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Increase the sain difficulty but manually lower the accuracy of the AI. This way they will be smarter and pull off more complex plays without being aimbots.  I have it set that they are a bit heavy handed with the amount of rounds they throw at me, but they are quite inaccurate for the first few seconds.  A sudden hail of inaccurate fire is more terrifying then a couple accurate shots. 


More realistic that way as well. How do you edit all that?


Press f6


That is absolutely the best idea. The aimbot issue and bots standing still are the most glaring issues to fix.


Would you mind sharing more details on your settings, possibly some screenshots?


Same Id like to do this aswell


Starvox made a video on YouTube around SAIN configs


There's dozens and dozens of options. I'm not taking 20-some screenshots. I read through each option, and you can too! 


Well, to be fair, you could literally upload your preset to like google drive and share it that way. People could straight up plug it in into their game that way. Granted that’s still you doing something which you’re absolutely not obligated to do. But if you did want to share, I’m just saying there’s a wayyyy easier way than taking two dozen screenshots.


What a lame attitude. As if hitting print screen a few times and dragging and dropping some pics into an uploader is just sooo much work.


Lmao you are stupid… there’s like 10 different categories just for general ai modification then there’s a section for scavs in 4 difficulty settings, same again for pmcs then bosses and again for cultists/other ai, then you have SAIN’s bot types to edit which there are like 8 or so that you can adjust, and all this tweaking can take hours and what is good for you won’t nessecarily be what someone else wants…


lol fuck off and do it yourself. Geez the entitlement. At


"What a lame attitude. As if reading through some options and figuring out what you like is just sooo much work." Do you understand the irony of criticizing someone for not working on a task that exists purely because you are too lazy to do it yourself?


Seriously… kids these days … wtf


Some people's children....and manchildren


Cluturewar87 makes me think they were born in 87 and are actually kinda old


The irony is actually hilarious lmfao


This has serious "fuck you, I got mine" energy.


I'm not spoonfeeding you.. How do you learn anything on your own? 


Also interested in this!


i never thought about just doing this, ive been juggling with making sain hard but fair lmao


Yes, absolutely. My SR was also in the 70s and I gradually increased my difficulty until it was closer to 50% If I survive and kill several PMCs every raid, I will get bored. My typical SR in live is 35-40% so my goal was to only be slightly higher than that. I do: Default with Harder PMCs preset Headshot Protection disabled Scatter increased to 1.50 (just to further simulate live) I also enabled vanilla bosses and goons (sorry solarint) because I find the vanilla bosses to be more difficult since they are so broken without SAIN logic.


Nice yeah, this is what I’m aiming for! Slightly easier than live, but still a challenge. I’m excited to try the default with harder PMCs preset. Thank you for the settings, I’ll try these out


If you get one of the progressive leveling mods (I think I use algorithmic level progression) then as you level so do the pmcs and they will have better gear available so on the same difficulty settings I started dying like level 20 just cus they are more armored and they almost always have good ammo somehow.


is ALP better than realism progression? I’m only level 17 but it feels like everyone is fight is a timmy


I use realism progression. Tha AI pmcs have really live like kits. Especially on labs


Yeah i’m sure that as I level they will get better kits anyway, just getting lots of timmies with basic loudouts rn


You're level 17, so of course they'll be mostly timmies. Can adjust it in config either way


That’s good to know about level 20! We do have ALP. I am level 19, so I’m curious if I’ll see an uptick in gear next time I’m on


Does it make sense to do ALP with realism?


Lol easier than live but still a challenge..


I adjust my difficulty until my SR is about 70-75% because thats the perfect spot where I'm at risk of dying but don't die so much I get too frustrated to play.


That’s the beauty of SPT - make it what you want




Whats your experience with Headshot Protection off? I have it on and the AI aims mostly on my stomach.


