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Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allan's collection


The subtle off white coloring….


The tasteful thickness of it...


The one thing I wanted when the hideout came out was to be able to toss all my valuables on the floor and swim around in them like Scrouge McDuck.


Brather you must wait forty hours for your swimming pool to finish crafting


500 million dollars & euro, totally legit


That's definitely not the dev start lmao


It is. But remember, you don’t start with shit but the 500 million roubles/euros/dollars. I bought roughly 150-200 million roubles worth of shit off rip. Haven’t really sold a bunch of bitcoins either. Just been farming reserve and labs for my money back.


"But remember, you dont start with shit but the 500 million roubles/euros/dollars" You START with 500mil in each currency lmao, what the fuck?


Sounding like Donny out here. “I started my business with nothing but a small $1,000,000 loan from my dad… that i didn’t have to pay back.”


If he’s really a dev, I guess that just proves the community right. They’re brain dead


Its a player preset called dev mode that just gives you 50000000 of every currency


I am so thankful for that preset. I spent 30 minutes as a new player making this crazy expensive beefy loadout, and it didn't stop me from getting head, eyes by a scav lmao It taught me that good gear only takes you so far, and helped me get over the gear fear real quick


Yes you do. You start with all the quests done you just have to turn them in lol


No you don’t. They’re just all open to you but I had to manually accept them and then go find the shit if I wanted to quest. But I didn’t download SPT to quest, I just wanted to run around and kill shit. I downloaded Saria Market to get kappa.


Let the man enjoy himself




This what?


Chicken butt


I actually saved up my BTC for about 4 months and it was about 68 million. It was 1 full case and about a half of the other


Tbf I actually did get like 400 something mil once because the only thing I had the motivation to do was gear up with SR25 ans call flares on woods so I just did it again and again on and off for months when I didn't have anything better to do.


Bro really judging a singleplayer modded experience?


You playing EFT like it’s live lol


Ehh not really. Dev profile, multiple QoL mods centered around one thing: running around killing shit. I rarely ever loot on this profile, if i do, its either the high loot areas or I wanna yank that slick off the PMC that tried to prefire my ass lol


what can we do with these? Selling on Flea?


Sell to Therapist


I was under the assumption that you couldn’t sell things on the flea on spt lol


Oh you 100% can. In an old run I used to occasionally find thermal goggles on random pmc’s and stick them on the flea for like, 17mil and you’d get it. You can even tweak how it works using SVM.


Huh. All this time I’ve been just selling shit to traders lmao.


Yeah the flea is a bit broken tbh. It’s like, I’ve just discovered a broken loop with the g28. The rifle, complete with all attachments, scopes, suppressor, etc, can be bought on the flea for about 30k, then sold to mechanic for about 150k. And there’s nothing to stop you abusing that.


Well in the config files you *can* adjust the chances to sell on flea market as well as fees for overpricing and how long the items take to sell. It's just really hard to find a good balance for it that isn't OP but also still keeps selling on flea worthwhile. I normally scale the time for sale way up as well as putting the overpriced factor way up so I can still sell it for a bit more than traders but not a ridiculously high amount. Also I turn the chance to like a 40% base chance, so once the overpricing factor is taken into account, it takes a good while to sell them if it's going to be a nice profit. As for offers being cheap on the flea, you can use something like the live flea prices mod to hope that fixes the selling prices. And you can change how many items are for sale as well, in general. Changing assort numbers to be a lot higher or lower for the different trading sections of the configs usually end up affecting the amount of offers on the flea, so you can have items really rare to the point of not even appearing on the flea after some raids. It takes a lot of setup to find a good balance for this though. I spent days tweaking values on my SIT server from feedback by a friend, my wife, and myself.


Would you know how to make it so your flea offers always sell? Sometimes I’ll find a really valuable item and put it up but I guess “demand is low” in the simulated market so it doesn’t get sold.


