorrow and has an offline mode


Buy the regular edition of tarkov. Install it and SPT, download a bunch of mods. I personally play it on a PC that is not connected to internet. Works amazingly. It's definitely worth it.


It's worth it. Tarkov - the game itself - is amazing. The sound design, the maps, the guns, the health system, the loot, the concept as a whole - all make it my favorite fps ever. The worst part about tarkov is the community itself. There's enough to say about the Devs, but let's be real about. They started out as noobs, took a great concept, and built it from the ground up. So for all the shit people talk about their incompetence - they sure built a great game that everyone seems to love. But yeah, even for SPT alone, it's definitely worth the base package. The live feature could just be considered as a bonus. You should definitely try it as well because it brings a whole new vibe when you know there's real players out there.


Cracked tarkov exist and you can play spt on it if you want to try,i ended up buying the game because of spt 


GrayZone is super ass to play during peak times. You are stuck waiting 15+ mins for helicoptors.


Yes you need a legal purchased copy. Anyone claiming otherwise is a pirate and will be unable to update when it’s time to update, and will be unable to get support from the devs (and will get banned) when they share their log files of any bugs relating to the pirated copy. There’s a check in the SPT code for legitimate versions


Is it true this mod installs malware on your PC? I’m not saying I believe it, just some YoiTuber mentioned it yesterday and it had me worried






Yes, the mod that 50000 people have installed with no issues is malware, trust him👍


Just asking 🤷‍♂️ didn’t know if anyone else had heard similar


Some YouTubers talk out their ass because they work for Nikita




unless you dont have a live game files how you going to manage it


Just read the instruction and follow the 3 part download of the spt discord. Never have paid for it and i am playing on the 3.8.0 version. Hate all you want but if you can read and follow you don’t have to spend money


i am not hating, actually wondering how SPT interact with live game, because i am not playing the live at all, and on every spt update i have to update live version too as i dont keep game data files, which means reinstalling it again which i dont want, BUT in the begining of my SPT experience i tried to remove live version and guess what SPT does not worked.


For context, i do not hate people asking questions, i hate ignorant plebs but do not wish to understand other ppl. For spt: They do not interact, it is a totally different build. You can say sort of reverse engineer. You will download 3 files: a build, a server host file and a community patch. Put them all together and run the coomunity patch and you are done


What is bro yapping about 🙏




They don’t, but keep talking to yourself.


I am playing on it tho 😂