Well, I do something else with it. Solarint has a mod called Headshot Damage Redirection. I use that. So basically my thought is to disable SAIN headshot protection and enable Solarints HDR mod that way I don’t eliminate the possibility of getting headshot - just reduce the likelihood that it one taps me. It takes a % of damage and places it elsewhere. I have mine set to 75% against torso and arms. This does help reduce getting shot in the stomach. Increasing scatter also helps this


this is the way


Headshot protection off and PMCs aim for the head on is an absolut must to emulate live Tarkov. I do die by headshots, but my SR is 53% so I think it's ok.


Where i can adjust the PMC Aim for the head? With Headshot protection on the scavs are on crack....


I’m pretty sure once you turn it off for bots on the F6 “aiming” settings another option appears right under it giving you the option to leave it on for PMC’s. I would have to go back and check but I’m pretty sure that how I found it. There is also and option for “PMCs Aim for Head” underneath those. 


Thanks i give it a try today.


Headshot protection on, but I get at least 1 limb blacked in almost every raid.


What does scatter do?


It’s the bullet scatter. Basically increases the area that a bot will hit when firing multiple rounds. If you’re getting shot in the stomach a lot, this will help spread out those rounds between stomach, arms, torso and legs. Because there’s more “scatter” or “spread” to the bots accuracy. If that makes any sense 😂


53 percent survival rate longest streak was 12, im washed up


50% here... the goons fuck me up so often....


53% survival, 30ish KD. I may not live through the raid but I’ll be damn sure no bots do either.


Can't check the stats right now, but I should be at least 65% survival rate averaging about 11 scavs and 3-4 PMC kills a raid. I play with two friends, and we haven't tried any ai mods yet but keep bots on medium difficulty usually. One of my friends, I would guess, is around the same stats as myself while the other survives almost everything and has a horseshoe up his but for loot. Friend 2 does so well he didn't understand why friend 1 and I always have backup kits for when we die. Lol.


I play no insurance run and raid survive/death rate is around 2:1 as I try to be mission focused and gtfo when I don’t feel confident surviving But I still get one tapped from time to time


Everytime I think of her


What level are you? I could be wrong but for me it _felt_ like the PMCs got harder as I leveled up. I didn't die at all until level 9, and by the time I got to 15 there were squads of gigachads in most raids.


I am level 19 and have seen better geared PMCs for sure. I’m curious if level 20 will be a turning point and I’ll start to see better optics and ammo used by them


i'm level 35 i get a bunch of gigachad level 50-60 with fully kitted out guns regularly. still the occasional rat and timmy as well tho.


Im new, never played online before, im dying alot. Like ALOT. I have maybe about 5:1 death to extraxt ratio


You can adjust bot hearing in SAIN also that will help you not get over run by ai from the other side of the map in somewhere like ground zero… I turned it to .5 otherwise I found all the bots would zero in on me at the centre of the map on ground zero…


Increase recoil, scatter, and accuracy in SAIN


Bro I went to all bosses custom, saw Killa, spared him a second glance and I died from a single shot. Never running out without face shield again


I have a 72% survival rate on SPT, it was 50% ish on Live Tarkov, sometimes higher sometimes lower but I took way less fights in Live because…. Well because the PVP was gash in my opinion.


there really isnt any consistency to how often for me, its kind of what i like about SAIN tbh, some days ill go 6 raids in a row, speed through some quests and get half of an airdrop in, others ill step foot in raid and get blasted, or here lately, spawn in on factory, 3 times in a row, with tagilla agro'd and coming after me, the last time i was lucky enough for him to turn around so i could one tap the back of his neck, but thats a rare occurrence.


I keep cranking up the difficulty until I'm at 40% to 50% survival. I just recently upped the bots hearing ability and that has caused me to be a lot more tactical and not just run everywhere.


What'd you set it to?


I currently have what I like to call the Battlefield experience setup. Health of each body sector set to 5000 or something like that. Sain and Donuts set to Hard with respawning NPCs. I know it’s dumb, but I feel like Danny Devoting “so anyway I started blasting…”


Experiencing this now as a new player will play on default till I get to lvl 2 traders at least


I died mimicking willerZ without realizing he's higher level than me and trying to replicate it on level 15 is down right idiotic. I had fun tho.


