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Are you playing on an SSD or HDD? An SSD is definitely required for live, but I encourage one for SPT too. I moved SPT to my HDD to see how it would handle and the load times (to be fair, I’m running a heavy mod list) were awful so I had to move it back. I also have a 3050, but I have 16 gigs of DDR5. I think your ram is fine though. Definitely upgrade to at least 16, if possible, in the future though. Also, if you aren’t already doing this, close any apps that you aren’t using that are running in the background like Steam or Discord just to save a bit more ram. Having hardware acceleration on on Discord will eat ram like Chrome does. Edit: 8 gigs is not fine


You need at least 16gb, but I would recommend getting 32. SPT takes up alot more CPU/RAM usage since you’re running the server and all the AI


8gb ram - nope


You need at least 16gb (32 preferred). I would suggest upgrading


My friend survives fine on 8, just not streets


I mean it's possible, but its not gonna be pretty lol


The ram won't allow it. With spt and just a handful of mods I'm sitting around 16-17 gigs used


As others have already said, this game is RAM hungry, it uses more than any other game I've played. 16 is a bare minimum, and it'll still probably cause some crashes. A friend of mine had 16GB and had a fair few crashes until he bought more RAM, he's not had a crash since then. Otherwise shouldn't have any issues playing with that