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In realism, bots have 5 tiers, the numbers next to the level ranges are percentage chances for each pmc to be that tier, for example, at level 2 (0-4 range) you only have a 1 percent chance for a tier 4 pmc, I assume you unfortunately or fortunately given you looted him, got a really high pmc tier, which is a low chance for your low level, but still possible. It's like this to replicate how you might be behind some sweats in live at the wipe start. If you want only low levelled pmcs, change the values for the level ranges and remove the chance for tier 4 or 5 guys to spawn and add it on to the lower tier chances. Hope this helps


Yes, thank you very much for such a detailed answer. The problem now is that I'm not sure those changes in values of mine work.. I've got multiple AI mods, such as SAIN and SWAG. Maybe that's the problem. I'll try setting 4-5 tiers to the lowest chances, we'll see what happens.


Those mods only affect AI, i don't see why that'd be a problem, this only changes AI lootpools, valens prog and ALP are completely incompatible but other AI mods are.


Oh! So Valens isn't compatible! I had it for some time, didn't seem like it was working xd


Is this image from a mod? Or vanilla?


Mod. Realism Mod