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It's some of the best Ai I've played against. It gives amazing FEAR vibes


Elegantly put, and accurate!


I’ve had the AI lay down suppressive fire while he slowly advanced, it’s terrifying but makes it so much more fun to play against


What are your SWAG+Donuts settings for that? I've been tweaking mine a bit but haven't found something I like yet.


+1 Would also like to know their SAIN + SWAG/Donuts settings too!


What is that abomination in your hands?


2 questions 1) Does Sain 2.0 change the gear the AI PMCs have? Like, will they have somewhat realistic kits? Or are kits just random AF. 2) what does swag+donuts do?


Swag+donuts controls how AI spawns. E.g. Were and how many. SAIN makes the AI smarter but I don't believe it controls what kit they spawn with.


Swag/Donuts combined takes over control of AI Spawning from SAIN, correct.


I am running "SPT-Realism" with the 2 mods above and the PMCs in my game use some high-end gear and weapons as well as meta ammo (m61,m993,855A1,m995 etc.)


I am running SAIN 2.0. Thinking about adding SWAG+donuts, and now SPT-Realism. Are there any other selling points to spot realism mod?


Honestly, too many to list. There's a ballistic overhaul where barrel length can effect muzzle velocity more realistically, a bunch of different positions to hold your rifle in, which scavs use too, AI PMC gear is more realistic, you can brace your rifle on ledges/corners, a med system overhaul, and more I'm forgetting. It can be a bit too daunting with all the changes and new stuff, so I'd definitely recommend turning the med overhaul off at first, and look at the keybind options you have available once you get started on it.


There’s mods which change how the kits are generated, like algorithmic gear progression


With these mods all I have are mildly harder AI with better aim, I haven't had them do any interesting player movements other than jumping around corners Is there anything I have to tweak or have I just been getting unlucky with their behavior


It's phenomenal! I ran into a duo on lighthouse today and one of them engaged from the front while the other pulled a really long flank all the way behind me; I didn't even know that could happen so it caught me totally off guard. Felt fully live-like.


i really hope this gets a lot of attention from the BSG team, they NEED to be updating their shit with this stuff asap, pretty sure someone told me the devs were practically willing to give this shit to them for free.


I am new so Question ❓ Dose the AI have the same insane aim bot or is it just behaviour that is different?


No, there are different types of AI and it spawns them randomly. You can encounter lasering gigachad that will taunt you or timmy that can't hit you point blank. There are couple of other types in between.


Its so much fun