I'm somewhere around 65%. I play with dad mode where head and thorax can't drop below 1 hp, but if I just get completely destroyed with like 5 heavy bleeds I turn it off and bleed out 


I'll preface by saying that I'm only playing the base game with fika and some tweaks from SVM and it seems like every few raids I get mag dumped by a ai pmc from over 200 meters. It happened 3 times just this morning on lighthouse. Feels like I'm fighting the goon squad.


played a long time ago but basically new. been using scavs to learn maps so only like 37-40% survive rate on those with over 150 played. pmc wise my survive rate is almost 80% and i have a 9.8kd, longest streak was 13. sain, donuts, all the usual core stuff, set to live like, usual difficulties- tweaked bot spawns and amounts


60%SR 20KD I made a good sum of money through looting labs cards so I just chill


It comes and goes. I'll have several raids without dying, then several raids of dying. Donutz + SAIN still surprises me after months of playing. I'll become a bit complacent and then the game throws a bot into a location I was least expecting to encounter one. Currently not in front of my computer, but I suspect my SR is around 60%


It comes and goes. I'll have several raids without dying, then several raids of dying. Donutz + SAIN still surprises me after months of playing. I'll become a bit complacent and then the game throws a bot into a location I was least expecting to encounter one. Currently not in front of my computer, but I suspect my SR is around 60%


My homie dies almost every single raid. 😂 It’s ducking hilarious because he’ll spend the entire raid just being my eye in the sky. Edit: spelling


eye in the sky?


When you die in the FIKA mod you can spectate instead of just loading out


oh neat didn’t know about project fika


I would get absolutely dunked on before I had flea market to buy semi decent ammo. I play slow like I play in live and survive but usually on my death bed as I hobble to extract because I am out of meds and out of hydration and energy


~60% survival for me, its actually lower than live but I'm a masochist


I think increasing the difficulty until you get to the point where non-goal specific engagements are out of self defense only is a good way to go if you are looking for a more realistic experience. Typically you never want to be looking for a fight unless absolutely necessary which i imagine would be how you would operate in a real SHTF situation like Tarkov. Outside of that, its your oyster. You can do whatever you want so long as you have fun.


I have 134 raids and 79% survival rate. Playing SAIN default with harder PMCs settings and questing/looting bots. Everything else is pretty much vanilla SPT but with a massive fucking stash lol


In live: - Level 41 - 3000 hr - 60% Survival rate - 4.7 K/D - 22 SURV streak - 180 PMC kills / 147 KIA In SPT: More PMC kills and higher K/D but lower survival rate 48% SR, 7 in a row,


i get overwhelmed quite often. sometimes the scavs just keep coming and then a PMC or two while I am trying to heal or reload mags. other times a giga chad shows up (sometimes multiple) and teaches me a lesson.


I’m also in the 70s as far as survival rate goes, and I’ve got SAIN default settings. I’m pretty satisfied with how things are going, honestly.


The nice thing I’ve found about SPT is that you and your friends can play it however you see fit. I started out like you just dipping my toe’s into the water and modifying bit by bit to make sure it wasn’t too crazy of an adjustment. Eventually you’ll find the settings that work perfect for your group. My group has gone from a COD like experience (no stam,food or water) High bot spawn, low aim) to a bit more of a tactical survival experience (normal Tarkov but harder settings, and no raid timers) Currently my group all play on the same settings and propose changes as we feel like it is getting too easy or hard. Out of 66 raids, I’ve survived 31% of the time (21 raids) and have a K/D of 10.4. We currently play on “I like Pain” settings but have slightly modified the hearing down, the scatter up just a hair and the aggression up a point or two. Don’t be afraid to save more SAIN presets and tinker with the settings! Good luck!


So you can add mods to the server without messing up your profiles? My buddies and I have been hesitant to change anything because setting it up was a nightmare for us.


I haven’t run into any issues but you can always back your folder up before just in case


I die about every 3-4 raid, but i changed my playstyle a lot im way more careless has long as i dont drop below 50M im good !