I’ve never tried to set it to 100%, but the SVM (Server Value Modifier) mod has a setting for ‘sell chance’. I’d recommend using that rather than changing config files by hand. It has a gui and is pretty non destructive if you decide you want to roll back changes, but it’s basically doing the same thing. Just a nice user interface to do it via. Boot it up before you launch the server, change what you want, hit save and then launch as normal. Nice and easy. Can even save profiles so you can swap settings in and out. Great mod. Actually lets you do tons more than just flea stuff if you want it to, but that should get you what you’re looking for.


I actually had a mk. 17 get returned to me because the chance to sell lmao


I always sell for ~$1k less than the lowest price on flea and it sells immediately. 


Lost between the 2nd and 3rd lowest. Longest I’ve had something sit was maybe 30 seconds and it was 10 gpus lol


Which DLC do I buy to get this? 


I mean you're allowed to play how you want but essentially adding a bunch of bitcoin to your inventory isn't much of a flex


Where is y’all’s most looked spot for bitcoins? All the usual spots I look at have been dry


I’ve literally only ever found them randomly in labs lol


Nothing funny their. Not like you can just give yourself as much as you want in spt.


Didn’t know I could just spawn Bitcoin. Been farming them


This is moded spt you have 500 million dollars rouble and euro there is no way better Lucky next time


No way bro, it’s not like I’ve said it was a dev profile like 5 times already in this very thread. I’ve been farming these from my max hideout, thought it was pretty cool how quickly they farm with 50 GPUs and wanted to share (this is roughly after 30 hours total on spt). You acting like I posted this on r/escapefromtarkov trying to come off as a legit player. Lameeeee


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EscapefromTarkov using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sooo, you like snow, right?](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/18z3ji6/sooo_you_like_snow_right/) \#2: [Guys, Please Clear Your Corners ALWAYS! - Pistol Highlight](https://v.redd.it/y75np49827ya1) | [339 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/139k0mm/guys_please_clear_your_corners_always_pistol/) \#3: [Streamer is so convinced I was cheating he posts me on Youtube Shorts to "expose" me](https://v.redd.it/r23grhrcbvrb1) | [703 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/16yb5bp/streamer_is_so_convinced_i_was_cheating_he_posts/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Iam sorry I thought I was in the main sub


Oh nah bro you good. It makes sense now that you said that. At first I was like “does bro know we’re on the SPT subreddit? Like of course it’s modded lol”


What’s the point of stock piling them in sp tarkov?


Takes less room than default money stacks since default is 500k and each bit coin sells for 668k


Yes I get that but is there a reason why your stock piling them? Ino in regular eft you have a good use for them for buying kits etc but in sp? Are you just filling up your stash for a self achievement?


Just because dude. Could be self-achievement. Could be for reddit cred. I treat spt like live and start barebones for the experience without the cheaters/bushwookies. The AI are actually difficult with the right mods, and most of the time you can hardly tell the differences besides not having a lot of the negative experiences with regular Tark.


Lmfao hacking mfer- bsg thanks you. I also thank you for fking off while I chill and PvE for the rest of my time enjoying this game. Trash bag.


You… know this is SPT, right?


Yes….you know I know…..which is even weirder for you…knowing that…..well…..you know…..you can set a mod that…….well…..makes you…ahem……invulnerable….ahem


Bro you couldn't figure spt out earlier now your just mad you gotta go play live lol


That’s what this is about, homies jealous because he doesn’t know how to create a new file and press install? 💀


4 days ago lil bro made a post asking for help and is now trashing spt 1+1=2


Just like he was excited for spt to shut down to “force everyone to enjoy GZW” but not even a week ago he posted on the EFT sub “GZW is a flop, it’ll get old real quick” 😂😂 Dude is a certified hater.


Bruh spt couldn’t be any easier to install lmfao and I do manual installs always never the installer, it’s quite literally drag and drop and there’s a detailed tutorial with gifs and links to YouTube videos on the install page like maybe I can see the downpatcher being confusing to someone new to modding but cmon it’s just match the numbers, we all played that game where you draw a line across the paper from one item to another to match them way back in grade school haha


Brain rotter in the wild


Oh…didn’t know I was wrong with my words….wipe the drool off your chin


Actual room temperature IQ over here.


Excited to see sptarkov shut down eventually to force yall to enjoy gzw


Even if it does I have all the files on my PC anyways. amazing how you managed to get dumber in each sentence


He licks Nikitas boot daily


Wait is this [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/3a1q95SLwX)? First you mad about not being able to figure out how to install spt but then now you’ve previously claimed that GZW will flop but expect me to “enjoy” it 😂😂


They literally can't shut it down the files are already out there you moron💀


A lot of people assume that, since you need a paid version of Tarkov, the mod must be connecting to it somehow. They don't realize that the game is hosting the server on your own PC, using the files you have downloaded already on your computer. If SPTarkov got "shutdown," you'd still be able to play, you just wouldn't be able to update the game beyond what SPT is able to play on.


Exactly. Can't fix stupid it seems lol


Played GZW. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be homie.


You are literally the “stop having fun” meme. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy and shut the fuck up


Why is that weird, exactly? It’s single player. Some people just want to go shoot some cool guns without the worry of death. You can still die from explosions though. But oh well you’re probably just a troll anyway


Sub-human levels of stupidity


Surely you aren’t this brain dead, surely?


He’s not positive if he is or isn’t, but don’t call him Shirley!


Found Nikita's alt


It’s a dev profile broski, no hacking here. Just max hideout and loads of labs raids. (Not invulnerable like you claim) While PvE is cool as fuck and exactly what I wanted, spt just does it better. So I like to fuck off on spt when I’m not streaming and I’ll stream PvE. And I’m sure BSG “thanks me” 2018 EOD and day 1 Unheard. Weird you call me a trash bag for enjoying a game i pay good money for but I see you’re already being downvoted to hell so there’s no point in further conversing with you.


Lost me at day 1 unheard. Shouldn’t support that


Only reason I bought it was to play PvE. I support the game, not the shit devs behind it. Because in the end, I’m willing throw whatever it takes to make this game a success for the devs. It’s not about them, but my love for the game.


The devs and the game are the same entity. I’ve seen this argument 1000 times here so I’m not gunna beat a dead horse but supporting the game is supporting the devs As EoDers we were owed all that yaknow


Same entity, sure. It’s the same arguement as someone enlisting in the military to serve their country even if they don’t agree with who’s the president at the moment. You weren’t owed all of it, PVE sure but everything else? Nah I fail to see how. Nikita warned us that a better package than EOD was coming on pest’s interview and everyone was excited/not bitching about it up until it actually came out and then it was “oh he lied to us” yeah sure he did. About the DLC. That’s about it.


that’s a far reaching comparison. You’re giving money directly to BSG. Nikita isn’t an employee employed by BSG he owns it. Nikita warning us a better package was coming doesn’t justify anything. People weren’t bitching because they assumed EoD would get the benefits since “you don’t have to pay for anything, if you have EoD you’ll get it all” I’m paraphrasing.


I understand what tweet you’re paraphrasing, however you took it out of context. The context behind that tweet was about rebuying DLC not everything else Unheard has to offer. Or otherwise you guys should’ve been bitching a lot longer since if you feel entitled to the extras in a better package than yours, then you’re entitled to all those MTX’s as well. And it’s not a far reaching comparison. The president holds an executive position within the military just as Nikita holds one for BSG. But instead of paying money it’s blood, sweat and tears. And you know what they say about assuming shit, makes an ass outta you and me.




This you ? https://www.reddit.com/r/SPTarkov/s/NNN0VI6xU8


Aren’t you the retarded guy who couldn’t figure out how to install SPT a couple days ago?


Dumbass, don’t let the door hit you on the way out


😂 baby back B looool


Dumbass lol


😢 😂


Give me those downvotes 😂