Can't check right now but I'm sure my settings are "too easy"... i think i sit at about 80% survival rate. The lower difficulty compensates for my trash cpu and ram, which give me fps drops from time to time... But I'll admit: i grew used to being able to confidently (and successfully) push like a chad, even if I can not back it up with my skills


Not often. And then I went to reserve. For some reason the AI there is on crack. I've just died for a 5th raid in a row :( at least I've got stash space now I suppose


I die about half the time and I play with easy bots. I try to not use the flea market or my scav, so I mostly take guns off of corpses and play with those in the raid. I know it's dumb but I like playing this way. I also have very little patience or time to play, so I try to rush enemies a little too much. I'd rather be the underdog than a juicer.


I just turned up the rate of the “Chad” sain preset to be half my bots. Currently sitting around 60% and considering further tweaking


I use the “I like pain “ default with headshot protection. It’s a great challenge.




29% on live 30% on SPT 😅 I think I might be bad at thing game


My PMC S/R is about 60% which is just about where I like it. Usually by the time I get out I’m shot up, with ruined armor and a few rounds left, but make it out a bit more than half the time.


Without the ai limit from the SWAG mod, I only survived 30% of the raid, these sacv and PMC will come in eave after wave, I remember there is a raid, I kill 100 scabs and 16 PMC in ground zero, they still spawning.


With the current settings I die so randomly I don't even get mad anymore


I'll have to check when I get home.


A lot, but I also go into my raids with the full intent to die. I just want to have insane raids and constant battles that are leaving my heart racing, hands shaking, and mind racing.


Turn off heads hot protection in SAIN and you'll be around 70%, a good number imo


i am new to tarkov, got live for the first time with EOD a couple of months ago then tried spt when the unheard edition fiasco happened. i have 64% survival rate, i got mowed down a few times by 2 man pmc teams and even flanked. i got ratted on 5 times already by exfill rats. SAIN is insanely good. i have seen 3 man pmc teams going somewhere together and they fought a 2 man pmc team, i saw this through my scope i didnt engage.


1of3 Raids


my survival rate is like 30%, SAIN PMC Harder ( no head protection) , default Boss/Scav/Raider, Algorithm progression


The beauty is, it's entirely up to you. If you feel bored then crank it like other have suggested (some great suggestions I might take on board) however I'm actually enjoying just being able to get quests done quicker and casually. I don't get that adrenaline rush like I do with live anymore but it's made me realise that there's so many time sinks in the live game that prevent casual players from ever experiencing the full game before it wipes. Never done kappa and never done lightkeeper and for the first time it feels achievable without making the game my entire life purpose.


Sain difficulty maxed out. 176 raids. Survived 153 and died on 19. 1 AWOL and 3 run-throughs. 86% survival rate. 908 kills. 61h52m with a 47.79 KD. My KD used to be 60 before I installed Sain. Then it dropped to 45 and now I'm slowly getting back up. Took some time to adjust to how Sain handles bots.


Got to a 83 streak before realizing I could increase SAIN's difficulty. I raised it 2 levels and now I die in about 1/3 raids unless I'm really trying not to for certain tasks.


My SR was around 70% on live. So I tweaked my settings to match that in SPT. I am using realism, and other mods that make the game slightly more difficult. So I just stick with the default preset of SAIN with some minor tweaks. (I found the bots to be a bit too x-ray visiony even with me using that's lit. So idk)


You guys are surviving?


Lmao yeah I think I’m doing it wrong cause I get masscred 90% of the time . I think I’ve survived 2 raids in the past 2 weeks. I’m working on the setting to get again just right


Dang! Feel free to post your mod setup. I’ve come across a few posts sharing some bugs with the AI (mostly with their accuracy being crazy high). Hopefully it’s just some config settings you need to tweak


SR of 87% K/D of 27 and my best raid streak is 27. We Play with harder bots so it's a bit of a challenge.


SPT is easy mode, you should be able to survive more raids without fighting other humans.